Track models and datasets

In this notebook, we’ll show you how to track your ML experiment pipelines using W&B Artifacts.

Follow along with a video tutorial.

About artifacts

An artifact, like a Greek amphora, is a produced object – the output of a process. In ML, the most important artifacts are datasets and models.

And, like the Cross of Coronado, these important artifacts belong in a museum. That is, they should be cataloged and organized so that you, your team, and the ML community at large can learn from them. After all, those who don’t track training are doomed to repeat it.

Using our Artifacts API, you can log Artifacts as outputs of W&B Runs or use Artifacts as input to Runs, as in this diagram, where a training run takes in a dataset and produces a model.

Since one run can use another run’s output as an input, Artifacts and Runs together form a directed graph (a bipartite DAG, with nodes for Artifacts and Runs and arrows that connect a Run to the Artifacts it consumes or produces.

Use artifacts to track models and datatsets

Install and Import

Artifacts are part of our Python library, starting with version 0.9.2.

Like most parts of the ML Python stack, it’s available via pip.

# Compatible with wandb version 0.9.2+
!pip install wandb -qqq
!apt install tree
import os
import wandb

Log a Dataset

First, let’s define some Artifacts.

This example is based off of this PyTorch “Basic MNIST Example”, but could just as easily have been done in TensorFlow, in any other framework, or in pure Python.

We start with the Datasets:

  • a training set, for choosing the parameters,
  • a validation set, for choosing the hyperparameters,
  • a testing set, for evaluating the final model

The first cell below defines these three datasets.

import random 

import torch
import torchvision
from import TensorDataset
from import tqdm

# Ensure deterministic behavior
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True

# Device configuration
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

# Data parameters
num_classes = 10
input_shape = (1, 28, 28)

# drop slow mirror from list of MNIST mirrors
torchvision.datasets.MNIST.mirrors = [mirror for mirror in torchvision.datasets.MNIST.mirrors
                                      if not mirror.startswith("")]

def load(train_size=50_000):
    # Load the data

    # the data, split between train and test sets
    train = torchvision.datasets.MNIST("./", train=True, download=True)
    test = torchvision.datasets.MNIST("./", train=False, download=True)
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = (, train.targets), (, test.targets)

    # split off a validation set for hyperparameter tuning
    x_train, x_val = x_train[:train_size], x_train[train_size:]
    y_train, y_val = y_train[:train_size], y_train[train_size:]

    training_set = TensorDataset(x_train, y_train)
    validation_set = TensorDataset(x_val, y_val)
    test_set = TensorDataset(x_test, y_test)

    datasets = [training_set, validation_set, test_set]

    return datasets

This sets up a pattern we’ll see repeated in this example: the code to log the data as an Artifact is wrapped around the code for producing that data. In this case, the code for loading the data is separated out from the code for load_and_logging the data.

This is good practice.

In order to log these datasets as Artifacts, we just need to

  1. create a Run with wandb.init, (L4)
  2. create an Artifact for the dataset (L10), and
  3. save and log the associated files (L20, L23).

Check out the example the code cell below and then expand the sections afterwards for more details.

def load_and_log():

    # 🚀 start a run, with a type to label it and a project it can call home
    with wandb.init(project="artifacts-example", job_type="load-data") as run:
        datasets = load()  # separate code for loading the datasets
        names = ["training", "validation", "test"]

        # 🏺 create our Artifact
        raw_data = wandb.Artifact(
            "mnist-raw", type="dataset",
            description="Raw MNIST dataset, split into train/val/test",
            metadata={"source": "torchvision.datasets.MNIST",
                      "sizes": [len(dataset) for dataset in datasets]})

        for name, data in zip(names, datasets):
            # 🐣 Store a new file in the artifact, and write something into its contents.
            with raw_data.new_file(name + ".pt", mode="wb") as file:
                x, y = data.tensors
      , y), file)

        # ✍️ Save the artifact to W&B.



When we make the Run that’s going to produce the Artifacts, we need to state which project it belongs to.

Depending on your workflow, a project might be as big as car-that-drives-itself or as small as iterative-architecture-experiment-117.

Rule of 👍: if you can, keep all of the Runs that share Artifacts inside a single project. This keeps things simple, but don’t worry – Artifacts are portable across projects.

To help keep track of all the different kinds of jobs you might run, it’s useful to provide a job_type when making Runs. This keeps the graph of your Artifacts nice and tidy.

