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Python Library

Use wandb to track machine learning work.

Train and fine-tune models, manage models from experimentation to production.

For guides and examples, see

For scripts and interactive notebooks, see

For reference documentation, see


class Artifact: Flexible and lightweight building block for dataset and model versioning.

class Run: A unit of computation logged by wandb. Typically, this is an ML experiment.


agent(...): Start one or more sweep agents.

controller(...): Public sweep controller constructor.

finish(...): Finish a run and upload any remaining data.

init(...): Start a new run to track and log to W&B.

log(...): Upload run data.

login(...): Set up W&B login credentials.

save(...): Sync one or more files to W&B.

sweep(...): Initialize a hyperparameter sweep.

watch(...): Hooks into the given PyTorch model(s) to monitor gradients and the model’s computational graph.

Other Members
__version__ '0.19.8'

1 - agent

Start one or more sweep agents.

    sweep_id: str,
    function: Optional[Callable] = None,
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    project: Optional[str] = None,
    count: Optional[int] = None
) -> None

The sweep agent uses the sweep_id to know which sweep it is a part of, what function to execute, and (optionally) how many agents to run.

sweep_id The unique identifier for a sweep. A sweep ID is generated by W&B CLI or Python SDK.
function A function to call instead of the “program” specified in the sweep config.
entity The username or team name where you want to send W&B runs created by the sweep to. Ensure that the entity you specify already exists. If you don’t specify an entity, the run will be sent to your default entity, which is usually your username.
project The name of the project where W&B runs created from the sweep are sent to. If the project is not specified, the run is sent to a project labeled “Uncategorized”.
count The number of sweep config trials to try.

2 - Artifact

Flexible and lightweight building block for dataset and model versioning.

    name: str,
    type: str,
    description: (str | None) = None,
    metadata: (dict[str, Any] | None) = None,
    incremental: bool = (False),
    use_as: (str | None) = None
) -> None

Construct an empty W&B Artifact. Populate an artifacts contents with methods that begin with add. Once the artifact has all the desired files, you can call wandb.log_artifact() to log it.

name A human-readable name for the artifact. Use the name to identify a specific artifact in the W&B App UI or programmatically. You can interactively reference an artifact with the use_artifact Public API. A name can contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and dots. The name must be unique across a project.
type The artifact’s type. Use the type of an artifact to both organize and differentiate artifacts. You can use any string that contains letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and dots. Common types include dataset or model. Include model within your type string if you want to link the artifact to the W&B Model Registry.
description A description of the artifact. For Model or Dataset Artifacts, add documentation for your standardized team model or dataset card. View an artifact’s description programmatically with the Artifact.description attribute or programmatically with the W&B App UI. W&B renders the description as markdown in the W&B App.
metadata Additional information about an artifact. Specify metadata as a dictionary of key-value pairs. You can specify no more than 100 total keys.
incremental Use Artifact.new_draft() method instead to modify an existing artifact.
use_as W&B Launch specific parameter. Not recommended for general use.
An Artifact object.
aliases List of one or more semantically-friendly references or identifying “nicknames” assigned to an artifact version. Aliases are mutable references that you can programmatically reference. Change an artifact’s alias with the W&B App UI or programmatically. See Create new artifact versions for more information.
collection The collection this artifact was retrieved from. A collection is an ordered group of artifact versions. If this artifact was retrieved from a portfolio / linked collection, that collection will be returned rather than the collection that an artifact version originated from. The collection that an artifact originates from is known as the source sequence.
commit_hash The hash returned when this artifact was committed.
created_at Timestamp when the artifact was created.
description A description of the artifact.
digest The logical digest of the artifact. The digest is the checksum of the artifact’s contents. If an artifact has the same digest as the current latest version, then log_artifact is a no-op.
entity The name of the entity of the secondary (portfolio) artifact collection.
file_count The number of files (including references).
id The artifact’s ID.
manifest The artifact’s manifest. The manifest lists all of its contents, and can’t be changed once the artifact has been logged.
metadata User-defined artifact metadata. Structured data associated with the artifact.
name The artifact name and version in its secondary (portfolio) collection. A string with the format {collection}:{alias}. Before the artifact is saved, contains only the name since the version is not yet known.
project The name of the project of the secondary (portfolio) artifact collection.
qualified_name The entity/project/name of the secondary (portfolio) collection.
size The total size of the artifact in bytes. Includes any references tracked by this artifact.
source_collection The artifact’s primary (sequence) collection.
source_entity The name of the entity of the primary (sequence) artifact collection.
source_name The artifact name and version in its primary (sequence) collection. A string with the format {collection}:{alias}. Before the artifact is saved, contains only the name since the version is not yet known.
source_project The name of the project of the primary (sequence) artifact collection.
source_qualified_name The entity/project/name of the primary (sequence) collection.
source_version The artifact’s version in its primary (sequence) collection. A string with the format v{number}.
state The status of the artifact. One of: “PENDING”, “COMMITTED”, or “DELETED”.
tags List of one or more tags assigned to this artifact version.
ttl The time-to-live (TTL) policy of an artifact. Artifacts are deleted shortly after a TTL policy’s duration passes. If set to None, the artifact deactivates TTL policies and will be not scheduled for deletion, even if there is a team default TTL. An artifact inherits a TTL policy from the team default if the team administrator defines a default TTL and there is no custom policy set on an artifact.
type The artifact’s type. Common types include dataset or model.
updated_at The time when the artifact was last updated.
url Constructs the URL of the artifact.
version The artifact’s version in its secondary (portfolio) collection.



View source

    obj: WBValue,
    name: StrPath,
    overwrite: bool = (False)
) -> ArtifactManifestEntry

Add wandb.WBValue obj to the artifact.

obj The object to add. Currently support one of Bokeh, JoinedTable, PartitionedTable, Table, Classes, ImageMask, BoundingBoxes2D, Audio, Image, Video, Html, Object3D
name The path within the artifact to add the object.
overwrite If True, overwrite existing objects with the same file path (if applicable).
The added manifest entry
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.


View source

    local_path: str,
    name: (str | None) = None,
    skip_cache: (bool | None) = (False),
    policy: (Literal['mutable', 'immutable'] | None) = "mutable"
) -> None

Add a local directory to the artifact.

local_path The path of the local directory.
name The subdirectory name within an artifact. The name you specify appears in the W&B App UI nested by artifact’s type. Defaults to the root of the artifact.
skip_cache If set to True, W&B will not copy/move files to the cache while uploading
policy “mutable”
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.
ValueError Policy must be “mutable” or “immutable”


View source

    local_path: str,
    name: (str | None) = None,
    is_tmp: (bool | None) = (False),
    skip_cache: (bool | None) = (False),
    policy: (Literal['mutable', 'immutable'] | None) = "mutable",
    overwrite: bool = (False)
) -> ArtifactManifestEntry

Add a local file to the artifact.

local_path The path to the file being added.
name The path within the artifact to use for the file being added. Defaults to the basename of the file.
is_tmp If true, then the file is renamed deterministically to avoid collisions.
skip_cache If True, W&B will not copy files to the cache after uploading.
policy By default, set to “mutable”. If set to “mutable”, create a temporary copy of the file to prevent corruption during upload. If set to “immutable”, disable protection and rely on the user not to delete or change the file.
overwrite If True, overwrite the file if it already exists.
The added manifest entry.
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.
ValueError Policy must be “mutable” or “immutable”


View source

    uri: (ArtifactManifestEntry | str),
    name: (StrPath | None) = None,
    checksum: bool = (True),
    max_objects: (int | None) = None
) -> Sequence[ArtifactManifestEntry]

Add a reference denoted by a URI to the artifact.

Unlike files or directories that you add to an artifact, references are not uploaded to W&B. For more information, see Track external files.

By default, the following schemes are supported:

  • http(s): The size and digest of the file will be inferred by the Content-Length and the ETag response headers returned by the server.
  • s3: The checksum and size are pulled from the object metadata. If bucket versioning is enabled, then the version ID is also tracked.
  • gs: The checksum and size are pulled from the object metadata. If bucket versioning is enabled, then the version ID is also tracked.
  • https, domain matching * (Azure): The checksum and size are be pulled from the blob metadata. If storage account versioning is enabled, then the version ID is also tracked.
  • file: The checksum and size are pulled from the file system. This scheme is useful if you have an NFS share or other externally mounted volume containing files you wish to track but not necessarily upload.

For any other scheme, the digest is just a hash of the URI and the size is left blank.

uri The URI path of the reference to add. The URI path can be an object returned from Artifact.get_entry to store a reference to another artifact’s entry.
name The path within the artifact to place the contents of this reference.
checksum Whether or not to checksum the resource(s) located at the reference URI. Checksumming is strongly recommended as it enables automatic integrity validation. Disabling checksumming will speed up artifact creation but reference directories will not iterated through so the objects in the directory will not be saved to the artifact. We recommend setting checksum=False when adding reference objects, in which case a new version will only be created if the reference URI changes.
max_objects The maximum number of objects to consider when adding a reference that points to directory or bucket store prefix. By default, the maximum number of objects allowed for Amazon S3, GCS, Azure, and local files is 10,000,000. Other URI schemas do not have a maximum.
The added manifest entries.
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.


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    root: (str | None) = None
) -> str

Replace the specified root directory with the contents of the artifact.

WARNING: This will delete all files in root that are not included in the artifact.

root The directory to replace with this artifact’s files.
The path of the checked out contents.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

    delete_aliases: bool = (False)
) -> None

Delete an artifact and its files.

If called on a linked artifact (i.e. a member of a portfolio collection): only the link is deleted, and the source artifact is unaffected.

delete_aliases If set to True, deletes all aliases associated with the artifact. Otherwise, this raises an exception if the artifact has existing aliases. This parameter is ignored if the artifact is linked (i.e. a member of a portfolio collection).
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

    root: (StrPath | None) = None,
    allow_missing_references: bool = (False),
    skip_cache: (bool | None) = None,
    path_prefix: (StrPath | None) = None
) -> FilePathStr

Download the contents of the artifact to the specified root directory.

