The following support questions are tagged with Academic. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
Accurately credit all contributors in your report by adding multiple authors.
To add multiple authors, click on the + icon next to the name of the author. This will open a drop-down menu with all the users who have access to the report. Select the users you want to add as authors.
3 - Administrator
The following support questions are tagged with Administrator. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Anonymous. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Artifacts. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
8 - Best practices to organize hyperparameter searches
Set unique tags with wandb.init(tags='your_tag'). This allows efficient filtering of project runs by selecting the corresponding tag in a Project Page’s Runs Table.
For more information on, see the documentation.
9 - Billing
The following support questions are tagged with Billing. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
11 - Can I group runs without using the "Group" feature?
Yes, you can also use tags or custom metadata to categorize runs. That can be done using the Group button which is available in the Workspace and Runs views of the project.
12 - Can I just log metrics, no code or dataset examples?
By default, W&B does not log dataset examples. By default, W&B logs code and system metrics.
Two methods exist to turn off code logging with environment variables:
Set WANDB_DISABLE_CODE to true to turn off all code tracking. This action prevents retrieval of the git SHA and the diff patch.
Set WANDB_IGNORE_GLOBS to *.patch to stop syncing the diff patch to the servers, while keeping it available locally for application with wandb restore.
As an administrator, you can also turn off code saving for your team in your team’s settings:
Navigate to the settings of your team at<team>/settings. Where <team> is the name of your team.
Scroll to the Privacy section.
Toggle Enable code saving by default.
13 - Can I just set the run name to the run ID?
Yes. To overwrite the run name with the run ID, use the following code snippet:
14 - Can I log metrics on two different time scales?
For example, I want to log training accuracy per batch and validation accuracy per epoch.
Yes, log indices like batch and epoch alongside your metrics. Use wandb.log({'train_accuracy': 0.9, 'batch': 200}) in one step and wandb.log({'val_accuracy': 0.8, 'epoch': 4}) in another. In the UI, set the desired value as the x-axis for each chart. To set a default x-axis for a specific index, use Run.define_metric(). For the example provided, use the following code:
If a grid search completes but some W&B Runs need re-execution due to crashes, delete the specific W&B Runs to re-run. Then, select the Resume button on the sweep control page. Start new W&B Sweep agents using the new Sweep ID.
W&B Run parameter combinations that completed are not re-executed.
16 - Can I run wandb offline?
If training occurs on an offline machine, use the following steps to upload results to the servers:
Set the environment variable WANDB_MODE=offline to save metrics locally without an internet connection.
When ready to upload, run wandb init in your directory to set the project name.
Use wandb sync YOUR_RUN_DIRECTORY to transfer metrics to the cloud service and access results in the hosted web app.
To confirm the run is offline, check run.settings._offline or run.settings.mode after executing wandb.init().
17 - Can I turn off wandb when testing my code?
Use wandb.init(mode="disabled") or set WANDB_MODE=disabled to configure W&B as a no-operation (NOOP) for testing purposes.
Using wandb.init(mode="disabled") does not prevent W&B from saving artifacts to WANDB_CACHE_DIR.
18 - Can I use Markdown in my reports?
Yes. Type “/mark” anywhere in the document and press enter to insert a Markdown block. This allows editing with Markdown as before.
19 - Can I use Sweeps and SageMaker?
To authenticate W&B, complete the following steps: create a requirements.txt file if using a built-in Amazon SageMaker estimator. For details on authentication and setting up the requirements.txt file, refer to the SageMaker integration guide.
Find a complete example on GitHub and additional insights on our blog.
Access the tutorial for deploying a sentiment analyzer using SageMaker and W&B.
20 - Can W&B team members see my data?
Key engineers and support staff at W&B access logged values for debugging purposes with user permission. All data stores encrypt data at rest, and audit logs record access. For complete data security from W&B employees, license the self-hosted solution to run a W&B server within your own infrastructure.
21 - Can we flag boolean variables as hyperparameters?
Use the ${args_no_boolean_flags} macro in the command section of the configuration to pass hyperparameters as boolean flags. This macro automatically includes boolean parameters as flags. If param is True, the command receives --param. If param is False, the flag is omitted.
22 - Can you group runs by tags?
A run can have multiple tags, so grouping by tags is not supported. Add a value to the config object for these runs and group by this config value instead. This can be accomplished using the API.
23 - Can you use W&B Sweeps with cloud infrastructures such as AWS Batch, ECS, etc.?
To publish the sweep_id so that any W&B Sweep agent can access it, implement a method for these agents to read and execute the sweep_id.
For example, launch an Amazon EC2 instance and execute wandb agent on it. Use an SQS queue to broadcast the sweep_id to multiple EC2 instances. Each instance can then retrieve the sweep_id from the queue and initiate the process.
24 - Charts
The following support questions are tagged with Charts. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Connectivity. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Crashing And Hanging Runs. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
No. Run Finished alerts (activated with the Run Finished setting in User Settings) operate only with Python scripts and remain turned off in Jupyter Notebook environments to avoid notifications for each cell execution.
Use wandb.alert() in notebook environments instead.
28 - Do environment variables overwrite the parameters passed to wandb.init()?
Arguments passed to wandb.init override environment variables. To set a default directory other than the system default when the environment variable isn’t set, use wandb.init(dir=os.getenv("WANDB_DIR", my_default_override)).
29 - Do I need to provide values for all hyperparameters as part of the W&B Sweep. Can I set defaults?
Access hyperparameter names and values from the sweep configuration using wandb.config, which acts like a dictionary.
For runs outside a sweep, set wandb.config values by passing a dictionary to the config argument in wandb.init. In a sweep, any configuration supplied to wandb.init serves as a default value, which the sweep can override.
Use config.setdefaults for explicit behavior. The following code snippets illustrate both methods:
# Set default values for hyperparametersconfig_defaults = {"lr": 0.1, "batch_size": 256}
# Start a run and provide defaults# that a sweep can overridewith wandb.init(config=config_defaults) as run:
# Add training code here...
# Set default values for hyperparametersconfig_defaults = {"lr": 0.1, "batch_size": 256}
# Start a runwith wandb.init() as run:
# Update any values not set by the sweep run.config.setdefaults(config_defaults)
# Add training code here
30 - Do you have a bug bounty program?
