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Identity and access management (IAM)

W&B Platform has three IAM scopes within W&B: Organizations, Teams, and Projects.


An Organization is the root scope in your W&B account or instance. All actions in your account or instance take place within the context of that root scope, including managing users, managing teams, managing projects within teams, tracking usage and more.

If you are using Multi-tenant Cloud, you may have more than one organization where each may correspond to a business unit, a personal user, a joint partnership with another business and more.

If you are using Dedicated Cloud or a Self-managed instance, it corresponds to one organization. Your company may have more than one of Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instances to map to different business units or departments, though that is strictly an optional way to manage AI practioners across your businesses or departments.

For more information, see Manage orrganizations.


A Team is a subscope within a organization, that may map to a business unit / function, department, or a project team in your company. You may have more than one team in your organization depending on your deployment type and pricing plan.

AI projects are organized within the context of a team. The access control within a team is governed by team admins, who may or may not be admins at the parent organization level.

For more information, see Add and manage teams.


A Project is a subscope within a team, that maps to an actual AI project with specific intended outcomes. You may have more than one project within a team. Each project has a visibility mode which determines who can access it.

Every project is comprised of Workspaces and Reports, and is linked to relevant Artifacts, Sweeps, Launch Jobs and Automations.

1 - Authentication

1.1 - Configure SSO with LDAP

Authenticate your credentials with the W&B Server LDAP server. The following guide explains how to configure the settings for W&B Server. It covers mandatory and optional configurations, as well as instructions for configuring the LDAP connection from systems settings UI. it also provides information on the different inputs of the LDAP configuration, such as the address, base distinguished name, and attributes. You can specify these attributes from the W&B App UI or using environment variables. You can setup either an anonymous bind, or bind with an administrator DN and Password.

Configure LDAP connection

  1. Navigate to the W&B App.
  2. Select your profile icon from the upper right. From the dropdown, select System Settings.
  3. Toggle Configure LDAP Client.
  4. Add the details in the form. Refer to Configuring Parameters section for details on each input.
  5. Click on Update Settings to test your settings. This will establish a test client/connection with the W&B server.
  6. If your connection is verified, toggle the Enable LDAP Authentication and select the Update Settings button.

Set LDAP an connection with the following environment variables:

Environment variable Required Example
LOCAL_LDAP_BASE_DN Yes email=mail,group=gidNumber
LOCAL_LDAP_BIND_DN No cn=admin, dc=example,dc=org
LOCAL_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES Yes email=mail, group=gidNumber

See the Configuration parameters section for definitions of each environment variable. Note that the environment variable prefix LOCAL_LDAP was omitted from the definition names for clarity.

Configuration parameters

The following table lists and describes required and optional LDAP configurations.

Environment variable Definition Required
ADDRESS This is the address of your LDAP server within the VPC that hosts W&B Server. Yes
BASE_DN The root path searches start from and required for doing any queries into this directory. Yes
BIND_DN Path of the administrative user registered in the LDAP server. This is required if the LDAP server does not support unauthenticated binding. If specified, W&B Server connects to the LDAP server as this user. Otherwise, W&B Server connects using anonymous binding. No
BIND_PW The password for administrative user, this is used to authenticate the binding. If left blank, W&B Server connects using anonymous binding. No
ATTRIBUTES Provide an email and group ID attribute names as comma separated string values. Yes
GROUP_ALLOW_LIST Group allowlist. No
LOGIN This tells W&B Server to use LDAP to authenticate. Set to either True or False. Optionally set this to false to test the LDAP configuration. Set this to true to start LDAP authentication. No

1.2 - Configure SSO with OIDC

W&B Server’s support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) compatible identity providers allows for management of user identities and group memberships through external identity providers like Okta, Keycloak, Auth0, Google, and Entra.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

W&B Server supports the following OIDC authentication flows for integrating with external Identity Providers (IdPs).

  1. Implicit Flow with Form Post
  2. Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

These flows authenticate users and provide W&B Server with the necessary identity information (in the form of ID tokens) to manage access control.

The ID token is a JWT that contains the user’s identity information, such as their name, username, email, and group memberships. W&B Server uses this token to authenticate the user and map them to appropriate roles or groups in the system.

In the context of W&B Server, access tokens authorize requests to APIs on behalf of the user, but since W&B Server’s primary concern is user authentication and identity, it only requires the ID token.

You can use environment variables to configure IAM options for your Dedicated cloud or Self-managed instance.

To assist with configuring Identity Providers for Dedicated cloud or Self-managed W&B Server installations, follow these guidelines to follow for various IdPs. If you’re using the SaaS version of W&B, reach out to for assistance in configuring an Auth0 tenant for your organization.

Follow the procedure below to set up AWS Cognito for authorization:

  1. First, sign in to your AWS account and navigate to the AWS Cognito App.

    When you use OIDC for authentication and not authorization, public clients simplify setup
  2. Provide an allowed callback URL to configure the application in your IdP:

    • Add http(s)://YOUR-W&B-HOST/oidc/callback as the callback URL. Replace YOUR-W&B-HOST with your W&B host path.
  3. If your IdP supports universal logout, set the Logout URL to http(s)://YOUR-W&B-HOST. Replace YOUR-W&B-HOST with your W&B host path.

    For example, if your application was running at, you would replace YOUR-W&B-HOST with

    The image below demonstrates how to provide allowed callback and sign-out URLs in AWS Cognito.

    If your instance is accessible from multiple hosts, be sure to include all of them here.

    wandb/local uses the implicit grant with the form_post response type by default.

    You can also configure wandb/local to perform an authorization_code grant that uses the PKCE Code Exchange flow.

  4. Select one or more OAuth grant types to configure how AWS Cognito delivers tokens to your app.

  5. W&B requires specific OpenID Connect (OIDC) scopes. Select the following from AWS Cognito App:

    • “openid”
    • “profile”
    • “email”

    For example, your AWS Cognito App UI should look similar to the following image:

    Required fields

    Select the Auth Method in the settings page or set the OIDC_AUTH_METHOD environment variable to tell wandb/local which grant to.

    You must set the Auth Method to pkce.

  6. You need a Client ID and the URL of your OIDC issuer. The OpenID discovery document must be available at $OIDC_ISSUER/.well-known/openid-configuration

    For example, , you can generate your issuer URL by appending your User Pool ID to the Cognito IdP URL from the App Integration tab within the User Pools section:

    Screenshot of issuer URL in AWS Cognito

    Do not use the “Cognito domain” for the IDP URL. Cognito provides it’s discovery document at https://cognito-idp.$$USER_POOL_ID

Follow the procedure below to set up Okta for authorization:

  1. Login to the Okta Portal at

  2. On the left side, select Applications and then Applications again.

  3. Click on “Create App integration.”

  4. On the screen named “Create a new app integration,” select OIDC - OpenID Connect and Single-Page Application. Then click “Next.”

