How much storage does each artifact version use?

Only files that change between two artifact versions incur storage costs.

v1 of the artifact 'dataset' has only 2 out of 5 images that differ, so it occupies only 40% of the space.

Consider an image artifact named animals that contains two image files, cat.png and dog.png:

|-- cat.png (2MB) # Added in `v0`
|-- dog.png (1MB) # Added in `v0`

This artifact receives version v0.

When adding a new image, rat.png, a new artifact version, v1, is created with the following contents:

|-- cat.png (2MB) # Added in `v0`
|-- dog.png (1MB) # Added in `v0`
|-- rat.png (3MB) # Added in `v1`

Version v1 tracks a total of 6MB, but occupies only 3MB of space since it shares the remaining 3MB with v0. Deleting v1 reclaims the 3MB of storage associated with rat.png. Deleting v0 transfers the storage costs of cat.png and dog.png to v1, increasing its storage size to 6MB.