Rule of 👍: the job_type should be descriptive and correspond to a single step of your pipeline. Here, we separate out loading data from preprocessing data.


To log something as an Artifact, we have to first make an Artifact object.

Every Artifact has a name – that’s what the first argument sets.

Rule of 👍: the name should be descriptive, but easy to remember and type – we like to use names that are hyphen-separated and correspond to variable names in the code.

It also has a type. Just like job_types for Runs, this is used for organizing the graph of Runs and Artifacts.

Rule of 👍: the type should be simple: more like dataset or model than mnist-data-YYYYMMDD.

You can also attach a description and some metadata, as a dictionary. The metadata just needs to be serializable to JSON.

Rule of 👍: the metadata should be as descriptive as possible.

artifact.new_file and run.log_artifact

Once we’ve made an Artifact object, we need to add files to it.

You read that right: files with an s. Artifacts are structured like directories, with files and sub-directories.

Rule of 👍: whenever it makes sense to do so, split the contents of an Artifact up into multiple files. This will help if it comes time to scale.

We use the new_file method to simultaneously write the file and attach it to the Artifact. Below, we’ll use the add_file method, which separates those two steps.

Once we’ve added all of our files, we need to log_artifact to

You’ll notice some URLs appeared in the output, including one for the Run page. That’s where you can view the results of the Run, including any Artifacts that got logged.

We’ll see some examples that make better use of the other components of the Run page below.

Use a Logged Dataset Artifact

Artifacts in W&B, unlike artifacts in museums, are designed to be used, not just stored.

Let’s see what that looks like.

The cell below defines a pipeline step that takes in a raw dataset and uses it to produce a preprocessed dataset: normalized and shaped correctly.

Notice again that we split out the meat of the code, preprocess, from the code that interfaces with wandb.

def preprocess(dataset, normalize=True, expand_dims=True):
    ## Prepare the data
    x, y = dataset.tensors

    if normalize:
        # Scale images to the [0, 1] range
        x = x.type(torch.float32) / 255

    if expand_dims:
        # Make sure images have shape (1, 28, 28)
        x = torch.unsqueeze(x, 1)
    return TensorDataset(x, y)

Now for the code that instruments this preprocess step with wandb.Artifact logging.

Note that the example below both uses an Artifact, which is new, and logs it, which is the same as the last step. Artifacts are both the inputs and the outputs of Runs.

We use a new job_type, preprocess-data, to make it clear that this is a different kind of job from the previous one.

def preprocess_and_log(steps):

    with wandb.init(project="artifacts-example", job_type="preprocess-data") as run:

        processed_data = wandb.Artifact(
            "mnist-preprocess", type="dataset",
            description="Preprocessed MNIST dataset",
        # ✔️ declare which artifact we'll be using
        raw_data_artifact = run.use_artifact('mnist-raw:latest')

        # 📥 if need be, download the artifact
        raw_dataset =
        for split in ["training", "validation", "test"]:
            raw_split = read(raw_dataset, split)
            processed_dataset = preprocess(raw_split, **steps)

            with processed_data.new_file(split + ".pt", mode="wb") as file:
                x, y = processed_dataset.tensors
      , y), file)


def read(data_dir, split):
    filename = split + ".pt"
    x, y = torch.load(os.path.join(data_dir, filename))

    return TensorDataset(x, y)

One thing to notice here is that the steps of the preprocessing are saved with the preprocessed_data as metadata.

If you’re trying to make your experiments reproducible, capturing lots of metadata is a good idea.

Also, even though our dataset is a “large artifact”, the download step is done in much less than a second.

Expand the markdown cell below for details.

steps = {"normalize": True,
         "expand_dims": True}



These steps are simpler. The consumer just needs to know the name of the Artifact, plus a bit more.

That “bit more” is the alias of the particular version of the Artifact you want.

By default, the last version to be uploaded is tagged latest. Otherwise, you can pick older versions with v0/v1, etc., or you can provide your own aliases, like best or jit-script. Just like Docker Hub tags, aliases are separated from names with :, so the Artifact we want is mnist-raw:latest.

Rule of 👍: Keep aliases short and sweet. Use custom aliases like latest or best when you want an Artifact that satisifies some property

Now, you may be worrying about the download call. If we download another copy, won’t that double the burden on memory?

Don’t worry friend. Before we actually download anything, we check to see if the right version is available locally. This uses the same technology that underlies torrenting and version control with git: hashing.