  5. On the screen named “New Single-Page App Integration,” fill out the values as follows and click Save:

    • App integration name, for example “Weights & Biases”
    • Grant type: Select both Authorization Code and Implicit (hybrid)
    • Sign-in redirect URIs: https://YOUR_W_AND_B_URL/oidc/callback
    • Sign-out redirect URIs: https://YOUR_W_AND_B_URL/logout
    • Assignments: Select Skip group assignment for now
  6. On the overview screen of the Okta application that you just created, make note of the Client ID under Client Credentials under the General tab:

  7. To identify the Okta OIDC Issuer URL, select Settings and then Account on the left side. The Okta UI shows the company name under Organization Contact.

The OIDC issuer URL has the following format: Replace COMPANY with the corresponding value. Make note of it.

  1. Login to the Azure Portal at

  2. Select “Microsoft Entra ID” service.

  3. On the left side, select “App registrations.”

  4. On the top, click “New registration.”

    On the screen named “Register an application,” fill out the values as follows:

    • Specify a name, for example “Weights and Biases application”

    • By default the selected account type is: “Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory only - Single tenant).” Modify if you need to.

    • Configure Redirect URI as type Web with value: https://YOUR_W_AND_B_URL/oidc/callback

    • Click “Register.”

    • Make a note of the “Application (client) ID” and “Directory (tenant) ID.”

  5. On the left side, click Authentication.

    • Under Front-channel logout URL, specify: https://YOUR_W_AND_B_URL/logout

    • Click “Save.”

  6. On the left side, click “Certificates & secrets.”

    • Click “Client secrets” and then click “New client secret.”

      On the screen named “Add a client secret,” fill out the values as follows:

      • Enter a description, for example “wandb”
      • Leave “Expires” as is or change if you have to.
      • Click “Add.”
    • Make a note of the “Value” of the secret. There is no need for the “Secret ID.”

You should now have made notes of three values:

  • OIDC Client ID
  • OIDC Client Secret
  • Tenant ID is needed for the OIDC Issuer URL

The OIDC issuer URL has the following format:${TenantID}/v2.0

Set up SSO on the W&B Server

To set up SSO, you need administrator privileges and the following information:

  • OIDC Client ID
  • OIDC Auth method (implicit or pkce)
  • OIDC Issuer URL
  • OIDC Client Secret (optional; depends on how you have setup your IdP)

You can configure SSO using either the W&B Server UI or by passing environment variables to the wandb/local pod. The environment variables take precedence over UI.

The System Console is the successor to the System Settings page. It is available with the W&B Kubernetes Operator based deployment.

  1. Refer to Access the W&B Management Console.

  2. Navigate to Settings, then Authentication. Select OIDC in the Type dropdown.

  3. Enter the values.

  4. Click on Save.

  5. Log out and then log back in, this time using the IdP login screen.

  1. Sign in to your Weights&Biases instance.

  2. Navigate to the W&B App.

  3. From the dropdown, select System Settings:

  4. Enter your Issuer, Client ID, and Authentication Method.

  5. Select Update settings.

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

W&B Server does not support SAML.

1.3 - Use federated identities with SDK

Use identity federation to sign in using your organizational credentials through W&B SDK. If your W&B organization admin has configured SSO for your organization, then you already use your organizational credentials to sign-in to the W&B app UI. In that sense, identity federation is like SSO for W&B SDK, but by using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) directly. You can use identity federation as an alternative to API keys.

RFC 7523 forms the underlying basis for identity federation with SDK.

JWT issuer setup

As a first step, an organization admin must set up a federation between your W&B organization and a publicly accessible JWT issuer.

  • Go to the Settings tab in your organization dashboard
  • In the Authentication option, press Set up JWT Issuer
  • Add the JWT issuer URL in the text box and press Create

W&B will automatically look for a OIDC discovery document at the path ${ISSUER_URL}/.well-known/oidc-configuration, and try to find the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) at a relevant URL in the discovery document. The JWKS is used for real-time validation of the JWTs to ensure that those have been issued by the relevant identity provider.

Using the JWT to access W&B

Once a JWT issuer has been setup for your W&B organization, users can start accessing the relevant W&B projects using JWTs issued by that identity provider. The mechanism for using JWTs is as follows:

  • You must sign-in to the identity provider using one of the mechanisms available in your organization. Some providers can be accessed in an automated manner using an API or SDK, while some can only be accessed using a relevant UI. Reach out to your W&B organization admin or the owner of the JWT issuer for details.
  • Once you’ve retrieved the JWT after signing in to your identity provider, store it in a file at a secure location and configure the absolute file path in an environment variable WANDB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE.
  • Access your W&B project using the W&B SDK or CLI. The SDK or CLI should automatically detect the JWT and exchange it for a W&B access token after the JWT has been successfully validated. The W&B access token is used to access the relevant APIs for enabling your AI workflows, that is, to log runs, metrics, artifacts and so forth. The access token is by default stored at the path ~/.config/wandb/credentials.json. You can change that path by specifying the environment variable WANDB_CREDENTIALS_FILE.

JWT validation

As part of the workflow to exchange the JWT for a W&B access token and then access a project, the JWT undergoes following validations:

  • The JWT signature is verified using the JWKS at the W&B organization level. This is the first line of defense, and if this fails, that means there’s a problem with your JWKS or how your JWT is signed.
  • The iss claim in the JWT should be equal to the issuer URL configured at the organization level.
  • The sub claim in the JWT should be equal to the user’s email address as configured in the W&B organization.
  • The aud claim in the JWT should be equal to the name of the W&B organization which houses the project that you are accessing as part of your AI workflow. In case of Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instances, you could configure an instance-level environment variable SKIP_AUDIENCE_VALIDATION to true to skip validation of the audience claim, or use wandb as the audience.
  • The exp claim in the JWT is checked to see if the token is valid or has expired and needs to be refreshed.

External service accounts

W&B has supported built-in service accounts with long-lived API keys for long. With the identity federation capability for SDK and CLI, you can also bring external service accounts that could use JWTs for authentication, though as long as those are issued by the same issuer which is configured at the organization level. A team admin can configure external service accounts within the scope of a team, like the built-in service accounts.