Existing files located within root are not modified. Explicitly delete root before you call download if you want the contents of root to exactly match the artifact.

root The directory W&B stores the artifact’s files.
allow_missing_references If set to True, any invalid reference paths will be ignored while downloading referenced files.
skip_cache If set to True, the artifact cache will be skipped when downloading and W&B will download each file into the default root or specified download directory.
path_prefix If specified, only files with a path that starts with the given prefix will be downloaded. Uses unix format (forward slashes).
The path to the downloaded contents.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.
RuntimeError If the artifact is attempted to be downloaded in offline mode.


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    root: (str | None) = None
) -> StrPath

Download a single file artifact to the directory you specify with root.

root The root directory to store the file. Defaults to ‘./artifacts/’.
The full path of the downloaded file.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.
ValueError If the artifact contains more than one file.


View source

    names: (list[str] | None) = None,
    per_page: int = 50
) -> ArtifactFiles

Iterate over all files stored in this artifact.

names The filename paths relative to the root of the artifact you wish to list.
per_page The number of files to return per request.
An iterator containing File objects.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

finalize() -> None

Finalize the artifact version.

You cannot modify an artifact version once it is finalized because the artifact is logged as a specific artifact version. Create a new artifact version to log more data to an artifact. An artifact is automatically finalized when you log the artifact with log_artifact.


View source

    name: str
) -> (WBValue | None)

Get the WBValue object located at the artifact relative name.

name The artifact relative name to retrieve.
W&B object that can be logged with wandb.log() and visualized in the W&B UI.
ArtifactNotLoggedError if the artifact isn’t logged or the run is offline


View source

    local_path: str
) -> (str | None)

Get the artifact relative name of a file added by a local filesystem path.

local_path The local path to resolve into an artifact relative name.
The artifact relative name.


View source

    name: StrPath
) -> ArtifactManifestEntry

Get the entry with the given name.

name The artifact relative name to get
A W&B object.
ArtifactNotLoggedError if the artifact isn’t logged or the run is offline.
KeyError if the artifact doesn’t contain an entry with the given name.


View source

    name: StrPath
) -> ArtifactManifestEntry

Deprecated. Use get_entry(name).


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is_draft() -> bool

Check if artifact is not saved.

Returns: Boolean. False if artifact is saved. True if artifact is not saved.


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json_encode() -> dict[str, Any]

Returns the artifact encoded to the JSON format.

A dict with string keys representing attributes of the artifact.

View source

    target_path: str,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None
) -> None

Link this artifact to a portfolio (a promoted collection of artifacts).

target_path The path to the portfolio inside a project. The target path must adhere to one of the following schemas {portfolio}, {project}/{portfolio} or {entity}/{project}/{portfolio}. To link the artifact to the Model Registry, rather than to a generic portfolio inside a project, set target_path to the following schema {"model-registry"}/{Registered Model Name} or {entity}/{"model-registry"}/{Registered Model Name}.
aliases A list of strings that uniquely identifies the artifact inside the specified portfolio.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

logged_by() -> (Run | None)

Get the W&B run that originally logged the artifact.

The name of the W&B run that originally logged the artifact.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

new_draft() -> Artifact

Create a new draft artifact with the same content as this committed artifact.

Modifying an existing artifact creates a new artifact version known as an “incremental artifact”. The artifact returned can be extended or modified and logged as a new version.

An Artifact object.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

    name: str,
    mode: str = "x",
    encoding: (str | None) = None
) -> Iterator[IO]

Open a new temporary file and add it to the artifact.

name The name of the new file to add to the artifact.
mode The file access mode to use to open the new file.
encoding The encoding used to open the new file.
A new file object that can be written to. Upon closing, the file will be automatically added to the artifact.
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.


View source

    item: (StrPath | ArtifactManifestEntry)
) -> None

Remove an item from the artifact.

item The item to remove. Can be a specific manifest entry or the name of an artifact-relative path. If the item matches a directory all items in that directory will be removed.
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.
FileNotFoundError If the item isn’t found in the artifact.


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    project: (str | None) = None,
    settings: (wandb.Settings | None) = None
) -> None

Persist any changes made to the artifact.

If currently in a run, that run will log this artifact. If not currently in a run, a run of type “auto” is created to track this artifact.

project A project to use for the artifact in the case that a run is not already in context.
settings A settings object to use when initializing an automatic run. Most commonly used in testing harness.

View source

unlink() -> None

Unlink this artifact if it is currently a member of a portfolio (a promoted collection of artifacts).

ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.
ValueError If the artifact is not linked, i.e. it is not a member of a portfolio collection.


View source

used_by() -> list[Run]

Get a list of the runs that have used this artifact.

A list of Run objects.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.


View source

    root: (str | None) = None
) -> None

Verify that the contents of an artifact match the manifest.

All files in the directory are checksummed and the checksums are then cross-referenced against the artifact’s manifest. References are not verified.

root The directory to verify. If None artifact will be downloaded to ‘./artifacts/’
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact is not logged.
ValueError If the verification fails.


View source

    timeout: (int | None) = None
) -> Artifact

If needed, wait for this artifact to finish logging.

timeout The time, in seconds, to wait.
An Artifact object.


View source

    name: str
) -> (WBValue | None)

Get the WBValue object located at the artifact relative name.

name The artifact relative name to get.
W&B object that can be logged with wandb.log() and visualized in the W&B UI.
ArtifactNotLoggedError If the artifact isn’t logged or the run is offline.


View source

    name: str,
    item: WBValue
) -> ArtifactManifestEntry

Add item to the artifact at path name.

name The path within the artifact to add the object.
item The object to add.
The added manifest entry
ArtifactFinalizedError You cannot make changes to the current artifact version because it is finalized. Log a new artifact version instead.

3 - controller

Public sweep controller constructor.

    sweep_id_or_config: Optional[Union[str, Dict]] = None,
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    project: Optional[str] = None
) -> "_WandbController"


import wandb

tuner = wandb.controller(...)

4 - Data Types

This module defines data types for logging rich, interactive visualizations to W&B.

Data types include common media types, like images, audio, and videos, flexible containers for information, like tables and HTML, and more.

For more on logging media, see our guide

For more on logging structured data for interactive dataset and model analysis, see our guide to W&B Tables.

All of these special data types are subclasses of WBValue. All the data types serialize to JSON, since that is what wandb uses to save the objects locally and upload them to the W&B server.


class Audio: Wandb class for audio clips.

class BoundingBoxes2D: Format images with 2D bounding box overlays for logging to W&B.

class Graph: Wandb class for graphs.

class Histogram: wandb class for histograms.

class Html: Wandb class for arbitrary html.

class Image: Format images for logging to W&B.

class ImageMask: Format image masks or overlays for logging to W&B.

class Molecule: Wandb class for 3D Molecular data.

class Object3D: Wandb class for 3D point clouds.

class Plotly: Wandb class for plotly plots.

class Table: The Table class used to display and analyze tabular data.

class Video: Format a video for logging to W&B.

class WBTraceTree: Media object for trace tree data.

4.1 - Audio

Wandb class for audio clips.

    data_or_path, sample_rate=None, caption=None
data_or_path (string or numpy array) A path to an audio file or a numpy array of audio data.
sample_rate (int) Sample rate, required when passing in raw numpy array of audio data.
caption (string) Caption to display with audio.



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4.2 - BoundingBoxes2D

Format images with 2D bounding box overlays for logging to W&B.

    val: dict,
    key: str
) -> None
val (dictionary) A dictionary of the following form: box_data: (list of dictionaries) One dictionary for each bounding box, containing: position: (dictionary) the position and size of the bounding box, in one of two formats Note that boxes need not all use the same format. {“minX”, “minY”, “maxX”, “maxY”}: (dictionary) A set of coordinates defining the upper and lower bounds of the box (the bottom left and top right corners) {“middle”, “width”, “height”}: (dictionary) A set of coordinates defining the center and dimensions of the box, with “middle” as a list [x, y] for the center point and “width” and “height” as numbers domain: (string) One of two options for the bounding box coordinate domain null: By default, or if no argument is passed, the coordinate domain is assumed to be relative to the original image, expressing this box as a fraction or percentage of the original image. This means all coordinates and dimensions passed into the “position” argument are floating point numbers between 0 and 1. “pixel”: (string literal) The coordinate domain is set to the pixel space. This means all coordinates and dimensions passed into “position” are integers within the bounds of the image dimensions. class_id: (integer) The class label id for this box scores: (dictionary of string to number, optional) A mapping of named fields to numerical values (float or int), can be used for filtering boxes in the UI based on a range of values for the corresponding field box_caption: (string, optional) A string to be displayed as the label text above this box in the UI, often composed of the class label, class name, and/or scores class_labels: (dictionary, optional) A map of integer class labels to their readable class names
key (string) The readable name or id for this set of bounding boxes (e.g. predictions, ground_truth)


Log bounding boxes for a single image

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
image = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(200, 300, 3))

class_labels = {0: "person", 1: "car", 2: "road", 3: "building"}

img = wandb.Image(
        "predictions": {
            "box_data": [
                    # one box expressed in the default relative/fractional domain
                    "position": {
                        "minX": 0.1,
                        "maxX": 0.2,
                        "minY": 0.3,
                        "maxY": 0.4,
                    "class_id": 1,
                    "box_caption": class_labels[1],
                    "scores": {"acc": 0.2, "loss": 1.2},
                    # another box expressed in the pixel domain
                    "position": {
                        "middle": [150, 20],
                        "width": 68,
                        "height": 112,
                    "domain": "pixel",
                    "class_id": 3,
                    "box_caption": "a building",
                    "scores": {"acc": 0.5, "loss": 0.7},
                # Log as many boxes an as needed
            "class_labels": class_labels,

run.log({"driving_scene": img})

Log a bounding box overlay to a Table

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
image = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(200, 300, 3))

class_labels = {0: "person", 1: "car", 2: "road", 3: "building"}

class_set = wandb.Classes(
        {"name": "person", "id": 0},
        {"name": "car", "id": 1},
        {"name": "road", "id": 2},
        {"name": "building", "id": 3},

img = wandb.Image(
        "predictions": {
            "box_data": [
                    # one box expressed in the default relative/fractional domain
                    "position": {
                        "minX": 0.1,
                        "maxX": 0.2,
                        "minY": 0.3,
                        "maxY": 0.4,
                    "class_id": 1,
                    "box_caption": class_labels[1],
                    "scores": {"acc": 0.2, "loss": 1.2},
                    # another box expressed in the pixel domain
                    "position": {
                        "middle": [150, 20],
                        "width": 68,
                        "height": 112,
                    "domain": "pixel",
                    "class_id": 3,
                    "box_caption": "a building",
                    "scores": {"acc": 0.5, "loss": 0.7},
                # Log as many boxes an as needed
            "class_labels": class_labels,

table = wandb.Table(columns=["image"])
run.log({"driving_scene": table})



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type_name() -> str


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    val: dict
) -> bool

4.3 - Graph

Wandb class for graphs.


