Manage access control for projects

Manage project access using visibility scopes and project-level roles

Define the scope of a W&B project to limit who can view, edit, and submit W&B runs to it.

You can use a combination of a couple of controls to configure the access level for any project within a W&B team. Visibility scope is the higher-level mechanism. Use that to control which groups of users can view or submit runs in a project. For a project with Team or Restricted visibility scope, you can then use Project level roles to control the level of access that each user has within the project.

Visibility scopes

There are four project visibility scopes you can choose from. In order of most public to most private, they are:

Scope Description
Open Anyone who knows about the project can view it and submit runs or reports.
Public Anyone who knows about the project can view it. Only your team can submit runs or reports.
Team Only members of the parent team can view the project and submit runs or reports. Anyone outside the team can not access the project.
Restricted Only invited members from the parent team can view the project and submit runs or reports.

Set visibility scope on a new or existing project

Set a project’s visibility scope when you create a project or when editing it later.

Set visibility scope when you create a new project

  1. Navigate to your W&B organization on SaaS Cloud, Dedicated Cloud, or Self-managed instance.
  2. Click the Create a new project button in the left hand sidebar’s My projects section. Alternatively, navigate to the Projects tab of your team and click the Create new project button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. After selecting the parent team and entering the name of the project, select the desired scope from the Project Visibility dropdown.

Complete the following step if you select Restricted visibility.

  1. Provide names of one or more W&B team members in the Invite team members field. Add only those members who are essential to collaborate on the project.

Edit visibility scope of an existing project

  1. Navigate to your W&B Project.
  2. Select the Overview tab on the left column.
  3. Click the Edit Project Details button on the upper right corner.
  4. From the Project Visibility dropdown, select the desired scope.

Complete the following step if you select Restricted visibility.

  1. Go to the Users tab in the project, and click Add user button to invite specific users to the restricted project.

Other key things to note for restricted scope

  • If you want to use a team-level service account in a restricted project, you should invite or add that specifically to the project. Otherwise a team-level service account can not access a restricted project by default.
  • You can not move runs from a restricted project, but you can move runs from a non-restricted project to a restricted one.
  • You can convert the visibility of a restricted project to only Team scope, irrespective of the team privacy setting Make all future team projects private (public sharing not allowed).
  • If the owner of a restricted project is not part of the parent team anymore, the team admin should change the owner to ensure seamless operations in the project.

Project level roles

For the Team or Restricted scoped projects in your team, you can assign a specific role to a user, which could be different from that user’s team level role. For example, if a user has Member role at the team level, you can assign the View-Only, or Admin, or any available custom role to that user within a Team or Restricted scope project in that team.

Assign project level role to a user

  1. Navigate to your W&B Project.
  2. Select the Overview tab on the left column.
  3. Go to the Users tab in the project.
  4. Click the currently assigned role for the pertinent user in the Project Role field, which should open up a dropdown listing the other available roles.
  5. Select another role from the dropdown. It should save instantly.

Other key things to note for project level roles

  • By default, project level roles for all users in a team or restricted scoped project inherit their respective team level roles.
  • You can not change the project level role of a user who has View-only role at the team level.
  • If the project level role for a user within a particular project is same as the team level role, and at some point if a team admin changes the team level role, the relevant project role is automatically changed to track the team level role.
  • If you change the project level role for a user within a particular project such that it is different from the team level role, and at some point if a team admin changes the team level role, the relevant project level role remains as is.
  • If you remove a user from a restricted project when their project level role was different from the team level role, and if you then add the user back to the project after some time, they would inherit the team level role due to the default behavior. If needed, you would need to change the project level role again to be different from the team level role.

Last modified February 7, 2025: b3b9b28