To configure an external service account:

  • Go to the Service Accounts tab for your team
  • Press New service account
  • Provide a name for the service account, select Federated Identity as the Authentication Method, provide a Subject, and press Create

The sub claim in the external service account’s JWT should be same as what the team admin configures as its subject in the team-level Service Accounts tab. That claim is verified as part of JWT validation. The aud claim requirement is similar to that for human user JWTs.

When using an external service account’s JWT to access W&B, it’s typically easier to automate the workflow to generate the initial JWT and continuously refresh it. If you would like to attribute the runs logged using an external service account to a human user, you can configure the environment variables WANDB_USERNAME or WANDB_USER_EMAIL for your AI workflow, similar to how it’s done for the built-in service accounts.

1.4 - Use service accounts to automate workflows

Manage automated or non-interactive workflows using org and team scoped service accounts

A service account represents a non-human or machine user that can automatically perform common tasks across projects within a team or across teams.

  • An org admin can create a service account at the scope of the organization.
  • A team admin can create a service account at the scope of that team.

A service account’s API key allows the caller to read from or write to projects within the service account’s scope.

Service accounts allow for centralized management of workflows by multiple users or teams, to automate experiment tracking for W&B Models or to log traces for W&B Weave. You have the option to associate a human user’s identity with a workflow managed by a service account, by using either of the environment variables WANDB_USERNAME or WANDB_USER_EMAIL.

Organization-scoped service accounts

Service accounts scoped to an organization have permissions to read and write in all projects in the organization, regardless of the team, with the exception of restricted projects. Before an organization-scoped service account can access a restricted project, an admin of that project must explicitly add the service account to the project.

An organization admin can obtain the API key for an organization-scoped service account from the Service Accounts tab of the organization or account dashboard.

To create a new organization-scoped service account:

  • Click New service account button in the Service Accounts tab of your organization dashboard.
  • Enter a Name.
  • Select a default team for the service account.
  • Click Create.
  • Next to the newly created service account, click Copy API key.
  • Store the copied API key in a secret manager or another secure but accessible location.

Team-scoped service accounts

A team-scoped service account can read and write in all projects within its team, except to restricted projects in that team. Before a team-scoped service account can access a restricted project, an admin of that project must explicitly add the service account to the project.

As a team admin, you can get the API key for a team-scoped service account in your team at <WANDB_HOST_URL>/<your-team-name>/service-accounts. Alternatively you can go to the Team settings for your team and then refer to the Service Accounts tab.

To create a new team scoped service account for your team:

  • Click New service account button in the Service Accounts tab of your team.
  • Enter a Name.
  • Select Generate API key (Built-in) as the authentication method.
  • Click Create.
  • Next to the newly created service account, click Copy API key.
  • Store the copied API key in a secret manager or another secure but accessible location.

If you do not configure a team in your model training or generative AI app environment that uses a team-scoped service account, the model runs or weave traces log to the named project within the service account’s parent team. In such a scenario, user attribution using the WANDB_USERNAME or WANDB_USER_EMAIL variables do not work unless the referenced user is part of the service account’s parent team.

External service accounts

In addition to Built-in service accounts, W&B also supports team-scoped External service accounts with the W&B SDK and CLI using Identity federation with identity providers (IdPs) that can issue JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

2 - Access management

Manage users and teams within an organization

The first user to sign up to W&B with a unique organization domain is assigned as that organization’s instance administrator role. The organization administrator assigns specific users team administrator roles.

A team administrator is a user in organization that has administrative permissions within a team.

The organization administrator can access and use an organization’s account settings at to invite users, assign or update a user’s role, create teams, remove users from your organization, assign the billing administrator, and more. See Add and manage users for more information.

Once an organization administrator creates a team, the instance administrator or ateam administrator can:

  • Invite users to that team or remove users from the team.
  • Assign or update a team member’s role.
  • Automatically add new users to a team when they join your organization.

Both the organization administrator and the team administrator use team dashboards at<your-team-name> to manage teams. For more information on what organization administrators and team administrators can do, see Add and manage teams.

Limit visibility to specific projects

Define the scope of a W&B project to limit who can view, edit, and submit W&B runs to it. Limiting who can view a project is particularly useful if a team works with sensitive or confidential data.

An organization admin, team admin, or the owner of a project can both set and edit a project’s visibility.

For more information, see Project visibility.

2.1 - Manage your organization

As an admin of an organization you can manage individual users within your organization and manage teams.

As a team admin you can manage teams.

If you are looking to simplify user management in your organization, refer to Automate user and team management.

Change the name of your organization

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. Within the Account section of the dropdown, select Settings.
  3. Within the Settings tab, select General.
  4. Select the Change name button.
  5. Within the modal that appears, provide a new name for your organization and select the Save name button.

Add and manage users

As an admin, use your organization’s dashboard to:

  • Invite or remove users.
  • Assign or update a user’s organization role, and create custom roles.
  • Assign the billing admin.

There are several ways an organization admin can add users to an organization:

  1. Member-by-invite
  2. Auto provisioning with SSO
  3. Domain capture

Seats and pricing

The proceeding table summarizes how seats work for Models and Weave:

Product Seats Cost based on
Models Pay per set How many Models paid seats you have, and how much usage you’ve accrued determines your overall subscription cost. Each user can be assigned one of the three available seat types: Full, Viewer, and No-Access
Weave Free Usage based

Invite a user

admins can invite users to their organization, as well as specific teams within the organization.

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. Within the Account section of the dropdown, select Users.
  3. Select Invite new user.
  4. In the modal that appears, provide the email or username of the user in the Email or username field.
  5. (Recommended) Add the user to a team from the Choose teams dropdown menu.
  6. From the Select role dropdown, select the role to assign to the user. You can change the user’s role at a later time. See the table listed in Assign a role for more information about possible roles.
  7. Choose the Send invite button.

W&B sends an invite link using a third-party email server to the user’s email after you select the Send invite button. A user can access your organization once they accept the invite.

  1. Navigate to https://<org-name>.io/console/settings/. Replace <org-name> with your organization name.
  2. Select the Add user button
  3. Within the modal that appears, provide the email of the new user in the Email field.
  4. Select a role to assign to the user from the Role dropdown. You can change the user’s role at a later time. See the table listed in Assign a role for more information about possible roles.
  5. Check the Send invite email to user box if you want W&B to send an invite link using a third-party email server to the user’s email.
  6. Select the Add new user button.

