wandb sweep




Initialize a hyperparameter sweep. Search for hyperparameters that optimizes a cost function of a machine learning model by testing various combinations.


Option Description
-p, --project The name of the project where W&B runs created from the sweep are sent to. If the project is not specified, the run is sent to a project labeled Uncategorized.
-e, --entity The username or team name where you want to send W&B runs created by the sweep to. Ensure that the entity you specify already exists. If you don’t specify an entity, the run will be sent to your default entity, which is usually your username.
--controller Run local controller
--verbose Display verbose output
--name The name of the sweep. The sweep ID is used if no name is specified.
--program Set sweep program
--update Update pending sweep
--stop Finish a sweep to stop running new runs and let currently running runs finish.
--cancel Cancel a sweep to kill all running runs and stop running new runs.
--pause Pause a sweep to temporarily stop running new runs.
--resume Resume a sweep to continue running new runs.
--prior_run ID of an existing run to add to this sweep

Last modified March 3, 2025: cf8e630