This class is typically used for saving and displaying neural net models. It represents the graph as an array of nodes and edges. The nodes can have labels that can be visualized by wandb.


Import a keras model:




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    from_node, to_node


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    node=None, **node_kwargs


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4.4 - Histogram

wandb class for histograms.

    sequence: Optional[Sequence] = None,
    np_histogram: Optional['NumpyHistogram'] = None,
    num_bins: int = 64
) -> None

This object works just like numpy’s histogram function


Generate histogram from a sequence

wandb.Histogram([1, 2, 3])

Efficiently initialize from np.histogram.

hist = np.histogram(data)
sequence (array_like) input data for histogram
np_histogram (numpy histogram) alternative input of a precomputed histogram
num_bins (int) Number of bins for the histogram. The default number of bins is 64. The maximum number of bins is 512
bins ([float]) edges of bins
histogram ([int]) number of elements falling in each bin
Class Variables

4.5 - Html

Wandb class for arbitrary html.

    data: Union[str, 'TextIO'],
    inject: bool = (True)
) -> None
data (string or io object) HTML to display in wandb
inject (boolean) Add a stylesheet to the HTML object. If set to False the HTML will pass through unchanged.



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inject_head() -> None

4.6 - Image

Format images for logging to W&B.

    data_or_path: "ImageDataOrPathType",
    mode: Optional[str] = None,
    caption: Optional[str] = None,
    grouping: Optional[int] = None,
    classes: Optional[Union['Classes', Sequence[dict]]] = None,
    boxes: Optional[Union[Dict[str, 'BoundingBoxes2D'], Dict[str, dict]]] = None,
    masks: Optional[Union[Dict[str, 'ImageMask'], Dict[str, dict]]] = None,
    file_type: Optional[str] = None
) -> None
data_or_path (numpy array, string, io) Accepts numpy array of image data, or a PIL image. The class attempts to infer the data format and converts it.
mode (string) The PIL mode for an image. Most common are “L”, “RGB”, “RGBA”. Full explanation at
caption (string) Label for display of image.

Note : When logging a torch.Tensor as a wandb.Image, images are normalized. If you do not want to normalize your images, please convert your tensors to a PIL Image.


Create a wandb.Image from a numpy array

import numpy as np
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    examples = []
    for i in range(3):
        pixels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3))
        image = wandb.Image(pixels, caption=f"random field {i}")
    run.log({"examples": examples})

Create a wandb.Image from a PILImage

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image as PILImage
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    examples = []
    for i in range(3):
        pixels = np.random.randint(
            low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8
        pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(pixels, mode="RGB")
        image = wandb.Image(pil_image, caption=f"random field {i}")
    run.log({"examples": examples})

log .jpg rather than .png (default)

import numpy as np
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    examples = []
    for i in range(3):
        pixels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3))
        image = wandb.Image(pixels, caption=f"random field {i}", file_type="jpg")
    run.log({"examples": examples})



View source

    images: Sequence['Image'],
    run: "LocalRun",
    run_key: str,
    step: Union[int, str]
) -> Union[List[Optional[dict]], bool]


View source

    images: Sequence['Media']
) -> Union[bool, Sequence[Optional[str]]]


View source

    images: Sequence['Image'],
    run: "LocalRun",
    run_key: str,
    step: Union[int, str]
) -> Union[List[Optional[dict]], bool]


View source

    data: "np.ndarray"
) -> str

Guess what type of image the np.array is representing.


View source

    data: "np.ndarray"
) -> "np.ndarray"

Convert image data to uint8.

Convert floating point image on the range [0,1] and integer images on the range [0,255] to uint8, clipping if necessary.

Class Variables

4.7 - ImageMask

Format image masks or overlays for logging to W&B.

    val: dict,
    key: str
) -> None
val (dictionary) One of these two keys to represent the image: mask_data : (2D numpy array) The mask containing an integer class label for each pixel in the image path : (string) The path to a saved image file of the mask class_labels : (dictionary of integers to strings, optional) A mapping of the integer class labels in the mask to readable class names. These will default to class_0, class_1, class_2, etc.
key (string) The readable name or id for this mask type (e.g. predictions, ground_truth)


Logging a single masked image

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
image = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
predicted_mask = np.empty((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
ground_truth_mask = np.empty((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)

predicted_mask[:50, :50] = 0
predicted_mask[50:, :50] = 1
predicted_mask[:50, 50:] = 2
predicted_mask[50:, 50:] = 3

ground_truth_mask[:25, :25] = 0
ground_truth_mask[25:, :25] = 1
ground_truth_mask[:25, 25:] = 2
ground_truth_mask[25:, 25:] = 3

class_labels = {0: "person", 1: "tree", 2: "car", 3: "road"}

masked_image = wandb.Image(
        "predictions": {
            "mask_data": predicted_mask,
            "class_labels": class_labels,
        "ground_truth": {
            "mask_data": ground_truth_mask,
            "class_labels": class_labels,
run.log({"img_with_masks": masked_image})

Log a masked image inside a Table

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
image = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
predicted_mask = np.empty((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
ground_truth_mask = np.empty((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)

predicted_mask[:50, :50] = 0
predicted_mask[50:, :50] = 1
predicted_mask[:50, 50:] = 2
predicted_mask[50:, 50:] = 3

ground_truth_mask[:25, :25] = 0
ground_truth_mask[25:, :25] = 1
ground_truth_mask[:25, 25:] = 2
ground_truth_mask[25:, 25:] = 3

class_labels = {0: "person", 1: "tree", 2: "car", 3: "road"}

class_set = wandb.Classes(
        {"name": "person", "id": 0},
        {"name": "tree", "id": 1},
        {"name": "car", "id": 2},
        {"name": "road", "id": 3},

masked_image = wandb.Image(
        "predictions": {
            "mask_data": predicted_mask,
            "class_labels": class_labels,
        "ground_truth": {
            "mask_data": ground_truth_mask,
            "class_labels": class_labels,

table = wandb.Table(columns=["image"])
run.log({"random_field": table})



View source

type_name() -> str


View source

    val: dict
) -> bool

4.8 - Molecule

Wandb class for 3D Molecular data.

    data_or_path: Union[str, 'TextIO'],
    caption: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None
data_or_path (string, io) Molecule can be initialized from a file name or an io object.
caption (string) Caption associated with the molecule for display.



View source

    data_or_path: "RDKitDataType",
    caption: Optional[str] = None,
    convert_to_3d_and_optimize: bool = (True),
    mmff_optimize_molecule_max_iterations: int = 200
) -> "Molecule"

Convert RDKit-supported file/object types to wandb.Molecule.

data_or_path (string, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol) Molecule can be initialized from a file name or an rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object.
caption (string) Caption associated with the molecule for display.
convert_to_3d_and_optimize (bool) Convert to rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol with 3D coordinates. This is an expensive operation that may take a long time for complicated molecules.
mmff_optimize_molecule_max_iterations (int) Number of iterations to use in rdkit.Chem.AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule


View source

    data: str,
    caption: Optional[str] = None,
    sanitize: bool = (True),
    convert_to_3d_and_optimize: bool = (True),
    mmff_optimize_molecule_max_iterations: int = 200
) -> "Molecule"

Convert SMILES string to wandb.Molecule.

data (string) SMILES string.
caption (string) Caption associated with the molecule for display
sanitize (bool) Check if the molecule is chemically reasonable by the RDKit’s definition.
convert_to_3d_and_optimize (bool) Convert to rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol with 3D coordinates. This is an expensive operation that may take a long time for complicated molecules.
mmff_optimize_molecule_max_iterations (int) Number of iterations to use in rdkit.Chem.AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule
Class Variables

4.9 - Object3D

Wandb class for 3D point clouds.

    data_or_path: Union['np.ndarray', str, 'TextIO', dict],
) -> None
data_or_path (numpy array, string, io) Object3D can be initialized from a file or a numpy array. You can pass a path to a file or an io object and a file_type which must be one of SUPPORTED_TYPES

The shape of the numpy array must be one of either:

[[x y z],       ...] nx3
[[x y z c],     ...] nx4 where c is a category with supported range [1, 14]
[[x y z r g b], ...] nx6 where is rgb is color



View source

    data_or_path: Union['TextIO', str],
    file_type: Optional['FileFormat3D'] = None
) -> "Object3D"

Initializes Object3D from a file or stream.

data_or_path (Union[“TextIO”, str]): A path to a file or a TextIO stream. file_type (str): Specifies the data format passed to data_or_path. Required when data_or_path is a TextIO stream. This parameter is ignored if a file path is provided. The type is taken from the file extension.