Auto provision users

A W&B user with matching email domain can sign in to your W&B Organization with Single Sign-On (SSO) if you configure SSO and your SSO provider permits it. SSO is available for all Enterprise licenses.

W&B assigned auto-provisioning users “Member” roles by default. You can change the role of auto-provisioned users at any time.

Auto-provisioning users with SSO is on by default for Dedicated cloud instances and Self-managed deployments. You can turn off auto provisioning. Turning auto provisioning off enables you to selectively add specific users to your W&B organization.

The proceeding tabs describe how to turn off SSO based on deployment type:

Reach out to your W&B team if you are on Dedicated cloud instance and you want to turn off auto provisioning with SSO.

Use the W&B Console to turn off auto provisioning with SSO:

  1. Navigate to https://<org-name>.io/console/settings/. Replace <org-name> with your organization name.
  2. Choose Security
  3. Select the Disable SSO Provisioning to turn off auto provisioning with SSO.

Create custom roles

Organization admins can compose a new role based on either the View-Only or Member role and add additional permissions to achieve fine-grained access control. Team admins can assign a custom role to a team member. Custom roles are created at the organization level but are assigned at the team level.

To create a custom role:

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. Within the Account section of the dropdown, select Settings.
  3. Click Roles.
  4. In the Custom roles section, click Create a role.
  5. Provide a name for the role. Optionally provide a description.
  6. Choose the role to base the custom role on, either Viewer or Member.
  7. To add permissions, click the Search permissions field, then select one or more permissions to add.
  8. Review the Custom role permissions section, which summarizes the permissions the role has.
  9. Click Create Role.

Use the W&B Console to turn off auto provisioning with SSO:

  1. Navigate to https://<org-name>.io/console/settings/. Replace <org-name> with your organization name.
  2. In the Custom roles section, click Create a role.
  3. Provide a name for the role. Optionally provide a description.
  4. Choose the role to base the custom role on, either Viewer or Member.
  5. To add permissions, click the Search permissions field, then select one or more permissions to add.
  6. Review the Custom role permissions section, which summarizes the permissions the role has.
  7. Click Create Role.

A team admin can now assign the custom role to members of a team from the Team settings.

Domain capture

Domain capture helps your employees join the your companies organization to ensure new users do not create assets outside of your company jurisdiction.

Domain capture lets you automatically add people with a company email address, such as, to your W&B SaaS cloud organization. This helps all your employees join the right organization and ensures that new users do not create assets outside of your company jurisdiction.

This table summarizes the behavior of new and existing users with and without domain capture enabled:

With domain capture Without domain capture
New users Users who sign up for W&B from verified domains are automatically added as members to your organization’s default team. They can choose additional teams to join at sign up, if you enable team joining. They can still join other organizations and teams with an invitation. Users can create W&B accounts without knowing there is a centralized organization available.
Invited users Invited users automatically join your organization when accepting your invite. Invited users are not automatically added as members to your organization’s default team. They can still join other organizations and teams with an invitation. Invited users automatically join your organization when accepting your invite. They can still join other organizations and teams with an invitation.
Existing users Existing users with verified email addresses from your domains can join your organization’s teams within the W&B App. All data that existing users create before joining your organization remains. W&B does not migrate the existing user’s data. Existing W&B users may be spread across multiple organizations and teams.

To automatically assign non-invited new users to a default team when they join your organization:

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. From the dropdown, choose Settings.
  3. Within the Settings tab, select General.
  4. Choose the Claim domain button within Domain capture.
  5. Select the team that you want new users to automatically join from the Default team dropdown. If no teams are available, you’ll need to update team settings. See the instructions in Add and manage teams.
  6. Click the Claim email domain button.

You must enable domain matching within a team’s settings before you can automatically assign non-invited new users to that team.

  1. Navigate to the team’s dashboard at<team-name>. Where <team-name> is the name of the team you want to enable domain matching.
  2. Select Team settings in the global navigation on the left side of the team’s dashboard.
  3. Within the Privacy section, toggle the “Recommend new users with matching email domains join this team upon signing up” option.

Reach out to your W&B Account Team if you use Dedicated or Self-managed deployment type to configure domain capture. Once configured, your W&B SaaS instance automatically prompts users who create a W&B account with your company email address to contact your admin to request access to your Dedicated or Self-managed instance.

With domain capture Without domain capture
New users Users who sign up for W&B on SaaS cloud from verified domains are automatically prompted to contact an admin with an email address you customize. They can still create an organizations on SaaS cloud to trial the product. Users can create W&B SaaS cloud accounts without learning their company has a centralized dedicated instance.
Existing users Existing W&B users may be spread across multiple organizations and teams. Existing W&B users may be spread across multiple organizations and teams.

Assign or update a user’s role

Every member in an Organization has an organization role and seat for both W&B Models and Weave. The type of seat they have determines both their billing status and the actions they can take in each product line.

You initially assign an organization role to a user when you invite them to your organization. You can change any user’s role at a later time.

A user within an organization can have one of the proceeding roles:

Role Descriptions
admin A instance admin who can add or remove other users to the organization, change user roles, manage custom roles, add teams and more. W&B recommends ensuring there is more than one admin in the event that your admin is unavailable.
Member A regular user of the organization, invited by an instance admin. A organization member cannot invite other users or manage existing users in the organization.
Viewer (Enterprise-only feature) A view-only user of your organization, invited by an instance admin. A viewer only has read access to the organization and the underlying teams that they are a member of.
Custom Roles (Enterprise-only feature) Custom roles allow organization admins to compose new roles by inheriting from the preceding View-Only or Member roles, and adding additional permissions to achieve fine-grained access control. Team admins can then assign any of those custom roles to users in their respective teams.

To change a user’s role:

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. From the dropdown, choose Users.
  3. Provide the name or email of the user in the search bar.
  4. Select a role from the TEAM ROLE dropdown next to the name of the user.

Assign or update a user’s access

A user within an organization has one of the proceeding model seat or weave access types: full, viewer, or no access.

Seat type Description
Full Users with this role type have full permissions to write, read, and export data for Models or Weave.
Viewer A view-only user of your organization. A viewer only has read access to the organization and the underlying teams that they are a part of, and view only access to Models or Weave.
No access Users with this role have no access to the Models or Weave products.

Model seat type and weave access type are defined at the organization level, and inherited by the team. If you want to change a user’s seat type, navigate to the organization settings and follow the proceeding steps:

  1. For SaaS users, navigate to your organization’s settings at<organization>/settings. Ensure to replace the values enclosed in angle brackets (<>) with your organization name. For other Dedicated and Self-managed deployments, navigate to https://<your-instance>
  2. Select the Users tab.
  3. From the Role dropdown, select the seat type you want to assign to the user.

