W&B Registry is now in public preview. Visit this section to learn how to enable it for your deployment type.
W&B Registry is a curated central repository of artifact versions within your organization. Users who have permission within your organization can download, share, and collaboratively manage the lifecycle of all artifacts, regardless of the team that user belongs to.
Each registry consists of one or more collections. Each collection represents a distinct task or use case.
To add an artifact to a registry, you first log a specific artifact version to W&B. Each time you log an artifact, W&B automatically assigns a version to that artifact. Artifact versions use 0 indexing, so the first version is v0, the second version is v1, and so on.
Once you log an artifact to W&B, you can then link that specific artifact version to a collection in the registry.
The term “link” refers to pointers that connect where W&B stores the artifact and where the artifact is accessible in the registry. W&B does not duplicate artifacts when you link an artifact to a collection.
As an example, the proceeding code example shows how to log and link a fake model artifact called “my_model.txt” to a collection named “first-collection” in the core Model registry. More specifically, the code accomplishes the following:
Initialize a W&B run.
Log the artifact to W&B.
Specify the name of the collection and registry you want to link your artifact version to.
Link the artifact to the collection.
Copy and paste the proceeding code snippet into a Python script and run it. Ensure that you have W&B Python SDK version 0.18.6 or greater.
import wandb
import random
# Initialize a W&B run to track the artifactrun = wandb.init(project="registry_quickstart")
# Create a simulated model file so that you can log itwith open("my_model.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("Model: "+ str(random.random()))
# Log the artifact to W&Blogged_artifact = run.log_artifact(
type="model"# Specifies artifact type)
# Specify the name of the collection and registry# you want to publish the artifact toCOLLECTION_NAME ="first-collection"REGISTRY_NAME ="model"# Link the artifact to the registryrun.link_artifact(
W&B automatically creates a collection for you if the collection you specify in the returned run object’s link_artifact(target_path = "") method does not exist within the registry you specify.
The URL that your terminal prints directs you to the project where W&B stores your artifact.
Navigate to the Registry App to view artifact versions that you and other members of your organization publish. To do so, first navigate to W&B. Select Registry in the left sidebar below Applications. Select the “Model” registry. Within the registry, you should see the “first-collection” collection with your linked artifact version.
Once you link an artifact version to a collection within a registry, members of your organization can view, download, and manage your artifact versions, create downstream automations, and more if they have the proper permissions.
If an artifact version logs metrics (such as by using run.log_artifact()), you can view metrics for that version from its details page, and you can compare metrics across artifact versions from the collection’s page. Refer to View linked artifacts in a registry.
Enable W&B Registry
Based on your deployment type, satisfy the following conditions to enable W&B Registry:
Deployment type
How to enable
Multi-tenant Cloud
No action required. W&B Registry is available on the W&B App.
Dedicated Cloud
Contact your account team. The Solutions Architect (SA) Team enables W&B Registry within your instance’s operator console. Ensure your instance is on server release version 0.59.2 or newer.
Enable the environment variable called ENABLE_REGISTRY_UI. To learn more about enabling environment variables in server, visit these docs. In self-managed instances, your infrastructure administrator should enable this environment variable and set it to true. Ensure your instance is on server release version 0.59.2 or newer.
Resources to get started
Depending on your use case, explore the following resources to get started with the W&B Registry:
Use W&B Registry to manage and version your artifacts, track lineage, and promote models through different lifecycle stages.
Automate your model management workflows using webhooks.
Integrate the registry with external ML systems and tools for model evaluation, monitoring, and deployment.
Migrate from the legacy Model Registry to W&B Registry
The legacy Model Registry is scheduled for deprecation with the exact date not yet decided. Before deprecating the legacy Model Registry, W&B will migrate the contents of the legacy Model Registry to the W&B Registry.
Until the migration occurs, W&B supports both the legacy Model Registry and the new Registry.
To view the legacy Model Registry, navigate to the Model Registry in the W&B App. A banner appears at the top of the page that enables you to use the legacy Model Registry App UI.
Reach out to support@wandb.com with any questions or to speak to the W&B Product Team about any concerns about the migration.
A core registry is a template for specific use cases: Models and Datasets.
By default, the Models registry is configured to accept "model" artifact types and the Dataset registry is configured to accept "dataset" artifact types. An admin can add additional accepted artifact types.
The preceding image shows the Models and the Dataset core registry along with a custom registry called Fine_Tuned_Models in the W&B Registry App UI.
A core registry has organization visibility. A registry admin can not change the visibility of a core registry.
Custom registry
Custom registries are not restricted to "model" artifact types or "dataset" artifact types.
You can create a custom registry for each step in your machine learning pipeline, from initial data collection to final model deployment.
For example, you might create a registry called “Benchmark_Datasets” for organizing curated datasets to evaluate the performance of trained models. Within this registry, you might have a collection called “User_Query_Insurance_Answer_Test_Data” that contains a set of user questions and corresponding expert-validated answers that the model has never seen during training.
A custom registry can have either organization or restricted visibility. A registry admin can change the visibility of a custom registry from organization to restricted. However, the registry admin can not change a custom registry’s visibility from restricted to organizational visibility.
Within Custom registry, click on the Create registry button.
Provide a name for your registry in the Name field.
Optionally provide a description about the registry.
Select who can view the registry from the Registry visibility dropdown. See Registry visibility types for more information on registry visibility options.
Select either All types or Specify types from the Accepted artifacts type dropdown.
(If you select Specify types) Add one or more artifact types that your registry accepts.
Click on the Create registry button.
An artifact type cannot be removed from a registry once it is saved in the registry’s settings.
For example, the proceeding image shows a custom registry called Fine_Tuned_Models that a user is about to create. The registry is Restricted to only members that are manually added to the registry.
Visibility types
The visibility of a registry determines who can access that registry. Restricting the visibility of a custom registry helps ensure that only specified members can access that registry.
There are two type registry visibility options for a custom registry:
Only invited organization members can access the registry.
Everyone in the org can access the registry.
A team administrator or registry administrator can set the visibility of a custom registry.
The user who creates a custom registry with Restricted visibility is added to the registry automatically as its registry admin.
Configure the visibility of a custom registry
A team administrator or registry administrator can assign the visibility of a custom registry during or after the creation of a custom registry.
To restrict the visibility of an existing custom registry:
Click on the gear icon on the upper right hand corner.
From the Registry visibility dropdown, select the desired registry visibility.
if you select Restricted visibility:
Add members of your organization that you want to have access to this registry. Scroll to the Registry members and roles section and click on the Add member button.
Within the Member field, add the email or username of the member you want to add.
Click Add new member.
See Create a custom registry for more information on how assign the visibility of a custom registry when a team administrator creates it.
Your role in a team has no impact or relationship to your role in any registry.
The proceeding table lists the different roles a user can have and their permissions:
Permission Group
View a collection’s details
View a linked artifact’s details
Usage: Consume an artifact in a registry with use_artifact
Download a linked artifact
Download files from an artifact’s file viewer
Search a registry
View a registry’s settings and user list
Create a new automation for a collection
Turn on Slack notifications for new version being added
Create a new collection
Create a new custom registry
Edit collection card (description)
Edit linked artifact description
Add or delete a collection’s tag
Add or delete an alias from a linked artifact
Link a new artifact
Edit allowed types list for a registry
Edit custom registry name
Delete a collection
Delete an automation
Unlink an artifact from a registry
Edit accepted artifact types for a registry
Change registry visibility (Organization or Restricted)
Add users to a registry
Assign or change a user’s role in a registry
Inherited permissions
A user’s permission in a registry depends on the highest level of privilege assigned to that user, whether individually or by team membership.
For example, suppose a registry admin adds a user called Nico to Registry A and assigns them a Viewer registry role. A registry admin then adds a team called Foundation Model Team to Registry A and assigns Foundation Model Team a Member registry role.
Nico is a member of the Foundation Model Team, which is a Member of the Registry. Because Member has more permission than Viewer, W&B grants Nico the Member role.
