How do I resolve permission errors when logging a run?

To resolve permission errors when logging a run to a W&B entity, follow these steps:

  • Verify entity and project names: Ensure correct spelling and case sensitivity of the W&B entity and project names in your code.
  • Confirm permissions: Ensure necessary permissions have been granted by the administrator.
  • Check log-in credentials: Confirm log-in to the correct W&B account. Test by creating a run with the following code:
    import wandb
    run = wandb.init(entity="your_entity", project="your_project")
    run.log({'example_metric': 1})
  • Set API key: Use the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable:
    export WANDB_API_KEY='your_api_key'
  • Confirm host information: For custom deployments, set the host URL:
    wandb login --relogin --host=<host-url>
    export WANDB_BASE_URL=<host-url>

Last modified March 7, 2025: dcacf6f