As Artifacts are created and logged, a folder called artifacts in the working directory will start to fill with sub-directories, one for each Artifact. Check out its contents with !tree artifacts:

!tree artifacts

The Artifacts page

Now that we’ve logged and used an Artifact, let’s check out the Artifacts tab on the Run page.

Navigate to the Run page URL from the wandb output and select the “Artifacts” tab from the left sidebar (it’s the one with the database icon, which looks like three hockey pucks stacked on top of one another).

Click a row in either the Input Artifacts table or in the Output Artifacts table, then check out the tabs (Overview, Metadata) to see everything logged about the Artifact.

We particularly like the Graph View. By default, it shows a graph with the types of Artifacts and the job_types of Run as the two types of nodes, with arrows to represent consumption and production.

Log a Model

That’s enough to see how the API for Artifacts works, but let’s follow this example through to the end of the pipeline so we can see how Artifacts can improve your ML workflow.

This first cell here builds a DNN model in PyTorch – a really simple ConvNet.

We’ll start by just initializing the model, not training it. That way, we can repeat the training while keeping everything else constant.

from math import floor

import torch.nn as nn

class ConvNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, hidden_layer_sizes=[32, 64],
        super(ConvNet, self).__init__()

        self.layer1 = nn.Sequential(
              nn.Conv2d(in_channels=input_shape[0], out_channels=hidden_layer_sizes[0], kernel_size=kernel_sizes[0]),
              getattr(nn, activation)(),
        self.layer2 = nn.Sequential(
              nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_layer_sizes[0], out_channels=hidden_layer_sizes[-1], kernel_size=kernel_sizes[-1]),
              getattr(nn, activation)(),
        self.layer3 = nn.Sequential(

        fc_input_dims = floor((input_shape[1] - kernel_sizes[0] + 1) / pool_sizes[0]) # layer 1 output size
        fc_input_dims = floor((fc_input_dims - kernel_sizes[-1] + 1) / pool_sizes[-1]) # layer 2 output size
        fc_input_dims = fc_input_dims*fc_input_dims*hidden_layer_sizes[-1] # layer 3 output size

        self.fc = nn.Linear(fc_input_dims, num_classes)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.layer1(x)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        x = self.layer3(x)
        x = self.fc(x)
        return x

Here, we’re using W&B to track the run, and so using the wandb.config object to store all of the hyperparameters.

The dictionary version of that config object is a really useful piece of metadata, so make sure to include it.

def build_model_and_log(config):
    with wandb.init(project="artifacts-example", job_type="initialize", config=config) as run:
        config = wandb.config
        model = ConvNet(**config)

        model_artifact = wandb.Artifact(
            "convnet", type="model",
            description="Simple AlexNet style CNN",
            metadata=dict(config)), "initialized_model.pth")
        # ➕ another way to add a file to an Artifact


model_config = {"hidden_layer_sizes": [32, 64],
                "kernel_sizes": [3],
                "activation": "ReLU",
                "pool_sizes": [2],
                "dropout": 0.5,
                "num_classes": 10}



Instead of simultaneously writing a new_file and adding it to the Artifact, as in the dataset logging examples, we can also write files in one step (here, and then add them to the Artifact in another.

Rule of 👍: use new_file when you can, to prevent duplication.

Use a Logged Model Artifact

Just like we could call use_artifact on a dataset, we can call it on our initialized_model to use it in another Run.

This time, let’s train the model.

For more details, check out our Colab on instrumenting W&B with PyTorch.

import torch.nn.functional as F

def train(model, train_loader, valid_loader, config):
    optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, config.optimizer)(model.parameters())
    example_ct = 0
    for epoch in range(config.epochs):
        for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
            data, target =,
            output = model(data)
            loss = F.cross_entropy(output, target)

            example_ct += len(data)

            if batch_idx % config.batch_log_interval == 0:
                print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0%})]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format(
                    epoch, batch_idx * len(data), len(train_loader.dataset),
                    batch_idx / len(train_loader), loss.item()))
                train_log(loss, example_ct, epoch)

        # evaluate the model on the validation set at each epoch
        loss, accuracy = test(model, valid_loader)  
        test_log(loss, accuracy, example_ct, epoch)

def test(model, test_loader):
    test_loss = 0
    correct = 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for data, target in test_loader:
            data, target =,
            output = model(data)
            test_loss += F.cross_entropy(output, target, reduction='sum')  # sum up batch loss
            pred = output.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)  # get the index of the max log-probability
            correct += pred.eq(target.view_as(pred)).sum()

    test_loss /= len(test_loader.dataset)

    accuracy = 100. * correct / len(test_loader.dataset)
    return test_loss, accuracy

def train_log(loss, example_ct, epoch):
    loss = float(loss)

