Environment variables

Set W&B environment variables.

When you’re running a script in an automated environment, you can control wandb with environment variables set before the script runs or within the script.

# This is secret and shouldn't be checked into version control
# Name and notes optional
WANDB_NAME="My first run"
WANDB_NOTES="Smaller learning rate, more regularization."
# Only needed if you don't check in the wandb/settings file
# If you don't want your script to sync to the cloud
os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "offline"

# Add sweep ID tracking to Run objects and related classes
os.environ["WANDB_SWEEP_ID"] = "b05fq58z"

Optional environment variables

Use these optional environment variables to do things like set up authentication on remote machines.

Variable name Usage
WANDB_ANONYMOUS Set this to allow, never, or must to let users create anonymous runs with secret urls.
WANDB_API_KEY Sets the authentication key associated with your account. You can find your key on your settings page. This must be set if wandb login hasn’t been run on the remote machine.
WANDB_BASE_URL If you’re using wandb/local you should set this environment variable to http://YOUR_IP:YOUR_PORT
WANDB_CACHE_DIR This defaults to ~/.cache/wandb, you can override this location with this environment variable
WANDB_CONFIG_DIR This defaults to ~/.config/wandb, you can override this location with this environment variable
WANDB_CONFIG_PATHS Comma separated list of yaml files to load into wandb.config. See config.
WANDB_CONSOLE Set this to “off” to disable stdout / stderr logging. This defaults to “on” in environments that support it.
WANDB_DIR Set this to an absolute path to store all generated files here instead of the wandb directory relative to your training script. be sure this directory exists and the user your process runs as can write to it. Note that this does not affect the location of downloaded artifacts, which can instead be set using WANDB_ARTIFACT_DIR
WANDB_ARTIFACT_DIR Set this to an absolute path to store all downloaded artifacts here instead of the artifacts directory relative to your training script. Make sure this directory exists and the user your process runs as can write to it. Note that this does not affect the location of generated metadata files, which can instead be set using WANDB_DIR
WANDB_DISABLE_GIT Prevent wandb from probing for a git repository and capturing the latest commit / diff.
WANDB_DISABLE_CODE Set this to true to prevent wandb from saving notebooks or git diffs. We’ll still save the current commit if we’re in a git repo.
WANDB_DOCKER Set this to a docker image digest to enable restoring of runs. This is set automatically with the wandb docker command. You can obtain an image digest by running wandb docker my/image/name:tag --digest
WANDB_ENTITY The entity associated with your run. If you have run wandb init in the directory of your training script, it will create a directory named wandb and will save a default entity which can be checked into source control. If you don’t want to create that file or want to override the file you can use the environmental variable.
WANDB_ERROR_REPORTING Set this to false to prevent wandb from logging fatal errors to its error tracking system.
WANDB_HOST Set this to the hostname you want to see in the wandb interface if you don’t want to use the system provided hostname
WANDB_IGNORE_GLOBS Set this to a comma separated list of file globs to ignore. These files will not be synced to the cloud.
WANDB_JOB_NAME Specify a name for any jobs created by wandb.
WANDB_JOB_TYPE Specify the job type, like “training” or “evaluation” to indicate different types of runs. See grouping for more info.
WANDB_MODE If you set this to “offline” wandb will save your run metadata locally and not sync to the server. If you set this to disabled wandb will turn off completely.
WANDB_NAME The human-readable name of your run. If not set it will be randomly generated for you
WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME If you’re running in jupyter you can set the name of the notebook with this variable. We attempt to auto detect this.
WANDB_NOTES Longer notes about your run. Markdown is allowed and you can edit this later in the UI.
WANDB_PROJECT The project associated with your run. This can also be set with wandb init, but the environmental variable will override the value.
WANDB_RESUME By default this is set to never. If set to auto wandb will automatically resume failed runs. If set to must forces the run to exist on startup. If you want to always generate your own unique ids, set this to allow and always set WANDB_RUN_ID.
WANDB_RUN_GROUP Specify the experiment name to automatically group runs together. See grouping for more info.
WANDB_RUN_ID Set this to a globally unique string (per project) corresponding to a single run of your script. It must be no longer than 64 characters. All non-word characters will be converted to dashes. This can be used to resume an existing run in cases of failure.
WANDB_SILENT Set this to true to silence wandb log statements. If this is set all logs will be written to WANDB_DIR/debug.log
WANDB_SHOW_RUN Set this to true to automatically open a browser with the run url if your operating system supports it.
WANDB_SWEEP_ID Add sweep ID tracking to Run objects and related classes, and display in the UI.
WANDB_TAGS A comma separated list of tags to be applied to the run.
WANDB_USERNAME The username of a member of your team associated with the run. This can be used along with a service account API key to enable attribution of automated runs to members of your team.
WANDB_USER_EMAIL The email of a member of your team associated with the run. This can be used along with a service account API key to enable attribution of automated runs to members of your team.

Singularity environments

If you’re running containers in Singularity you can pass environment variables by pre-pending the above variables with SINGULARITYENV_. More details about Singularity environment variables can be found here.

Running on AWS

If you’re running batch jobs in AWS, it’s easy to authenticate your machines with your W&B credentials. Get your API key from your settings page, and set the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable in the AWS batch job spec.

Last modified February 13, 2025: d22fd00