Remove a user

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. From the dropdown, choose Users.
  3. Provide the name or email of the user in the search bar.
  4. Select the ellipses or three dots icon () when it appears.
  5. From the dropdown, choose Remove member.

Assign the billing admin

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select the User menu dropdown. From the dropdown, choose Users.
  3. Provide the name or email of the user in the search bar.
  4. Under the Billing admin column, choose the user you want to assign as the billing admin.

Add and manage teams

Use your organization’s dashboard to create and manage teams within your organization. An organization admin or a team admin can:

  • Invite users to a team or remove users from a team.
  • Manage a team member’s roles.
  • Automate the addition of users to a team when they join your organization.
  • Manage team storage with the team’s dashboard at<team-name>.

Create a team

Use your organization’s dashboard to create a team:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Create a team to collaborate on the left navigation panel underneath Teams.
  3. Provide a name for your team in the Team name field in the modal that appears.
  4. Choose a storage type.
  5. Select the Create team button.

After you select Create team button, W&B redirects you to a new team page at<team-name>. Where <team-name> consists of the name you provide when you create a team.

Once you have a team, you can add users to that team.

Invite users to a team

Invite users to a team in your organization. Use the team’s dashboard to invite users using their email address or W&B username if they already have a W&B account.

  1. Navigate to<team-name>.
  2. Select Team settings in the global navigation on the left side of the dashboard.
  3. Select the Users tab.
  4. Choose on Invite a new user.
  5. Within the modal that appears, provide the email of the user in the Email or username field and select the role to assign to that user from the Select a team role dropdown. For more information about roles a user can have in a team, see Team roles.
  6. Choose on the Send invite button.

In addition to inviting users manually with email invites, you can automatically add new users to a team if the new user’s email matches the domain of your organization.

Match members to a team organization during sign up

Allow new users within your organization discover Teams within your organization when they sign-up. New users must have a verified email domain that matches your organization’s verified email domain. Verified new users can view a list of verified teams that belong to an organization when they sign up for a W&B account.

An organization admin must enable domain claiming. To enable domain capture, see the steps described in Domain capture.

Assign or update a team member’s role

  1. Select the account type icon next to the name of the team member.
  2. From the drop-down, choose the account type you want that team member to posses.

This table lists the roles you can assign to a member of a team:

Role Definition
admin A user who can add and remove other users in the team, change user roles, and configure team settings.
Member A regular user of a team, invited by email or their organization-level username by the team admin. A member user cannot invite other users to the team.
View-Only (Enterprise-only feature) A view-only user of a team, invited by email or their organization-level username by the team admin. A view-only user only has read access to the team and its contents.
Service (Enterprise-only feature) A service worker or service account is an API key that is useful for utilizing W&B with your run automation tools. If you use an API key from a service account for your team, ensure to set the environment variable WANDB_USERNAME to correctly attribute runs to the appropriate user.
Custom Roles (Enterprise-only feature) Custom roles allow organization admins to compose new roles by inheriting from the preceding View-Only or Member roles, and adding additional permissions to achieve fine-grained access control. Team admins can then assign any of those custom roles to users in their respective teams. Refer to this article for details.

Remove users from a team

Remove a user from a team using the team’s dashboard. W&B preserves runs created in a team even if the member who created the runs is no longer on that team.

  1. Navigate to<team-name>.
  2. Select Team settings in the left navigation bar.
  3. Select the Users tab.
  4. Hover your mouse next to the name of the user you want to delete. Select the ellipses or three dots icon () when it appears.
  5. From the dropdown, select Remove user.

2.2 - Manage access control for projects

Manage project access using visibility scopes and project-level roles

Define the scope of a W&B project to limit who can view, edit, and submit W&B runs to it.

You can use a combination of a couple of controls to configure the access level for any project within a W&B team. Visibility scope is the higher-level mechanism. Use that to control which groups of users can view or submit runs in a project. For a project with Team or Restricted visibility scope, you can then use Project level roles to control the level of access that each user has within the project.

Visibility scopes

There are four project visibility scopes you can choose from. In order of most public to most private, they are:

Scope Description
Open Anyone who knows about the project can view it and submit runs or reports.
Public Anyone who knows about the project can view it. Only your team can submit runs or reports.
Team Only members of the parent team can view the project and submit runs or reports. Anyone outside the team can not access the project.
Restricted Only invited members from the parent team can view the project and submit runs or reports.

Set visibility scope on a new or existing project

Set a project’s visibility scope when you create a project or when editing it later.

Set visibility scope when you create a new project

  1. Navigate to your W&B organization on SaaS Cloud, Dedicated Cloud, or Self-managed instance.
  2. Click the Create a new project button in the left hand sidebar’s My projects section. Alternatively, navigate to the Projects tab of your team and click the Create new project button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. After selecting the parent team and entering the name of the project, select the desired scope from the Project Visibility dropdown.

Complete the following step if you select Restricted visibility.

  1. Provide names of one or more W&B team members in the Invite team members field. Add only those members who are essential to collaborate on the project.

Edit visibility scope of an existing project

  1. Navigate to your W&B Project.
  2. Select the Overview tab on the left column.
  3. Click the Edit Project Details button on the upper right corner.
  4. From the Project Visibility dropdown, select the desired scope.

Complete the following step if you select Restricted visibility.

  1. Go to the Users tab in the project, and click Add user button to invite specific users to the restricted project.

Other key things to note for restricted scope

  • If you want to use a team-level service account in a restricted project, you should invite or add that specifically to the project. Otherwise a team-level service account can not access a restricted project by default.
  • You can not move runs from a restricted project, but you can move runs from a non-restricted project to a restricted one.
  • You can convert the visibility of a restricted project to only Team scope, irrespective of the team privacy setting Make all future team projects private (public sharing not allowed).
  • If the owner of a restricted project is not part of the parent team anymore, the team admin should change the owner to ensure seamless operations in the project.

Project level roles

For the Team or Restricted scoped projects in your team, you can assign a specific role to a user, which could be different from that user’s team level role. For example, if a user has Member role at the team level, you can assign the View-Only, or Admin, or any available custom role to that user within a Team or Restricted scope project in that team.

Assign project level role to a user

  1. Navigate to your W&B Project.
  2. Select the Overview tab on the left column.
  3. Go to the Users tab in the project.
  4. Click the currently assigned role for the pertinent user in the Project Role field, which should open up a dropdown listing the other available roles.
  5. Select another role from the dropdown. It should save instantly.

