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Query panels

Some features on this page are in beta, hidden behind a feature flag. Add weave-plot to your bio on your profile page to unlock all related features.

Use query panels to query and interactively visualize your data.

Create a query panel

Add a query to your workspace or within a report.

  1. Navigate to your project’s workspace.
  2. In the upper right hand corner, click Add panel.
  3. From the dropdown, select Query panel.

Type and select /Query panel.

Alternatively, you can associate a query with a set of runs:

  1. Within your report, type and select /Panel grid.
  2. Click the Add panel button.
  3. From the dropdown, select Query panel.

Query components


Use query expressions to query your data stored in W&B such as runs, artifacts, models, tables, and more.

Example: Query a table

Suppose you want to query a W&B Table. In your training code you log a table called "cifar10_sample_table":

import wandb

Within the query panel you can query your table with:


Breaking this down:

  • runs is a variable automatically injected in Query Panel Expressions when the Query Panel is in a Workspace. Its “value” is the list of runs which are visible for that particular Workspace. Read about the different attributes available within a run here.
  • summary is an op which returns the Summary object for a Run. Ops are mapped, meaning this op is applied to each Run in the list, resulting in a list of Summary objects.
  • ["cifar10_sample_table"] is a Pick op (denoted with brackets), with a parameter of predictions. Since Summary objects act like dictionaries or maps, this operation picks the predictions field off of each Summary object.

To learn how to write your own queries interactively, see this report.


Select the gear icon on the upper left corner of the panel to expand the query configuration. This allows the user to configure the type of panel and the parameters for the result panel.

Result panels

Finally, the query result panel renders the result of the query expression, using the selected query panel, configured by the configuration to display the data in an interactive form. The following images shows a Table and a Plot of the same data.

Basic operations

The following common operations you can make within your query panels.


Sort from the column options:


You can either filter directly in the query or using the filter button in the top left corner (second image)


Map operations iterate over lists and apply a function to each element in the data. You can do this directly with a panel query or by inserting a new column from the column options.


You can groupby using a query or from the column options.


The concat operation allows you to concatenate 2 tables and concatenate or join from the panel settings


It is also possible to join tables directly in the query. Consider the following query expression:

project("luis_team_test", "weave_example_queries").runs.summary["short_table_0"].table.rows.concat.join(\
project("luis_team_test", "weave_example_queries").runs.summary["short_table_1"].table.rows.concat,\
(row) => row["Label"],(row) => row["Label"], "Table1", "Table2",\
"false", "false")

The table on the left is generated from:

project("luis_team_test", "weave_example_queries").\

The table in the right is generated from:

project("luis_team_test", "weave_example_queries").\


  • (row) => row["Label"] are selectors for each table, determining which column to join on
  • "Table1" and "Table2" are the names of each table when joined
  • true and false are for left and right inner/outer join settings

Runs object

Use query panels to access the runs object. Run objects store records of your experiments. You can find more details about it in this section of the report but, as quick overview, runs object has available:

  • summary: A dictionary of information that summarizes the run’s results. This can be scalars like accuracy and loss, or large files. By default, wandb.log() sets the summary to the final value of a logged time series. You can set the contents of the summary directly. Think of the summary as the run’s outputs.
  • history: A list of dictionaries meant to store values that change while the model is training such as loss. The command wandb.log() appends to this object.
  • config: A dictionary of the run’s configuration information, such as the hyperparameters for a training run or the preprocessing methods for a run that creates a dataset Artifact. Think of these as the run’s “inputs”

Access Artifacts

Artifacts are a core concept in W&B. They are a versioned, named collection of files and directories. Use Artifacts to track model weights, datasets, and any other file or directory. Artifacts are stored in W&B and can be downloaded or used in other runs. You can find more details and examples in this section of the report. Artifacts are normally accessed from the project object:

  • project.artifactVersion(): returns the specific artifact version for a given name and version within a project
  • project.artifact(""): returns the artifact for a given name within a project. You can then use .versions to get a list of all versions of this artifact
  • project.artifactType(): returns the artifactType for a given name within a project. You can then use .artifacts to get a list of all artifacts with this type
  • project.artifactTypes: returns a list of all artifact types under the project

1 - Embed objects

W&B’s Embedding Projector allows users to plot multi-dimensional embeddings on a 2D plane using common dimension reduction algorithms like PCA, UMAP, and t-SNE.

