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13 docs tagged with "runs"

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Can I rerun a grid search?

If a grid search completes but some W&B Runs need re-execution due to crashes, delete the specific W&B Runs to re-run. Then, select the Resume button on the sweep control page. Start new W&B Sweep agents using the new Sweep ID.

Can you group runs by tags?

A run can have multiple tags, so grouping by tags is not supported. Add a value to the config object for these runs and group by this config value instead. This can be accomplished using the API.

How do I log runs launched by continuous integration or internal tools?

To launch automated tests or internal tools that log to W&B, create a Service Account on the team settings page. This action allows the use of a service API key for automated jobs, including those running through continuous integration. To attribute service account jobs to a specific user, set the WANDBUSERNAME or WANDBUSER_EMAIL environment variables.