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Models and Weave integration demo

This notebook shows how to use W&B Weave together with W&B Models. Specifically, this example considers two different teams.

  • The Model Team: the model building team fine-tunes a new Chat Model (Llama 3.2) and saves it to the registry using W&B Models.
  • The App Team: the app development team retrieves the Chat Model to create and evaluate a new RAG chatbot using W&B Weave.

Find the public workspace for both W&B Models and W&B Weave here.

Weights & Biases

The workflow covers the following steps:

  1. Instrument the RAG app code with W&B Weave
  2. Fine-tune an LLM (such as Llama 3.2, but you can replace it with any other LLM) and track it with W&B Models
  3. Log the fine-tuned model to the W&B Registry
  4. Implement the RAG app with the new fine-tuned model and evaluate the app with W&B Weave
  5. Once satisfied with the results, save a reference to the updated Rag app in the W&B Registry


The RagModel referenced below is top-level weave.Model that you can consider a complete RAG app. It contains a ChatModel, Vector database, and a Prompt. The ChatModel is also another weave.Model which contains the code to download an artifact from the W&B Registry and it can change to support any other chat model as part of the RagModel. For more details see the complete model on Weave.

1. Setup

First, install weave and wandb, then log in with an API key. You can create and view your API keys at

pip install weave wandb
import wandb
import weave
import pandas as pd

PROJECT = "weave-cookboook-demo"
ENTITY = "wandb-smle"

weave.init(ENTITY + "/" + PROJECT)

2. Make ChatModel based on Artifact

Retrieve the fine-tuned chat model from the Registry and create a weave.Model from it to directly plug into the RagModel in the next step. It takes in the same parameters as the existing ChatModel just the init and predict change.

pip install unsloth
pip uninstall unsloth -y && pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir "unsloth[colab-new] @ git+"

The model team fine-tuned different Llama-3.2 models using the unsloth library to make it faster. Hence use the special unsloth.FastLanguageModel or peft.AutoPeftModelForCausalLM models with adapters to load in the model once downloaded from the Registry. Copy the loading code from the "Use" tab in the Registry and paste it into model_post_init.

import weave
from pydantic import PrivateAttr
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
import torch

class UnslothLoRAChatModel(weave.Model):
Define an extra ChatModel class to store and version more parameters than just the model name.
This enables fine-tuning on specific parameters.

chat_model: str
cm_temperature: float
cm_max_new_tokens: int
cm_quantize: bool
inference_batch_size: int
dtype: Any
device: str
_model: Any = PrivateAttr()
_tokenizer: Any = PrivateAttr()

def model_post_init(self, __context):
# paste this from the "Use" tab from the registry
run = wandb.init(project=PROJECT, job_type="model_download")
artifact = run.use_artifact(f"{self.chat_model}")
model_path =

# unsloth version (enable native 2x faster inference)
self._model, self._tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(

async def predict(self, query: List[str]) -> dict:
# add_generation_prompt = true - Must add for generation
input_ids = self._tokenizer.apply_chat_template(

output_ids = self._model.generate(

decoded_outputs = self._tokenizer.batch_decode(
output_ids[0][input_ids.shape[1] :], skip_special_tokens=True

return "".join(decoded_outputs).strip()

Now create a new model with a specific link from the registry:

MODEL_REG_URL = "wandb32/wandb-registry-RAG Chat Models/Finetuned Llama-3.2:v3"

max_seq_length = 2048
dtype = None
load_in_4bit = True

new_chat_model = UnslothLoRAChatModel(

And finally run the evaluation asynchronously:

await new_chat_model.predict(
[{"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of Germany?"}]

3. Integrate new ChatModel version into RagModel

Building a RAG app from a fine-tuned chat model can provide several advantages, particularly in enhancing the performance and versatility of conversational AI systems.

Now retrieve the RagModel (you can fetch the weave ref for the current RagModel from the use tab as shown in the image below) from the existing Weave project and exchange the ChatModel to the new one. There is no need to change or re-create any of the other components (VDB, prompts, etc.)!

Weights & Biases
pip install litellm faiss-gpu
RagModel = weave.ref(
# MAGIC: exchange chat_model and publish new version (no need to worry about other RAG components)
RagModel.chat_model = new_chat_model
# First publish the new version so that it is referenced during predictions
PUB_REFERENCE = weave.publish(RagModel, "RagModel")
await RagModel.predict("When was the first conference on climate change?")

4. Run new weave.Evaluation connecting to the existing models run

Finally, evaluate the new RagModel on the existing weave.Evaluation. To make the integration as easy as possible, include the following changes.

From a Models perspective:

  • Getting the model from the registry creates a new which is part of the E2E lineage of the chat model
  • Add the Trace ID (with current eval ID) to the run config so that the model team can click the link to go to the corresponding Weave page

From a Weave perspective:

  • Save the artifact / registry link as input to the ChatModel (that is RagModel)
  • Save the as extra column in the traces with weave.attributes
# MAGIC: get an evaluation with a eval dataset and scorers and use them
WEAVE_EVAL = "weave:///wandb-smle/weave-cookboook-demo/object/climate_rag_eval:ntRX6qn3Tx6w3UEVZXdhIh1BWGh7uXcQpOQnIuvnSgo"
climate_rag_eval = weave.ref(WEAVE_EVAL).get()

with weave.attributes({"wandb-run-id":}):
# use .call attribute to retrieve both the result and the call in order to save eval trace to Models
summary, call = await, `RagModel`)

5. Save the new RAG model on the Registry

In order to effectively share the new RAG Model, push it to the Registry as a reference artifact adding in the weave version as an alias.

MODELS_OBJECT_VERSION = PUB_REFERENCE.digest  # weave object version
MODELS_OBJECT_NAME = # weave object name

models_url = f"{ENTITY}/{PROJECT}/weave/objects/{MODELS_OBJECT_NAME}/versions/{MODELS_OBJECT_VERSION}"
models_link = (

with wandb.init(project=PROJECT, entity=ENTITY) as run:
# create new Artifact
artifact_model = wandb.Artifact(
description="Models Link from RagModel in Weave",
metadata={"url": models_url},
artifact_model.add_reference(models_link, name="model", checksum=False)

# log new artifact
run.log_artifact(artifact_model, aliases=[MODELS_OBJECT_VERSION])

# link to registry
artifact_model, target_path="wandb32/wandb-registry-RAG Models/RAG Model"
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