    # where the magic happens
    wandb.log({"epoch": epoch, "train/loss": loss}, step=example_ct)
    print(f"Loss after " + str(example_ct).zfill(5) + f" examples: {loss:.3f}")

def test_log(loss, accuracy, example_ct, epoch):
    loss = float(loss)
    accuracy = float(accuracy)

    # where the magic happens
    wandb.log({"epoch": epoch, "validation/loss": loss, "validation/accuracy": accuracy}, step=example_ct)
    print(f"Loss/accuracy after " + str(example_ct).zfill(5) + f" examples: {loss:.3f}/{accuracy:.3f}")

We’ll run two separate Artifact-producing Runs this time.

Once the first finishes training the model, the second will consume the trained-model Artifact by evaluateing its performance on the test_dataset.

Also, we’ll pull out the 32 examples on which the network gets the most confused – on which the categorical_crossentropy is highest.

This is a good way to diagnose issues with your dataset and your model.

def evaluate(model, test_loader):
    ## Evaluate the trained model

    loss, accuracy = test(model, test_loader)
    highest_losses, hardest_examples, true_labels, predictions = get_hardest_k_examples(model, test_loader.dataset)

    return loss, accuracy, highest_losses, hardest_examples, true_labels, predictions

def get_hardest_k_examples(model, testing_set, k=32):

    loader = DataLoader(testing_set, 1, shuffle=False)

    # get the losses and predictions for each item in the dataset
    losses = None
    predictions = None
    with torch.no_grad():
        for data, target in loader:
            data, target =,
            output = model(data)
            loss = F.cross_entropy(output, target)
            pred = output.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            if losses is None:
                losses = loss.view((1, 1))
                predictions = pred
                losses =, loss.view((1, 1))), 0)
                predictions =, pred), 0)

    argsort_loss = torch.argsort(losses, dim=0)

    highest_k_losses = losses[argsort_loss[-k:]]
    hardest_k_examples = testing_set[argsort_loss[-k:]][0]
    true_labels = testing_set[argsort_loss[-k:]][1]
    predicted_labels = predictions[argsort_loss[-k:]]

    return highest_k_losses, hardest_k_examples, true_labels, predicted_labels

These logging functions don’t add any new Artifact features, so we won’t comment on them: we’re just useing, downloading, and logging Artifacts.

from import DataLoader

def train_and_log(config):

    with wandb.init(project="artifacts-example", job_type="train", config=config) as run:
        config = wandb.config

        data = run.use_artifact('mnist-preprocess:latest')
        data_dir =

        training_dataset =  read(data_dir, "training")
        validation_dataset = read(data_dir, "validation")

        train_loader = DataLoader(training_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size)
        validation_loader = DataLoader(validation_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size)
        model_artifact = run.use_artifact("convnet:latest")
        model_dir =
        model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "initialized_model.pth")
        model_config = model_artifact.metadata

        model = ConvNet(**model_config)
        model =
        train(model, train_loader, validation_loader, config)

        model_artifact = wandb.Artifact(
            "trained-model", type="model",
            description="Trained NN model",
            metadata=dict(model_config)), "trained_model.pth")


    return model

def evaluate_and_log(config=None):
    with wandb.init(project="artifacts-example", job_type="report", config=config) as run:
        data = run.use_artifact('mnist-preprocess:latest')
        data_dir =
        testing_set = read(data_dir, "test")

        test_loader =, batch_size=128, shuffle=False)

        model_artifact = run.use_artifact("trained-model:latest")
        model_dir =
        model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "trained_model.pth")
        model_config = model_artifact.metadata

        model = ConvNet(**model_config)

        loss, accuracy, highest_losses, hardest_examples, true_labels, preds = evaluate(model, test_loader)

        run.summary.update({"loss": loss, "accuracy": accuracy})

            [wandb.Image(hard_example, caption=str(int(pred)) + "," +  str(int(label)))
             for hard_example, pred, label in zip(hardest_examples, preds, true_labels)]})
train_config = {"batch_size": 128,
                "epochs": 5,
                "batch_log_interval": 25,
                "optimizer": "Adam"}

model = train_and_log(train_config)

Last modified February 13, 2025: d22fd00