Other key things to note for project level roles

  • By default, project level roles for all users in a team or restricted scoped project inherit their respective team level roles.
  • You can not change the project level role of a user who has View-only role at the team level.
  • If the project level role for a user within a particular project is same as the team level role, and at some point if a team admin changes the team level role, the relevant project role is automatically changed to track the team level role.
  • If you change the project level role for a user within a particular project such that it is different from the team level role, and at some point if a team admin changes the team level role, the relevant project level role remains as is.
  • If you remove a user from a restricted project when their project level role was different from the team level role, and if you then add the user back to the project after some time, they would inherit the team level role due to the default behavior. If needed, you would need to change the project level role again to be different from the team level role.

3 - Automate user and team management


Use SCIM API to manage users, and the teams they belong to, in an efficient and repeatable manner. You can also use the SCIM API to manage custom roles or assign roles to users in your W&B organization. Role endpoints are not part of the official SCIM schema. W&B adds role endpoints to support automated management of custom roles.

SCIM API is especially useful if you want to:

  • manage user provisioning and de-provisioning at scale
  • manage users with a SCIM-supporting Identity Provider

There are broadly three categories of SCIM API - User, Group, and Roles.


User SCIM API allows for creating, deactivating, getting the details of a user, or listing all users in a W&B organization. This API also supports assigning predefined or custom roles to users in an organization.


Group SCIM API allows for managing W&B teams, including creating or removing teams in an organization. Use the PATCH Group to add or remove users in an existing team.

Custom role API

Custom role SCIM API allows for managing custom roles, including creating, listing, or updating custom roles in an organization.

W&B Python SDK API

Just like how SCIM API allows you to automate user and team management, you can also use some of the methods available in the W&B Python SDK API for that purpose. Keep a note of the following methods:

Method name Purpose
create_user(email, admin=False) Add a user to the organization and optionally make them the organization admin.
user(userNameOrEmail) Return an existing user in the organization.
user.teams() Return the teams for the user. You can get the user object using the user(userNameOrEmail) method.
create_team(teamName, adminUserName) Create a new team and optionally make an organization-level user the team admin.
team(teamName) Return an existing team in the organization.
Team.invite(userNameOrEmail, admin=False) Add a user to the team. You can get the team object using the team(teamName) method.
Team.create_service_account(description) Add a service account to the team. You can get the team object using the team(teamName) method.
Member.delete() Remove a member user from a team. You can get the list of member objects in a team using the team object’s members attribute. And you can get the team object using the team(teamName) method.

4 - Manage users, groups, and roles with SCIM

The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) API allows instance or organization admins to manage users, groups, and custom roles in their W&B organization. SCIM groups map to W&B teams.

The SCIM API is accessible at <host-url>/scim/ and supports the /Users and /Groups endpoints with a subset of the fields found in the RC7643 protocol. It additionally includes the /Roles endpoints which are not part of the official SCIM schema. W&B adds the /Roles endpoints to support automated management of custom roles in W&B organizations.


An organization or instance admin can use basic authentication with their API key to access the SCIM API. Set the HTTP request’s Authorization header to the string Basic followed by a space, then the base-64 encoded string in the format username:API-KEY. In other words, replace the username and API key with your values separated with a : character, then base-64-encode the result. For example, to authorize as demo:p@55w0rd, the header should be Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==.

User resource

The SCIM user resource maps to W&B users.

Get user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users/{id}
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve the information for a specific user in your SaaS Cloud organization or your Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instance by providing the user’s unique ID.
  • Request Example:
GET /scim/Users/abc
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Dev User 1",
    "emails": {
        "Value": "",
        "Display": "",
        "Type": "",
        "Primary": true
    "id": "abc",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Users/abc"
    "schemas": [
    "userName": "dev-user1"

List users

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve the list of all users in your SaaS Cloud organization or your Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instance.
  • Request Example:
GET /scim/Users
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "Resources": [
            "active": true,
            "displayName": "Dev User 1",
            "emails": {
                "Value": "",
                "Display": "",
                "Type": "",
                "Primary": true
            "id": "abc",
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "User",
                "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
                "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
                "location": "Users/abc"
            "schemas": [
            "userName": "dev-user1"
    "itemsPerPage": 9999,
    "schemas": [
    "startIndex": 1,
    "totalResults": 1

Create user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new user resource.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
emails Multi-Valued Array Yes (Make sure primary email is set)
userName String Yes
  • Request Example:
POST /scim/Users
  "schemas": [
  "emails": [
      "primary": true,
      "value": ""
  "userName": "dev-user2"
  • Response Example:
(Status 201)
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Dev User 2",
    "emails": {
        "Value": "",
        "Display": "",
        "Type": "",
        "Primary": true
    "id": "def",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Users/def"
    "schemas": [
    "userName": "dev-user2"

Delete user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users/{id}
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Fully delete a user from your SaaS Cloud organization or your Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instance by providing the user’s unique ID. Use the Create user API to add the user again to the organization or instance if needed.
  • Request Example:
DELETE /scim/Users/abc
  • Response Example:
(Status 204)

Deactivate user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Temporarily deactivate a user in your Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instance by providing the user’s unique ID. Use the Reactivate user API to reactivate the user when needed.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
op String Type of operation. The only allowed value is replace.
value Object Object {"active": false} indicating that the user should be deactivated.
  • Request Example:
PATCH /scim/Users/abc
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "value": {"active": false}
  • Response Example: This returns the User object.
(Status 200)
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Dev User 1",
    "emails": {
        "Value": "",
        "Display": "",
        "Type": "",
        "Primary": true
    "id": "abc",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Users/abc"
    "schemas": [
    "userName": "dev-user1"

Reactivate user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Reactivate a deactivated user in your Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instance by providing the user’s unique ID.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
op String Type of operation. The only allowed value is replace.
value Object Object {"active": true} indicating that the user should be reactivated.
  • Request Example:
PATCH /scim/Users/abc
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "value": {"active": true}
  • Response Example: This returns the User object.
(Status 200)
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Dev User 1",
    "emails": {
        "Value": "",
        "Display": "",
        "Type": "",
        "Primary": true
    "id": "abc",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Users/abc"
    "schemas": [
    "userName": "dev-user1"

