Create an artifact alias

Create custom aliases for W&B Artifacts.

Use aliases as pointers to specific versions. By default, Run.log_artifact adds the latest alias to the logged version.

An artifact version v0 is created and attached to your artifact when you log an artifact for the first time. W&B checksums the contents when you log again to the same artifact. If the artifact changed, W&B saves a new version v1.

For example, if you want your training script to pull the most recent version of a dataset, specify latest when you use that artifact. The proceeding code example demonstrates how to download a recent dataset artifact named bike-dataset that has an alias, latest:

import wandb

run = wandb.init(project="<example-project>")

artifact = run.use_artifact("bike-dataset:latest")

You can also apply a custom alias to an artifact version. For example, if you want to mark that model checkpoint is the best on the metric AP-50, you could add the string 'best-ap50' as an alias when you log the model artifact.

artifact = wandb.Artifact("run-3nq3ctyy-bike-model", type="model")
run.log_artifact(artifact, aliases=["latest", "best-ap50"])

Last modified February 13, 2025: d22fd00