The proceeding table demonstrates the highest level of permission in the event of a conflict between a user’s individual registry role and the registry role of a team they are a member of:
Team registry role
Individual registry role
Inherited registry role
If there is a conflict, W&B displays the highest level of permissions next to the name of the user.
For example, in the proceeding image Alex inherits Member role privileges because they are a member of the smle-reg-team-1 team.
Click the gear icon on the upper right hand corner.
Scroll to the Registry members and roles section.
Within the Member field, search for the user or team you want to edit permissions for.
In the Registry role column, click the user’s role.
From the dropdown, select the role you want to assign to the user.
4 - Create a collection
A collection is a set of linked artifact versions within a registry. Each collection represents a distinct task or use case.
For example, within the core Dataset registry you might have multiple collections. Each collection contains a different dataset such as MNIST, CIFAR-10, or ImageNet.
As another example, you might have a registry called “chatbot” that contains a collection for model artifacts, another collection for dataset artifacts, and another collection for fine-tuned model artifacts.
How you organize a registry and their collections is up to you.
If you are familiar with W&B Model Registry, you might aware of registered models. Registered models in the Model Registry are now referred to as collections in the W&B Registry.
Collection types
Each collection accepts one, and only one, type of artifact. The type you specify restricts what sort of artifacts you, and other members of your organization, can link to that collection.
You can think of artifact types similar to data types in programming languages such as Python. In this analogy, a collection can store strings, integers, or floats but not a mix of these data types.
For example, suppose you create a collection that accepts “dataset” artifact types. This means that you can only link future artifact versions that have the type “dataset” to this collection. Similarly, you can only link artifacts of type “model” to a collection that accepts only model artifact types.
You specify an artifact’s type when you create that artifact object. Note the type field in wandb.Artifact():
When you create a collection, you can select from a list of predefined artifact types. The artifact types available to you depend on the registry that the collection belongs to. .
Check the types of artifact that a collection accepts
Before you link to a collection, inspect the artifact type that the collection accepts. You can inspect the artifact types that collection accepts programmatically with the W&B Python SDK or interactively with the W&B App
An error message appears if you try to create link an artifact to a collection that does not accept that artifact type.
You can find the accepted artifact types on the registry card on the homepage or within a registry’s settings page.
For both methods, first navigate to your W&B Registry App.
Within the homepage of the Registry App, you can view the accepted artifact types by scrolling to the registry card of that registry. The gray horizontal ovals within the registry card lists the artifact types that registry accepts.
For example, the preceding image shows multiple registry cards on the Registry App homepage. Within the Model registry card, you can see two artifact types: model and model-new.
To view accepted artifact types within a registry’s settings page:
Click on the registry card you want to view the settings for.
Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.
Scroll to the Accepted artifact types field.
Programmatically view the artifact types that a registry accepts with the W&B Python SDK:
import wandb
registry_name ="<registry_name>"artifact_types = wandb.Api().project(name=f"wandb-registry-{registry_name}").artifact_types()
print(artifact_type.name for artifact_type in artifact_types)
Note that you do not initialize a run with the proceeding code snippet. This is because it is unnecessary to create a run if you are only querying the W&B API and not tracking an experiment, artifact and so on.
Once you know what type of artifact a collection accepts, you can create a collection.
Create a collection
Interactively or programmatically create a collection within a registry. You can not change the type of artifact that a collection accepts after you create it.
Programmatically create a collection
Use the wandb.init.link_artifact() method to link an artifact to a collection. Specify both the collection and the registry to the target_path field as a path that takes the form of:
Where registry_name is the name of the registry and collection_name is the name of the collection. Ensure to append the prefix wandb-registry- to the registry name.
W&B automatically creates a collection for you if you try to link an artifact to a collection that does not exist. If you specify a collection that does exists, W&B links the artifact to the existing collection.
The proceeding code snippet shows how to programmatically create a collection. Ensure to replace other the values enclosed in <> with your own:
import wandb
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(entity ="<team_entity>", project ="<project>")
# Create an artifact objectartifact = wandb.Artifact(
name ="<artifact_name>",
type ="<artifact_type>" )
registry_name ="<registry_name>"collection_name ="<collection_name>"target_path =f"wandb-registry-{registry_name}/{collection_name}"# Link the artifact to a collectionrun.link_artifact(artifact = artifact, target_path = target_path)
Interactively create a collection
The following steps describe how to create a collection within a registry using the W&B Registry App UI:
Navigate to the Registry App in the W&B App UI.
Select a registry.
Click on the Create collection button in the upper right hand corner.
Provide a name for your collection in the Name field.
Select a type from the Type dropdown. Or, if the registry enables custom artifact types, provide one or more artifact types that this collection accepts.
Optionally provide a description of your collection in the Description field.
Optionally add one or more tags in the Tags field.
Click Link version.
From the Project dropdown, select the project where your artifact is stored.
From the Artifact collection dropdown, select your artifact.
From the Version dropdown, select the artifact version you want to link to your collection.
Click on the Create collection button.
5 - Link an artifact version to a registry
Link artifact versions to a collection to make them available to other members in your organization.
When you link an artifact to a registry, this “publishes” that artifact to that registry. Any user that has access to that registry can access the linked artifact versions in the collection.
In other words, linking an artifact to a registry collection brings that artifact version from a private, project-level scope, to a shared organization level scope.
The term “type” refers to the artifact object’s type. When you create an artifact object (wandb.Artifact), or log an artifact (wandb.init.log_artifact), you specify a type for the type parameter.
Link an artifact to a collection
Link an artifact version to a collection interactively or programmatically.
Before you link an artifact to a registry, check the types of artifacts that collection permits. For more information about collection types, see “Collection types” within Create a collection.
Based on your use case, follow the instructions described in the tabs below to link an artifact version.
If an artifact version logs metrics (such as by using run.log_artifact()), you can view metrics for that version from its details page, and you can compare metrics across artifact versions from the artifact’s page. Refer to View linked artifacts in a registry.
Before you link an artifact to a collection, ensure that the registry that the collection belongs to already exists. To check that the registry exists, navigate to the Registry app on the W&B App UI and search for the name of the registry.
Use the target_path parameter to specify the collection and registry you want to link the artifact version to. The target path consists of the prefix “wandb-registry”, the name of the registry, and the name of the collection separated by a forward slashes:
Copy and paste the code snippet below to link an artifact version to a collection within an existing registry. Replace values enclosed in <> with your own:
import wandb
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(
entity ="<team_entity>",
project ="<project_name>")
# Create an artifact object# The type parameter specifies both the type of the # artifact object and the collection typeartifact = wandb.Artifact(name ="<name>", type ="<type>")
# Add the file to the artifact object. # Specify the path to the file on your local machine.artifact.add_file(local_path ="<local_path_to_artifact>")
# Specify the collection and registry to link the artifact toREGISTRY_NAME ="<registry_name>"COLLECTION_NAME ="<collection_name>"target_path=f"wandb-registry-{REGISTRY_NAME}/{COLLECTION_NAME}"# Link the artifact to the collectionrun.link_artifact(artifact = artifact, target_path = target_path)
If you want to link an artifact version to the Model registry or the Dataset registry, set the artifact type to "model" or "dataset", respectively.
Navigate to the Registry App.
Hover your mouse next to the name of the collection you want to link an artifact version to.
Select the meatball menu icon (three horizontal dots) next to View details.
From the dropdown, select Link new version.
From the sidebar that appears, select the name of a team from the Team dropdown.
From the Project dropdown, select the name of the project that contains your artifact.
From the Artifact dropdown, select the name of the artifact.
From the Version dropdown, select the artifact version you want to link to the collection.
Navigate to your project’s artifact browser on the W&B App at: https://wandb.ai/<entity>/<project>/artifacts
Select the Artifacts icon on the left sidebar.
Click on the artifact version you want to link to your registry.