Assign organization-level role to user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Assign an organization-level role to a user. The role can be one of admin, viewer or member as described here. For SaaS Cloud, ensure that you have configured the correct organization for SCIM API in user settings.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
op String Type of operation. The only allowed value is replace.
path String The scope at which role assignment operation takes effect. The only allowed value is organizationRole.
value String The predefined organization-level role to assign to the user. It can be one of admin, viewer or member. This field is case insensitive for predefined roles.
  • Request Example:
PATCH /scim/Users/abc
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "path": "organizationRole",
            "value": "admin" // will set the user's organization-scoped role to admin
  • Response Example: This returns the User object.
(Status 200)
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Dev User 1",
    "emails": {
        "Value": "",
        "Display": "",
        "Type": "",
        "Primary": true
    "id": "abc",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Users/abc"
    "schemas": [
    "userName": "dev-user1",
    "teamRoles": [  // Returns the user's roles in all the teams that they are a part of
            "teamName": "team1",
            "roleName": "admin"
    "organizationRole": "admin" // Returns the user's role at the organization scope

Assign team-level role to user

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Users/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Assign a team-level role to a user. The role can be one of admin, viewer, member or a custom role as described here. For SaaS Cloud, ensure that you have configured the correct organization for SCIM API in user settings.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
op String Type of operation. The only allowed value is replace.
path String The scope at which role assignment operation takes effect. The only allowed value is teamRoles.
value Object array A one-object array where the object consists of teamName and roleName attributes. The teamName is the name of the team where the user holds the role, and roleName can be one of admin, viewer, member or a custom role. This field is case insensitive for predefined roles and case sensitive for custom roles.
  • Request Example:
PATCH /scim/Users/abc
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "path": "teamRoles",
            "value": [
                    "roleName": "admin", // role name is case insensitive for predefined roles and case sensitive for custom roles
                    "teamName": "team1" // will set the user's role in the team team1 to admin
  • Response Example: This returns the User object.
(Status 200)
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Dev User 1",
    "emails": {
        "Value": "",
        "Display": "",
        "Type": "",
        "Primary": true
    "id": "abc",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Users/abc"
    "schemas": [
    "userName": "dev-user1",
    "teamRoles": [  // Returns the user's roles in all the teams that they are a part of
            "teamName": "team1",
            "roleName": "admin"
    "organizationRole": "admin" // Returns the user's role at the organization scope

Group resource

The SCIM group resource maps to W&B teams, that is, when you create a SCIM group in a W&B deployment, it creates a W&B team. Same applies to other group endpoints.

Get team

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Groups/{id}
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve team information by providing the team’s unique ID.
  • Request Example:
GET /scim/Groups/ghi
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "displayName": "wandb-devs",
    "id": "ghi",
    "members": [
            "Value": "abc",
            "Ref": "",
            "Type": "",
            "Display": "dev-user1"
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Group",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Groups/ghi"
    "schemas": [

List teams

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Groups
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a list of teams.
  • Request Example:
GET /scim/Groups
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "Resources": [
            "displayName": "wandb-devs",
            "id": "ghi",
            "members": [
                    "Value": "abc",
                    "Ref": "",
                    "Type": "",
                    "Display": "dev-user1"
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "Group",
                "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
                "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
                "location": "Groups/ghi"
            "schemas": [
    "itemsPerPage": 9999,
    "schemas": [
    "startIndex": 1,
    "totalResults": 1

Create team

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Groups
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new team resource.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
displayName String Yes
members Multi-Valued Array Yes (value sub-field is required and maps to a user ID)
  • Request Example:

Creating a team called wandb-support with dev-user2 as its member.

POST /scim/Groups
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],
    "displayName": "wandb-support",
    "members": [
            "value": "def"
  • Response Example:
(Status 201)
    "displayName": "wandb-support",
    "id": "jkl",
    "members": [
            "Value": "def",
            "Ref": "",
            "Type": "",
            "Display": "dev-user2"
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Group",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "location": "Groups/jkl"
    "schemas": [

Update team

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Groups/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Update an existing team’s membership list.
  • Supported Operations: add member, remove member
  • Request Example:

Adding dev-user2 to wandb-devs

PATCH /scim/Groups/ghi
	"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
	"Operations": [
			"op": "add",
			"path": "members",
			"value": [
					"value": "def",
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "displayName": "wandb-devs",
    "id": "ghi",
    "members": [
            "Value": "abc",
            "Ref": "",
            "Type": "",
            "Display": "dev-user1"
            "Value": "def",
            "Ref": "",
            "Type": "",
            "Display": "dev-user2"
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Group",
        "created": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-10-01T00:01:00Z",
        "location": "Groups/ghi"
    "schemas": [

Delete team

  • Deleting teams is currently unsupported by the SCIM API since there is additional data linked to teams. Delete teams from the app to confirm you want everything deleted.

Role resource

The SCIM role resource maps to W&B custom roles. As mentioned earlier, the /Roles endpoints are not part of the official SCIM schema, W&B adds /Roles endpoints to support automated management of custom roles in W&B organizations.

Get custom role

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Roles/{id}
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve information for a custom role by providing the role’s unique ID.
  • Request Example:
GET /scim/Roles/abc
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "description": "A sample custom role for example",
    "id": "Um9sZTo3",
    "inheritedFrom": "member", // indicates the predefined role
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Role",
        "created": "2023-11-20T23:10:14Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-11-20T23:31:23Z",
        "location": "Roles/Um9sZTo3"
    "name": "Sample custom role",
    "organizationID": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOjE0ODQ1OA==",
    "permissions": [
            "name": "artifact:read",
            "isInherited": true // inherited from member predefined role
            "name": "project:update",
            "isInherited": false // custom permission added by admin
    "schemas": [

List custom roles

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Roles
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve information for all custom roles in the W&B organization
  • Request Example:
GET /scim/Roles
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
   "Resources": [
            "description": "A sample custom role for example",
            "id": "Um9sZTo3",
            "inheritedFrom": "member", // indicates the predefined role that the custom role inherits from
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "Role",
                "created": "2023-11-20T23:10:14Z",
                "lastModified": "2023-11-20T23:31:23Z",
                "location": "Roles/Um9sZTo3"
            "name": "Sample custom role",
            "organizationID": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOjE0ODQ1OA==",
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "artifact:read",
                    "isInherited": true // inherited from member predefined role
                    "name": "project:update",
                    "isInherited": false // custom permission added by admin
            "schemas": [
            "description": "Another sample custom role for example",
            "id": "Um9sZToxMg==",
            "inheritedFrom": "viewer", // indicates the predefined role that the custom role inherits from
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "Role",
                "created": "2023-11-21T01:07:50Z",
                "location": "Roles/Um9sZToxMg=="
            "name": "Sample custom role 2",
            "organizationID": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOjE0ODQ1OA==",
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "launchagent:read",
                    "isInherited": true // inherited from viewer predefined role
                    "name": "run:stop",
                    "isInherited": false // custom permission added by admin
            "schemas": [
    "itemsPerPage": 9999,
    "schemas": [
    "startIndex": 1,
    "totalResults": 2