Weights and Biases has a bug bounty program. Access the security portal for details:
31 - Does logging block my training?
“Is the logging function lazy? I don’t want to depend on the network to send results to your servers while executing local operations.”
The wandb.log function writes a line to a local file and does not block network calls. When calling wandb.init, a new process starts on the same machine. This process listens for filesystem changes and communicates with the web service asynchronously, allowing local operations to continue uninterrupted.
32 - Does the W&B client support Python 2?
The W&B client library supported both Python 2.7 and Python 3 through version 0.10. Support for Python 2.7 discontinued with version 0.11 due to Python 2’s end of life. Running pip install --upgrade wandb on a Python 2.7 system installs only new releases of the 0.10.x series. Support for the 0.10.x series includes critical bug fixes and patches only. The last version of the 0.10.x series that supports Python 2.7 is 0.10.33.
33 - Does the W&B client support Python 3.5?
The W&B client library supported Python 3.5 until version 0.11. Support for Python 3.5 ended with version 0.12, which aligns with its end of life. For more details, visit version 0.12 release notes.
34 - Does this only work for Python?
The library supports Python 2.7 and later, as well as Python 3.6 and later. The architecture facilitates integration with other programming languages. For monitoring other languages, contact
35 - Does W&B support SSO for Multi-tenant?
W&B supports Single Sign-On (SSO) for the Multi-tenant offering through Auth0. SSO integration is compatible with any OIDC-compliant identity provider, such as Okta or Azure AD. To configure an OIDC provider, follow these steps:
Create a Single Page Application (SPA) on the identity provider.
Set the grant_type to implicit flow.
Set the callback URI to
Requirements for W&B
After completing the setup, contact the customer success manager (CSM) with the Client ID and Issuer URL for the application. W&B will establish an Auth0 connection using these details and enable SSO.
36 - Does W&B use the `multiprocessing` library?
Yes, W&B uses the multiprocessing library. An error message like the following indicates a possible issue:
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process
has finished its bootstrapping phase.
To resolve this, add an entry point protection with if __name__ == "__main__":. This protection is necessary when running W&B directly from the script.
37 - Does your tool track or store training data?
Pass a SHA or unique identifier to wandb.config.update(...) to associate a dataset with a training run. W&B stores no data unless is called with the local file name.
38 - Embedding Reports
You can share your report by embedding it. Click the Share button at the top right of your report, then copy the embedded code from the bottom of the pop-up window.
39 - Environment Variables
The following support questions are tagged with Environment Variables. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Experiments. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
Use the search bar to filter the reports list. Select an unwanted report to delete it individually, or select all reports and click ‘Delete Reports’ to remove them from the project.
42 - How can I access the data logged to my runs directly and programmatically?
The history object tracks metrics logged with wandb.log. Access the history object using the API:
api = wandb.Api()
run ="username/project/run_id")
48 - How can I compare images or media across epochs or steps?
Expand the image panel and use the step slider to navigate through images from different steps. This process facilitates comparison of a model’s output changes during training.
49 - How can I configure the name of the run in my training code?
At the beginning of the training script, call wandb.init with an experiment name. For example: wandb.init(name="my_awesome_run").
50 - How can I define the local location for `wandb` files?
WANDB_DIR=<path> or wandb.init(dir=<path>): Controls the location of the wandb folder created for your training script. Defaults to ./wandb. This folder stores Run’s data and logs
WANDB_ARTIFACT_DIR=<path> or wandb.Artifact().download(root="<path>"): Controls the location where artifacts are downloaded. Defaults to ./artifacts
WANDB_CACHE_DIR=<path>: This is the location where artifacts are created and stored when you call wandb.Artifact. Defaults to ~/.cache/wandb
WANDB_CONFIG_DIR=<path>: Where config files are stored. Defaults to ~/.config/wandb
WANDB_DATA_DIR=<PATH>: Controls the location used for staging artifacts during upload. Defaults to ~/.cache/wandb-data/.
51 - How can I delete multiple runs in bulk instead of one at a time?
Use the public API to delete multiple runs in a single operation:
import wandb
api = wandb.Api()
runs = api.runs('<entity>/<project>')
for run in runs:
52 - How can I delete my user account?
Delete your user account by clicking Delete account in your user settings. Note that this action is irreversible and it takes effect immediately.
53 - How can I disable logging of system metrics to W&B?
To disable logging of system metrics, set _disable_stats to True:
54 - How can I fetch these Version IDs and ETags in W&B?
If an artifact reference is logged with W&B and versioning is enabled on the buckets, the version IDs appear in the Amazon S3 UI. To retrieve these version IDs and ETags in W&B, fetch the artifact and access the corresponding manifest entries. For example:
artifact = run.use_artifact("my_table:latest")
for entry in artifact.manifest.entries.values():
versionID = entry.extra.get("versionID")
etag = entry.extra.get("etag")
55 - How can I find the artifacts logged or consumed by a run? How can I find the runs that produced or consumed an artifact?
W&B tracks artifacts logged by each run and those used by each run to construct an artifact graph. This graph is a bipartite, directed, acyclic graph with nodes representing runs and artifacts. An example can be viewed here (click “Explode” to expand the graph).
Use the Public API to navigate the graph programmatically, starting from either an artifact or a run.
api = wandb.Api()
artifact = api.artifact("project/artifact:alias")
# Walk up the graph from an artifact:producer_run = artifact.logged_by()
# Walk down the graph from an artifact:consumer_runs = artifact.used_by()
# Walk down the graph from a run:next_artifacts = consumer_runs[0].logged_artifacts()
# Walk up the graph from a run:previous_artifacts = producer_run.used_artifacts()
api = wandb.Api()
run ="entity/project/run_id")
# Walk down the graph from a run:produced_artifacts = run.logged_artifacts()
# Walk up the graph from a run:consumed_artifacts = run.used_artifacts()
# Walk up the graph from an artifact:earlier_run = consumed_artifacts[0].logged_by()
# Walk down the graph from an artifact:consumer_runs = produced_artifacts[0].used_by()
56 - How can I fix an error like `AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute ...`?