View source

    data: "np.ndarray"
) -> "Object3D"

Initializes Object3D from a numpy array.

data (numpy array): Each entry in the array will represent one point in the point cloud.

The shape of the numpy array must be one of either:

[[x y z],       ...]  # nx3.
[[x y z c],     ...]  # nx4 where c is a category with supported range [1, 14].
[[x y z r g b], ...]  # nx6 where is rgb is color.


View source

    points: Sequence['Point'],
    boxes: Sequence['Box3D'],
    vectors: Optional[Sequence['Vector3D']] = None,
    point_cloud_type: "PointCloudType" = "lidar/beta"
) -> "Object3D"

Initializes Object3D from a python object.

points (Sequence[“Point”]): The points in the point cloud. boxes (Sequence[“Box3D”]): 3D bounding boxes for labeling the point cloud. Boxes are displayed in point cloud visualizations. vectors (Optional[Sequence[“Vector3D”]]): Each vector is displayed in the point cloud visualization. Can be used to indicate directionality of bounding boxes. Defaults to None. point_cloud_type (“lidar/beta”): At this time, only the “lidar/beta” type is supported. Defaults to “lidar/beta”.
Class Variables

4.10 - Plotly

Wandb class for plotly plots.

    val: Union['plotly.Figure', 'matplotlib.artist.Artist']
val matplotlib or plotly figure



View source

    val: Union['plotly.Figure', 'matplotlib.artist.Artist']
) -> Union[Image, 'Plotly']

4.11 - Table

The Table class used to display and analyze tabular data.

    columns=None, data=None, rows=None, dataframe=None, dtype=None, optional=(True),

Unlike traditional spreadsheets, Tables support numerous types of data: scalar values, strings, numpy arrays, and most subclasses of wandb.data_types.Media. This means you can embed Images, Video, Audio, and other sorts of rich, annotated media directly in Tables, alongside other traditional scalar values.

This class is the primary class used to generate the Table Visualizer in the UI:

columns (List[str]) Names of the columns in the table. Defaults to [“Input”, “Output”, “Expected”].
data (List[List[any]]) 2D row-oriented array of values.
dataframe (pandas.DataFrame) DataFrame object used to create the table. When set, data and columns arguments are ignored.
optional (Union[bool,List[bool]]) Determines if None values are allowed. Default to True - If a singular bool value, then the optionality is enforced for all columns specified at construction time - If a list of bool values, then the optionality is applied to each column - should be the same length as columns applies to all columns. A list of bool values applies to each respective column.
allow_mixed_types (bool) Determines if columns are allowed to have mixed types (disables type validation). Defaults to False



View source

    name, data, optional=(False)

Adds a column of data to the table.

name (str) - the unique name of the column
data (list
optional (bool) - if null-like values are permitted


View source


Adds one or more computed columns based on existing data.

fn A function which accepts one or two parameters, ndx (int) and row (dict), which is expected to return a dict representing new columns for that row, keyed by the new column names. ndx is an integer representing the index of the row. Only included if include_ndx is set to True. row is a dictionary keyed by existing columns


View source


Adds a new row of data to the table. The maximum amount of rows in a table is determined by wandb.Table.MAX_ARTIFACT_ROWS.

The length of the data should match the length of the table column.


View source


Deprecated; use add_data instead.


View source

    col_name, dtype, optional=(False)

Casts a column to a specific data type.

This can be one of the normal python classes, an internal W&B type, or an example object, like an instance of wandb.Image or wandb.Classes.

col_name (str) - The name of the column to cast.
dtype (class, wandb.wandb_sdk.interface._dtypes.Type, any) - The target dtype.
optional (bool) - If the column should allow Nones.


View source

    name, convert_to=None

Retrieves a column from the table and optionally converts it to a NumPy object.

name (str) - the name of the column
convert_to (str, optional) - “numpy”: will convert the underlying data to numpy object


View source


Returns a pandas.DataFrame of the table.


View source


Returns an array of row indexes for use in other tables to create links.


View source


Gets a reference of the index of a row in the table.


View source


Returns the table data by row, showing the index of the row and the relevant data.


index : int The index of the row. Using this value in other W&B tables will automatically build a relationship between the tables row : List[any] The data of the row.


View source

    col_name, table, table_col


View source

Class Variables
MAX_ROWS 10000

4.12 - Video

Format a video for logging to W&B.

    data_or_path: Union['np.ndarray', str, 'TextIO', 'BytesIO'],
    caption: Optional[str] = None,
    fps: Optional[int] = None,
    format: Optional[str] = None
data_or_path (numpy array, string, io) Video can be initialized with a path to a file or an io object. The format must be “gif”, “mp4”, “webm” or “ogg”. The format must be specified with the format argument. Video can be initialized with a numpy tensor. The numpy tensor must be either 4 dimensional or 5 dimensional. Channels should be (time, channel, height, width) or (batch, time, channel, height width)
caption (string) caption associated with the video for display
fps (int) The frame rate to use when encoding raw video frames. Default value is 4. This parameter has no effect when data_or_path is a string, or bytes.
format (string) format of video, necessary if initializing with path or io object.


Log a numpy array as a video

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
# axes are (time, channel, height, width)
frames = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(10, 3, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
run.log({"video": wandb.Video(frames, fps=4)})



View source

    fps: int = 4
) -> None
Class Variables

4.13 - WBTraceTree

Media object for trace tree data.

    root_span: Span,
    model_dict: typing.Optional[dict] = None
root_span (Span): The root span of the trace tree. model_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the model dump. NOTE: model_dict is a completely-user-defined dict. The UI will render a JSON viewer for this dict, giving special treatment to dictionaries with a _kind key. This is because model vendors have such different serialization formats that we need to be flexible here.

5 - finish

Finish a run and upload any remaining data.

    exit_code: (int | None) = None,
    quiet: (bool | None) = None
) -> None

Marks the completion of a W&B run and ensures all data is synced to the server. The run’s final state is determined by its exit conditions and sync status.

Run States:

  • Running: Active run that is logging data and/or sending heartbeats.
  • Crashed: Run that stopped sending heartbeats unexpectedly.
  • Finished: Run completed successfully (exit_code=0) with all data synced.
  • Failed: Run completed with errors (exit_code!=0).
exit_code Integer indicating the run’s exit status. Use 0 for success, any other value marks the run as failed.
quiet Deprecated. Configure logging verbosity using wandb.Settings(quiet=...).

6 - Import & Export API


class Api: Used for querying the wandb server.

class File: File is a class associated with a file saved by wandb.

class Files: An iterable collection of File objects.

class Job

class Project: A project is a namespace for runs.

class Projects: An iterable collection of Project objects.

class QueuedRun: A single queued run associated with an entity and project. Call run = queued_run.wait_until_running() or run = queued_run.wait_until_finished() to access the run.

class Run: A single run associated with an entity and project.

class RunQueue

class Runs: An iterable collection of runs associated with a project and optional filter.

class Sweep: A set of runs associated with a sweep.

6.1 - Api

Used for querying the wandb server.

    overrides: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    timeout: Optional[int] = None,
    api_key: Optional[str] = None
) -> None


Most common way to initialize

>>> wandb.Api()
overrides (dict) You can set base_url if you are using a wandb server other than You can also set defaults for entity, project, and run.



View source

    name: str,
    type: Optional[str] = None

Return a single artifact by parsing path in the form project/name or entity/project/name.

name (str) An artifact name. May be prefixed with project/ or entity/project/. If no entity is specified in the name, the Run or API setting’s entity is used. Valid names can be in the following forms: name:version name:alias
type (str, optional) The type of artifact to fetch.
An Artifact object.
ValueError If the artifact name is not specified.
ValueError If the artifact type is specified but does not match the type of the fetched artifact.


This method is intended for external use only. Do not call api.artifact() within the wandb repository code.


View source

    type_name: str,
    name: str
) -> "public.ArtifactCollection"

Return a single artifact collection by type and parsing path in the form entity/project/name.

type_name (str) The type of artifact collection to fetch.
name (str) An artifact collection name. May be prefixed with entity/project.
An ArtifactCollection object.


View source

    name: str,
    type: str
) -> bool

Return whether an artifact collection exists within a specified project and entity.

name (str) An artifact collection name. May be prefixed with entity/project. If entity or project is not specified, it will be inferred from the override params if populated. Otherwise, entity will be pulled from the user settings and project will default to “uncategorized”.
type (str) The type of artifact collection
True if the artifact collection exists, False otherwise.


View source

    project_name: str,
    type_name: str,
    per_page: Optional[int] = 50
) -> "public.ArtifactCollections"

Return a collection of matching artifact collections.

project_name (str) The name of the project to filter on.
type_name (str) The name of the artifact type to filter on.
per_page (int, optional) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this.
An iterable ArtifactCollections object.


View source

    name: str,
    type: Optional[str] = None
) -> bool

Return whether an artifact version exists within a specified project and entity.

name (str) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. If entity or project is not specified, it will be inferred from the override params if populated. Otherwise, entity will be pulled from the user settings and project will default to “uncategorized”. Valid names can be in the following forms: name:version name:alias
type (str, optional) The type of artifact
True if the artifact version exists, False otherwise.


View source

    type_name: str,
    project: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.ArtifactType"

Return the matching ArtifactType.

type_name (str) The name of the artifact type to retrieve.
project (str, optional) If given, a project name or path to filter on.
An ArtifactType object.


View source

    project: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.ArtifactTypes"

Return a collection of matching artifact types.

project (str, optional) If given, a project name or path to filter on.
An iterable ArtifactTypes object.


View source

    type_name, name, per_page=50

Deprecated, use artifacts(type_name, name) instead.


