1 - Api
Used for querying the wandb server.
overrides: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None,
api_key: Optional[str] = None
) -> None
Most common way to initialize
>>> wandb.Api()
Args |
overrides |
(dict) You can set base_url if you are using a wandb server other than https://api.wandb.ai . You can also set defaults for entity , project , and run . |
View source
name: str,
type: Optional[str] = None
Return a single artifact by parsing path in the form project/name
or entity/project/name
Args |
name |
(str) An artifact name. May be prefixed with project/ or entity/project/. If no entity is specified in the name, the Run or API setting’s entity is used. Valid names can be in the following forms: name:version name:alias |
type |
(str, optional) The type of artifact to fetch. |
Returns |
An Artifact object. |
Raises |
ValueError |
If the artifact name is not specified. |
ValueError |
If the artifact type is specified but does not match the type of the fetched artifact. |
This method is intended for external use only. Do not call api.artifact()
within the wandb repository code.
View source
type_name: str,
name: str
) -> "public.ArtifactCollection"
Return a single artifact collection by type and parsing path in the form entity/project/name
Args |
type_name |
(str) The type of artifact collection to fetch. |
name |
(str) An artifact collection name. May be prefixed with entity/project. |
Returns |
An ArtifactCollection object. |
View source
name: str,
type: str
) -> bool
Return whether an artifact collection exists within a specified project and entity.
Args |
name |
(str) An artifact collection name. May be prefixed with entity/project. If entity or project is not specified, it will be inferred from the override params if populated. Otherwise, entity will be pulled from the user settings and project will default to “uncategorized”. |
type |
(str) The type of artifact collection |
Returns |
True if the artifact collection exists, False otherwise. |
View source
project_name: str,
type_name: str,
per_page: Optional[int] = 50
) -> "public.ArtifactCollections"
Return a collection of matching artifact collections.
Args |
project_name |
(str) The name of the project to filter on. |
type_name |
(str) The name of the artifact type to filter on. |
per_page |
(int, optional) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this. |
Returns |
An iterable ArtifactCollections object. |
View source
name: str,
type: Optional[str] = None
) -> bool
Return whether an artifact version exists within a specified project and entity.
Args |
name |
(str) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. If entity or project is not specified, it will be inferred from the override params if populated. Otherwise, entity will be pulled from the user settings and project will default to “uncategorized”. Valid names can be in the following forms: name:version name:alias |
type |
(str, optional) The type of artifact |
Returns |
True if the artifact version exists, False otherwise. |
View source
type_name: str,
project: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.ArtifactType"
Return the matching ArtifactType
Args |
type_name |
(str) The name of the artifact type to retrieve. |
project |
(str, optional) If given, a project name or path to filter on. |
Returns |
An ArtifactType object. |
View source
project: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.ArtifactTypes"
Return a collection of matching artifact types.
Args |
project |
(str, optional) If given, a project name or path to filter on. |
Returns |
An iterable ArtifactTypes object. |
View source
type_name, name, per_page=50
Deprecated, use artifacts(type_name, name)
View source
type_name: str,
name: str,
per_page: Optional[int] = 50,
tags: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> "public.Artifacts"
Return an Artifacts
collection from the given parameters.
Args |
type_name |
(str) The type of artifacts to fetch. |
name |
(str) An artifact collection name. May be prefixed with entity/project. |
per_page |
(int, optional) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this. |
tags |
(list[str], optional) Only return artifacts with all of these tags. |
Returns |
An iterable Artifacts object. |
View source
name: str,
entity: str
) -> None
Create a new project.
Args |
name |
(str) The name of the new project. |
entity |
(str) The entity of the new project. |
View source
run_id: Optional[str] = None,
project: Optional[str] = None,
entity: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.Run"
Create a new run.