If you encounter an error like AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'init' or AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'login' when importing wandb in Python, wandb is not installed or the installation is corrupted, but a wandb directory exists in the current working directory. To fix this error, uninstall wandb, delete the directory, then install wandb:
57 - How can I log a metric that doesn't change over time such as a final evaluation accuracy?
Using wandb.log({'final_accuracy': 0.9}) updates the final accuracy correctly. By default, wandb.log({'final_accuracy': <value>}) updates wandb.settings['final_accuracy'], which reflects the value in the runs table.
58 - How can I log additional metrics after a run completes?
There are several ways to manage experiments.
For complex workflows, use multiple runs and set the group parameters in wandb.init to a unique value for all processes within a single experiment. The Runs tab will group the table by group ID, ensuring that visualizations function properly. This approach enables concurrent experiments and training runs while logging results in one location.
For simpler workflows, call wandb.init with resume=True and id=UNIQUE_ID, then call wandb.init again with the same id=UNIQUE_ID. Log normally with wandb.log or wandb.summary, and the run values will update accordingly.
Set the --host flag of wandb login to the Server URL.
60 - How can I make my project public?
To make a project public, follow these steps:
Access the project page in the Weights & Biases web app.
Click the lock icon in the navigation bar to open privacy settings.
Choose “Public” to allow visibility for anyone.
Save the changes.
If the “Public” option is not available due to restrictions, consider the following options:
Share a view-only link via a report.
Contact the organization’s admin for assistance.
Check account settings to confirm permission for public projects.
61 - How can I organize my logged charts and media in the W&B UI?
The / character separates logged panels in the W&B UI. By default, the segment of the logged item’s name before the / defines a group of panels known as a “Panel Section.”
In the Workspace settings, adjust the grouping of panels based on either the first segment or all segments separated by /.
62 - How can I overwrite the logs from previous steps?
To overwrite logs from previous steps, use forking and rewind.
63 - How can I recover deleted runs?
To recover deleted runs, complete the following steps:
Navigate to the Project Overview page.
Click the three dots in the top right corner.
Select Undelete recently deleted runs.
You can only restore runs deleted within the last 7 days.
You can manually upload logs using the W&B API if undelete is not an option.
64 - How can I regain access to my account if I cannot receive a password reset email?
To regain access to an account when unable to receive a password reset email:
Check Spam or Junk Folders: Ensure the email is not filtered there.
Verify Email: Confirm the correct email associated with the account.
Check for SSO Options: Use services like “Sign in with Google” if available.
Contact Support: If issues persist, reach out to support ( and provide your username and email for assistance.
65 - How can I remove projects from a team space without admin privileges?
To remove projects from a team space without admin privileges, follow these options:
Request that a current admin remove the projects.
Ask the admin to grant temporary access for project management.
If unable to contact the admin, reach out to a billing admin or another authorized user in your organization for assistance.
66 - How can I resolve login issues with my account?
To resolve login issues, follow these steps:
Verify access: Confirm you are using the correct email or username and check membership in relevant teams or projects.
Browser troubleshooting:
Use an incognito window to avoid cached data interference.
Clear the browser cache.
Attempt to log in from a different browser or device.
SSO and permissions:
Verify the identity provider (IdP) and Single Sign-On (SSO) settings.
If using SSO, confirm inclusion in the appropriate SSO group.
Technical problems:
Take note of specific error messages for further troubleshooting.
Contact the support team for additional assistance if issues persist.
67 - How can I resolve the Filestream rate limit exceeded error?
To resolve the “Filestream rate limit exceeded” error in Weights & Biases (W&B), follow these steps:
Optimize logging:
Reduce logging frequency or batch logs to decrease API requests.
Stagger experiment start times to avoid simultaneous API requests.
Check for outages:
Verify that the issue does not arise from a temporary server-side problem by checking W&B status updates.
Contact support:
Reach out to W&B support ( with details of the experimental setup to request an increase in rate limits.
68 - How can I resume a sweep using Python code?
To resume a sweep, pass the sweep_id to the wandb.agent() function.
import wandb
sweep_id ="your_sweep_id"deftrain():
# Training code herepasswandb.agent(sweep_id=sweep_id, function=train)
69 - How can I rotate or revoke access?
Personal and service account keys can be rotated or revoked. Create a new API key or service account user, then reconfigure scripts to use the new key. After reconfiguration, remove the old API key from your profile or team.
70 - How can I save the git commit associated with my run?
When wandb.init is invoked, the system automatically collects git information, including the remote repository link and the SHA of the latest commit. This information appears on the run page. Ensure the current working directory when executing the script is within a git-managed folder to view this information.
The git commit and the command used to run the experiment remain visible to the user but are hidden from external users. In public projects, these details remain private.
71 - How can I see files that do not appear in the Files tab?
The Files tab shows a maximum of 10,000 files. To download all files, use the public API:
import wandb
api = wandb.Api()
run ='<entity>/<project>/<run_id>')
for f in run.files():
72 - How can I see the bytes stored, bytes tracked and tracked hours of my organization?
View the bytes stored, bytes tracked, and tracked hours for your organization within organization settings:
Navigate to your organization’s settings at<organization-name>/settings.
Select the Billing tab.
Within the Usage this billing period section, select View usage button.
Ensure to replace values enclosed in <> with your organization’s name.
73 - How can I send run alerts to Microsoft Teams?
To receive W&B alerts in Teams, follow these steps:
Set up an email address for your Teams channel. Create an email address for the Teams channel where you want to receive alerts.
Forward W&B alert emails to the Teams channel’s email address. Configure W&B to send alerts via email, then forward these emails to your Teams channel’s email.
74 - How can I use wandb with multiprocessing, e.g. distributed training?
If a training program uses multiple processes, structure the program to avoid making wandb method calls from processes without wandb.init().
Manage multiprocess training using these approaches:
Call wandb.init in all processes and use the group keyword argument to create a shared group. Each process will have its own wandb run, and the UI will group the training processes together.
