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Command Line Interface




Option Description
--version Show the version and exit.


Command Description
agent Run the W&B agent
artifact Commands for interacting with artifacts
beta Beta versions of wandb CLI commands.
controller Run the W&B local sweep controller
disabled Disable W&B.
docker Run your code in a docker container.
docker-run Wrap docker run and adds WANDB_API_KEY and WANDB_DOCKER…
enabled Enable W&B.
init Configure a directory with Weights & Biases
job Commands for managing and viewing W&B jobs
launch Launch or queue a W&B Job.
launch-agent Run a W&B launch agent.
launch-sweep Run a W&B launch sweep (Experimental).
login Login to Weights & Biases
offline Disable W&B sync
online Enable W&B sync
pull Pull files from Weights & Biases
restore Restore code, config and docker state for a run
scheduler Run a W&B launch sweep scheduler (Experimental)
server Commands for operating a local W&B server
status Show configuration settings
sweep Initialize a hyperparameter sweep.
sync Upload an offline training directory to W&B
verify Verify your local instance

1 - wandb agent


wandb agent [OPTIONS] SWEEP_ID


Run the W&B agent


Option Description
-p, --project The name of the project where W&B runs created from the sweep are sent to. If the project is not specified, the run is sent to a project labeled ‘Uncategorized’.
-e, --entity The username or team name where you want to send W&B runs created by the sweep to. Ensure that the entity you specify already exists. If you don’t specify an entity, the run will be sent to your default entity, which is usually your username.
--count The max number of runs for this agent.

2 - wandb artifact


wandb artifact [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Commands for interacting with artifacts


Option Description


Command Description
cache Commands for interacting with the artifact cache
get Download an artifact from wandb
ls List all artifacts in a wandb project
put Upload an artifact to wandb

2.1 - wandb artifact cache


wandb artifact cache [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Commands for interacting with the artifact cache


Option Description


Command Description
cleanup Clean up less frequently used files from the artifacts cache

2.1.1 - wandb artifact cache cleanup


wandb artifact cache cleanup [OPTIONS] TARGET_SIZE


Clean up less frequently used files from the artifacts cache


Option Description
--remove-temp / --no-remove-temp Remove temp files

2.2 - wandb artifact get


wandb artifact get [OPTIONS] PATH


Download an artifact from wandb


Option Description
--root The directory you want to download the artifact to
--type The type of artifact you are downloading

2.3 - wandb artifact ls


wandb artifact ls [OPTIONS] PATH


List all artifacts in a wandb project


Option Description
-t, --type The type of artifacts to list

2.4 - wandb artifact put


wandb artifact put [OPTIONS] PATH


Upload an artifact to wandb


Option Description
-n, --name The name of the artifact to push: project/artifact_name
-d, --description A description of this artifact
-t, --type The type of the artifact
-a, --alias An alias to apply to this artifact
--id The run you want to upload to.
--resume Resume the last run from your current directory.
--skip_cache Skip caching while uploading artifact files.
--policy [mutable|immutable] Set the storage policy while uploading artifact files.

3 - wandb beta


wandb beta [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Beta versions of wandb CLI commands. Requires wandb-core.


Option Description


Command Description
sync Upload a training run to W&B

3.1 - wandb beta sync


wandb beta sync [OPTIONS] WANDB_DIR


Upload a training run to W&B


Option Description
--id The run you want to upload to.
-p, --project The project you want to upload to.
-e, --entity The entity to scope to.
--skip-console Skip console logs
--append Append run
-i, --include Glob to include. Can be used multiple times.
-e, --exclude Glob to exclude. Can be used multiple times.
--mark-synced / --no-mark-synced Mark runs as synced
--skip-synced / --no-skip-synced Skip synced runs
--dry-run Perform a dry run without uploading anything.

4 - wandb controller


wandb controller [OPTIONS] SWEEP_ID


Run the W&B local sweep controller


Option Description
--verbose Display verbose output

5 - wandb disabled


wandb disabled [OPTIONS]


Disable W&B.


Option Description
--service Disable W&B service [default: True]

6 - wandb docker




Run your code in a docker container.

W&B docker lets you run your code in a docker image ensuring wandb is configured. It adds the WANDB_DOCKER and WANDB_API_KEY environment variables to your container and mounts the current directory in /app by default. You can pass additional args which will be added to docker run before the image name is declared, we’ll choose a default image for you if one isn’t passed:

images-public/tensorflow-1.12.0-notebook-cpu:v0.4.0 --jupyter wandb docker
wandb/deepo:keras-gpu --no-tty --cmd "python --epochs=5" ```

By default, we override the entrypoint to check for the existence of wandb
and install it if not present.  If you pass the --jupyter flag we will
ensure jupyter is installed and start jupyter lab on port 8888.  If we
detect nvidia-docker on your system we will use the nvidia runtime.  If you
just want wandb to set environment variable to an existing docker run
command, see the wandb docker-run command.


| **Option** | **Description** |
| :--- | :--- |
| `--nvidia / --no-nvidia` | Use the nvidia runtime, defaults to nvidia if   nvidia-docker is present |
| `--digest` | Output the image digest and exit |
| `--jupyter / --no-jupyter` | Run jupyter lab in the container |
| `--dir` | Which directory to mount the code in the container |
| `--no-dir` | Don't mount the current directory |
| `--shell` | The shell to start the container with |
| `--port` | The host port to bind jupyter on |
| `--cmd` | The command to run in the container |
| `--no-tty` | Run the command without a tty |

7 - wandb docker-run


wandb docker-run [OPTIONS] [DOCKER_RUN_ARGS]...