Within the Version overview section, click the Link to registry button.
From the modal that appears on the right of the screen, select an artifact from the Select a register model menu dropdown.
Click Next step.
(Optional) Select an alias from the Aliases dropdown.
Click Link to registry.
View a linked artifact’s metadata, version data, usage, lineage information and more in the Registry App.
View linked artifacts in a registry
View information about linked artifacts such as metadata, lineage, and usage information in the Registry App.
Navigate to the Registry App.
Select the name of the registry that you linked the artifact to.
Select the name of the collection.
If the collection’s artifacts log metrics, compare metrics across versions by clicking Show metrics.
From the list of artifact versions, select the version you want to access. Version numbers are incrementally assigned to each linked artifact version starting with v0.
To view details about an artifact version, click the version. From the tabs in this page, you can view that version’s metadata (including logged metrics), lineage, and usage information.
Make note of the Full Name field within the Version tab. The full name of a linked artifact consists of the registry, collection name, and the alias or index of the artifact version.
You need the full name of a linked artifact to access the artifact version programmatically.
Below are some common things to double check if you are not able to link an artifact.
Logging artifacts from a personal account
Artifacts logged to W&B with a personal entity can not be linked to the registry. Make sure that you log artifacts using a team entity within your organization. Only artifacts logged within an organization’s team can be linked to the organization’s registry.
Ensure that you log an artifact with a team entity if you want to link that artifact to a registry.
Find your team entity
W&B uses the name of your team as the team’s entity. For example, if your team is called team-awesome, your team entity is team-awesome.
You can confirm the name of your team by:
Navigate to your team’s W&B profile page.
Copy the site’s URL. It has the form of https://wandb.ai/<team>. Where <team> is the both the name of your team and the team’s entity.
Log from a team entity
Specify the team as the entity when you initialize a run with wandb.init(). If you do not specify the entity when you initialize a run, the run uses your default entity which may or may not be your team entity.
import wandb
run = wandb.init(
project='<project_name>' )
Log the artifact to the run either with run.log_artifact or by creating an Artifact object and then adding files to it with :
If an artifact is logged to your personal entity, you will need to re-log it to an entity within your organization.
Confirm the path of a registry in the W&B App UI
There are two ways to confirm the path of a registry with the UI: create an empty collection and view the collection details or copy and paste the autogenerated code on the collection’s home page.
Ensure that you replace the name of the collection from the temporary collection with the name of the collection that you want to link your artifact to.
6 - Download an artifact from a registry
Use the W&B Python SDK to download an artifact linked to a registry. To download and use an artifact, you need to know the name of the registry, the name of the collection, and the alias or index of the artifact version you want to download.
To download an artifact linked to a registry, you must know the path of that linked artifact. The path consists of the registry name, collection name, and the alias or index of the artifact version you want to access.
Once you have the registry, collection, and alias or index of the artifact version, you can construct the path to the linked artifact using the proceeding string template:
# Artifact name with version index specifiedf"wandb-registry-{REGISTRY}/{COLLECTION}:v{INDEX}"# Artifact name with alias specifiedf"wandb-registry-{REGISTRY}/{COLLECTION}:{ALIAS}"
Replace the values within the curly braces {} with the name of the registry, collection, and the alias or index of the artifact version you want to access.
Specify model or dataset to link an artifact version to the core Model registry or the core Dataset registry, respectively.
Use the wandb.init.use_artifact method to access the artifact and download its contents once you have the path of the linked artifact. The proceeding code snippet shows how to use and download an artifact linked to the W&B Registry. Ensure to replace values within <> with your own:
import wandb
REGISTRY ='<registry_name>'COLLECTION ='<collection_name>'ALIAS ='<artifact_alias>'run = wandb.init(
entity ='<team_name>',
project ='<project_name>' )
artifact_name =f"wandb-registry-{REGISTRY}/{COLLECTION}:{ALIAS}"# artifact_name = '<artifact_name>' # Copy and paste Full name specified on the Registry Appfetched_artifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name = artifact_name)
download_path = fetched_artifact.download()
The .use_artifact() method both creates a run and marks the artifact you download as the input to that run.
Marking an artifact as the input to a run enables W&B to track the lineage of that artifact.
If you do not want to create a run, you can use the wandb.Api() object to access the artifact:
Example: Use and download an artifact linked to the W&B Registry
The proceeding code example shows how a user can download an artifact linked to a collection called phi3-finetuned in the Fine-tuned Models registry. The alias of the artifact version is set to production.
import wandb
TEAM_ENTITY ="product-team-applications"PROJECT_NAME ="user-stories"REGISTRY ="Fine-tuned Models"COLLECTION ="phi3-finetuned"ALIAS ='production'# Initialize a run inside the specified team and projectrun = wandb.init(entity=TEAM_ENTITY, project = PROJECT_NAME)
artifact_name =f"wandb-registry-{REGISTRY}/{COLLECTION}:{ALIAS}"# Access an artifact and mark it as input to your run for lineage trackingfetched_artifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name = name)
# Download artifact. Returns path to downloaded contentsdownloaded_path = fetched_artifact.download()
See use_artifact and Artifact.download() in the API Reference guide for more information on possible parameters and return type.
Users with a personal entity that belong to multiple organizations
Users with a personal entity that belong to multiple organizations must also specify either the name of their organization or use a team entity when accessing artifacts linked to a registry.
import wandb
REGISTRY ="<registry_name>"COLLECTION ="<collection_name>"VERSION ="<version>"# Ensure you are using your team entity to instantiate the APIapi = wandb.Api(overrides={"entity": "<team-entity>"})
artifact_name =f"wandb-registry-{REGISTRY}/{COLLECTION}:{VERSION}"artifact = api.artifact(name = artifact_name)
# Use org display name or org entity in the pathapi = wandb.Api()
artifact_name =f"{ORG_NAME}/wandb-registry-{REGISTRY}/{COLLECTION}:{VERSION}"artifact = api.artifact(name = artifact_name)
Where the ORG_NAME is the display name of your organization. Multi-tenant SaaS users can find the name of their organization in the organization’s settings page at https://wandb.ai/account-settings/. Dedicated Cloud and Self-Managed users, contact your account administrator to confirm your organization’s display name.
Copy and paste pre-generated code snippet
W&B creates a code snippet that you can copy and paste into your Python script, notebook, or terminal to download an artifact linked to a registry.
Navigate to the Registry App.
Select the name of the registry that contains your artifact.
Select the name of the collection.
From the list of artifact versions, select the version you want to access.
Select the Usage tab.
Copy the code snippet shown in the Usage API section.
Paste the code snippet into your Python script, notebook, or terminal.
Only items that you have permission to view appear in the search results.
Search for registry items
To search for a registry item:
Navigate to the W&B Registry App.
Specify the search term in the search bar at the top of the page. Press Enter to search.
Search results appear below the search bar if the term you specify matches an existing registry, collection name, artifact version tag, collection tag, or alias.
The following table lists query names you can use based on the type of item you want to filter:
query name
name, description, created_at, updated_at
name, tag, description, created_at, updated_at
tag, alias, created_at, updated_at, metadata
The proceeding code examples demonstrate some common search scenarios.
