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15 docs tagged with "sweeps"

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Can I rerun a grid search?

If a grid search completes but some W&B Runs need re-execution due to crashes, delete the specific W&B Runs to re-run. Then, select the Resume button on the sweep control page. Start new W&B Sweep agents using the new Sweep ID.

Can I use Sweeps and SageMaker?

To authenticate W&B, complete the following steps: create a requirements.txt file if using a built-in Amazon SageMaker estimator. For details on authentication and setting up the requirements.txt file, refer to the SageMaker integration guide.

Can we flag boolean variables as hyperparameters?

Use the $ macro in the command section of the configuration to pass hyperparameters as boolean flags. This macro automatically includes boolean parameters as flags. If param is True, the command receives --param. If param is False, the flag is omitted.

How do I enable code logging with Sweeps?

To enable code logging for sweeps, add wandb.logcode() after initializing the W&B Run. This action is necessary even when code logging is enabled in the W&B profile settings. For advanced code logging, refer to the docs for wandb.logcode() here.

How should I run sweeps on SLURM?

When using sweeps with the SLURM scheduling system, run wandb agent --count 1 SWEEP_ID in each scheduled job. This command executes a single training job and then exits, facilitating runtime predictions for resource requests while leveraging the parallelism of hyperparameter searches.

What is the `Est. Runs` column?

W&B provides an estimated number of Runs generated when creating a W&B Sweep with a discrete search space. This total reflects the cartesian product of the search space.