Embeddings are used to represent objects (people, images, posts, words, etc…) with a list of numbers - sometimes referred to as a vector. In machine learning and data science use cases, embeddings can be generated using a variety of approaches across a range of applications. This page assumes the reader is familiar with embeddings and is interested in visually analyzing them inside of W&B.

Embedding Examples

Hello World

W&B allows you to log embeddings using the wandb.Table class. Consider the following example of 3 embeddings, each consisting of 5 dimensions:

import wandb

embeddings = [
    # D1   D2   D3   D4   D5
    [0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.7, 0.5],  # embedding 1
    [0.3, 0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 0.7],  # embedding 2
    [0.4, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1],  # embedding 3
    {"embeddings": wandb.Table(columns=["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5"], data=embeddings)}

After running the above code, the W&B dashboard will have a new Table containing your data. You can select 2D Projection from the upper right panel selector to plot the embeddings in 2 dimensions. Smart default will be automatically selected, which can be easily overridden in the configuration menu accessed by clicking the gear icon. In this example, we automatically use all 5 available numeric dimensions.

Digits MNIST

While the above example shows the basic mechanics of logging embeddings, typically you are working with many more dimensions and samples. Let’s consider the MNIST Digits dataset (UCI ML hand-written digits datasets) made available via SciKit-Learn. This dataset has 1797 records, each with 64 dimensions. The problem is a 10 class classification use case. We can convert the input data to an image for visualization as well.

import wandb
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits


# Load the dataset
ds = load_digits(as_frame=True)
df =

# Create a "target" column
df["target"] =
cols = df.columns.tolist()
df = df[cols[-1:] + cols[:-1]]

# Create an "image" column
df["image"] = df.apply(
    lambda row: wandb.Image(row[1:].values.reshape(8, 8) / 16.0), axis=1
cols = df.columns.tolist()
df = df[cols[-1:] + cols[:-1]]

wandb.log({"digits": df})

After running the above code, again we are presented with a Table in the UI. By selecting 2D Projection we can configure the definition of the embedding, coloring, algorithm (PCA, UMAP, t-SNE), algorithm parameters, and even overlay (in this case we show the image when hovering over a point). In this particular case, these are all “smart defaults” and you should see something very similar with a single click on 2D Projection. (Click here to interact with this example).

Logging Options

You can log embeddings in a number of different formats:

  1. Single Embedding Column: Often your data is already in a “matrix”-like format. In this case, you can create a single embedding column - where the data type of the cell values can be list[int], list[float], or np.ndarray.
  2. Multiple Numeric Columns: In the above two examples, we use this approach and create a column for each dimension. We currently accept python int or float for the cells.

Single Embedding Column Many Numeric Columns

Furthermore, just like all tables, you have many options regarding how to construct the table:

  1. Directly from a dataframe using wandb.Table(dataframe=df)
  2. Directly from a list of data using wandb.Table(data=[...], columns=[...])
  3. Build the table incrementally row-by-row (great if you have a loop in your code). Add rows to your table using table.add_data(...)
  4. Add an embedding column to your table (great if you have a list of predictions in the form of embeddings): table.add_col("col_name", ...)
  5. Add a computed column (great if you have a function or model you want to map over your table): table.add_computed_columns(lambda row, ndx: {"embedding": model.predict(row)})

Plotting Options

After selecting 2D Projection, you can click the gear icon to edit the rendering settings. In addition to selecting the intended columns (see above), you can select an algorithm of interest (along with the desired parameters). Below you can see the parameters for UMAP and t-SNE respectively.