Args |
run_id |
(str, optional) The ID to assign to the run, if given. The run ID is automatically generated by default, so in general, you do not need to specify this and should only do so at your own risk. |
project |
(str, optional) If given, the project of the new run. |
entity |
(str, optional) If given, the entity of the new run. |
Returns |
The newly created Run . |
View source
name: str,
type: "public.RunQueueResourceType",
entity: Optional[str] = None,
prioritization_mode: Optional['public.RunQueuePrioritizationMode'] = None,
config: Optional[dict] = None,
template_variables: Optional[dict] = None
) -> "public.RunQueue"
Create a new run queue (launch).
Args |
name |
(str) Name of the queue to create |
type |
(str) Type of resource to be used for the queue. One of “local-container”, “local-process”, “kubernetes”, “sagemaker”, or “gcp-vertex”. |
entity |
(str) Optional name of the entity to create the queue. If None, will use the configured or default entity. |
prioritization_mode |
(str) Optional version of prioritization to use. Either “V0” or None |
config |
(dict) Optional default resource configuration to be used for the queue. Use handlebars (eg. {{var}} ) to specify template variables. |
template_variables |
(dict) A dictionary of template variable schemas to be used with the config. Expected format of: { "var-name": { "schema": { "type": ("string", "number", or "integer"), "default": (optional value), "minimum": (optional minimum), "maximum": (optional maximum), "enum": [..."(options)"] } } } |
Returns |
The newly created RunQueue |
Raises |
ValueError if any of the parameters are invalid wandb.Error on wandb API errors |
View source
team, admin_username=None
Create a new team.
Args |
team |
(str) The name of the team |
admin_username |
(str) optional username of the admin user of the team, defaults to the current user. |
View source
email, admin=(False)
Create a new user.
Args |
email |
(str) The email address of the user |
admin |
(bool) Whether this user should be a global instance admin |
View source
Flush the local cache.
The api object keeps a local cache of runs, so if the state of the run may
change while executing your script you must clear the local cache with
to get the latest values associated with the run.
View source
Return a run, sweep, project or report from a path.
project = api.from_path("my_project")
team_project = api.from_path("my_team/my_project")
run = api.from_path("my_team/my_project/runs/id")
sweep = api.from_path("my_team/my_project/sweeps/id")
report = api.from_path("my_team/my_project/reports/My-Report-Vm11dsdf")
Args |
path |
(str) The path to the project, run, sweep or report |
Returns |
A Project , Run , Sweep , or BetaReport instance. |
Raises |
wandb.Error if path is invalid or the object doesn’t exist |
View source
name: Optional[str],
path: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.Job"
Return a Job
from the given parameters.
Args |
name |
(str) The job name. |
path |
(str, optional) If given, the root path in which to download the job artifact. |
View source
entity: str,
project: str
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]
Return a list of jobs, if any, for the given entity and project.
Args |
entity |
(str) The entity for the listed job(s). |
project |
(str) The project for the listed job(s). |
Returns |
A list of matching jobs. |
View source
name: str,
entity: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.Project"
Return the Project
with the given name (and entity, if given).
Args |
name |
(str) The project name. |
entity |
(str) Name of the entity requested. If None, will fall back to the default entity passed to Api . If no default entity, will raise a ValueError . |
Returns |
A Project object. |
View source
entity: Optional[str] = None,
per_page: Optional[int] = 200
) -> "public.Projects"
Get projects for a given entity.
Args |
entity |
(str) Name of the entity requested. If None, will fall back to the default entity passed to Api . If no default entity, will raise a ValueError . |
per_page |
(int) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this. |
Returns |
A Projects object which is an iterable collection of Project objects. |
View source
entity, project, queue_name, run_queue_item_id, project_queue=None,
Return a single queued run based on the path.
Parses paths of the form entity/project/queue_id/run_queue_item_id.
View source
organization: Optional[str] = None,
filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Registries
Returns a Registry iterator.
Use the iterator to search and filter registries, collections,
or artifact versions across your organization’s registry.