Call wandb.init from only one process and pass data to log through multiprocessing queues.
Refer to the Distributed Training Guide for detailed explanations of these approaches, including code examples with Torch DDP.
75 - How do I add Plotly or Bokeh Charts into Tables?
Direct integration of Plotly or Bokeh figures into tables is not supported. Instead, export the figures to HTML and include the HTML in the table. Below are examples demonstrating this with interactive Plotly and Bokeh charts.
import wandb
import as px
# Initialize a new runrun = wandb.init(project="log-plotly-fig-tables", name="plotly_html")
# Create a tabletable = wandb.Table(columns=["plotly_figure"])
# Define path for Plotly figurepath_to_plotly_html ="./plotly_figure.html"# Create a Plotly figurefig = px.scatter(x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], y=[0, 1, 4, 9, 16])
# Export Plotly figure to HTML# Setting auto_play to False prevents animated Plotly charts from playing automaticallyfig.write_html(path_to_plotly_html, auto_play=False)
# Add Plotly figure as HTML file to the tabletable.add_data(wandb.Html(path_to_plotly_html))
# Log Tablerun.log({"test_table": table})
76 - How do I best log models from runs in a sweep?
One effective approach for logging models in a sweep involves creating a model artifact for the sweep. Each version represents a different run from the sweep. Implement it as follows:
Provide the organization name, email associated with the account, and username.
78 - How do I change my billing address?
To change the billing address, contact the support team (
79 - How do I deal with network issues?
If you encounter SSL or network errors, such as wandb: Network error (ConnectionError), entering retry loop, use the following solutions:
Upgrade the SSL certificate. On an Ubuntu server, run update-ca-certificates. A valid SSL certificate is essential for syncing training logs to mitigate security risks.
If the network connection is unstable, operate in offline mode by setting the optional environment variableWANDB_MODE to offline, and sync files later from a device with Internet access.
Consider using W&B Private Hosting, which runs locally and avoids syncing to cloud servers.
For the SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error, this issue might stem from a company firewall. Configure local CAs and execute:
Select the panel grid and press delete or backspace. Click the drag handle in the top-right corner to select the panel grid.
81 - How do I delete a team from my account?
To delete a team from an account:
Access team settings as an admin.
Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
82 - How do I delete my organization account?
To delete an organization account, follow these steps, contact the support team (
83 - How do I downgrade my subscription plan?
To downgrade a subscription plan, contact the support team at with your current plan details and the desired plan.
84 - How do I enable code logging with Sweeps?
To enable code logging for sweeps, add wandb.log_code() after initializing the W&B Run. This action is necessary even when code logging is enabled in the W&B profile settings. For advanced code logging, refer to the docs for wandb.log_code() here.
85 - How do I export a list of users from my W&B Organisation?
To export a list of users from a W&B organization, an admin uses the SCIM API with the following code:
import base64
import requests
defencode_base64(username, key):
auth_string =f'{username}:{key}'return base64.b64encode(auth_string.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
username =''# Organization admin usernamekey =''# API keyscim_base_url =''users_endpoint =f'{scim_base_url}/Users'headers = {
'Authorization': f'Basic {encode_base64(username, key)}',
'Content-Type': 'application/scim+json'}
response = requests.get(users_endpoint, headers=headers)
users = []
for user in response.json()['Resources']:
users.append([user['userName'], user['emails']['Value']])
Modify the script to save the output as needed.
86 - How do I find an artifact from the best run in a sweep?
To retrieve artifacts from the best performing run in a sweep, use the following code:
api = wandb.Api()
sweep = api.sweep("entity/project/sweep_id")
runs = sorted(sweep.runs, key=lambda run: run.summary.get("val_acc", 0), reverse=True)
best_run = runs[0]
for artifact in best_run.logged_artifacts():
artifact_path =
87 - How do I find my API key?
To find your API key for Weights and Biases (W&B):
Click your user profile in the upper right corner.
Select “User Settings.”
Scroll to the “Danger Zone” section.
Click “Reveal” next to “API Keys.”
88 - How do I fix the "overflows maximum values of a signed 64 bits integer" error?
To resolve this error, add ?workspace=clear to the end of the URL and press Enter. This action directs you to a cleared version of the project page workspace.
89 - How do I fix the error `resume='must' but run (<run_id>) doesn't exist`?
If you encounter the error resume='must' but run (<run_id>) doesn't exist, the run you are attempting to resume does not exist within the project or entity. Ensure that you are logged in to the correct instance and that the project and entity are set:
Contact a team admin or someone with administrative privileges to request an invite.
Check your email for the invitation, and follow the instructions to join the team.
91 - How do I get the random run name in my script?
Call to save the current run. Retrieve the name using
92 - How do I handle the 'Failed to query for notebook' error?
If you encounter the error message "Failed to query for notebook name, you can set it manually with the WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME environment variable," resolve it by setting the environment variable. Multiple methods accomplish this:
%env "WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME""notebook name here"
import os
os.environ["WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME"] ="notebook name here"
93 - How do I insert a table?
Tables remain the only feature from Markdown without a direct WYSIWYG equivalent. To add a table, insert a Markdown block and create the table inside it.
94 - How do I install the wandb Python library in environments without gcc?
If an error occurs when installing wandb that states:
unable to execute 'gcc': No such file or directory
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
Occasionally, it is necessary to mark an artifact as the output of a previously logged run. In this case, reinitialize the old run and log new artifacts as follows:
with wandb.init(id="existing_run_id", resume="allow") as run:
artifact = wandb.Artifact("artifact_name", "artifact_type")
99 - How do I log runs launched by continuous integration or internal tools?
To launch automated tests or internal tools that log to W&B, create a Service Account on the team settings page. This action allows the use of a service API key for automated jobs, including those running through continuous integration. To attribute service account jobs to a specific user, set the WANDB_USERNAME or WANDB_USER_EMAIL environment variables.
100 - How do I log to the right wandb user on a shared machine?
