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module wandb_workspaces.reports.v2

Python library for programmatically working with W&B Reports API.

import wandb_workspaces.reports.v2 as wr

report = wr.Report(
title="An amazing title",
description="A descriptive description.",

blocks = [
wr.LinePlot(x="time", y="velocity"),
wr.ScatterPlot(x="time", y="acceleration"),

report.blocks = blocks

class BarPlot

A panel object that shows a 2D bar plot.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • metrics (LList[MetricType]): orientation Literal["v", "h"]: The orientation of the bar plot. Set to either vertical ("v") or horizontal ("h"). Defaults to horizontal ("h").
  • range_x (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the x-axis.
  • title_x (Optional[str]): The label of the x-axis.
  • title_y (Optional[str]): The label of the y-axis.
  • groupby (Optional[str]): Group runs based on a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • groupby_aggfunc (Optional[GroupAgg]): Aggregate runs with specified function. Options include "mean", "min", "max", "median", "sum", "samples", or None.
  • groupby_rangefunc (Optional[GroupArea]): Group runs based on a range. Options include "minmax", "stddev", "stderr", "none", "samples", or None.
  • max_runs_to_show (Optional[int]): The maximum number of runs to show on the plot.
  • max_bars_to_show (Optional[int]): The maximum number of bars to show on the bar plot.
  • custom_expressions (Optional[LList[str]]): A list of custom expressions to be used in the bar plot.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): The template for the legend.
  • font_size ( Optional[FontSize]): The size of the line plot's font. Options include "small", "medium", "large", "auto", or None.
  • line_titles (Optional[dict]): The titles of the lines. The keys are the line names and the values are the titles.
  • line_colors (Optional[dict]): The colors of the lines. The keys are the line names and the values are the colors.

class BlockQuote

A block of quoted text.


  • text (str): The text of the block quote.

class CalloutBlock

A block of callout text.


  • text (str): The callout text.

class CheckedList

A list of items with checkboxes. Add one or more CheckedListItem within CheckedList.


  • items (LList[CheckedListItem]): A list of one or more CheckedListItem objects.

class CheckedListItem

A list item with a checkbox. Add one or more CheckedListItem within CheckedList.


  • text (str): The text of the list item.
  • checked (bool): Whether the checkbox is checked. By default, set to False.

class CodeBlock

A block of code.


  • code (str): The code in the block.
  • language (Optional[Language]): The language of the code. Language specified is used for syntax highlighting. By default, set to "python". Options include 'javascript', 'python', 'css', 'json', 'html', 'markdown', 'yaml'.

class CodeComparer

A panel object that compares the code between two different runs.


  • diff (Literal['split', 'unified']): How to display code differences. Options include "split" and "unified".

class Config

Metrics logged to a run's config object. Config objects are commonly logged using run.config[name] = ... or passing a config as a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the metric and the value is the value of that metric.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.

class CustomChart

A panel that shows a custom chart. The chart is defined by a weave query.


  • query (dict): The query that defines the custom chart. The key is the name of the field, and the value is the query.
  • chart_name (str): The title of the custom chart.
  • chart_fields (dict): Key-value pairs that define the axis of the plot. Where the key is the label, and the value is the metric.
  • chart_strings (dict): Key-value pairs that define the strings in the chart.

classmethod from_table

table_name: str,
chart_fields: dict = None,
chart_strings: dict = None

Create a custom chart from a table.


  • table_name (str): The name of the table.
  • chart_fields (dict): The fields to display in the chart.
  • chart_strings (dict): The strings to display in the chart.

A block that renders a gallery of reports and URLs.


  • items (List[Union[GalleryReport, GalleryURL]]): A list of GalleryReport and GalleryURL objects.

class GalleryReport

A reference to a report in the gallery.


  • report_id (str): The ID of the report.

class GalleryURL

A URL to an external resource.


  • url (str): The URL of the resource.
  • title (Optional[str]): The title of the resource.
  • description (Optional[str]): The description of the resource.
  • image_url (Optional[str]): The URL of an image to display.

class GradientPoint

A point in a gradient.


  • color: The color of the point.
  • offset: The position of the point in the gradient. The value should be between 0 and 100.

class H1

An H1 heading with the text specified.


  • text (str): The text of the heading.
  • collapsed_blocks (Optional[LList["BlockTypes"]]): The blocks to show when the heading is collapsed.

class H2

An H2 heading with the text specified.


  • text (str): The text of the heading.
  • collapsed_blocks (Optional[LList["BlockTypes"]]): One or more blocks to show when the heading is collapsed.

class H3

An H3 heading with the text specified.