Find all registries with the names that contain “model”
import wandb
api = wandb.Api() # specify an org if your entity belongs to multiple orgs
api.registries(filter={"name": {"$regex": "model"}})
Find all collections in the registries with the name “my_collection” and the tag “my_tag”
api.registries().collections(filter={"name": "my_collection", "tag": "my_tag"})
Find all artifact versions in the registries with a collection name that contains “my_collection” and a version that has the alias “best”
filter={"name": {"$regex": "my_collection"}}
).versions(filter={"alias": "best"})
Find all artifact versions in the registries that contain “model” and have the tag “prod” or alias “best”
api.registries(filter={"name": {"$regex": "model"}}).versions(
filter={"$or": [{"tag": "prod"}, {"alias": "best"}]}
Args |
organization |
(str, optional) The organization of the registry to fetch. If not specified, use the organization specified in the user’s settings. |
filter |
(dict, optional) MongoDB-style filter to apply to each object in the registry iterator. Fields available to filter for collections are name , description , created_at , updated_at . Fields available to filter for collections are name , tag , description , created_at , updated_at Fields available to filter for versions are tag , alias , created_at , updated_at , metadata |
Returns |
A registry iterator. |
View source
path: str = "",
name: Optional[str] = None,
per_page: Optional[int] = 50
) -> "public.Reports"
Get reports for a given project path.
WARNING: This api is in beta and will likely change in a future release
Args |
path |
(str) path to project the report resides in, should be in the form: “entity/project” |
name |
(str, optional) optional name of the report requested. |
per_page |
(int) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this. |
Returns |
A Reports object which is an iterable collection of BetaReport objects. |
View source
Return a single run by parsing path in the form entity/project/run_id.
Args |
path |
(str) path to run in the form entity/project/run_id . If api.entity is set, this can be in the form project/run_id and if api.project is set this can just be the run_id. |
View source
entity, name
Return the named RunQueue
for entity.
To create a new RunQueue
, use wandb.Api().create_run_queue(...)
View source
path: Optional[str] = None,
filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
order: str = "+created_at",
per_page: int = 50,
include_sweeps: bool = (True)
Return a set of runs from a project that match the filters provided.
Fields you can filter by include:
: The timestamp when the run was created. (in ISO 8601 format, e.g. “2023-01-01T12:00:00Z”)
: The human-readable display name of the run. (e.g. “eager-fox-1”)
: The total runtime of the run in seconds.
: The group name used to organize related runs together.
: The hostname where the run was executed.
: The type of job or purpose of the run.
: The unique identifier of the run. (e.g. “a1b2cdef”)
: The current state of the run.
: The tags associated with the run.
: The username of the user who initiated the run
Additionally, you can filter by items in the run config or summary metrics.
Such as config.experiment_name
, summary_metrics.loss
, etc.
For more complex filtering, you can use MongoDB query operators.
For details, see: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query
The following operations are supported:
Find runs in my_project where config.experiment_name has been set to “foo”
filters={"config.experiment_name": "foo"},
Find runs in my_project where config.experiment_name has been set to “foo” or “bar”
"$or": [
{"config.experiment_name": "foo"},
{"config.experiment_name": "bar"},
Find runs in my_project where config.experiment_name matches a regex (anchors are not supported)
filters={"config.experiment_name": {"$regex": "b.*"}},
Find runs in my_project where the run name matches a regex (anchors are not supported)
filters={"display_name": {"$regex": "^foo.*"}},
Find runs in my_project where config.experiment contains a nested field “category” with value “testing”
filters={"config.experiment.category": "testing"},
Find runs in my_project with a loss value of 0.5 nested in a dictionary under model1 in the summary metrics
filters={"summary_metrics.model1.loss": 0.5},
Find runs in my_project sorted by ascending loss
api.runs(path="my_entity/my_project", order="+summary_metrics.loss")
Args |
path |
(str) path to project, should be in the form: “entity/project” |
filters |
(dict) queries for specific runs using the MongoDB query language. You can filter by run properties such as config.key, summary_metrics.key, state, entity, createdAt, etc. For example: {"config.experiment_name": "foo"} would find runs with a config entry of experiment name set to “foo” |
order |
(str) Order can be created_at , heartbeat_at , config.*.value , or summary_metrics.* . If you prepend order with a + order is ascending. If you prepend order with a - order is descending (default). The default order is run.created_at from oldest to newest. |
per_page |
(int) Sets the page size for query pagination. |
include_sweeps |
(bool) Whether to include the sweep runs in the results. |
Returns |
A Runs object, which is an iterable collection of Run objects. |
View source
Return a sweep by parsing path in the form entity/project/sweep_id
Args |
path |
(str, optional) path to sweep in the form entity/project/sweep_id. If api.entity is set, this can be in the form project/sweep_id and if api.project is set this can just be the sweep_id. |
View source
root_dir, run_id=None, project=None, entity=None
Sync a local directory containing tfevent files to wandb.