To use the wandb.Api().registries() method, first import the W&B Python SDK (wandb) library:
import wandb
# (Optional) Create an instance of the wandb.Api() class for readabilityapi = wandb.Api()
Filter all registries that contain the string model:
# Filter all registries that contain the string `model`registry_filters = {
"name": {"$regex": "model"}
# Returns an iterable of all registries that match the filtersregistries = api.registries(filter=registry_filters)
Filter all collections, independent of registry, that contains the string yolo in the collection name:
# Filter all collections, independent of registry, that # contains the string `yolo` in the collection namecollection_filters = {
"name": {"$regex": "yolo"}
# Returns an iterable of all collections that match the filterscollections = api.registries().collections(filter=collection_filters)
Filter all collections, independent of registry, that contains the string yolo in the collection name and possesses cnn as a tag:
# Filter all collections, independent of registry, that contains the# string `yolo` in the collection name and possesses `cnn` as a tagcollection_filters = {
"name": {"$regex": "yolo"},
"tag": "cnn"}
# Returns an iterable of all collections that match the filterscollections = api.registries().collections(filter=collection_filters)
Find all artifact versions that contains the string model and has either the tag image-classification or an latest alias:
# Find all artifact versions that contains the string `model` and # has either the tag `image-classification` or an `latest` aliasregistry_filters = {
"name": {"$regex": "model"}
# Use logical $or operator to filter artifact versionsversion_filters = {
"$or": [
{"tag": "image-classification"},
{"alias": "production"}
# Returns an iterable of all artifact versions that match the filtersartifacts = api.registries(filter=registry_filters).collections().versions(filter=version_filters)
Each item in the artifacts iterable in the previous code snippet is an instance of the Artifact class. This means that you can access each artifact’s attributes, such as name, collection, aliases, tags, created_at, and more:
for art in artifacts:
print(f"artifact name: {art.name}")
print(f"collection artifact belongs to: { art.collection.name}")
print(f"artifact aliases: {art.aliases}")
print(f"tags attached to artifact: {art.tags}")
print(f"artifact created at: {art.created_at}\n")
For a complete list of an artifact object’s attributes, see the Artifacts Class in the API Reference docs.
Filter all artifact versions, independent of registry or collection, created between 2024-01-08 and 2025-03-04 at 13:10 UTC:
# Find all artifact versions created between 2024-01-08 and 2025-03-04 at 13:10 UTC. artifact_filters = {
"alias": "latest",
"created_at" : {"$gte": "2024-01-08", "$lte": "2025-03-04 13:10:00"},
# Returns an iterable of all artifact versions that match the filtersartifacts = api.registries().collections().versions(filter=artifact_filters)
Specify the date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. You can omit the hours, minutes, and seconds if you want to filter by date only.
See the MongoDB documentation for more information on query comparisons.
8 - Organize versions with tags
Use tags to organize collections or artifact versions within collections. You can add, remove, edit tags with the Python SDK or W&B App UI.
Create and add tags to organize your collections or artifact versions within your registry. Add, modify, view, or remove tags to a collection or artifact version with the W&B App UI or the W&B Python SDK.
When to use a tag versus using an alias
Use aliases when you need to reference a specific artifact version uniquely. For example, use an alias such as ‘production’ or ’latest’ to ensure that artifact_name:alias always points to a single, specific version.
Use tags when you want more flexibility for grouping or searching. Tags are ideal when multiple versions or collections can share the same label, and you don’t need the guarantee that only one version is associated with a specific identifier.
Add a tag to a collection
Use the W&B App UI or Python SDK to add a tag to a collection:
Update a tag programmatically by reassigning or by mutating the tags attribute. W&B recommends, and it is good Python practice, that you reassign the tags attribute instead of in-place mutation.
For example, the proceeding code snippet shows common ways to update a list with reassignment. For brevity, we continue the code example from the Add a tag to a collection section:
Click View details next to the name of the collection you want to add a tag to
Scroll down to Versions
Click View next to an artifact version
Within the Version tab, click on the plus icon (+) next to the Tags field and type in the name of the tag
Press Enter on your keyboard
Fetch the artifact version you want to add or update a tag to. Once you have the artifact version, you can access the artifact object’s tag attribute to add or modify tags to that artifact. Pass in one or more tags as list to the artifacts tag attribute.
Like other artifacts, you can fetch an artifact from W&B without creating a run or you can create a run and fetch the artifact within that run. In either case, ensure to call the artifact object’s save method to update the artifact on the W&B servers.
Copy and paste an appropriate code cells below to add or modify an artifact version’s tag. Replace the values in <> with your own.
The proceeding code snippet shows how to fetch an artifact and add a tag without creating a new run:
import wandb
ARTIFACT_TYPE ="<TYPE>"ORG_NAME ="<org_name>"REGISTRY_NAME ="<registry_name>"COLLECTION_NAME ="<collection_name>"VERSION ="<artifact_version>"artifact_name =f"{ORG_NAME}/wandb-registry-{REGISTRY_NAME}/{COLLECTION_NAME}:v{VERSION}"artifact = wandb.Api().artifact(name = artifact_name, type = ARTIFACT_TYPE)
artifact.tags = ["tag2"] # Provide one or more tags in a listartifact.save()
The proceeding code snippet shows how to fetch an artifact and add a tag by creating a new run:
import wandb
ORG_NAME ="<org_name>"REGISTRY_NAME ="<registry_name>"COLLECTION_NAME ="<collection_name>"VERSION ="<artifact_version>"run = wandb.init(entity ="<entity>", project="<project>")
artifact_name =f"{ORG_NAME}/wandb-registry-{REGISTRY_NAME}/{COLLECTION_NAME}:v{VERSION}"artifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name = artifact_name)
artifact.tags = ["tag2"] # Provide one or more tags in a listartifact.save()
Update tags that belong to an artifact version
Update a tag programmatically by reassigning or by mutating the tags attribute. W&B recommends, and it is good Python practice, that you reassign the tags attribute instead of in-place mutation.
For example, the proceeding code snippet shows common ways to update a list with reassignment. For brevity, we continue the code example from the Add a tag to an artifact version section:
Click View details next to the name of the collection you want to add a tag to
Scroll down to Versions section
If an artifact version has one or more tags, you can view those tags within the Tags column.
Fetch the artifact version to view its tags. Once you have the artifact version, you can view tags that belong to that artifact by viewing the artifact object’s tag attribute.
Like other artifacts, you can fetch an artifact from W&B without creating a run or you can create a run and fetch the artifact within that run.
Copy and paste an appropriate code cells below to add or modify an artifact version’s tag. Replace the values in <> with your own.
The proceeding code snippet shows how to fetch and view an artifact version’s tags without creating a new run:
Use the W&B Python SDK to find artifact versions that have a set of tags:
import wandb
api = wandb.Api()
tagged_artifact_versions = api.artifacts(
type_name ="<artifact_type>",
name ="<artifact_name>",
tags = ["<tag_1>", "<tag_2>"]
for artifact_version in tagged_artifact_versions:
9 - Annotate collections
Add human-friendly text to your collections to help users understand the purpose of the collection and the artifacts it contains.
Depending on the collection, you might want to include information about the training data, model architecture, task, license, references, and deployment. The proceeding lists some topics worth documenting in a collection:
W&B recommends including at minimum these details:
Summary: The purpose of the collection. The machine learning framework used for the machine learning experiment.
License: The legal terms and permissions associated with the use of the machine learning model. It helps model users understand the legal framework under which they can utilize the model. Common licenses include Apache 2.0, MIT, and GPL.
References: Citations or references to relevant research papers, datasets, or external resources.
If your collection contains training data, consider including these additional details:
Training data: Describe the training data used
Processing: Processing done on the training data set.
Data storage: Where is that data stored and how to access it.
If your collection contains a machine learning model, consider including these additional details:
Architecture: Information about the model architecture, layers, and any specific design choices.
Task: The specific type of task or problem that the machine that the collection model is designed to perform. It’s a categorization of the model’s intended capability.
Deserialize the model: Provide information on how someone on your team can load the model into memory.
Task: The specific type of task or problem that the machine learning model is designed to perform. It’s a categorization of the model’s intended capability.
Deployment: Details on how and where the model is deployed and guidance on how the model is integrated into other enterprise systems, such as a workflow orchestration platforms.
Add a description to a collection
Interactively or programmatically add a description to a collection with the W&B Registry UI or Python SDK.
Select View details next to the name of the collection.
Within the Description field, provide information about your collection. Format text within with Markdown markup language.
Use the wandb.Api().artifact_collection() method to access a collection’s description. Use the returned object’s description property to add, or update, a description to the collection.