View source

    type_name: str,
    name: str,
    per_page: Optional[int] = 50,
    tags: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> "public.Artifacts"

Return an Artifacts collection from the given parameters.

type_name (str) The type of artifacts to fetch.
name (str) An artifact collection name. May be prefixed with entity/project.
per_page (int, optional) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this.
tags (list[str], optional) Only return artifacts with all of these tags.
An iterable Artifacts object.


View source

    name: str,
    entity: str
) -> None

Create a new project.

name (str) The name of the new project.
entity (str) The entity of the new project.


View source

    run_id: Optional[str] = None,
    project: Optional[str] = None,
    entity: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.Run"

Create a new run.

run_id (str, optional) The ID to assign to the run, if given. The run ID is automatically generated by default, so in general, you do not need to specify this and should only do so at your own risk.
project (str, optional) If given, the project of the new run.
entity (str, optional) If given, the entity of the new run.
The newly created Run.


View source

    name: str,
    type: "public.RunQueueResourceType",
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    prioritization_mode: Optional['public.RunQueuePrioritizationMode'] = None,
    config: Optional[dict] = None,
    template_variables: Optional[dict] = None
) -> "public.RunQueue"

Create a new run queue (launch).

name (str) Name of the queue to create
type (str) Type of resource to be used for the queue. One of “local-container”, “local-process”, “kubernetes”, “sagemaker”, or “gcp-vertex”.
entity (str) Optional name of the entity to create the queue. If None, will use the configured or default entity.
prioritization_mode (str) Optional version of prioritization to use. Either “V0” or None
config (dict) Optional default resource configuration to be used for the queue. Use handlebars (eg. {{var}}) to specify template variables.
template_variables (dict) A dictionary of template variable schemas to be used with the config. Expected format of: { "var-name": { "schema": { "type": ("string", "number", or "integer"), "default": (optional value), "minimum": (optional minimum), "maximum": (optional maximum), "enum": [..."(options)"] } } }
The newly created RunQueue
ValueError if any of the parameters are invalid wandb.Error on wandb API errors


View source

    team, admin_username=None

Create a new team.

team (str) The name of the team
admin_username (str) optional username of the admin user of the team, defaults to the current user.
A Team object


View source

    email, admin=(False)

Create a new user.

email (str) The email address of the user
admin (bool) Whether this user should be a global instance admin
A User object


View source


Flush the local cache.

The api object keeps a local cache of runs, so if the state of the run may change while executing your script you must clear the local cache with api.flush() to get the latest values associated with the run.


View source


Return a run, sweep, project or report from a path.


project = api.from_path("my_project")
team_project = api.from_path("my_team/my_project")
run = api.from_path("my_team/my_project/runs/id")
sweep = api.from_path("my_team/my_project/sweeps/id")
report = api.from_path("my_team/my_project/reports/My-Report-Vm11dsdf")
path (str) The path to the project, run, sweep or report
A Project, Run, Sweep, or BetaReport instance.
wandb.Error if path is invalid or the object doesn’t exist


View source

    name: Optional[str],
    path: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.Job"

Return a Job from the given parameters.

name (str) The job name.
path (str, optional) If given, the root path in which to download the job artifact.
A Job object.


View source

    entity: str,
    project: str
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]

Return a list of jobs, if any, for the given entity and project.

entity (str) The entity for the listed job(s).
project (str) The project for the listed job(s).
A list of matching jobs.


View source

    name: str,
    entity: Optional[str] = None
) -> "public.Project"

Return the Project with the given name (and entity, if given).

name (str) The project name.
entity (str) Name of the entity requested. If None, will fall back to the default entity passed to Api. If no default entity, will raise a ValueError.
A Project object.


View source

    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    per_page: Optional[int] = 200
) -> "public.Projects"

Get projects for a given entity.

entity (str) Name of the entity requested. If None, will fall back to the default entity passed to Api. If no default entity, will raise a ValueError.
per_page (int) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this.
A Projects object which is an iterable collection of Project objects.


View source

    entity, project, queue_name, run_queue_item_id, project_queue=None,

Return a single queued run based on the path.

Parses paths of the form entity/project/queue_id/run_queue_item_id.


View source

    organization: Optional[str] = None,
    filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Registries

Returns a Registry iterator.

Use the iterator to search and filter registries, collections, or artifact versions across your organization’s registry.


Find all registries with the names that contain “model”

import wandb

api = wandb.Api()  # specify an org if your entity belongs to multiple orgs
api.registries(filter={"name": {"$regex": "model"}})

Find all collections in the registries with the name “my_collection” and the tag “my_tag”

api.registries().collections(filter={"name": "my_collection", "tag": "my_tag"})

Find all artifact versions in the registries with a collection name that contains “my_collection” and a version that has the alias “best”

    filter={"name": {"$regex": "my_collection"}}
).versions(filter={"alias": "best"})

Find all artifact versions in the registries that contain “model” and have the tag “prod” or alias “best”

api.registries(filter={"name": {"$regex": "model"}}).versions(
    filter={"$or": [{"tag": "prod"}, {"alias": "best"}]}
organization (str, optional) The organization of the registry to fetch. If not specified, use the organization specified in the user’s settings.
filter (dict, optional) MongoDB-style filter to apply to each object in the registry iterator. Fields available to filter for collections are name, description, created_at, updated_at. Fields available to filter for collections are name, tag, description, created_at, updated_at Fields available to filter for versions are tag, alias, created_at, updated_at, metadata
A registry iterator.


View source

    path: str = "",
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    per_page: Optional[int] = 50
) -> "public.Reports"

Get reports for a given project path.

WARNING: This api is in beta and will likely change in a future release

path (str) path to project the report resides in, should be in the form: “entity/project”
name (str, optional) optional name of the report requested.
per_page (int) Sets the page size for query pagination. None will use the default size. Usually there is no reason to change this.
A Reports object which is an iterable collection of BetaReport objects.


View source


Return a single run by parsing path in the form entity/project/run_id.

path (str) path to run in the form entity/project/run_id. If api.entity is set, this can be in the form project/run_id and if api.project is set this can just be the run_id.
A Run object.


View source

    entity, name

Return the named RunQueue for entity.

To create a new RunQueue, use wandb.Api().create_run_queue(...).


View source

    path: Optional[str] = None,
    filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    order: str = "+created_at",
    per_page: int = 50,
    include_sweeps: bool = (True)

Return a set of runs from a project that match the filters provided.

Fields you can filter by include:

  • createdAt: The timestamp when the run was created. (in ISO 8601 format, e.g. “2023-01-01T12:00:00Z”)
  • displayName: The human-readable display name of the run. (e.g. “eager-fox-1”)
  • duration: The total runtime of the run in seconds.
  • group: The group name used to organize related runs together.
  • host: The hostname where the run was executed.
  • jobType: The type of job or purpose of the run.
  • name: The unique identifier of the run. (e.g. “a1b2cdef”)
  • state: The current state of the run.
  • tags: The tags associated with the run.
  • username: The username of the user who initiated the run

Additionally, you can filter by items in the run config or summary metrics. Such as config.experiment_name, summary_metrics.loss, etc.

For more complex filtering, you can use MongoDB query operators. For details, see: The following operations are supported:

  • $and
  • $or
  • $nor
  • $eq
  • $ne
  • $gt
  • $gte
  • $lt
  • $lte
  • $in
  • $nin
  • $exists
  • $regex


Find runs in my_project where config.experiment_name has been set to “foo”

    filters={"config.experiment_name": "foo"},

Find runs in my_project where config.experiment_name has been set to “foo” or “bar”

        "$or": [
            {"config.experiment_name": "foo"},
            {"config.experiment_name": "bar"},

Find runs in my_project where config.experiment_name matches a regex (anchors are not supported)

    filters={"config.experiment_name": {"$regex": "b.*"}},

Find runs in my_project where the run name matches a regex (anchors are not supported)

    filters={"display_name": {"$regex": "^foo.*"}},

Find runs in my_project where config.experiment contains a nested field “category” with value “testing”

    filters={"config.experiment.category": "testing"},

Find runs in my_project with a loss value of 0.5 nested in a dictionary under model1 in the summary metrics

    filters={"summary_metrics.model1.loss": 0.5},

Find runs in my_project sorted by ascending loss

api.runs(path="my_entity/my_project", order="+summary_metrics.loss")
path (str) path to project, should be in the form: “entity/project”
filters (dict) queries for specific runs using the MongoDB query language. You can filter by run properties such as config.key, summary_metrics.key, state, entity, createdAt, etc. For example: {"config.experiment_name": "foo"} would find runs with a config entry of experiment name set to “foo”
order (str) Order can be created_at, heartbeat_at, config.*.value, or summary_metrics.*. If you prepend order with a + order is ascending. If you prepend order with a - order is descending (default). The default order is run.created_at from oldest to newest.
per_page (int) Sets the page size for query pagination.
include_sweeps (bool) Whether to include the sweep runs in the results.
A Runs object, which is an iterable collection of Run objects.


View source


Return a sweep by parsing path in the form entity/project/sweep_id.

path (str, optional) path to sweep in the form entity/project/sweep_id. If api.entity is set, this can be in the form project/sweep_id and if api.project is set this can just be the sweep_id.
A Sweep object.


View source

    root_dir, run_id=None, project=None, entity=None

Sync a local directory containing tfevent files to wandb.


View source

    team: str
) -> "public.Team"

Return the matching Team with the given name.

team (str) The name of the team.
A Team object.