Create custom role

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Roles
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new custom role in the W&B organization.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
name String Name of the custom role
description String Description of the custom role
permissions Object array Array of permission objects where each object includes a name string field that has value of the form w&bobject:operation. For example, a permission object for delete operation on W&B runs would have name as run:delete.
inheritedFrom String The predefined role which the custom role would inherit from. It can either be member or viewer.
  • Request Example:
POST /scim/Roles
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Role"],
    "name": "Sample custom role",
    "description": "A sample custom role for example",
    "permissions": [
            "name": "project:update"
    "inheritedFrom": "member"
  • Response Example:
(Status 201)
    "description": "A sample custom role for example",
    "id": "Um9sZTo3",
    "inheritedFrom": "member", // indicates the predefined role
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Role",
        "created": "2023-11-20T23:10:14Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-11-20T23:31:23Z",
        "location": "Roles/Um9sZTo3"
    "name": "Sample custom role",
    "organizationID": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOjE0ODQ1OA==",
    "permissions": [
            "name": "artifact:read",
            "isInherited": true // inherited from member predefined role
            "name": "project:update",
            "isInherited": false // custom permission added by admin
    "schemas": [

Delete custom role

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Roles/{id}
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete a custom role in the W&B organization. Use it with caution. The predefined role from which the custom role inherited is now assigned to all users that were assigned the custom role before the operation.
  • Request Example:
DELETE /scim/Roles/abc
  • Response Example:
(Status 204)

Update custom role permissions

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Roles/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Add or remove custom permissions in a custom role in the W&B organization.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
operations Object array Array of operation objects
op String Type of operation within the operation object. It can either be add or remove.
path String Static field in the operation object. Only value allowed is permissions.
value Object array Array of permission objects where each object includes a name string field that has value of the form w&bobject:operation. For example, a permission object for delete operation on W&B runs would have name as run:delete.
  • Request Example:
PATCH /scim/Roles/abc
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [
            "op": "add", // indicates the type of operation, other possible value being `remove`
            "path": "permissions",
            "value": [
                    "name": "project:delete"
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "description": "A sample custom role for example",
    "id": "Um9sZTo3",
    "inheritedFrom": "member", // indicates the predefined role
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Role",
        "created": "2023-11-20T23:10:14Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-11-20T23:31:23Z",
        "location": "Roles/Um9sZTo3"
    "name": "Sample custom role",
    "organizationID": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOjE0ODQ1OA==",
    "permissions": [
            "name": "artifact:read",
            "isInherited": true // inherited from member predefined role
            "name": "project:update",
            "isInherited": false // existing custom permission added by admin before the update
            "name": "project:delete",
            "isInherited": false // new custom permission added by admin as part of the update
    "schemas": [

Update custom role metadata

  • Endpoint: <host-url>/scim/Roles/{id}
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update the name, description or inherited role for a custom role in the W&B organization. This operation doesn’t affect any of the existing, that is, non-inherited custom permissions in the custom role.
  • Supported Fields:
Field Type Required
name String Name of the custom role
description String Description of the custom role
inheritedFrom String The predefined role which the custom role inherits from. It can either be member or viewer.
  • Request Example:
PUT /scim/Roles/abc
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Role"],
    "name": "Sample custom role",
    "description": "A sample custom role for example but now based on viewer",
    "inheritedFrom": "viewer"
  • Response Example:
(Status 200)
    "description": "A sample custom role for example but now based on viewer", // changed the descripton per the request
    "id": "Um9sZTo3",
    "inheritedFrom": "viewer", // indicates the predefined role which is changed per the request
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Role",
        "created": "2023-11-20T23:10:14Z",
        "lastModified": "2023-11-20T23:31:23Z",
        "location": "Roles/Um9sZTo3"
    "name": "Sample custom role",
    "organizationID": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOjE0ODQ1OA==",
    "permissions": [
            "name": "artifact:read",
            "isInherited": true // inherited from viewer predefined role
        ... // Any permissions that are in member predefined role but not in viewer will not be inherited post the update
            "name": "project:update",
            "isInherited": false // custom permission added by admin
            "name": "project:delete",
            "isInherited": false // custom permission added by admin
    "schemas": [

5 - Advanced IAM configuration

In addition to basic environment variables, you can use environment variables to configure IAM options for your Dedicated Cloud or Self-managed instance.

Choose any of the following environment variables for your instance depending on your IAM needs.

Environment variable Description
DISABLE_SSO_PROVISIONING Set this to true to turn off user auto-provisioning in your W&B instance.
SESSION_LENGTH If you would like to change the default user session expiry time, set this variable to the desired number of hours. For example, set SESSION_LENGTH to 24 to configure session expiry time to 24 hours. The default value is 720 hours.
GORILLA_ENABLE_SSO_GROUP_CLAIMS If you are using OIDC based SSO, set this variable to true to automate W&B team membership in your instance based on your OIDC groups. Add a groups claim to user OIDC token. It should be a string array where each entry is the name of a W&B team that the user should belong to. The array should include all the teams that a user is a part of.
GORILLA_LDAP_GROUP_SYNC If you are using LDAP based SSO, set it to true to automate W&B team membership in your instance based on your LDAP groups.
GORILLA_OIDC_CUSTOM_SCOPES If you are using OIDC based SSO, you can specify additional scopes that W&B instance should request from your identity provider. W&B does not change the SSO functionality due to these custom scopes in any way.
GORILLA_USE_IDENTIFIER_CLAIMS If you are using OIDC based SSO, set this variable to true to enforce username and full name of your users using specific OIDC claims from your identity provider. If set, ensure that you configure the enforced username and full name in the preferred_username and name OIDC claims respectively. Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters along with underscores and hyphens as special characters.
GORILLA_DISABLE_PERSONAL_ENTITY Set this to true to turn off personal user projects in your W&B instance. If set, users can not create new personal projects in their personal entities, plus writes to existing personal projects are turned off.
GORILLA_DISABLE_ADMIN_TEAM_ACCESS Set this to true to restrict Organization or Instance Admins from self-joining or adding themselves to a W&B team, thus ensuring that only Data & AI personas have access to the projects within the teams.