Specify the collection’s type for the type_name parameter and the collection’s full name for the name parameter. A collection’s name consists of the prefix “wandb-registry”, the name of the registry, and the name of the collection separated by a forward slashes:
Copy and paste the proceeding code snippet into your Python script or notebook. Replace values enclosed in angle brackets (<>) with your own.
import wandb
api = wandb.Api()
collection = api.artifact_collection(
type_name ="<collection_type>",
name ="<collection_name>" )
collection.description ="This is a description."collection.save()
For example, the proceeding image shows a collection that documents a model’s architecture, intended use, performance information and more.
10 - Create and view lineage maps
Create a lineage map in the W&B Registry.
Within a collection in the W&B Registry, you can view a history of the artifacts that an ML experiment uses. This history is called a lineage graph.
You can also view lineage graphs for artifacts you log to W&B that are not part of a collection.
Lineage graphs can show the specific run that logs an artifact. In addition, lineage graphs can also show which run used an artifact as an input. In other words, lineage graphs can show the input and output of a run.
For example, the proceeding image shows artifacts created and used throughout an ML experiment:
From left to right, the image shows:
Multiple runs log the split_zoo_dataset:v4 artifact.
The “rural-feather-20” run uses the split_zoo_dataset:v4 artifact for training.
The output of the “rural-feather-20” run is a model artifact called zoo-ylbchv20:v0.
A run called “northern-lake-21” uses the model artifact zoo-ylbchv20:v0 to evaluate the model.
Track the input of a run
Mark an artifact as an input or dependency of a run with the wandb.init.use_artifact API.
The proceeding code snippet shows how to use the use_artifact. Replace values enclosed in angle brackets (< >) with your values:
import wandb
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(project="<project>", entity="<entity>")
# Get artifact, mark it as a dependencyartifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name="<name>", aliases="<alias>")
The proceeding code snippet shows how to use the wandb.init.log_artifact API. Ensure to replace values enclosed in angle brackets (< >) with your values:
import wandb
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(entity "<entity>", project ="<project>",)
artifact = wandb.Artifact(name ="<artifact_name>", type ="<artifact_type>")
artifact.add_file(local_path ="<local_filepath>", name="<optional-name>")
# Log the artifact as an output of the runrun.log_artifact(artifact_or_path = artifact)
For more information on about creating artifacts, see Create an artifact.
View lineage graphs in a collection
View the lineage of an artifact linked to a collection in the W&B Registry.
Navigate to the W&B Registry.
Select the collection that contains the artifact.
From the dropdown, click the artifact version you want to view its lineage graph.
Select the “Lineage” tab.
Once you are in an artifact’s lineage graph page, you can view additional information about any node in that lineage graph.
Select a run node to view that run’s details, such as the run’s ID, the run’s name, the run’s state, and more. As an example, the proceeding image shows information about the rural-feather-20 run:
Select an artifact node to view that artifact’s details, such as its full name, type, creation time, and associated aliases.
11 - Migrate from legacy Model Registry
W&B will transition assets from the legacy W&B Model Registry to the new W&B Registry. This migration will be fully managed and triggered by W&B, requiring no intervention from users. The process is designed to be as seamless as possible, with minimal disruption to existing workflows.
The transition will take place once the new W&B Registry includes all the functionalities currently available in the Model Registry. W&B will attempt to preserve current workflows, codebases, and references.
This guide is a living document and will be updated regularly as more information becomes available. For any questions or support, contact support@wandb.com.
How W&B Registry differs from the legacy Model Registry
W&B Registry introduces a range of new features and enhancements designed to provide a more robust and flexible environment for managing models, datasets, and other artifacts.
To view the legacy Model Registry, navigate to the Model Registry in the W&B App. A banner appears at the top of the page that enables you to use the legacy Model Registry App UI.
Organizational visibility
Artifacts linked to the legacy Model Registry have team level visibility. This means that only members of your team can view your artifacts in the legacy W&B Model Registry. W&B Registry has organization level visibility. This means that members across an organization, with correct permissions, can view artifacts linked to a registry.
Restrict visibility to a registry
Restrict who can view and access a custom registry. You can restrict visibility to a registry when you create a custom registry or after you create a custom registry. In a Restricted registry, only selected members can access the content, maintaining privacy and control. For more information about registry visibility, see Registry visibility types.
Create custom registries
Unlike the legacy Model Registry, W&B Registry is not limited to models or dataset registries. You can create custom registries tailored to specific workflows or project needs, capable of holding any arbitrary object type. This flexibility allows teams to organize and manage artifacts according to their unique requirements. For more information on how to create a custom registry, see Create a custom registry.
Custom access control
Each registry supports detailed access control, where members can be assigned specific roles such as Admin, Member, or Viewer. Admins can manage registry settings, including adding or removing members, setting roles, and configuring visibility. This ensures that teams have the necessary control over who can view, manage, and interact with the artifacts in their registries.
Terminology update
Registered models are now referred to as collections.
Summary of changes
Legacy W&B Model Registry
W&B Registry
Artifact visibility
Only members of team can view or access artifacts
Members in your organization, with correct permissions, can view or access artifacts linked to a registry
Custom access control
Not available
Custom registry
Not available
Terminology update
A set of pointers (links) to model versions are called registered models.
A set of pointers (links) to artifact versions are called collections.
Model Registry specific API
Currently only compatible with legacy model registry
Preparing for the migration
W&B will migrate registered models (now called collections) and associated artifact versions from the legacy Model Registry to the W&B Registry. This process will be conducted automatically, with no action required from users.
Team visibility to organization visibility
After the migration, your model registry will have organization level visibility. You can restrict who has access to a registry by assigning roles. This helps ensure that only specific members have access to specific registries.
The migration will preserve existing permission boundaries of your current team-level registered models (soon to be called collections) in the legacy W&B Model Registry. Permissions currently defined in the legacy Model Registry will be preserved in the new Registry. This means that collections currently restricted to specific team members will remain protected during and after the migration.
Artifact path continuity
No action is currently required.
During the migration
W&B will initiate the migration process. The migration will occur during a time window that minimizes disruption to W&B services. The legacy Model Registry will transition to a read-only state once the migration begins and will remain accessible for reference.
After the migration
Post-migration, collections, artifact versions, and associated attributes will be fully accessible within the new W&B Registry. The focus is on ensuring that current workflows remain intact, with ongoing support available to help navigate any changes.
Using the new registry
Users are encouraged to explore the new features and capabilities available in the W&B Registry. The Registry will not only support the functionalities currently relied upon but also introduces enhancements such as custom registries, improved visibility, and flexible access controls.
Support is available if you are interested in trying the W&B Registry early, or for new users that prefer to start with Registry and not the legacy W&B Model Registry. Contact support@wandb.com or your Sales MLE to enable this functionality. Note that any early migration will be into a BETA version. The BETA version of W&B Registry might not have all the functionality or features of the legacy Model Registry.
For more details and to learn about the full range of features in the W&B Registry, visit the W&B Registry Guide.
Why is W&B migrating assets from Model Registry to W&B Registry?
W&B is evolving its platform to offer more advanced features and capabilities with the new Registry. This migration is a step towards providing a more integrated and powerful toolset for managing models, datasets, and other artifacts.
What needs to be done before the migration?
No action is required from users before the migration. W&B will handle the transition, ensuring that workflows and references are preserved.
Will access to model artifacts be lost?
No, access to model artifacts will be retained after the migration. The legacy Model Registry will remain in a read-only state, and all relevant data will be migrated to the new Registry.
Will metadata related to artifacts be preserved?
Yes, important metadata related to artifact creation, lineage, and other attributes will be preserved during the migration. Users will continue to have access to all relevant metadata after the migration, ensuring that the integrity and traceability of their artifacts remain intact.
Who do I contact if I need help?
Support is available for any questions or concerns. Reach out to support@wandb.com for assistance.
