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Admin FAQ

What is the difference between team and organization?

A team is a collaborative workspace for a group of users working on the same projects, while an organization is a higher-level entity that may consist of multiple teams and is often related to billing and account management.

What is the difference between team and entity? As a user - what does entity mean for me?

A team is a collaborative workspace for a group of users working on the same projects, while an entity refers to either a username or a team name. When you log runs in W&B, you can set the entity to your personal account or a team account wandb.init(entity="example-team").

What is a team and where can I find more information about it?

If you want to know more about teams, visit the teams section.

When should I log to my personal entity against my team entity?

Personal Entities are no longer available for accounts created after May 21st, 2024. W&B encourages all users, regardless of sign up date, to log new projects to a Team so you have the option to share your results with others.

Who can create a team? Who can add or delete people from a team? Who can delete projects?

You can check the different roles and permissions here.

What type of roles are available and what are the differences between them?

Go to this page to see the different roles and permissions available.

What are service accounts, and how do we add one to our team?

Check this page from our docs to know more about service accounts.

How can I see the bytes stored, bytes tracked and tracked hours of my organization?

  • You can check the bytes stored of your organization at https://<host-url>/usage/<team-name>.
  • You can check the bytes tracked of your organization at https://<host-url>/usage/<team-name>/tracked.
  • You can check the tracked hours of your organization at https://<host-url>/usage/<team-name>/computehour.

What really good functionalities are hidden and where can I find those?

We have some functionalities hidden under a feature flag in the “Beta Features” section. These can be enabled under the user settings page.

Available beta features hidden under a feature flag

Which files should I check when my code crashes?

For the affected run, you should check debug.log and debug-internal.log. These files are under your local folder wandb/run-<date>_<time>-<run-id>/logs in the same directory where you’re running your code.

On a local instance, which files should I check when I have issues?

You should check the Debug Bundle. An admin of the instance can get it from the /system-admin page -> top right corner W&B icon -> Debug Bundle.

Access System settings page as an Admin of a local instance Download the Debug Bundle as an Admin of a local instance

If I am the admin of my local instance, how should I manage it?

If you are the admin of your instance, go through our User Management section to learn how to add users to the instance and create teams.

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