View source

    name: str,
    resource_config: dict,
    resource_type: "public.RunQueueResourceType",
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    template_variables: Optional[dict] = None,
    external_links: Optional[dict] = None,
    prioritization_mode: Optional['public.RunQueuePrioritizationMode'] = None

Upsert a run queue (launch).

name (str) Name of the queue to create
entity (str) Optional name of the entity to create the queue. If None, will use the configured or default entity.
resource_config (dict) Optional default resource configuration to be used for the queue. Use handlebars (eg. {{var}}) to specify template variables.
resource_type (str) Type of resource to be used for the queue. One of “local-container”, “local-process”, “kubernetes”, “sagemaker”, or “gcp-vertex”.
template_variables (dict) A dictionary of template variable schemas to be used with the config. Expected format of: { "var-name": { "schema": { "type": ("string", "number", or "integer"), "default": (optional value), "minimum": (optional minimum), "maximum": (optional maximum), "enum": [..."(options)"] } } }
external_links (dict) Optional dictionary of external links to be used with the queue. Expected format of: { "name": "url" }
prioritization_mode (str) Optional version of prioritization to use. Either “V0” or None
The upserted RunQueue.
ValueError if any of the parameters are invalid wandb.Error on wandb API errors


View source

    username_or_email: str
) -> Optional['public.User']

Return a user from a username or email address.

Note: This function only works for Local Admins, if you are trying to get your own user object, please use api.viewer.

username_or_email (str) The username or email address of the user
A User object or None if a user couldn’t be found


View source

    username_or_email: str
) -> List['public.User']

Return all users from a partial username or email address query.

Note: This function only works for Local Admins, if you are trying to get your own user object, please use api.viewer.

username_or_email (str) The prefix or suffix of the user you want to find
An array of User objects
Class Variables

6.2 - File

File is a class associated with a file saved by wandb.

    client, attrs, run=None
path_uri Returns the uri path to the file in the storage bucket.



View source



View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)
) -> bool

Display this object in jupyter.


View source

    root: str = ".",
    replace: bool = (False),
    exist_ok: bool = (False),
    api: Optional[Api] = None
) -> io.TextIOWrapper

Downloads a file previously saved by a run from the wandb server.

replace (boolean): If True, download will overwrite a local file if it exists. Defaults to False. root (str): Local directory to save the file. Defaults to “.”. exist_ok (boolean): If True, will not raise ValueError if file already exists and will not re-download unless replace=True. Defaults to False. api (Api, optional): If given, the Api instance used to download the file.
ValueError if file already exists, replace=False and exist_ok=False.


View source



View source

    *args, **kwargs

6.3 - Files

An iterable collection of File objects.

    client, run, names=None, per_page=50, upload=(False)



View source



View source



View source



View source



View source



View source

Class Variables

6.4 - Job

    api: "Api",
    path: Optional[str] = None
) -> None



View source

    config, project=None, entity=None, queue=None, resource="local-container",
    resource_args=None, template_variables=None, project_queue=None, priority=None


View source

    entrypoint: List[str]

6.5 - Project

A project is a namespace for runs.

    client, entity, project, attrs



View source



View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)
) -> bool

Display this object in jupyter.


View source



View source



View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying this project.

6.6 - Projects

An iterable collection of Project objects.

    client, entity, per_page=50



View source



View source



View source



View source



View source



View source

Class Variables

6.7 - QueuedRun

A single queued run associated with an entity and project. Call run = queued_run.wait_until_running() or run = queued_run.wait_until_finished() to access the run.

    client, entity, project, queue_name, run_queue_item_id,
    project_queue=LAUNCH_DEFAULT_PROJECT, priority=None



View source


Delete the given queued run from the wandb backend.


View source



View source


6.8 - Run

A single run associated with an entity and project.

    client: "RetryingClient",
    entity: str,
    project: str,
    run_id: str,
    attrs: Optional[Mapping] = None,
    include_sweeps: bool = (True)



View source

    api, run_id=None, project=None, entity=None

Create a run for the given project.


View source


Delete the given run from the wandb backend.


View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)
) -> bool

Display this object in jupyter.


View source


Return the path of a file with a given name in the artifact.

name (str): name of requested file.
A File matching the name argument.


View source

    names=None, per_page=50

Return a file path for each file named.

names (list): names of the requested files, if empty returns all files per_page (int): number of results per page.
A Files object, which is an iterator over File objects.


View source

    samples=500, keys=None, x_axis="_step", pandas=(True), stream="default"

Return sampled history metrics for a run.

This is simpler and faster if you are ok with the history records being sampled.

samples (int, optional) The number of samples to return
pandas (bool, optional) Return a pandas dataframe
keys (list, optional) Only return metrics for specific keys
x_axis (str, optional) Use this metric as the xAxis defaults to _step
stream (str, optional) “default” for metrics, “system” for machine metrics
pandas.DataFrame If pandas=True returns a pandas.DataFrame of history metrics. list of dicts: If pandas=False returns a list of dicts of history metrics.


View source



View source

    artifact: "wandb.Artifact",
    aliases: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
    tags: Optional[Collection[str]] = None

Declare an artifact as output of a run.

artifact (Artifact): An artifact returned from wandb.Api().artifact(name). aliases (list, optional): Aliases to apply to this artifact.
tags (list, optional) Tags to apply to this artifact, if any.
A Artifact object.


View source

    per_page: int = 100
) -> public.RunArtifacts

Fetches all artifacts logged by this run.

Retrieves all output artifacts that were logged during the run. Returns a paginated result that can be iterated over or collected into a single list.

per_page Number of artifacts to fetch per API request.
An iterable collection of all Artifact objects logged as outputs during this run.


>>> import wandb
>>> import tempfile
>>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
...     mode="w", delete=False, suffix=".txt"
... ) as tmp:
...     tmp.write("This is a test artifact")
...     tmp_path =
>>> run = wandb.init(project="artifact-example")
>>> artifact = wandb.Artifact("test_artifact", type="dataset")
>>> artifact.add_file(tmp_path)
>>> run.log_artifact(artifact)
>>> run.finish()
>>> api = wandb.Api()
>>> finished_run ="{run.entity}/{run.project}/{}")
>>> for logged_artifact in finished_run.logged_artifacts():
...     print(


View source



View source

    keys=None, page_size=1000, min_step=None, max_step=None

Returns an iterable collection of all history records for a run.


Export all the loss values for an example run

run ="l2k2/examples-numpy-boston/i0wt6xua")
history = run.scan_history(keys=["Loss"])
losses = [row["Loss"] for row in history]
keys ([str], optional): only fetch these keys, and only fetch rows that have all of keys defined. page_size (int, optional): size of pages to fetch from the api. min_step (int, optional): the minimum number of pages to scan at a time. max_step (int, optional): the maximum number of pages to scan at a time.
An iterable collection over history records (dict).


View source



View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying this run.


View source


Persist changes to the run object to the wandb backend.


View source

    path, root="."

Upload a file.

path (str): name of file to upload. root (str): the root path to save the file relative to. i.e. If you want to have the file saved in the run as “my_dir/file.txt” and you’re currently in “my_dir” you would set root to “../”.
A File matching the name argument.


View source

    artifact, use_as=None

Declare an artifact as an input to a run.

artifact (Artifact): An artifact returned from wandb.Api().artifact(name) use_as (string, optional): A string identifying how the artifact is used in the script. Used to easily differentiate artifacts used in a run, when using the beta wandb launch feature’s artifact swapping functionality.
A Artifact object.


View source

    per_page: int = 100
) -> public.RunArtifacts

Fetches artifacts explicitly used by this run.

Retrieves only the input artifacts that were explicitly declared as used during the run, typically via run.use_artifact(). Returns a paginated result that can be iterated over or collected into a single list.

per_page Number of artifacts to fetch per API request.
An iterable collection of Artifact objects explicitly used as inputs in this run.


>>> import wandb
>>> run = wandb.init(project="artifact-example")
>>> run.use_artifact("test_artifact:latest")
>>> run.finish()
>>> api = wandb.Api()
>>> finished_run ="{run.entity}/{run.project}/{}")
>>> for used_artifact in finished_run.used_artifacts():
...     print(


View source


6.9 - RunQueue

    client: "RetryingClient",
    name: str,
    entity: str,
    prioritization_mode: Optional[RunQueuePrioritizationMode] = None,
    _access: Optional[RunQueueAccessType] = None,
    _default_resource_config_id: Optional[int] = None,
    _default_resource_config: Optional[dict] = None
) -> None
items Up to the first 100 queued runs. Modifying this list will not modify the queue or any enqueued items!



View source

    name: str,
    resource: "RunQueueResourceType",
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    prioritization_mode: Optional['RunQueuePrioritizationMode'] = None,
    config: Optional[dict] = None,
    template_variables: Optional[dict] = None
) -> "RunQueue"


View source


Delete the run queue from the wandb backend.

6.10 - Runs

An iterable collection of runs associated with a project and optional filter.

    client: "RetryingClient",
    entity: str,
    project: str,
    filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    order: Optional[str] = None,
    per_page: int = 50,
    include_sweeps: bool = (True)

This is generally used indirectly via the Api.runs method.




View source



View source

    samples: int = 500,
    keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    x_axis: str = "_step",
    format: Literal['default', 'pandas', 'polars'] = "default",
    stream: Literal['default', 'system'] = "default"

Return sampled history metrics for all runs that fit the filters conditions.

samples (int, optional) The number of samples to return per run
keys (list[str], optional) Only return metrics for specific keys
x_axis (str, optional) Use this metric as the xAxis defaults to _step
format (Literal, optional) Format to return data in, options are “default”, “pandas”, “polars”
stream (Literal, optional) “default” for metrics, “system” for machine metrics
pandas.DataFrame If format=“pandas”, returns a pandas.DataFrame of history metrics.
polars.DataFrame If format=“polars”, returns a polars.DataFrame of history metrics. list of dicts: If format=“default”, returns a list of dicts containing history metrics with a run_id key.


View source



View source



View source



View source



View source

Class Variables

6.11 - Sweep

A set of runs associated with a sweep.

    client, entity, project, sweep_id, attrs=None


Instantiate with:

api = wandb.Api()
sweep = api.sweep(path / to / sweep)
runs (Runs) list of runs
id (str) sweep id
project (str) name of project
config (str) dictionary of sweep configuration
state (str) the state of the sweep
expected_run_count (int) number of expected runs for the sweep



View source


Return the best run sorted by the metric defined in config or the order passed in.