Wrap docker run and adds WANDB_API_KEY and WANDB_DOCKER environment variables.

This will also set the runtime to nvidia if the nvidia-docker executable is present on the system and –runtime wasn’t set.

See docker run --help for more details.


Option Description

8 - wandb enabled


wandb enabled [OPTIONS]


Enable W&B.


Option Description
--service Enable W&B service [default: True]

9 - wandb init


wandb init [OPTIONS]


Configure a directory with Weights & Biases


Option Description
-p, --project The project to use.
-e, --entity The entity to scope the project to.
--reset Reset settings
-m, --mode Can be “online”, “offline” or “disabled”. Defaults to online.

10 - wandb job


wandb job [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Commands for managing and viewing W&B jobs


Option Description


Command Description
create Create a job from a source, without a wandb run.
describe Describe a launch job.
list List jobs in a project

10.1 - wandb job create


wandb job create [OPTIONS] {git|code|image} PATH


Create a job from a source, without a wandb run.

Jobs can be of three types, git, code, or image.

git: A git source, with an entrypoint either in the path or provided explicitly pointing to the main python executable. code: A code path, containing a requirements.txt file. image: A docker image.


Option Description
-p, --project The project you want to list jobs from.
-e, --entity The entity the jobs belong to
-n, --name Name for the job
-d, --description Description for the job
-a, --alias Alias for the job
--entry-point Entrypoint to the script, including an executable and an entrypoint file. Required for code or repo jobs. If –build-context is provided, paths in the entrypoint command will be relative to the build context.
-g, --git-hash Commit reference to use as the source for git jobs
-r, --runtime Python runtime to execute the job
-b, --build-context Path to the build context from the root of the job source code. If provided, this is used as the base path for the Dockerfile and entrypoint.
--base-image Base image to use for the job. Incompatible with image jobs.
--dockerfile Path to the Dockerfile for the job. If –build- context is provided, the Dockerfile path will be relative to the build context.

10.2 - wandb job describe


wandb job describe [OPTIONS] JOB


Describe a launch job. Provide the launch job in the form of: entity/project/job-name:alias-or-version


Option Description

10.3 - wandb job list


wandb job list [OPTIONS]


List jobs in a project


Option Description
-p, --project The project you want to list jobs from.
-e, --entity The entity the jobs belong to

11 - wandb launch


wandb launch [OPTIONS]


Launch or queue a W&B Job. See


Option Description
-u, --uri (str) Local path or git repo uri to launch. If provided this command will create a job from the specified uri.
-j, --job (str) Name of the job to launch. If passed in, launch does not require a uri.
--entry-point Entry point within project. [default: main]. If the entry point is not found, attempts to run the project file with the specified name as a script, using ‘python’ to run .py files and the default shell (specified by environment variable $SHELL) to run .sh files. If passed in, will override the entrypoint value passed in using a config file.
--build-context (str) Path to the build context within the source code. Defaults to the root of the source code. Compatible only with -u.
--name Name of the run under which to launch the run. If not specified, a random run name will be used to launch run. If passed in, will override the name passed in using a config file.
-e, --entity (str) Name of the target entity which the new run will be sent to. Defaults to using the entity set by local wandb/settings folder. If passed in, will override the entity value passed in using a config file.
-p, --project (str) Name of the target project which the new run will be sent to. Defaults to using the project name given by the source uri or for github runs, the git repo name. If passed in, will override the project value passed in using a config file.
-r, --resource Execution resource to use for run. Supported values: ’local-process’, ’local-container’, ‘kubernetes’, ‘sagemaker’, ‘gcp-vertex’. This is now a required parameter if pushing to a queue with no resource configuration. If passed in, will override the resource value passed in using a config file.
-d, --docker-image Specific docker image you’d like to use. In the form name:tag. If passed in, will override the docker image value passed in using a config file.
--base-image Docker image to run job code in. Incompatible with –docker-image.
-c, --config Path to JSON file (must end in ‘.json’) or JSON string which will be passed as a launch config. Dictation how the launched run will be configured.
-v, --set-var Set template variable values for queues with allow listing enabled, as key-value pairs e.g. --set-var key1=value1 --set-var key2=value2
-q, --queue Name of run queue to push to. If none, launches single run directly. If supplied without an argument (--queue), defaults to queue ‘default’. Else, if name supplied, specified run queue must exist under the project and entity supplied.
--async Flag to run the job asynchronously. Defaults to false, i.e. unless –async is set, wandb launch will wait for the job to finish. This option is incompatible with –queue; asynchronous options when running with an agent should be set on wandb launch-agent.
--resource-args Path to JSON file (must end in ‘.json’) or JSON string which will be passed as resource args to the compute resource. The exact content which should be provided is different for each execution backend. See documentation for layout of this file.
--dockerfile Path to the Dockerfile used to build the job, relative to the job’s root
`–priority [critical high

12 - wandb launch-agent


wandb launch-agent [OPTIONS]


Run a W&B launch agent.