  • text (str): The text of the heading.
  • collapsed_blocks (Optional[LList["BlockTypes"]]): One or more blocks to show when the heading is collapsed.

class Heading

class HorizontalRule

HTML horizontal line.

class Image

A block that renders an image.


  • url (str): The URL of the image.
  • caption (str): The caption of the image. Caption appears underneath the image.

class InlineCode

Inline code. Does not add newline character after code.


  • text (str): The code you want to appear in the report.

class InlineLatex

Inline LaTeX markdown. Does not add newline character after the LaTeX markdown.


  • text (str): LaTeX markdown you want to appear in the report.

class LatexBlock

A block of LaTeX text.


  • text (str): The LaTeX text.

class Layout

The layout of a panel in a report. Adjusts the size and position of the panel.


  • x (int): The x position of the panel.
  • y (int): The y position of the panel.
  • w (int): The width of the panel.
  • h (int): The height of the panel.

class LinePlot

A panel object with 2D line plots.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • x (Optional[MetricType]): The name of a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. The metric specified is used for the x-axis.
  • y (LList[MetricType]): One or more metrics logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. The metric specified is used for the y-axis.
  • range_x (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the x-axis.
  • range_y (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the y-axis.
  • log_x (Optional[bool]): Plots the x-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • log_y (Optional[bool]): Plots the y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • title_x (Optional[str]): The label of the x-axis.
  • title_y (Optional[str]): The label of the y-axis.
  • ignore_outliers (Optional[bool]): If set to True, do not plot outliers.
  • groupby (Optional[str]): Group runs based on a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • groupby_aggfunc (Optional[GroupAgg]): Aggregate runs with specified function. Options include "mean", "min", "max", "median", "sum", "samples", or None.
  • groupby_rangefunc (Optional[GroupArea]): Group runs based on a range. Options include "minmax", "stddev", "stderr", "none", "samples", or None.
  • smoothing_factor (Optional[float]): The smoothing factor to apply to the smoothing type. Accepted values range between 0 and 1.
  • smoothing_type Optional[SmoothingType]: Apply a filter based on the specified distribution. Options include "exponentialTimeWeighted", "exponential", "gaussian", "average", or "none".
  • smoothing_show_original (Optional[bool]): If set to True, show the original data.
  • max_runs_to_show (Optional[int]): The maximum number of runs to show on the line plot.
  • custom_expressions (Optional[LList[str]]): Custom expressions to apply to the data.
  • plot_type Optional[LinePlotStyle]: The type of line plot to generate. Options include "line", "stacked-area", or "pct-area".
  • font_size Optional[FontSize]: The size of the line plot's font. Options include "small", "medium", "large", "auto", or None.
  • legend_position Optional[LegendPosition]: Where to place the legend. Options include "north", "south", "east", "west", or None.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): The template for the legend.
  • aggregate (Optional[bool]): If set to True, aggregate the data.
  • xaxis_expression (Optional[str]): The expression for the x-axis.
  • legend_fields (Optional[LList[str]]): The fields to include in the legend.

A link to a URL.


  • text (Union[str, TextWithInlineComments]): The text of the link.
  • url (str): The URL the link points to.

class MarkdownBlock

A block of markdown text. Useful if you want to write text that uses common markdown syntax.


  • text (str): The markdown text.

class MarkdownPanel

A panel that renders markdown.


  • markdown (str): The text you want to appear in the markdown panel.

class MediaBrowser

A panel that displays media files in a grid layout.


  • num_columns (Optional[int]): The number of columns in the grid.
  • media_keys (LList[str]): A list of media keys that correspond to the media files.

class Metric

A metric to display in a report that is logged in your project.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.

class OrderBy

A metric to order by.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.
  • ascending (bool): Whether to sort in ascending order. By default set to False.

class OrderedList

A list of items in a numbered list.


  • items (LList[str]): A list of one or more OrderedListItem objects.

class OrderedListItem

A list item in an ordered list.


  • text (str): The text of the list item.

class P

A paragraph of text.


  • text (str): The text of the paragraph.

class Panel

A panel that displays a visualization in a panel grid.


  • layout (Layout): A Layout object.

class PanelGrid

A grid that consists of runsets and panels. Add runsets and panels with Runset and Panel objects, respectively.

Available panels include: LinePlot, ScatterPlot, BarPlot, ScalarChart, CodeComparer, ParallelCoordinatesPlot, ParameterImportancePlot, RunComparer, MediaBrowser, MarkdownPanel, CustomChart, WeavePanel, WeavePanelSummaryTable, WeavePanelArtifactVersionedFile.