View source
team: str
) -> "public.Team"
Return the matching Team
with the given name.
Args |
team |
(str) The name of the team. |
View source
name: str,
resource_config: dict,
resource_type: "public.RunQueueResourceType",
entity: Optional[str] = None,
template_variables: Optional[dict] = None,
external_links: Optional[dict] = None,
prioritization_mode: Optional['public.RunQueuePrioritizationMode'] = None
Upsert a run queue (launch).
Args |
name |
(str) Name of the queue to create |
entity |
(str) Optional name of the entity to create the queue. If None, will use the configured or default entity. |
resource_config |
(dict) Optional default resource configuration to be used for the queue. Use handlebars (eg. {{var}} ) to specify template variables. |
resource_type |
(str) Type of resource to be used for the queue. One of “local-container”, “local-process”, “kubernetes”, “sagemaker”, or “gcp-vertex”. |
template_variables |
(dict) A dictionary of template variable schemas to be used with the config. Expected format of: { "var-name": { "schema": { "type": ("string", "number", or "integer"), "default": (optional value), "minimum": (optional minimum), "maximum": (optional maximum), "enum": [..."(options)"] } } } |
external_links |
(dict) Optional dictionary of external links to be used with the queue. Expected format of: { "name": "url" } |
prioritization_mode |
(str) Optional version of prioritization to use. Either “V0” or None |
Returns |
The upserted RunQueue . |
Raises |
ValueError if any of the parameters are invalid wandb.Error on wandb API errors |
View source
username_or_email: str
) -> Optional['public.User']
Return a user from a username or email address.
Note: This function only works for Local Admins, if you are trying to get your own user object, please use api.viewer
Args |
username_or_email |
(str) The username or email address of the user |
Returns |
A User object or None if a user couldn’t be found |
View source
username_or_email: str
) -> List['public.User']
Return all users from a partial username or email address query.
Note: This function only works for Local Admins, if you are trying to get your own user object, please use api.viewer
Args |
username_or_email |
(str) The prefix or suffix of the user you want to find |
Returns |
An array of User objects |
Class Variables |
8 - Run
A single run associated with an entity and project.
client: "RetryingClient",
entity: str,
project: str,
run_id: str,
attrs: Optional[Mapping] = None,
include_sweeps: bool = (True)
View source
api, run_id=None, project=None, entity=None
Create a run for the given project.
View source
Delete the given run from the wandb backend.
View source
height=420, hidden=(False)
) -> bool
Display this object in jupyter.
View source
Return the path of a file with a given name in the artifact.
Args |
name (str): name of requested file. |
Returns |
A File matching the name argument. |
View source
names=None, per_page=50
Return a file path for each file named.
Args |
names (list): names of the requested files, if empty returns all files per_page (int): number of results per page. |
Returns |
A Files object, which is an iterator over File objects. |
View source
samples=500, keys=None, x_axis="_step", pandas=(True), stream="default"
Return sampled history metrics for a run.
This is simpler and faster if you are ok with the history records being sampled.