View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)
) -> bool

Display this object in jupyter.


View source

    client, entity=None, project=None, sid=None, order=None, query=None, **kwargs

Execute a query against the cloud backend.


View source

    force: bool = (False)


View source



View source

    height=420, hidden=(False)

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying this sweep.

Class Variables

7 - init

Start a new run to track and log to W&B.

    entity: (str | None) = None,
    project: (str | None) = None,
    dir: (StrPath | None) = None,
    id: (str | None) = None,
    name: (str | None) = None,
    notes: (str | None) = None,
    tags: (Sequence[str] | None) = None,
    config: (dict[str, Any] | str | None) = None,
    config_exclude_keys: (list[str] | None) = None,
    config_include_keys: (list[str] | None) = None,
    allow_val_change: (bool | None) = None,
    group: (str | None) = None,
    job_type: (str | None) = None,
    mode: (Literal['online', 'offline', 'disabled'] | None) = None,
    force: (bool | None) = None,
    anonymous: (Literal['never', 'allow', 'must'] | None) = None,
    reinit: (bool | None) = None,
    resume: (bool | Literal['allow', 'never', 'must', 'auto'] | None) = None,
    resume_from: (str | None) = None,
    fork_from: (str | None) = None,
    save_code: (bool | None) = None,
    tensorboard: (bool | None) = None,
    sync_tensorboard: (bool | None) = None,
    monitor_gym: (bool | None) = None,
    settings: (Settings | dict[str, Any] | None) = None
) -> Run

In an ML training pipeline, you could add wandb.init() to the beginning of your training script as well as your evaluation script, and each piece would be tracked as a run in W&B.

wandb.init() spawns a new background process to log data to a run, and it also syncs data to by default, so you can see your results in real-time.

Call wandb.init() to start a run before logging data with wandb.log(). When you’re done logging data, call wandb.finish() to end the run. If you don’t call wandb.finish(), the run will end when your script exits.

For more on using wandb.init(), including detailed examples, check out our guide and FAQs.


Explicitly set the entity and project and choose a name for the run:

import wandb

run = wandb.init(

# ... your training code here ...


Add metadata about the run using the config argument:

import wandb

config = {"lr": 0.01, "batch_size": 32}
with wandb.init(config=config) as run:
    run.config.update({"architecture": "resnet", "depth": 34})

    # ... your training code here ...

Note that you can use wandb.init() as a context manager to automatically call wandb.finish() at the end of the block.

entity The username or team name under which the runs will be logged. The entity must already exist, so ensure you’ve created your account or team in the UI before starting to log runs. If not specified, the run will default your default entity. To change the default entity, go to your settings and update the “Default location to create new projects” under “Default team”.
project The name of the project under which this run will be logged. If not specified, we use a heuristic to infer the project name based on the system, such as checking the git root or the current program file. If we can’t infer the project name, the project will default to "uncategorized".
dir The absolute path to the directory where experiment logs and metadata files are stored. If not specified, this defaults to the ./wandb directory. Note that this does not affect the location where artifacts are stored when calling download().
id A unique identifier for this run, used for resuming. It must be unique within the project and cannot be reused once a run is deleted. The identifier must not contain any of the following special characters: / \ # ? % :. For a short descriptive name, use the name field, or for saving hyperparameters to compare across runs, use config.
name A short display name for this run, which appears in the UI to help you identify it. By default, we generate a random two-word name allowing easy cross-reference runs from table to charts. Keeping these run names brief enhances readability in chart legends and tables. For saving hyperparameters, we recommend using the config field.
notes A detailed description of the run, similar to a commit message in Git. Use this argument to capture any context or details that may help you recall the purpose or setup of this run in the future.
tags A list of tags to label this run in the UI. Tags are helpful for organizing runs or adding temporary identifiers like “baseline” or “production.” You can easily add, remove tags, or filter by tags in the UI. If resuming a run, the tags provided here will replace any existing tags. To add tags to a resumed run without overwriting the current tags, use run.tags += ["new_tag"] after calling run = wandb.init().
config Sets wandb.config, a dictionary-like object for storing input parameters to your run, such as model hyperparameters or data preprocessing settings. The config appears in the UI in an overview page, allowing you to group, filter, and sort runs based on these parameters. Keys should not contain periods (.), and values should be smaller than 10 MB. If a dictionary, argparse.Namespace, or absl.flags.FLAGS is provided, the key-value pairs will be loaded directly into wandb.config. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a path to a YAML file, from which configuration values will be loaded into wandb.config.
config_exclude_keys A list of specific keys to exclude from wandb.config.
config_include_keys A list of specific keys to include in wandb.config.
allow_val_change Controls whether config values can be modified after their initial set. By default, an exception is raised if a config value is overwritten. For tracking variables that change during training, such as a learning rate, consider using wandb.log() instead. By default, this is False in scripts and True in Notebook environments.
group Specify a group name to organize individual runs as part of a larger experiment. This is useful for cases like cross-validation or running multiple jobs that train and evaluate a model on different test sets. Grouping allows you to manage related runs collectively in the UI, making it easy to toggle and review results as a unified experiment. For more information, refer to our guide to grouping runs.
job_type Specify the type of run, especially helpful when organizing runs within a group as part of a larger experiment. For example, in a group, you might label runs with job types such as “train” and “eval”. Defining job types enables you to easily filter and group similar runs in the UI, facilitating direct comparisons.
mode Specifies how run data is managed, with the following options: - "online" (default): Enables live syncing with W&B when a network connection is available, with real-time updates to visualizations. - "offline": Suitable for air-gapped or offline environments; data is saved locally and can be synced later. Ensure the run folder is preserved to enable future syncing. - "disabled": Disables all W&B functionality, making the run’s methods no-ops. Typically used in testing to bypass W&B operations.
force Determines if a W&B login is required to run the script. If True, the user must be logged in to W&B; otherwise, the script will not proceed. If False (default), the script can proceed without a login, switching to offline mode if the user is not logged in.
anonymous Specifies the level of control over anonymous data logging. Available options are: - "never" (default): Requires you to link your W&B account before tracking the run. This prevents unintentional creation of anonymous runs by ensuring each run is associated with an account. - "allow": Enables a logged-in user to track runs with their account, but also allows someone running the script without a W&B account to view the charts and data in the UI. - "must": Forces the run to be logged to an anonymous account, even if the user is logged in.
reinit Determines if multiple wandb.init() calls can start new runs within the same process. By default (False), if an active run exists, calling wandb.init() returns the existing run instead of creating a new one. When reinit=True, the active run is finished before a new run is initialized. In notebook environments, runs are reinitialized by default unless reinit is explicitly set to False.
resume Controls the behavior when resuming a run with the specified id. Available options are: - "allow": If a run with the specified id exists, it will resume from the last step; otherwise, a new run will be created. - "never": If a run with the specified id exists, an error will be raised. If no such run is found, a new run will be created. - "must": If a run with the specified id exists, it will resume from the last step. If no run is found, an error will be raised. - "auto": Automatically resumes the previous run if it crashed on this machine; otherwise, starts a new run. - True: Deprecated. Use "auto" instead. - False: Deprecated. Use the default behavior (leaving resume unset) to always start a new run. Note: If resume is set, fork_from and resume_from cannot be used. When resume is unset, the system will always start a new run. For more details, see our guide to resuming runs.
resume_from Specifies a moment in a previous run to resume a run from, using the format {run_id}?_step={step}. This allows users to truncate the history logged to a run at an intermediate step and resume logging from that step. The target run must be in the same project. If an id argument is also provided, the resume_from argument will take precedence. resume, resume_from and fork_from cannot be used together, only one of them can be used at a time. Note: This feature is in beta and may change in the future.
fork_from Specifies a point in a previous run from which to fork a new run, using the format {id}?_step={step}. This creates a new run that resumes logging from the specified step in the target run’s history. The target run must be part of the current project. If an id argument is also provided, it must be different from the fork_from argument, an error will be raised if they are the same. resume, resume_from and fork_from cannot be used together, only one of them can be used at a time. Note: This feature is in beta and may change in the future.
save_code Enables saving the main script or notebook to W&B, aiding in experiment reproducibility and allowing code comparisons across runs in the UI. By default, this is disabled, but you can change the default to enable on your settings page.
tensorboard Deprecated. Use sync_tensorboard instead.
sync_tensorboard Enables automatic syncing of W&B logs from TensorBoard or TensorBoardX, saving relevant event files for viewing in the W&B UI. saving relevant event files for viewing in the W&B UI. (Default: False)
monitor_gym Enables automatic logging of videos of the environment when using OpenAI Gym. For additional details, see our guide for gym integration.
settings Specifies a dictionary or wandb.Settings object with advanced settings for the run.
A Run object, which is a handle to the current run. Use this object to perform operations like logging data, saving files, and finishing the run. See the Run API for more details.
Error If some unknown or internal error happened during the run initialization.
AuthenticationError If the user failed to provide valid credentials.
CommError If there was a problem communicating with the W&B server.
UsageError If the user provided invalid arguments to the function.
KeyboardInterrupt If the user interrupts the run initialization process. If the user interrupts the run initialization process.

8 - Integrations


keras module: Tools for integrating wandb with Keras.

8.1 - keras

Tools for integrating wandb with Keras.


class WandbCallback: WandbCallback automatically integrates keras with wandb.

class WandbEvalCallback: Abstract base class to build Keras callbacks for model prediction visualization.

class WandbMetricsLogger: Logger that sends system metrics to W&B.

class WandbModelCheckpoint: A checkpoint that periodically saves a Keras model or model weights.