12 - Model registry
Model registry to manage the model lifecycle from training to production
W&B will no longer support W&B Model Registry after 2024. Users are encouraged to instead use W&B Registry for linking and sharing their model artifacts versions. W&B Registry broadens the capabilities of the legacy W&B Model Registry. For more information about W&B Registry, see the Registry docs.
W&B will migrate existing model artifacts linked to the legacy Model Registry to the new W&B Registry in the Fall or early Winter of 2024. See Migrating from legacy Model Registry for information about the migration process.
The W&B Model Registry houses a team’s trained models where ML Practitioners can publish candidates for production to be consumed by downstream teams and stakeholders. It is used to house staged/candidate models and manage workflows associated with staging.
Move model versions through its ML lifecycle; from staging to production.
Track a model’s lineage and audit the history of changes to production models.
How it works
Track and manage your staged models with a few simple steps.
Log a model version: In your training script, add a few lines of code to save the model files as an artifact to W&B.
Compare performance: Check live charts to compare the metrics and sample predictions from model training and validation. Identify which model version performed the best.
Link to registry: Bookmark the best model version by linking it to a registered model, either programmatically in Python or interactively in the W&B UI.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to log and link a model to the Model Registry:
import wandb
import random
# Start a new W&B runrun = wandb.init(project="models_quickstart")
# Simulate logging model metricsrun.log({"acc": random.random()})
# Create a simulated model filewith open("my_model.h5", "w") as f:
f.write("Model: "+ str(random.random()))
# Log and link the model to the Model Registryrun.link_model(path="./my_model.h5", registered_model_name="MNIST")
Connect model transitions to CI/DC workflows: transition candidate models through workflow stages and automate downstream actions with webhooks or jobs.
How to get started
Depending on your use case, explore the following resources to get started with W&B Models:
Use the W&B Model Registry to manage and version your models, track lineage, and promote models through different lifecycle stages
Automate your model management workflows using webhooks.
See how the Model Registry integrates with external ML systems and tools in your model development lifecycle for model evaluation, monitoring, and deployment.
12.1 - Tutorial: Use W&B for model management
Learn how to use W&B for Model Management
The following walkthrough shows you how to log a model to W&B. By the end of the walkthrough you will:
Create and train a model with the MNIST dataset and the Keras framework.
Log the model that you trained to a W&B project
Mark the dataset used as a dependency to the model you created
Link the model to the W&B Registry.
Evaluate the performance of the model you link to the registry
Mark a model version ready for production.
Copy the code snippets in the order presented in this guide.
Code not unique to the Model Registry are hidden in collapsible cells.
Setting up
Before you get started, import the Python dependencies required for this walkthrough:
import wandb
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from wandb.integration.keras import WandbMetricsLogger
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Provide your W&B entity to the entity variable:
entity ="<entity>"
Create a dataset artifact
First, create a dataset. The proceeding code snippet creates a function that downloads the MNIST dataset:
Next, upload the dataset to W&B. To do this, create an artifact object and add the dataset to that artifact.
project ="model-registry-dev"model_use_case_id ="mnist"job_type ="build_dataset"# Initialize a W&B runrun = wandb.init(entity=entity, project=project, job_type=job_type)
# Create W&B Table for training datatrain_table = wandb.Table(data=[], columns=[])
train_table.add_column("x_train", x_train)
train_table.add_column("y_train", y_train)
train_table.add_computed_columns(lambda ndx, row: {"img": wandb.Image(row["x_train"])})
# Create W&B Table for eval dataeval_table = wandb.Table(data=[], columns=[])
eval_table.add_column("x_eval", x_eval)
eval_table.add_column("y_eval", y_eval)
eval_table.add_computed_columns(lambda ndx, row: {"img": wandb.Image(row["x_eval"])})
# Create an artifact objectartifact_name ="{}_dataset".format(model_use_case_id)
artifact = wandb.Artifact(name=artifact_name, type="dataset")
# Add wandb.WBValue obj to the artifact.artifact.add(train_table, "train_table")
artifact.add(eval_table, "eval_table")
# Persist any changes made to the artifact.artifact.save()
# Tell W&B this run is finished.run.finish()
Storing files (such as datasets) to an artifact is useful in the context of logging models because you lets you track a model’s dependencies.
Train a model
Train a model with the artifact dataset you created in the previous step.
Declare dataset artifact as an input to the run
Declare the dataset artifact you created in a previous step as the input to the W&B run. This is particularly useful in the context of logging models because declaring an artifact as an input to a run lets you track the dataset (and the version of the dataset) used to train a specific model. W&B uses the information collected to create a lineage map.
Use the use_artifact API to both declare the dataset artifact as the input of the run and to retrieve the artifact itself.
job_type ="train_model"config = {
"optimizer": "adam",
"batch_size": 128,
"epochs": 5,
"validation_split": 0.1,
# Initialize a W&B runrun = wandb.init(project=project, job_type=job_type, config=config)
# Retrieve the dataset artifactversion ="latest"name ="{}:{}".format("{}_dataset".format(model_use_case_id), version)
artifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name=name)
# Get specific content from the dataframetrain_table = artifact.get("train_table")
x_train = train_table.get_column("x_train", convert_to="numpy")
y_train = train_table.get_column("y_train", convert_to="numpy")
For more information about tracking the inputs and output of a model, see Create model lineage map.
Define and train model
For this walkthrough, define a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Keras to classify images from the MNIST dataset.
Train CNN on MNIST data
# Store values from our config dictionary into variables for easy accessingnum_classes =10input_shape = (28, 28, 1)
loss ="categorical_crossentropy"optimizer = run.config["optimizer"]
metrics = ["accuracy"]
batch_size = run.config["batch_size"]
epochs = run.config["epochs"]
validation_split = run.config["validation_split"]
# Create model architecturemodel = keras.Sequential(
layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
layers.Dense(num_classes, activation="softmax"),
model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics)
# Generate labels for training datay_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes)
# Create training and test setx_t, x_v, y_t, y_v = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size=0.33)
W&B creates a registered model for you if the name you specify for registered-model-name does not already exist.
See link_model in the API Reference guide for more information on optional parameters.
Evaluate the performance of a model
It is common practice to evaluate the performance of a one or more models.
First, get the evaluation dataset artifact stored in W&B in a previous step.
job_type ="evaluate_model"# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(project=project, entity=entity, job_type=job_type)
model_use_case_id ="mnist"version ="latest"# Get dataset artifact, mark it as a dependencyartifact = run.use_artifact(
"{}:{}".format("{}_dataset".format(model_use_case_id), version)
# Get desired dataframeeval_table = artifact.get("eval_table")
x_eval = eval_table.get_column("x_eval", convert_to="numpy")
y_eval = eval_table.get_column("y_eval", convert_to="numpy")
Download the model version from W&B that you want to evaluate. Use the use_model API to access and download your model.
alias ="latest"# aliasname ="mnist_model"# name of the model artifact# Access and download model. Returns path to downloaded artifactdownloaded_model_path = run.use_model(name=f"{name}:{alias}")
# # Log metrics, images, tables, or any data useful for evaluation.run.log(data={"loss": (loss, _)})
Promote a model version
Mark a model version ready for the next stage of your machine learning workflow with a model alias. Each registered model can have one or more model aliases. A model alias can only belong to a single model version at a time.
For example, suppose that after evaluating a model’s performance, you are confident that the model is ready for production. To promote that model version, add the production alias to that specific model version.
The production alias is one of the most common aliases used to mark a model as production-ready.
You can add an alias to a model version interactively with the W&B App UI or programmatically with the Python SDK. The following steps show how to add an alias with the W&B Model Registry App:
A model version represents a single model checkpoint. Model versions are a snapshot at a point in time of a model and its files within an experiment.
A model version is an immutable directory of data and metadata that describes a trained model. W&B suggests that you add files to your model version that let you store (and restore) your model architecture and learned parameters at a later date.
A model version belongs to one, and only one, model artifact. A model version can belong to zero or more, registered models. Model versions are stored in a model artifact in the order they are logged to the model artifact. W&B automatically creates a new model version if it detects that a model you log (to the same model artifact) has different contents than a previous model version.