  • runsets (LList["Runset"]): A list of one or more Runset objects.
  • panels (LList["PanelTypes"]): A list of one or more Panel objects.
  • active_runset (int): The number of runs you want to display within a runset. By default, it is set to 0.
  • custom_run_colors (dict): Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a run and the value is a color specified by a hexadecimal value.

class ParallelCoordinatesPlot

A panel object that shows a parallel coordinates plot.


  • columns (LList[ParallelCoordinatesPlotColumn]): A list of one or more ParallelCoordinatesPlotColumn objects.
  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • gradient (Optional[LList[GradientPoint]]): A list of gradient points.
  • font_size (Optional[FontSize]): The size of the line plot's font. Options include "small", "medium", "large", "auto", or None.

class ParallelCoordinatesPlotColumn

A column within a parallel coordinates plot. The order of metrics specified determine the order of the parallel axis (x-axis) in the parallel coordinates plot.


  • metric (str | Config | SummaryMetric): The name of the metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • display_name (Optional[str]): The name of the metric
  • inverted (Optional[bool]): Whether to invert the metric.
  • log (Optional[bool]): Whether to apply a log transformation to the metric.

class ParameterImportancePlot

A panel that shows how important each hyperparameter is in predicting the chosen metric.


  • with_respect_to (str): The metric you want to compare the parameter importance against. Common metrics might include the loss, accuracy, and so forth. The metric you specify must be logged within the project that the report pulls information from.

class Report

An object that represents a W&B Report. Use the returned object's blocks attribute to customize your report. Report objects do not automatically save. Use the save() method to persists changes.


  • project (str): The name of the W&B project you want to load in. The project specified appears in the report's URL.
  • entity (str): The W&B entity that owns the report. The entity appears in the report's URL.
  • title (str): The title of the report. The title appears at the top of the report as an H1 heading.
  • description (str): A description of the report. The description appears underneath the report's title.
  • blocks (LList[BlockTypes]): A list of one or more HTML tags, plots, grids, runsets, and more.
  • width (Literal['readable', 'fixed', 'fluid']): The width of the report. Options include 'readable', 'fixed', 'fluid'.

property url

The URL where the report is hosted. The report URL consists of{entity}/{project_name}/reports/. Where {entity} and {project_name} consists of the entity that the report belongs to and the name of the project, respectively.

classmethod from_url

from_url(url: str, as_model: bool = False)

Load in the report into current environment. Pass in the URL where the report is hosted.


  • url (str): The URL where the report is hosted.
  • as_model (bool): If True, return the model object instead of the Report object. By default, set to False.

method save

save(draft: bool = False, clone: bool = False)

Persists changes made to a report object.

method to_html

to_html(height: int = 1024, hidden: bool = False)str

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying this report. Commonly used to within a Python notebook.


  • height (int): Height of the iframe.
  • hidden (bool): If True, hide the iframe. Default set to False.

class RunComparer

A panel that compares metrics across different runs from the project the report pulls information from.


  • diff_only (Optional[Literal["split", True]]): Display only the difference across runs in a project. You can toggle this feature on and off in the W&B Report UI.

class Runset

A set of runs to display in a panel grid.


  • entity (str): An entity that owns or has the correct permissions to the project where the runs are stored.
  • project (str): The name of the project were the runs are stored.
  • name (str): The name of the run set. Set to Run set by default.
  • query (str): A query string to filter runs.
  • filters (Optional[str]): A filter string to filter runs.
  • groupby (LList[str]): A list of metric names to group by.
  • order (LList[OrderBy]): A list of OrderBy objects to order by.
  • custom_run_colors (LList[OrderBy]): A dictionary mapping run IDs to colors.

class RunsetGroup

UI element that shows a group of runsets.


  • runset_name (str): The name of the runset.
  • keys (Tuple[RunsetGroupKey, ...]): The keys to group by. Pass in one or more RunsetGroupKey objects to group by.

class RunsetGroupKey

Groups runsets by a metric type and value. Part of a RunsetGroup. Specify the metric type and value to group by as key-value pairs.