When using a shared machine, ensure that runs log to the correct WandB account by setting the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable for authentication. If sourced in the environment, this variable provides the correct credentials upon login. Alternatively, set the environment variable directly in the script.
Execute the command export WANDB_API_KEY=X, replacing X with your API key. Logged-in users can find their API key at
101 - How do I plot multiple lines on a plot with a legend?
Create a multi-line custom chart with wandb.plot.line_series(). Navigate to the project page to view the line chart. To add a legend, include the keys argument in wandb.plot.line_series(). For example:
Use save_code=True in wandb.init to save the main script or notebook that launches the run. To save all code for a run, version the code with Artifacts. The following example demonstrates this process:
109 - How do I set a retention or expiration policy on my artifact?
To manage artifacts that contain sensitive data or to schedule the deletion of artifact versions, set a TTL (time-to-live) policy. For detailed instructions, refer to the TTL guide.
110 - How do I silence W&B info messages?
To suppress log messages in your notebook such as this:
INFO SenderThread:11484 []
Set the log level to logging.ERROR to only show errors, suppressing output of info-level log output.
To turn off log output completely, set the WANDB_SILENT environment variable. This must occur in a notebook cell before running wandb.login:
import os
os.environ["WANDB_SILENT"] ="True"
111 - How do I stop wandb from writing to my terminal or my Jupyter notebook output?
Set the environment variable WANDB_SILENT to true.
os.environ["WANDB_SILENT"] ="true"
%env WANDB_SILENT=true
112 - How do I switch between accounts on the same machine?
To manage two W&B accounts from the same machine, store both API keys in a file. Use the following code in your repositories to switch between keys securely, preventing secret keys from being checked into source control.
if os.path.exists("~/keys.json"):
os.environ["WANDB_API_KEY"] = json.loads("~/keys.json")["work_account"]
113 - How do I turn off logging?
The command wandb offline sets the environment variable WANDB_MODE=offline, preventing data from syncing to the remote W&B server. This action affects all projects, stopping the logging of data to W&B servers.
To suppress warning messages, use the following code:
114 - How do I use custom CLI commands with sweeps?
You can use W&B Sweeps with custom CLI commands if training configuration passes command-line arguments.
In the example below, the code snippet illustrates a bash terminal where a user trains a Python script named, providing values that the script parses:
115 - How do I use the resume parameter when resuming a run in W&B?
To use the resume parameter in W&B , set the resume argument in wandb.init() with entity, project, and id specified. The resume argument accepts values of "must" or "allow".
run = wandb.init(entity="your-entity", project="your-project", id="your-run-id", resume="must")
116 - How do we update our payment method?
To update your payment method, follow these steps:
Go to your profile page: First, navigate to your user profile page.
Select your Organization: Choose the relevant organization from the Account selector.
Access Billing settings: Under Account, select Billing.
Add a new payment method:
Click Add payment method.
Enter your new card details and select the option to make it your primary payment method.
Note: To manage billing, you must be assigned as the billing admin for your organization.
117 - How do you delete a custom chart preset?
Access the custom chart editor. Click on the currently selected chart type to open a menu displaying all presets. Hover over the preset to delete, then click the Trash icon.
118 - How do you show a "step slider" in a custom chart?
Enable this option on the “Other settings” page of the custom chart editor. Changing the query to use a historyTable instead of a summaryTable provides the option to “Show step selector” in the custom chart editor. This feature includes a slider for selecting the step.
119 - How does someone without an account see run results?
If someone runs the script with anonymous="allow":
Auto-create temporary account: W&B checks for a signed-in account. If none exists, W&B creates a new anonymous account and saves the API key for that session.
Log results quickly: Users can repeatedly run the script and instantly view results in the W&B dashboard. These unclaimed anonymous runs remain available for 7 days.
Claim data when it’s useful: Once a user identifies valuable results in W&B, they can click a button in the banner at the top of the page to save their run data to a real account. Without claiming, the run data deletes after 7 days.
Anonymous run links are sensitive. These links permit anyone to view and claim experiment results for 7 days, so share links only with trusted individuals. For publicly sharing results while hiding the author’s identity, contact for assistance.
When a W&B user finds and runs the script, their results log correctly to their account, just like a normal run.
120 - How does wandb stream logs and writes to disk?
W&B queues events in memory and writes them to disk asynchronously to manage failures and support the WANDB_MODE=offline configuration, allowing synchronization after logging.
In the terminal, observe the path to the local run directory. This directory includes a .wandb file, which serves as the datastore. For image logging, W&B stores images in the media/images subdirectory before uploading them to cloud storage.
121 - How is W&B different from TensorBoard?
W&B integrates with TensorBoard and improves experiment tracking tools. The founders created W&B to address common frustrations faced by TensorBoard users. Key improvements include:
Model Reproducibility: W&B facilitates experimentation, exploration, and model reproduction. It captures metrics, hyperparameters, code versions, and saves model checkpoints to ensure reproducibility.
Automatic Organization: W&B streamlines project handoffs and vacations by providing an overview of all attempted models, which saves time by preventing the re-execution of old experiments.
Quick Integration: Integrate W&B into your project in five minutes. Install the free open-source Python package and add a few lines of code. Logged metrics and records appear with each model run.
Centralized Dashboard: Access a consistent dashboard regardless of where training occurs—locally, on lab clusters, or cloud spot instances. Eliminate the need to manage TensorBoard files across different machines.
Robust Filtering Table: Search, filter, sort, and group results from various models efficiently. Easily identify the best-performing models for different tasks, an area where TensorBoard often struggles with larger projects.
Collaboration Tools: W&B enhances collaboration for complex machine learning projects. Share project links and utilize private teams for result sharing. Create reports with interactive visualizations and markdown descriptions for work logs or presentations.
122 - How many runs can I create per project?
Limit each project to approximately 10,000 runs for optimal performance.
123 - How much storage does each artifact version use?
Only files that change between two artifact versions incur storage costs.
Consider an image artifact named animals that contains two image files, cat.png and dog.png:
|-- cat.png (2MB) # Added in `v0`
|-- dog.png (1MB) # Added in `v0`
This artifact receives version v0.
