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9 docs tagged with "environment variables"

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How do I silence W&B info messages?

To turn off standard Weights & Biases logging and information messages, such as project info at the start of a run, set the WANDB_SILENT environment variable. This must occur in a notebook cell before running wandb.login:

How do I switch between accounts on the same machine?

To manage two W&B accounts from the same machine, store both API keys in a file. Use the following code in your repositories to switch between keys securely, preventing secret keys from being checked into source control.

What does wandb.init do to my training process?

When wandb.init() runs in a training script, an API call creates a run object on the servers. A new process starts to stream and collect metrics, allowing the primary process to function normally. The script writes to local files while the separate process streams data to the servers, including system metrics. To turn off streaming, run wandb off from the training directory or set the WANDB_MODE environment variable to offline.