
Finish a run and upload any remaining data.

    exit_code: (int | None) = None,
    quiet: (bool | None) = None
) -> None

Marks the completion of a W&B run and ensures all data is synced to the server. The run’s final state is determined by its exit conditions and sync status.

Run States:

  • Running: Active run that is logging data and/or sending heartbeats.
  • Crashed: Run that stopped sending heartbeats unexpectedly.
  • Finished: Run completed successfully (exit_code=0) with all data synced.
  • Failed: Run completed with errors (exit_code!=0).
exit_code Integer indicating the run’s exit status. Use 0 for success, any other value marks the run as failed.
quiet Deprecated. Configure logging verbosity using wandb.Settings(quiet=...).

Last modified March 3, 2025: cf8e630