When adding a new image, rat.png, a new artifact version, v1, is created with the following contents:
|-- cat.png (2MB) # Added in `v0`
|-- dog.png (1MB) # Added in `v0`
|-- rat.png (3MB) # Added in `v1`
Version v1 tracks a total of 6MB, but occupies only 3MB of space since it shares the remaining 3MB with v0. Deleting v1 reclaims the 3MB of storage associated with rat.png. Deleting v0 transfers the storage costs of cat.png and dog.png to v1, increasing its storage size to 6MB.
124 - How often are system metrics collected?
Metrics collect by default every 10 seconds. For higher resolution metrics, email
125 - How should I run sweeps on SLURM?
When using sweeps with the SLURM scheduling system, run wandb agent --count 1 SWEEP_ID in each scheduled job. This command executes a single training job and then exits, facilitating runtime predictions for resource requests while leveraging the parallelism of hyperparameter searches.
126 - How to get multiple charts with different selected runs?
With W&B Reports, follow these steps:
Create multiple panel grids.
Apply filters to select the desired run sets for each panel grid.
Generate the desired charts within the panel grids.
127 - Hyperparameter
The following support questions are tagged with Hyperparameter. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
128 - I converted my report to WYSIWYG but want to revert back to Markdown
If the report conversion occurred through the message at the top, click the red “Revert” button to restore the prior state. Note that any changes made after conversion will be lost.
If a single Markdown block was converted, use cmd+z to undo.
If options to revert are unavailable because of a closed session, consider discarding the draft or editing from the last saved version. If neither works, contact W&B Support.
129 - I didn't name my run. Where is the run name coming from?
If a run is not explicitly named, W&B assigns a random name to identify it in your project. Examples of random names are pleasant-flower-4 and `misunderstood-glade-2.
130 - If I am the admin of my local instance, how should I manage it?
If you are the admin for your instance, review the User Management section for instructions on adding users and creating teams.
131 - If wandb crashes, will it possibly crash my training run?
It is critical to avoid interference with training runs. W&B operates in a separate process, ensuring that training continues even if W&B experiences a crash. In the event of an internet outage, W&B continually retries sending data to
132 - Incorporating LaTeX
LaTeX integrates seamlessly into reports. To add LaTeX, create a new report and begin typing in the rich text area to write notes and save custom visualizations and tables.
On a new line, press / and navigate to the inline equations tab to insert LaTeX content.
133 - InitStartError: Error communicating with wandb process
This error indicates that the library encounters an issue launching the process that synchronizes data to the server.
The following workarounds resolve the issue in specific environments:
134 - Is it possible to add the same service account to multiple teams?
A service account cannot be added to multiple teams in W&B. Each service account is tied to a specific team.
135 - Is it possible to change the group assigned to a run after completion?
You can change the group assigned to a completed run using the API. This feature does not appear in the web UI. Use the following code to update the group:
import wandb
api = wandb.Api()
run ="<ENTITY>/<PROJECT>/<RUN_ID>") ="NEW-GROUP-NAME"run.update()
136 - Is it possible to change the username?
Changing the username after account creation is not possible. Create a new account with the desired username instead.
137 - Is it possible to create a new account with an email that was previously used for a deleted account?
A new account can use an email previously associated with a deleted account.
138 - Is it possible to move a run from one project to another?
You can move a run from one project to another by following these steps:
Navigate to the project page with the run to be moved.
Click on the Runs tab to open the runs table.
Select the runs to move.
Click the Move button.
Choose the destination project and confirm the action.
W&B supports moving runs through the UI, but does not support copying runs. Artifacts logged with the runs do not transfer to the new project. To move artifacts to the run’s new location manually, you can use the wandb artifact get SDK command or the Api.artifact API to download the artifact, then use wandb artifact put or the Api.artifact API to upload it to the run’s new location.
139 - Is it possible to plot the max of a metric rather than plot step by step?
Create a scatter plot of the metric. Open the Edit menu and select Annotations. From there, plot the running maximum of the values.
140 - Is it possible to recover an artifact after it has been deleted with a run?
When deleting a run, a prompt asks whether to delete the associated artifacts. Choosing this option permanently removes the artifacts, making recovery impossible, even if the run itself is restored later.
141 - Is it possible to save metrics offline and sync them to W&B later?
By default, wandb.init starts a process that syncs metrics in real time to the cloud. For offline use, set two environment variables to enable offline mode and sync later.
Set the following environment variables:
WANDB_API_KEY=$KEY, where $KEY is the API Key from your settings page.
Here is an example of implementing this in a script:
import wandb
import os
os.environ["WANDB_API_KEY"] ="YOUR_KEY_HERE"os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] ="offline"config = {
"dataset": "CIFAR10",
"machine": "offline cluster",
"model": "CNN",
"learning_rate": 0.01,
"batch_size": 128,
for i in range(100):
wandb.log({"accuracy": i})
Sample terminal output is shown below:
After completing work, run the following command to sync data to the cloud:
wandb sync wandb/dryrun-folder-name
142 - Is there a dark mode?
Dark mode is in beta and not optimized for accessibility. To enable dark mode:
In UI Display, select Dark mode from the dropdown.
143 - Is there a monthly subscription option for the teams plan?
The Teams plan does not offer a monthly subscription option. This subscription is billed annually.
144 - Is there a W&B outage?
Check if the W&B multi-tenant cloud at is experiencing an outage by visiting the W&B status page at
145 - Is there a way to add extra values to a sweep, or do I need to start a new one?
Once a W&B Sweep starts, you cannot change the Sweep configuration. However, you can navigate to any table view, select runs using the checkboxes, and then choose the Create sweep menu option to generate a new Sweep configuration based on previous runs.
146 - Is there a way to add more seats?
To add more seats to an account, follow these steps:
Contact the Account Executive or support team ( for assistance.
Provide the organization name and the desired number of seats.
147 - Is there an anaconda package for Weights and Biases?
There is an anaconda package that is installable using either pip or conda. For conda, obtain the package from the conda-forge channel.