  • key (Type[str] | Type[Config] | Type[SummaryMetric] | Type[Metric]): The metric type to group by.
  • value (str): The value of the metric to group by.

class ScalarChart

A panel object that shows a scalar chart.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • metric (MetricType): The name of a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • groupby_aggfunc (Optional[GroupAgg]): Aggregate runs with specified function. Options include "mean", "min", "max", "median", "sum", "samples", or None.
  • groupby_rangefunc (Optional[GroupArea]): Group runs based on a range. Options include "minmax", "stddev", "stderr", "none", "samples", or None.
  • custom_expressions (Optional[LList[str]]): A list of custom expressions to be used in the scalar chart.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): The template for the legend.
  • font_size Optional[FontSize]: The size of the line plot's font. Options include "small", "medium", "large", "auto", or None.

class ScatterPlot

A panel object that shows a 2D or 3D scatter plot.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • x Optional[SummaryOrConfigOnlyMetric]: The name of a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. The metric specified is used for the x-axis.
  • y Optional[SummaryOrConfigOnlyMetric]: One or more metrics logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. Metrics specified are plotted within the y-axis. z Optional[SummaryOrConfigOnlyMetric]:
  • range_x (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the x-axis.
  • range_y (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the y-axis.
  • range_z (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the z-axis.
  • log_x (Optional[bool]): Plots the x-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • log_y (Optional[bool]): Plots the y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • log_z (Optional[bool]): Plots the z-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • running_ymin (Optional[bool]): Apply a moving average or rolling mean.
  • running_ymax (Optional[bool]): Apply a moving average or rolling mean.
  • running_ymean (Optional[bool]): Apply a moving average or rolling mean.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): A string that specifies the format of the legend.
  • gradient (Optional[LList[GradientPoint]]): A list of gradient points that specify the color gradient of the plot.
  • font_size (Optional[FontSize]): The size of the line plot's font. Options include "small", "medium", "large", "auto", or None.
  • regression (Optional[bool]): If True, a regression line is plotted on the scatter plot.

class SoundCloud

A block that renders a SoundCloud player.


  • html (str): The HTML code to embed the SoundCloud player.

class Spotify

A block that renders a Spotify player.


  • spotify_id (str): The Spotify ID of the track or playlist.

class SummaryMetric

A summary metric to display in a report.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.

class TableOfContents

A block that contains a list of sections and subsections using H1, H2, and H3 HTML blocks specified in a report.

class TextWithInlineComments

A block of text with inline comments.


  • text (str): The text of the block.

class Twitter

A block that displays a Twitter feed.


  • html (str): The HTML code to display the Twitter feed.

class UnorderedList

A list of items in a bulleted list.


  • items (LList[str]): A list of one or more UnorderedListItem objects.

class UnorderedListItem

A list item in an unordered list.


  • text (str): The text of the list item.

class Video

A block that renders a video.


  • url (str): The URL of the video.

class WeaveBlockArtifact

A block that shows an artifact logged to W&B. The query takes the form of

project('entity', 'project').artifact('artifact-name')

The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • entity (str): The entity that owns or has the appropriate permissions to the project where the artifact is stored.
  • project (str): The project where the artifact is stored.
  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • tab Literal["overview", "metadata", "usage", "files", "lineage"]: The tab to display in the artifact panel.

class WeaveBlockArtifactVersionedFile

A block that shows a versioned file logged to a W&B artifact. The query takes the form of

project('entity', 'project').artifactVersion('name', 'version').file('file-name')

The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • entity (str): The entity that owns or has the appropriate permissions to the project where the artifact is stored.
  • project (str): The project where the artifact is stored.
  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • version (str): The version of the artifact to retrieve.
  • file (str): The name of the file stored in the artifact to retrieve.

class WeaveBlockSummaryTable

A block that shows a W&B Table, pandas DataFrame, plot, or other value logged to W&B. The query takes the form of

project('entity', 'project').runs.summary['value']

The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • entity (str): The entity that owns or has the appropriate permissions to the project where the values are logged.
  • project (str): The project where the value is logged in.
  • table_name (str): The name of the table, DataFrame, plot, or value.

class WeavePanel

An empty query panel that can be used to display custom content using queries.

The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.

class WeavePanelArtifact

A panel that shows an artifact logged to W&B.

The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • tab Literal["overview", "metadata", "usage", "files", "lineage"]: The tab to display in the artifact panel.

class WeavePanelArtifactVersionedFile

A panel that shows a versioned file logged to a W&B artifact.

project('entity', 'project').artifactVersion('name', 'version').file('file-name')

The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • version (str): The version of the artifact to retrieve.
  • file (str): The name of the file stored in the artifact to retrieve.

class WeavePanelSummaryTable

A panel that shows a W&B Table, pandas DataFrame, plot, or other value logged to W&B. The query takes the form of


The term "Weave" in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • table_name (str): The name of the table, DataFrame, plot, or value.
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