wandb launch


wandb launch [OPTIONS]


Launch or queue a W&B Job. See https://wandb.me/launch


Option Description
-u, –uri (str) Local path or git repo uri to launch. If provided this command will create a job from the specified uri.
-j, –job (str) Name of the job to launch. If passed in, launch does not require a uri.
–entry-point Entry point within project. [default: main]. If the entry point is not found, attempts to run the project file with the specified name as a script, using ‘python’ to run .py files and the default shell (specified by environment variable $SHELL) to run .sh files. If passed in, will override the entrypoint value passed in using a config file.
–build-context (str) Path to the build context within the source code. Defaults to the root of the source code. Compatible only with -u.
–name Name of the run under which to launch the run. If not specified, a random run name will be used to launch run. If passed in, will override the name passed in using a config file.
-e, –entity (str) Name of the target entity which the new run will be sent to. Defaults to using the entity set by local wandb/settings folder. If passed in, will override the entity value passed in using a config file.
-p, –project (str) Name of the target project which the new run will be sent to. Defaults to using the project name given by the source uri or for github runs, the git repo name. If passed in, will override the project value passed in using a config file.
-r, –resource Execution resource to use for run. Supported values: ’local-process’, ’local-container’, ‘kubernetes’, ‘sagemaker’, ‘gcp-vertex’. This is now a required parameter if pushing to a queue with no resource configuration. If passed in, will override the resource value passed in using a config file.
-d, –docker-image Specific docker image you’d like to use. In the form name:tag. If passed in, will override the docker image value passed in using a config file.
–base-image Docker image to run job code in. Incompatible with –docker-image.
-c, –config Path to JSON file (must end in ‘.json’) or JSON string which will be passed as a launch config. Dictation how the launched run will be configured.
-v, –set-var Set template variable values for queues with allow listing enabled, as key-value pairs e.g. --set-var key1=value1 --set-var key2=value2
-q, –queue Name of run queue to push to. If none, launches single run directly. If supplied without an argument (--queue), defaults to queue ‘default’. Else, if name supplied, specified run queue must exist under the project and entity supplied.
–async Flag to run the job asynchronously. Defaults to false, i.e. unless –async is set, wandb launch will wait for the job to finish. This option is incompatible with –queue; asynchronous options when running with an agent should be set on wandb launch-agent.
–resource-args Path to JSON file (must end in ‘.json’) or JSON string which will be passed as resource args to the compute resource. The exact content which should be provided is different for each execution backend. See documentation for layout of this file.
–dockerfile Path to the Dockerfile used to build the job, relative to the job’s root
–priority [critical high

Last modified February 7, 2025: b3b9b28