Option Description
-q, --queue The name of a queue for the agent to watch. Multiple -q flags supported.
-e, --entity The entity to use. Defaults to current logged-in user
-l, --log-file Destination for internal agent logs. Use - for stdout. By default all agents logs will go to debug.log in your wandb/ subdirectory or WANDB_DIR if set.
-j, --max-jobs The maximum number of launch jobs this agent can run in parallel. Defaults to 1. Set to -1 for no upper limit
-c, --config path to the agent config yaml to use
-v, --verbose Display verbose output

13 - wandb launch-sweep


wandb launch-sweep [OPTIONS] [CONFIG]


Run a W&B launch sweep (Experimental).


Option Description
-q, --queue The name of a queue to push the sweep to
-p, --project Name of the project which the agent will watch. If passed in, will override the project value passed in using a config file
-e, --entity The entity to use. Defaults to current logged-in user
-r, --resume_id Resume a launch sweep by passing an 8-char sweep id. Queue required
--prior_run ID of an existing run to add to this sweep

14 - wandb login


wandb login [OPTIONS] [KEY]...


Login to Weights & Biases


Option Description
--cloud Login to the cloud instead of local
--host, --base-url Login to a specific instance of W&B
--relogin Force relogin if already logged in.
--anonymously Log in anonymously
--verify / --no-verify Verify login credentials

15 - wandb offline


wandb offline [OPTIONS]


Disable W&B sync


Option Description

16 - wandb online


wandb online [OPTIONS]


Enable W&B sync


Option Description

17 - wandb pull


wandb pull [OPTIONS] RUN


Pull files from Weights & Biases


Option Description
-p, --project The project you want to download.
-e, --entity The entity to scope the listing to.

18 - wandb restore


wandb restore [OPTIONS] RUN


Restore code, config and docker state for a run


Option Description
--no-git Don’t restore git state
--branch / --no-branch Whether to create a branch or checkout detached
-p, --project The project you wish to upload to.
-e, --entity The entity to scope the listing to.

19 - wandb scheduler


wandb scheduler [OPTIONS] SWEEP_ID


Run a W&B launch sweep scheduler (Experimental)


Option Description

20 - wandb server


wandb server [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Commands for operating a local W&B server


Option Description


Command Description
start Start a local W&B server
stop Stop a local W&B server

20.1 - wandb server start


wandb server start [OPTIONS]


Start a local W&B server


Option Description
-p, --port The host port to bind W&B server on
-e, --env Env vars to pass to wandb/local
--daemon / --no-daemon Run or don’t run in daemon mode

20.2 - wandb server stop


wandb server stop [OPTIONS]


Stop a local W&B server


Option Description

21 - wandb status


wandb status [OPTIONS]


Show configuration settings


Option Description
--settings / --no-settings Show the current settings

22 - wandb sweep




Initialize a hyperparameter sweep. Search for hyperparameters that optimizes a cost function of a machine learning model by testing various combinations.


Option Description
-p, --project The name of the project where W&B runs created from the sweep are sent to. If the project is not specified, the run is sent to a project labeled Uncategorized.
-e, --entity The username or team name where you want to send W&B runs created by the sweep to. Ensure that the entity you specify already exists. If you don’t specify an entity, the run will be sent to your default entity, which is usually your username.
--controller Run local controller
--verbose Display verbose output
--name The name of the sweep. The sweep ID is used if no name is specified.
--program Set sweep program
--update Update pending sweep
--stop Finish a sweep to stop running new runs and let currently running runs finish.
--cancel Cancel a sweep to kill all running runs and stop running new runs.
--pause Pause a sweep to temporarily stop running new runs.
--resume Resume a sweep to continue running new runs.
--prior_run ID of an existing run to add to this sweep

23 - wandb sync


wandb sync [OPTIONS] [PATH]...


Upload an offline training directory to W&B


Option Description
--id The run you want to upload to.
-p, --project The project you want to upload to.
-e, --entity The entity to scope to.
--job_type Specifies the type of run for grouping related runs together.
--sync-tensorboard / --no-sync-tensorboard Stream tfevent files to wandb.
--include-globs Comma separated list of globs to include.
--exclude-globs Comma separated list of globs to exclude.
--include-online / --no-include-online Include online runs
--include-offline / --no-include-offline Include offline runs
--include-synced / --no-include-synced Include synced runs
--mark-synced / --no-mark-synced Mark runs as synced
--sync-all Sync all runs
--clean Delete synced runs
--clean-old-hours Delete runs created before this many hours. To be used alongside –clean flag.
--clean-force Clean without confirmation prompt.
--show Number of runs to show
--append Append run
--skip-console Skip console logs

24 - wandb verify


wandb verify [OPTIONS]


Verify your local instance


Option Description
--host Test a specific instance of W&B