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module wandb_workspaces.workspaces

Python library for programmatically working with W&B Workspace API.

# How to import
import wandb_workspaces.workspaces as ws

# Example of creating a workspace
name="Example W&B Workspace",
entity="entity", # entity that owns the workspace
project="project", # project that the workspace is associated with
name="Validation Metrics",
wr.LinePlot(x="Step", y=["val_loss"]),
wr.ScalarChart(metric="f1_score", groupby_aggfunc="mean"),

class RunSettings

Settings for a run in a runset (left hand bar).


  • color (str): The color of the run in the UI. Can be hex (#ff0000), css color (red), or rgb (rgb(255, 0, 0))
  • disabled (bool): Whether the run is deactivated (eye closed in the UI). Default is set to False.

class RunsetSettings

Settings for the runset (the left bar containing runs) in a workspace.


  • query (str): A query to filter the runset (can be a regex expr, see next param).
  • regex_query (bool): Controls whether the query (above) is a regex expr. Default is set to False.
  • filters (LList[expr.FilterExpr]): A list of filters to apply to the runset. Filters are AND'd together. See FilterExpr for more information on creating filters.
  • groupby (LList[expr.MetricType]): A list of metrics to group by in the runset. Set to Metric, Summary, Config, Tags, or KeysInfo.
  • order (LList[expr.Ordering]): A list of metrics and ordering to apply to the runset.
  • run_settings (Dict[str, RunSettings]): A dictionary of run settings, where the key is the run's ID and the value is a RunSettings object.

class Section

Represents a section in a workspace.


  • name (str): The name/title of the section.
  • panels (LList[PanelTypes]): An ordered list of panels in the section. By default, first is top-left and last is bottom-right.
  • is_open (bool): Whether the section is open or closed. Default is closed.
  • layout_settings (Literal["standard", "custom"]): Settings for panel layout in the section.
  • panel_settings: Panel-level settings applied to all panels in the section, similar to WorkspaceSettings for a Section.

class SectionLayoutSettings

Panel layout settings for a section, typically seen at the top right of the section of the W&B App Workspace UI.


  • layout (Literal["standard", "custom"]): The layout of panels in the section. standard follows the default grid layout, custom allows per per-panel layouts controlled by the individual panel settings.
  • columns (int): In a standard layout, the number of columns in the layout. Default is 3.
  • rows (int): In a standard layout, the number of rows in the layout. Default is 2.

class SectionPanelSettings

Panel settings for a section, similar to WorkspaceSettings for a section.

Settings applied here can be overrided by more granular Panel settings in this priority: Section < Panel.


  • x_axis (str): X-axis metric name setting. By default, set to "Step".
  • x_min Optional[float]: Minimum value for the x-axis.
  • x_max Optional[float]: Maximum value for the x-axis.
  • smoothing_type (Literal['exponentialTimeWeighted', 'exponential', 'gaussian', 'average', 'none']): Smoothing type applied to all panels.
  • smoothing_weight (int): Smoothing weight applied to all panels.

class Workspace

Represents a W&B workspace, including sections, settings, and config for run sets.


  • entity (str): The entity this workspace will be saved to (usually user or team name).
  • project (str): The project this workspace will be saved to.
  • name: The name of the workspace.
  • sections (LList[Section]): An ordered list of sections in the workspace. The first section is at the top of the workspace.
  • settings (WorkspaceSettings): Settings for the workspace, typically seen at the top of the workspace in the UI.
  • runset_settings (RunsetSettings): Settings for the runset (the left bar containing runs) in a workspace.

property url

The URL to the workspace in the W&B app.

classmethod from_url

from_url(url: str)

Get a workspace from a URL.

method save


Save the current workspace to W&B.


  • Workspace: The updated workspace with the saved internal name and ID.

method save_as_new_view


Save the current workspace as a new view to W&B.


  • Workspace: The updated workspace with the saved internal name and ID.

class WorkspaceSettings

Settings for the workspace, typically seen at the top of the workspace in the UI.

This object includes settings for the x-axis, smoothing, outliers, panels, tooltips, runs, and panel query bar.

Settings applied here can be overrided by more granular Section and Panel settings in this priority: Workspace < Section < Panel


  • x_axis (str): X-axis metric name setting.
  • x_min (Optional[float]): Minimum value for the x-axis.
  • x_max (Optional[float]): Maximum value for the x-axis.
  • smoothing_type (Literal['exponentialTimeWeighted', 'exponential', 'gaussian', 'average', 'none']): Smoothing type applied to all panels.
  • smoothing_weight (int): Smoothing weight applied to all panels.
  • ignore_outliers (bool): Ignore outliers in all panels.
  • sort_panels_alphabetically (bool): Sorts panels in all sections alphabetically.
  • group_by_prefix (Literal["first", "last"]): Group panels by the first or up to last prefix (first or last). Default is set to last.
  • remove_legends_from_panels (bool): Remove legends from all panels.
  • tooltip_number_of_runs (Literal["default", "all", "none"]): The number of runs to show in the tooltip.
  • tooltip_color_run_names (bool): Whether to color run names in the tooltip to match the runset (True) or not (False). Default is set to True.
  • max_runs (int): The maximum number of runs to show per panel (this will be the first 10 runs in the runset).
  • point_visualization_method (Literal["line", "point", "line_point"]): The visualization method for points.
  • panel_search_query (str): The query for the panel search bar (can be a regex expression).
  • auto_expand_panel_search_results (bool): Whether to auto expand the panel search results.
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