Store files within model versions that are produced from the serialization process provided by your modeling library (for example, PyTorch and Keras).
Model alias
Model aliases are mutable strings that allow you to uniquely identify or reference a model version in your registered model with a semantically related identifier. You can only assign an alias to one version of a registered model. This is because an alias should refer to a unique version when used programmatically. It also allows aliases to be used to capture a model’s state (champion, candidate, production).
It is common practice to use aliases such as "best", "latest", "production", or "staging" to mark model versions with special purposes.
For example, suppose you create a model and assign it a "best" alias. You can refer to that specific model with run.use_model
import wandb
run = wandb.init()
name =f"{entity/project/model_artifact_name}:{alias}"run.use_model(name=name)
Model tags
Model tags are keywords or labels that belong to one or more registered models.
Use model tags to organize registered models into categories and to search over those categories in the Model Registry’s search bar. Model tags appear at the top of the Registered Model Card. You might choose to use them to group your registered models by ML task, owning team, or priority. The same model tag can be added to multiple registered models to allow for grouping.
Model tags, which are labels applied to registered models for grouping and discoverability, are different from model aliases. Model aliases are unique identifiers or nicknames that you use to fetch a model version programatically. To learn more about using tags to organize the tasks in your Model Registry, see Organize models.
Model artifact
A model artifact is a collection of logged model versions. Model versions are stored in a model artifact in the order they are logged to the model artifact.
A model artifact can contain one or more model versions. A model artifact can be empty if no model versions are logged to it.
For example, suppose you create a model artifact. During model training, you periodically save your model during checkpoints. Each checkpoint corresponds to its own model version. All of the model versions created during your model training and checkpoint saving are stored in the same model artifact you created at the beginning of your training script.
The proceeding image shows a model artifact that contains three model versions: v0, v1, and v2.
A registered model is a collection of pointers (links) to model versions. You can think of a registered model as a folder of “bookmarks” of candidate models for the same ML task. Each “bookmark” of a registered model is a pointer to a model version that belongs to a model artifact. You can use model tags to group your registered models.
Registered models often represent candidate models for a single modeling use case or task. For example, you might create registered model for different image classification task based on the model you use: ImageClassifier-ResNet50, ImageClassifier-VGG16, DogBreedClassifier-MobileNetV2 and so on. Model versions are assigned version numbers in the order in which they were linked to the registered model.
Track a model, the model’s dependencies, and other information relevant to that model with the W&B Python SDK.
Track a model, the model’s dependencies, and other information relevant to that model with the W&B Python SDK.
Under the hood, W&B creates a lineage of model artifact that you can view with the W&B App UI or programmatically with the W&B Python SDK. See the Create model lineage map for more information.
How to log a model
Use the run.log_model API to log a model. Provide the path where your model files are saved to the path parameter. The path can be a local file, directory, or reference URI to an external bucket such as s3://bucket/path.
Optionally provide a name for the model artifact for the name parameter. If name is not specified, W&B uses the basename of the input path prepended with the run ID.
Copy and paste the proceeding code snippet. Ensure to replace values enclosed in <> with your own.
import wandb
# Initialize a W&B runrun = wandb.init(project="<project>", entity="<entity>")
# Log the modelrun.log_model(path="<path-to-model>", name="<name>")
Example: Log a Keras model to W&B
The proceeding code example shows how to log a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to W&B.
import os
import wandb
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
config = {"optimizer": "adam", "loss": "categorical_crossentropy"}
# Initialize a W&B runrun = wandb.init(entity="charlie", project="mnist-project", config=config)
# Training algorithmloss = run.config["loss"]
optimizer = run.config["optimizer"]
metrics = ["accuracy"]
num_classes =10input_shape = (28, 28, 1)
model = keras.Sequential(
layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
layers.Dense(num_classes, activation="softmax"),
model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics)
# Save modelmodel_filename ="model.h5"local_filepath ="./"full_path = os.path.join(local_filepath, model_filename)
# Log the modelrun.log_model(path=full_path, name="MNIST")
# Explicitly tell W&B to end the run.run.finish()
12.4 - Create a registered model
Create a registered model to hold all the candidate models for your modeling tasks.
Create a registered model to hold all the candidate models for your modeling tasks. You can create a registered model interactively within the Model Registry or programmatically with the Python SDK.
Programmatically create registered a model
Programmatically register a model with the W&B Python SDK. W&B automatically creates a registered model for you if the registered model doesn’t exist.
Ensure to replace other the values enclosed in <> with your own:
import wandb
run = wandb.init(entity="<entity>", project="<project>")
run.link_model(path="<path-to-model>", registered_model_name="<registered-model-name>")
The name you provide for registered_model_name is the name that appears in the Model Registry App.
For example, suppose you have a nightly job. It is tedious to manually link a model created each night. Instead, you could create a script that evaluates the model, and if the model improves in performance, link that model to the model registry with the W&B Python SDK.
12.5 - Link a model version
Link a model version to a registered model with the W&B App or programmatically with the Python SDK.
Link a model version to a registered model with the W&B App or programmatically with the Python SDK.
Programmatically link a model
Use the link_model method to programmatically log model files to a W&B run and link it to the W&B Model Registry.
Ensure to replace other the values enclosed in <> with your own:
import wandb
run = wandb.init(entity="<entity>", project="<project>")
run.link_model(path="<path-to-model>", registered_model_name="<registered-model-name>")
W&B creates a registered model for you if the name you specify for the registered-model-name parameter does not already exist.
For example, suppose you have an existing registered model named “Fine-Tuned-Review-Autocompletion”(registered-model-name="Fine-Tuned-Review-Autocompletion") in your Model Registry. And suppose that a few model versions are linked to it: v0, v1, v2. If you programmatically link a new model and use the same registered model name (registered-model-name="Fine-Tuned-Review-Autocompletion"), W&B links this model to the existing registered model and assigns it a model version v3. If no registered model with this name exists, a new one registered model is created and it will have a model version v0.
Hover your mouse next to the name of the registered model you want to link a new model to.
Select the meatball menu icon (three horizontal dots) next to View details.
From the dropdown, select Link new version.
From the Project dropdown, select the name of the project that contains your model.
From the Model Artifact dropdown, select the name of the model artifact.
From the Version dropdown, select the model version you want to link to the registered model.
Navigate to your project’s artifact browser on the W&B App at: https://wandb.ai/<entity>/<project>/artifacts
Select the Artifacts icon on the left sidebar.
Click on the model version you want to link to your registry.
Within the Version overview section, click the Link to registry button.
From the modal that appears on the right of the screen, select a registered model from the Select a register model menu dropdown.
Click Next step.
(Optional) Select an alias from the Aliases dropdown.
Click Link to registry.
View the source of linked models
There are two ways to view the source of linked models: The artifact browser within the project that the model is logged to and the W&B Model Registry.
A pointer connects a specific model version in the model registry to the source model artifact (located within the project the model is logged to). The source model artifact also has a pointer to the model registry.
Select View details next the name of your registered model.
Within the Versions section, select View next to the model version you want to investigate.
Click on the Version tab within the right panel.
Within the Version overview section there is a row that contains a Source Version field. The Source Version field shows both the name of the model and the model’s version.
For example, the following image shows a v0 model version called mnist_model (see Source version field mnist_model:v0), linked to a registered model called MNIST-dev.
Navigate to your project’s artifact browser on the W&B App at: https://wandb.ai/<entity>/<project>/artifacts
Select the Artifacts icon on the left sidebar.
Expand the model dropdown menu from the Artifacts panel.
Select the name and version of the model linked to the model registry.
Click on the Version tab within the right panel.
Within the Version overview section there is a row that contains a Linked To field. The Linked To field shows both the name of the registered model and the version it possesses(registered-model-name:version).
