What is the `Est. Runs` column?

W&B provides an estimated number of Runs generated when creating a W&B Sweep with a discrete search space. This total reflects the cartesian product of the search space.

For instance, consider the following search space:

In this case, the Cartesian product equals 9. W&B displays this value in the App UI as the estimated run count (Est. Runs):

To retrieve the estimated Run count programmatically, use the expected_run_count attribute of the Sweep object within the W&B SDK:

sweep_id = wandb.sweep(
    sweep_configs, project="your_project_name", entity="your_entity_name"
api = wandb.Api()
sweep = api.sweep(f"your_entity_name/your_project_name/sweeps/{sweep_id}")
print(f"EXPECTED RUN COUNT = {sweep.expected_run_count}")

Last modified February 20, 2025: c1984ba