# Create a conda environmentconda create -n wandb-env python=3.8 anaconda
# Activate the environmentconda activate wandb-env
# Install wandb using pippip install wandb
The following support questions are tagged with Metrics. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
150 - My report is running slowly after the change to WYSIWYG
Performance issues may arise on older hardware or with very large reports. To mitigate this, collapse sections of the report that are not currently in use.
151 - My report looks different after converting from Markdown.
The goal is to maintain the original appearance after transitioning to WYSIWYG, but the conversion process is not flawless. If significant discrepancies arise, report them for evaluation. Users can revert to the previous state until the editing session concludes.
152 - My run's state is `crashed` on the UI but is still running on my machine. What do I do to get my data back?
You likely lost connection to your machine during training. Recover data by running wandb sync [PATH_TO_RUN]. The path to your run is a folder in your wandb directory that matches the Run ID of the ongoing run.
153 - Notebooks
The following support questions are tagged with Notebooks. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
154 - On a local instance, which files should I check when I have issues?
Check the Debug Bundle. An admin can retrieve it from the /system-admin page by selecting the W&B icon in the top right corner and then choosing Debug Bundle.
155 - Optimizing multiple metrics
To optimize multiple metrics in a single run, use a weighted sum of the individual metrics.
The following support questions are tagged with Privacy. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Projects. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
Workspaces automatically load updated data. Auto-refresh does not apply to reports. Reload the page to refresh report data.
161 - Reports
The following support questions are tagged with Reports. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Resuming. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Security. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Storage. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Team Management. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Tensorboard. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
To upload a CSV to a report, use the wandb.Table format. Load the CSV in your Python script and log it as a wandb.Table object. This action renders the data as a table in the report.
171 - Upload an image to a report
Press / on a new line, scroll to the Image option, and drag and drop an image into the report.
172 - User Management
The following support questions are tagged with User Management. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
173 - Using artifacts with multiple architectures and runs?
There are various methods to version a model. Artifacts provide a tool for model versioning tailored to specific needs. A common approach for projects that explore multiple model architectures involves separating artifacts by architecture. Consider the following steps:
Create a new artifact for each distinct model architecture. Use the metadata attribute of artifacts to provide detailed descriptions of the architecture, similar to the use of config for a run.
For each model, log checkpoints periodically with log_artifact. W&B builds a history of these checkpoints, labeling the most recent one with the latest alias. Refer to the latest checkpoint for any model architecture using architecture-name:latest.
174 - What are features that are not available to anonymous users?
No persistent data: Runs save for 7 days in an anonymous account. Claim anonymous run data by saving it to a real account.
No artifact logging: A warning appears on the command line when attempting to log an artifact to an anonymous run:
wandb: WARNING Artifacts logged anonymously cannot be claimed and expire after 7 days.
No profile or settings pages: The UI does not include certain pages, as they are only useful for real accounts.
175 - What does wandb.init do to my training process?
When wandb.init() runs in a training script, an API call creates a run object on the servers. A new process starts to stream and collect metrics, allowing the primary process to function normally. The script writes to local files while the separate process streams data to the servers, including system metrics. To turn off streaming, run wandb off from the training directory or set the WANDB_MODE environment variable to offline.
176 - What formula do you use for your smoothing algorithm?
The exponential moving average formula aligns with the one used in TensorBoard.
Refer to this explanation on Stack OverFlow for details on the equivalent Python implementation. The source code to TensorBoard’s smoothing algorithm (as of this writing) can be found here.
177 - What happens if I edit my Python files while a sweep is running?
While a sweep is running:
If the script which the sweep uses changes, the sweep continues to use the original
If files that the script references change, such as helper functions in the script, the sweep begins to use the updated
178 - What happens if I pass a class attribute into wandb.log()?
Avoid passing class attributes into wandb.log(). Attributes may change before the network call executes. When storing metrics as class attributes, use a deep copy to ensure the logged metric matches the attribute’s value at the time of the wandb.log() call.
179 - What happens if internet connection is lost while I'm training a model?
If the library cannot connect to the internet, it enters a retry loop and continues to attempt to stream metrics until the network is restored. The program continues to run during this time.
To run on a machine without internet, set WANDB_MODE=offline. This configuration stores metrics locally on the hard drive. Later, call wandb sync DIRECTORY to stream the data to the server.
180 - What happens when I log millions of steps to W&B? How is that rendered in the browser?
The number of points sent affects the loading time of graphs in the UI. For lines exceeding 1,000 points, the backend samples the data down to 1,000 points before sending it to the browser. This sampling is nondeterministic, resulting in different sampled points upon page refresh.
Log fewer than 10,000 points per metric. Logging over 1 million points in a line significantly increases page load time. Explore strategies to minimize logging footprint without sacrificing accuracy in this Colab. With more than 500 columns of config and summary metrics, only 500 display in the table.
181 - What if I want to integrate W&B into my project, but I don't want to upload any images or media?
W&B supports projects that log only scalars by allowing explicit specification of files or data for upload. Refer to this example in PyTorch that demonstrates logging without using images.
182 - What if I want to log some metrics on batches and some metrics only on epochs?
To log specific metrics in each batch and standardize plots, log the desired x-axis values alongside the metrics. In the custom plots, click edit and select a custom x-axis.
183 - What is a service account, and why is it useful?
A service account (Enterprise-only feature) represents a non-human or machine user, which can automate common tasks across teams and projects or ones that are not specific to a particular human user. You can create a service account within a team and use its API key to read from and write to projects within that team.
Among other things, service accounts are useful for tracking automated jobs logged to wandb, like periodic retraining, nightly builds, and so on. If you’d like, you can associate a username with one of these machine-launched runs with the environment variablesWANDB_USERNAME or WANDB_USER_EMAIL.
You can get the API key for a service account in your team at <WANDB_HOST_URL>/<your-team-name>/service-accounts. Alternatively you can go to the Team settings for your team and then refer to the Service Accounts tab.
