
Enqueue jobs

The following page describes how to add launch jobs to a launch queue.


Ensure that you, or someone on your team, has already configured a launch queue. For more information, see the Set up Launch page.

Add jobs to your queue

Add jobs to your queue interactively with the W&B App or programmatically with the W&B CLI.

Add a job to your queue with the W&B App.
  1. Navigate to your W&B Project Page.
  2. Select the Jobs icon on the left panel:

  1. The Jobs page displays a list of W&B launch jobs that were created from previously executed W&B runs.

  1. Select the Launch button next to the name of the Job name. A modal will appear on the right side of the page.
  2. Within the modal select the:
  • Job version: the version of the job to launch. Jobs are versioned like any other W&B Artifact. Different versions of the same job will be created if you make modifications to the software dependencies or source code used to run the job. Since we only have one version, we will select the default @latest version.
  • Overrides: new values for any of jobs inputs. These can be used to change the entrypoint command, arguments, or values in the wandb.config of your new run. Our run had one value in the wandb.config: epochs. We can override this value by in the overrides field. We can also paste values from other runs using this job by clicking the Paste from... button.
  • Queue: the queue to launch the run on. If you have not created any queues yet, you should have the option to create a Starter Queue. This queue will be used to launch runs on your local machine using Docker.

  1. Next, select Starter queue from the Queue dropdown to create a queue.
  2. Select the Launch now button.
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