Args |
samples |
(int, optional) The number of samples to return |
pandas |
(bool, optional) Return a pandas dataframe |
keys |
(list, optional) Only return metrics for specific keys |
x_axis |
(str, optional) Use this metric as the xAxis defaults to _step |
stream |
(str, optional) “default” for metrics, “system” for machine metrics |
Returns |
pandas.DataFrame |
If pandas=True returns a pandas.DataFrame of history metrics. list of dicts: If pandas=False returns a list of dicts of history metrics. |
View source
View source
artifact: "wandb.Artifact",
aliases: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
tags: Optional[Collection[str]] = None
Declare an artifact as output of a run.
Args |
artifact (Artifact ): An artifact returned from wandb.Api().artifact(name) . aliases (list, optional): Aliases to apply to this artifact. |
tags |
(list, optional) Tags to apply to this artifact, if any. |
Returns |
A Artifact object. |
View source
per_page: int = 100
) -> public.RunArtifacts
Fetches all artifacts logged by this run.
Retrieves all output artifacts that were logged during the run. Returns a
paginated result that can be iterated over or collected into a single list.
Args |
per_page |
Number of artifacts to fetch per API request. |
Returns |
An iterable collection of all Artifact objects logged as outputs during this run. |
>>> import wandb
>>> import tempfile
>>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
... mode="w", delete=False, suffix=".txt"
... ) as tmp:
... tmp.write("This is a test artifact")
... tmp_path = tmp.name
>>> run = wandb.init(project="artifact-example")
>>> artifact = wandb.Artifact("test_artifact", type="dataset")
>>> artifact.add_file(tmp_path)
>>> run.log_artifact(artifact)
>>> run.finish()
>>> api = wandb.Api()
>>> finished_run = api.run(f"{run.entity}/{run.project}/{run.id}")
>>> for logged_artifact in finished_run.logged_artifacts():
... print(logged_artifact.name)
View source
View source
keys=None, page_size=1000, min_step=None, max_step=None
Returns an iterable collection of all history records for a run.
Export all the loss values for an example run
run = api.run("l2k2/examples-numpy-boston/i0wt6xua")
history = run.scan_history(keys=["Loss"])
losses = [row["Loss"] for row in history]
Args |
keys ([str], optional): only fetch these keys, and only fetch rows that have all of keys defined. page_size (int, optional): size of pages to fetch from the api. min_step (int, optional): the minimum number of pages to scan at a time. max_step (int, optional): the maximum number of pages to scan at a time. |
Returns |
An iterable collection over history records (dict). |
View source
View source
height=420, hidden=(False)
Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying this run.
View source
Persist changes to the run object to the wandb backend.
View source
path, root="."
Upload a file.
Args |
path (str): name of file to upload. root (str): the root path to save the file relative to. i.e. If you want to have the file saved in the run as “my_dir/file.txt” and you’re currently in “my_dir” you would set root to “../”. |
Returns |
A File matching the name argument. |
View source
artifact, use_as=None
Declare an artifact as an input to a run.
Args |
artifact (Artifact ): An artifact returned from wandb.Api().artifact(name) use_as (string, optional): A string identifying how the artifact is used in the script. Used to easily differentiate artifacts used in a run, when using the beta wandb launch feature’s artifact swapping functionality. |
Returns |
A Artifact object. |
View source
per_page: int = 100
) -> public.RunArtifacts
Fetches artifacts explicitly used by this run.
Retrieves only the input artifacts that were explicitly declared as used
during the run, typically via run.use_artifact()
. Returns a paginated
result that can be iterated over or collected into a single list.
Args |
per_page |
Number of artifacts to fetch per API request. |
Returns |
An iterable collection of Artifact objects explicitly used as inputs in this run. |
>>> import wandb
>>> run = wandb.init(project="artifact-example")
>>> run.use_artifact("test_artifact:latest")
>>> run.finish()
>>> api = wandb.Api()
>>> finished_run = api.run(f"{run.entity}/{run.project}/{run.id}")
>>> for used_artifact in finished_run.used_artifacts():
... print(used_artifact.name)
View source