For example, in the following image, there is a registered model called MNIST-dev (see the Linked To field). A model version called mnist_model with a version v0(mnist_model:v0) points to the MNIST-dev registered model.
12.6 - Organize models
Use model tags to organize registered models into categories and to search over those categories.
Select View details next to the name of the registered model you want to add a model tag to.
Scroll to the Model card section.
Click the plus button (+) next to the Tags field.
Type in the name for your tag or search for a pre-existing model tag.
For example. the following image shows multiple model tags added to a registered model called FineTuned-Review-Autocompletion:
12.7 - Create model lineage map
This page describes creating lineage graphs in the legacy W&B Model Registry. To learn about lineage graphs in W&B Registry, refer to Create and view lineage maps.
W&B will transition assets from the legacy W&B Model Registry to the new W&B Registry. This migration will be fully managed and triggered by W&B, requiring no intervention from users. The process is designed to be as seamless as possible, with minimal disruption to existing workflows. Refer to Migrate from legacy Model Registry.
A useful feature of logging model artifacts to W&B are lineage graphs. Lineage graphs show artifacts logged by a run as well as artifacts used by specific run.
This means that, when you log a model artifact, you at a minimum have access to view the W&B run that used or produced the model artifact. If you track a dependency, you also see the inputs used by the model artifact.
For example, the proceeding image shows artifacts created and used throughout an ML experiment:
From left to right, the image shows:
The jumping-monkey-1 W&B run created the mnist_dataset:v0 dataset artifact.
The vague-morning-5 W&B run trained a model using the mnist_dataset:v0 dataset artifact. The output of this W&B run was a model artifact called mnist_model:v0.
A run called serene-haze-6 used the model artifact (mnist_model:v0) to evaluate the model.
Track an artifact dependency
Declare an dataset artifact as an input to a W&B run with the use_artifact API to track a dependency.
The proceeding code snippet shows how to use the use_artifact API:
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(project=project, entity=entity)
# Get artifact, mark it as a dependencyartifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name="name", aliases="<alias>")
Once you have retrieved your artifact, you can use that artifact to (for example), evaluate the performance of a model.
Example: Train a model and track a dataset as the input of a model
job_type ="train_model"config = {
"optimizer": "adam",
"batch_size": 128,
"epochs": 5,
"validation_split": 0.1,
run = wandb.init(project=project, job_type=job_type, config=config)
version ="latest"name ="{}:{}".format("{}_dataset".format(model_use_case_id), version)
artifact = run.use_artifact(name)
train_table = artifact.get("train_table")
x_train = train_table.get_column("x_train", convert_to="numpy")
y_train = train_table.get_column("y_train", convert_to="numpy")
# Store values from our config dictionary into variables for easy accessingnum_classes =10input_shape = (28, 28, 1)
loss ="categorical_crossentropy"optimizer = run.config["optimizer"]
metrics = ["accuracy"]
batch_size = run.config["batch_size"]
epochs = run.config["epochs"]
validation_split = run.config["validation_split"]
# Create model architecturemodel = keras.Sequential(
layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
layers.Dense(num_classes, activation="softmax"),
model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics)
# Generate labels for training datay_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes)
# Create training and test setx_t, x_v, y_t, y_v = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size=0.33)
# Train the modelmodel.fit(
validation_data=(x_v, y_v),
callbacks=[WandbCallback(log_weights=True, log_evaluation=True)],
# Save model locallypath ="model.h5"model.save(path)
path ="./model.h5"registered_model_name ="MNIST-dev"name ="mnist_model"run.link_model(path=path, registered_model_name=registered_model_name, name=name)
12.8 - Document machine learning model
Add descriptions to model card to document your model
Add a description to the model card of your registered model to document aspects of your machine learning model. Some topics worth documenting include:
Summary: A summary of what the model is. The purpose of the model. The machine learning framework the model uses, and so forth.
Training data: Describe the training data used, processing done on the training data set, where is that data stored and so forth.
Architecture: Information about the model architecture, layers, and any specific design choices.
Deserialize the model: Provide information on how someone on your team can load the model into memory.
Task: The specific type of task or problem that the machine learning model is designed to perform. It’s a categorization of the model’s intended capability.
License: The legal terms and permissions associated with the use of the machine learning model. It helps model users understand the legal framework under which they can utilize the model.
References: Citations or references to relevant research papers, datasets, or external resources.
Deployment: Details on how and where the model is deployed and guidance on how the model is integrated into other enterprise systems, such as a workflow orchestration platforms.
Select View details next to the name of the registered model you want to create a model card for.
Go to the Model card section.
Within the Description field, provide information about your machine learning model. Format text within a model card with Markdown markup language.
For example, the following images shows the model card of a Credit-card Default Prediction registered model.
12.9 - Download a model version
How to download a model with W&B Python SDK
Use the W&B Python SDK to download a model artifact that you linked to the Model Registry.
You are responsible for providing additional Python functions, API calls to reconstruct, deserialize your model into a form that you can work with.
W&B suggests that you document information on how to load models into memory with model cards. For more information, see the Document machine learning models page.
Replace values within <> with your own:
import wandb
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(project="<project>", entity="<entity>")
# Access and download model. Returns path to downloaded artifactdownloaded_model_path = run.use_model(name="<your-model-name>")
Reference a model version with one of following formats listed:
latest - Use latest alias to specify the model version that is most recently linked.
v# - Use v0, v1, v2, and so on to fetch a specific version in the Registered Model
alias - Specify the custom alias that you and your team assigned to your model version
See use_model in the API Reference guide for more information on possible parameters and return type.
Example: Download and use a logged model
For example, in the proceeding code snippet a user called the use_model API. They specified the name of the model artifact they want to fetch and they also provided a version/alias. They then stored the path that returned from the API to the downloaded_model_path variable.
import wandb
entity ="luka"project ="NLP_Experiments"alias ="latest"# semantic nickname or identifier for the model versionmodel_artifact_name ="fine-tuned-model"# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init()
# Access and download model. Returns path to downloaded artifactdownloaded_model_path = run.use_model(name=f"{entity/project/model_artifact_name}:{alias}")
Planned deprecation for W&B Model Registry in 2024
The proceeding tabs demonstrate how to consume model artifacts using the soon to be deprecated Model Registry.
Use the W&B Registry to track, organize and consume model artifacts. For more information see the Registry docs.
Replace values within <> with your own:
import wandb
# Initialize a runrun = wandb.init(project="<project>", entity="<entity>")
# Access and download model. Returns path to downloaded artifactdownloaded_model_path = run.use_model(name="<your-model-name>")
Reference a model version with one of following formats listed:
latest - Use latest alias to specify the model version that is most recently linked.
v# - Use v0, v1, v2, and so on to fetch a specific version in the Registered Model
alias - Specify the custom alias that you and your team assigned to your model version
See use_model in the API Reference guide for more information on possible parameters and return type.
Select the registered model you want to receive notifications from.
Click on the Connect Slack button.
Follow the instructions to enable W&B in your Slack workspace that appear on the OAuth page.
Once you have configured Slack notifications for your team, you can pick and choose registered models to get notifications from.
A toggle that reads New model version linked to… appears instead of a Connect Slack button if you have Slack notifications configured for your team.
The screenshot below shows a FMNIST classifier registered model that has Slack notifications.
A message is automatically posted to the connected Slack channel each time a new model version is linked to the FMNIST classifier registered model.
12.11 - Manage data governance and access control
Use model registry role based access controls (RBAC) to control who can update protected aliases.
Use protected aliases to represent key stages of your model development pipeline. Only Model Registry Administrators can add, modify, or remove protected aliases. Model registry admins can define and use protected aliases. W&B blocks non admin users from adding or removing protected aliases from model versions.
Only Team admins or current registry admins can manage the list of registry admins.
For example, suppose you set staging and production as protected aliases. Any member of your team can add new model versions. However, only admins can add a staging or production alias.
Set up access control
The following steps describe how to set up access controls for your team’s model registry.