To create a new service account for your team:
Press the + New service account button in the Service Accounts tab of your team
Provide a name in the Name field
Select Generate API key (Built-in) as the authentication method
Press the Create button
Click the Copy API key button for the newly created service account and store it in a secret manager or another safe but accessible location
Apart from the Built-in service accounts, W&B also supports External service accounts using identity federation for SDK and CLI. Use external service accounts if you are looking to automate W&B tasks using service identities managed in your identity provider that can issue JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
184 - What is a team and where can I find more information about it?
For additional information about teams, visit the teams section.
185 - What is the `Est. Runs` column?
W&B provides an estimated number of Runs generated when creating a W&B Sweep with a discrete search space. This total reflects the cartesian product of the search space.
For instance, consider the following search space:
In this case, the Cartesian product equals 9. W&B displays this value in the App UI as the estimated run count (Est. Runs):
To retrieve the estimated Run count programmatically, use the expected_run_count attribute of the Sweep object within the W&B SDK:
sweep_id = wandb.sweep(
sweep_configs, project="your_project_name", entity="your_entity_name")
api = wandb.Api()
sweep = api.sweep(f"your_entity_name/your_project_name/sweeps/{sweep_id}")
print(f"EXPECTED RUN COUNT = {sweep.expected_run_count}")
186 - What is the difference between `.log()` and `.summary`?
The summary displays in the table, while the log saves all values for future plotting.
For instance, call wandb.log whenever accuracy changes. By default, wandb.log() updates the summary value unless set manually for that metric.
The scatterplot and parallel coordinate plots use the summary value, while the line plot shows all values recorded by .log.
Some users prefer to set the summary manually to reflect the optimal accuracy instead of the most recent accuracy logged.
187 - What is the difference between team and entity? As a user - what does entity mean for me?
A team serves as a collaborative workspace for users working on the same projects. An entity represents either a username or a team name. When logging runs in W&B, set the entity to a personal or team account using wandb.init(entity="example-team").
188 - What is the difference between team and organization?
A team serves as a collaborative workspace for users working on the same projects. An organization functions as a higher-level entity that can include multiple teams, often related to billing and account management.
189 - What is the difference between wandb.init modes?
These modes are available:
online (default): The client sends data to the wandb server.
offline: The client stores data locally on the machine instead of sending it to the wandb server. Use the wandb sync command to synchronize the data later.
disabled: The client simulates operation by returning mocked objects and prevents any network communication. All logging is turned off, but all API method stubs remain callable. This mode is typically used for testing.
190 - What really good functionalities are hidden and where can I find those?
Some functionalities are hidden under a feature flag in the Beta Features section of a team’s settings.
191 - What type of roles are available and what are the differences between them?
Visit this page for an overview of the available roles and permissions.
192 - When should I log to my personal entity against my team entity?
Personal Entities are unavailable for accounts created after May 21, 2024. W&B encourages all users to log new projects to a Team to enable sharing of results.
193 - Where are artifacts downloaded, and how can I control that?
By default, artifacts download to the artifacts/ folder. To change the location:
Reports created within an individual’s private project remain visible only to that user. The user can share their project with a team or the public.
In team projects, the administrator or the member who created the report can toggle permissions between edit and view access for other team members. Team members can share reports.
To share a report, select the Share button in the upper right corner. Provide an email address or copy the magic link. Users invited by email must log into W&B to view the report, while users with a magic link do not need to log in.
Shared reports maintain view-only access.
197 - Who has access to my artifacts?
Artifacts inherit access permissions from their parent project:
In a private project, only team members can access artifacts.
In a public project, all users can read artifacts, while only team members can create or modify them.
In an open project, all users can read and write artifacts.
Artifacts Workflows
This section outlines workflows for managing and editing Artifacts. Many workflows utilize the W&B API, a component of the client library that provides access to W&B-stored data.
198 - Why am I seeing fewer data points than I logged?
When visualizing metrics against an X-axis other than Step, expect to see fewer data points. Metrics must log at the same Step to remain synchronized. Only metrics logged at the same Step are sampled while interpolating between samples.
Bundle metrics into a single log() call. For example, instead of:
Ensure the step value remains the same in both log() calls for the metrics to log under the same step and sample together. The step value must increase monotonically in each call. Otherwise, the step value is ignored.
199 - Why are steps missing from a CSV metric export?
Export limits can prevent the entire run history from being exported as a CSV or using the run.history API. To access the complete run history, download the run history artifact using Parquet format:
import wandb
import pandas as pd
run = wandb.init()
artifact = run.use_artifact('<entity>/<project>/<run-id>-history:v0', type='wandb-history')
artifact_dir =
df = pd.read_parquet('<path to .parquet file>')
200 - Why does the storage meter not update after deleting runs?
The storage meter does not update immediately after deleting runs due to processing delays.
The backend system requires time to synchronize and reflect changes in usage accurately.
If the storage meter has not updated, wait for the changes to process.
201 - Why is a run marked crashed in W&B when it’s training fine locally?
This indicates a connection problem. If the server loses internet access and data stops syncing to W&B, the system marks the run as crashed after a brief retry period.
202 - Why is nothing showing up in my graphs?
If the message “No visualization data logged yet” appears, the script has not executed the first wandb.log call. This situation may occur if the run takes a long time to complete a step. To expedite data logging, log multiple times per epoch instead of only at the end.
203 - Why is the same metric appearing more than once?
When logging various data types under the same key, split them in the database. This results in multiple entries of the same metric name in the UI dropdown. The data types grouped are number, string, bool, other (primarily arrays), and any wandb data type such as Histogram or Image. Send only one type per key to prevent this issue.
Metric names are case-insensitive. Avoid using names that differ only by case, such as "My-Metric" and "my-metric".
204 - Will wandb slow down my training?
W&B has a minimal impact on training performance under normal usage conditions. Normal use includes logging at a rate of less than once per second and limiting data to a few megabytes per step. W&B operates in a separate process with non-blocking function calls, ensuring that brief network outages or intermittent disk read/write issues do not disrupt performance. Excessive logging of large amounts of data may lead to disk I/O issues. For further inquiries, contact support.
205 - Workspaces
The following support questions are tagged with Workspaces. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email
The following support questions are tagged with Wysiwyg. If you don’t see
your question answered, try asking the community,
or email