8.1.1 - WandbCallback

WandbCallback automatically integrates keras with wandb.

    monitor="val_loss", verbose=0, mode="auto", save_weights_only=(False),
    log_weights=(False), log_gradients=(False), save_model=(True),
    training_data=None, validation_data=None, labels=None, predictions=36,
    generator=None, input_type=None, output_type=None, log_evaluation=(False),
    validation_steps=None, class_colors=None, log_batch_frequency=None,
    log_best_prefix="best_", save_graph=(True), validation_indexes=None,
    validation_row_processor=None, prediction_row_processor=None,
    infer_missing_processors=(True), log_evaluation_frequency=0,
    compute_flops=(False), **kwargs

    validation_data=(X_test, y_test),

WandbCallback will automatically log history data from any metrics collected by keras: loss and anything passed into keras_model.compile().

WandbCallback will set summary metrics for the run associated with the “best” training step, where “best” is defined by the monitor and mode attributes. This defaults to the epoch with the minimum val_loss. WandbCallback will by default save the model associated with the best epoch.

WandbCallback can optionally log gradient and parameter histograms.

WandbCallback can optionally save training and validation data for wandb to visualize.

monitor (str) name of metric to monitor. Defaults to val_loss.
mode (str) one of {auto, min, max}. min - save model when monitor is minimized max - save model when monitor is maximized auto - try to guess when to save the model (default).
save_model True - save a model when monitor beats all previous epochs False - don’t save models
save_graph (boolean) if True save model graph to wandb (default to True).
save_weights_only (boolean) if True, then only the model’s weights will be saved (model.save_weights(filepath)), else the full model is saved (
log_weights (boolean) if True save histograms of the model’s layer’s weights.
log_gradients (boolean) if True log histograms of the training gradients
training_data (tuple) Same format (X,y) as passed to This is needed for calculating gradients - this is mandatory if log_gradients is True.
validation_data (tuple) Same format (X,y) as passed to A set of data for wandb to visualize. If this is set, every epoch, wandb will make a small number of predictions and save the results for later visualization. In case you are working with image data, please also set input_type and output_type in order to log correctly.
generator (generator) a generator that returns validation data for wandb to visualize. This generator should return tuples (X,y). Either validate_data or generator should be set for wandb to visualize specific data examples. In case you are working with image data, please also set input_type and output_type in order to log correctly.
validation_steps (int) if validation_data is a generator, how many steps to run the generator for the full validation set.
labels (list) If you are visualizing your data with wandb this list of labels will convert numeric output to understandable string if you are building a multiclass classifier. If you are making a binary classifier you can pass in a list of two labels [“label for false”, “label for true”]. If validate_data and generator are both false, this won’t do anything.
predictions (int) the number of predictions to make for visualization each epoch, max is 100.
input_type (string) type of the model input to help visualization. can be one of: (image, images, segmentation_mask, auto).
output_type (string) type of the model output to help visualization. can be one of: (image, images, segmentation_mask, label).
log_evaluation (boolean) if True, save a Table containing validation data and the model’s predictions at each epoch. See validation_indexes, validation_row_processor, and output_row_processor for additional details.
class_colors ([float, float, float]) if the input or output is a segmentation mask, an array containing an rgb tuple (range 0-1) for each class.
log_batch_frequency (integer) if None, callback will log every epoch. If set to integer, callback will log training metrics every log_batch_frequency batches.
log_best_prefix (string) if None, no extra summary metrics will be saved. If set to a string, the monitored metric and epoch will be prepended with this value and stored as summary metrics.
validation_indexes ([wandb.data_types._TableLinkMixin]) an ordered list of index keys to associate with each validation example. If log_evaluation is True and validation_indexes is provided, then a Table of validation data will not be created and instead each prediction will be associated with the row represented by the TableLinkMixin. The most common way to obtain such keys are is use Table.get_index() which will return a list of row keys.
validation_row_processor (Callable) a function to apply to the validation data, commonly used to visualize the data. The function will receive an ndx (int) and a row (dict). If your model has a single input, then row["input"] will be the input data for the row. Else, it will be keyed based on the name of the input slot. If your fit function takes a single target, then row["target"] will be the target data for the row. Else, it will be keyed based on the name of the output slots. For example, if your input data is a single ndarray, but you wish to visualize the data as an Image, then you can provide lambda ndx, row: {"img": wandb.Image(row["input"])} as the processor. Ignored if log_evaluation is False or validation_indexes are present.
output_row_processor (Callable) same as validation_row_processor, but applied to the model’s output. row["output"] will contain the results of the model output.
infer_missing_processors (bool) Determines if validation_row_processor and output_row_processor should be inferred if missing. Defaults to True. If labels are provided, we will attempt to infer classification-type processors where appropriate.
log_evaluation_frequency (int) Determines the frequency which evaluation results will be logged. Default 0 (only at the end of training). Set to 1 to log every epoch, 2 to log every other epoch, and so on. Has no effect when log_evaluation is False.
compute_flops (bool) Compute the FLOPs of your Keras Sequential or Functional model in GigaFLOPs unit.



View source

get_flops() -> float

Calculate FLOPS [GFLOPs] for a tf.keras.Model or tf.keras.Sequential model in inference mode.

It uses tf.compat.v1.profiler under the hood.


View source



View source


8.1.2 - WandbEvalCallback

Abstract base class to build Keras callbacks for model prediction visualization.

    data_table_columns: List[str],
    pred_table_columns: List[str],
) -> None

You can build callbacks for visualizing model predictions on_epoch_end that can be passed to for classification, object detection, segmentation, etc. tasks.

To use this, inherit from this base callback class and implement the add_ground_truth and add_model_prediction methods.

The base class will take care of the following:

  • Initialize data_table for logging the ground truth and pred_table for predictions.
  • The data uploaded to data_table is used as a reference for the pred_table. This is to reduce the memory footprint. The data_table_ref is a list that can be used to access the referenced data. Check out the example below to see how it’s done.
  • Log the tables to W&B as W&B Artifacts.
  • Each new pred_table is logged as a new version with aliases.


class WandbClfEvalCallback(WandbEvalCallback):
    def __init__(self, validation_data, data_table_columns, pred_table_columns):
        super().__init__(data_table_columns, pred_table_columns)

        self.x = validation_data[0]
        self.y = validation_data[1]

    def add_ground_truth(self):
        for idx, (image, label) in enumerate(zip(self.x, self.y)):
            self.data_table.add_data(idx, wandb.Image(image), label)

    def add_model_predictions(self, epoch):
        preds = self.model.predict(self.x, verbose=0)
        preds = tf.argmax(preds, axis=-1)

        data_table_ref = self.data_table_ref
        table_idxs = data_table_ref.get_index()

        for idx in table_idxs:
            pred = preds[idx]
    validation_data=(x, y),
            validation_data=(x, y),
            data_table_columns=["idx", "image", "label"],
            pred_table_columns=["epoch", "idx", "image", "label", "pred"],

To have more fine-grained control, you can override the on_train_begin and on_epoch_end methods. If you want to log the samples after N batched, you can implement on_train_batch_end method.



View source

    logs: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
) -> None

Add ground truth data to data_table.

Use this method to write the logic for adding validation/training data to data_table initialized using init_data_table method.


for idx, data in enumerate(dataloader):
    self.data_table.add_data(idx, data)

This method is called once on_train_begin or equivalent hook.


View source

    epoch: int,
    logs: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
) -> None

Add a prediction from a model to pred_table.

Use this method to write the logic for adding model prediction for validation/ training data to pred_table initialized using init_pred_table method.


# Assuming the dataloader is not shuffling the samples.
for idx, data in enumerate(dataloader):
    preds = model.predict(data)

This method is called on_epoch_end or equivalent hook.


View source

    column_names: List[str]
) -> None

Initialize the W&B Tables for validation data.

Call this method on_train_begin or equivalent hook. This is followed by adding data to the table row or column wise.

column_names (list) Column names for W&B Tables.


View source

    column_names: List[str]
) -> None

Initialize the W&B Tables for model evaluation.

Call this method on_epoch_end or equivalent hook. This is followed by adding data to the table row or column wise.

column_names (list) Column names for W&B Tables.


View source

    name: str = "val",
    type: str = "dataset",
    table_name: str = "val_data"
) -> None

Log the data_table as W&B artifact and call use_artifact on it.

This lets the evaluation table use the reference of already uploaded data (images, text, scalar, etc.) without re-uploading.

name (str) A human-readable name for this artifact, which is how you can identify this artifact in the UI or reference it in use_artifact calls. (default is ‘val’)
type (str) The type of the artifact, which is used to organize and differentiate artifacts. (default is ‘dataset’)
table_name (str) The name of the table as will be displayed in the UI. (default is ‘val_data’).


View source

    type: str = "evaluation",
    table_name: str = "eval_data",
    aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None

Log the W&B Tables for model evaluation.

The table will be logged multiple times creating new version. Use this to compare models at different intervals interactively.

type (str) The type of the artifact, which is used to organize and differentiate artifacts. (default is ’evaluation’)
table_name (str) The name of the table as will be displayed in the UI. (default is ’eval_data')
aliases (List[str]) List of aliases for the prediction table.





8.1.3 - WandbMetricsLogger

Logger that sends system metrics to W&B.

    log_freq: Union[LogStrategy, int] = "epoch",
    initial_global_step: int = 0,
) -> None

WandbMetricsLogger automatically logs the logs dictionary that callback methods take as argument to wandb.

This callback automatically logs the following to a W&B run page:

  • system (CPU/GPU/TPU) metrics,
  • train and validation metrics defined in model.compile,
  • learning rate (both for a fixed value or a learning rate scheduler)


If you resume training by passing initial_epoch to and you are using a learning rate scheduler, make sure to pass initial_global_step to WandbMetricsLogger. The initial_global_step is step_size * initial_step, where step_size is number of training steps per epoch. step_size can be calculated as the product of the cardinality of the training dataset and the batch size.

log_freq (“epoch”, “batch”, or int) if “epoch”, logs metrics at the end of each epoch. If “batch”, logs metrics at the end of each batch. If an integer, logs metrics at the end of that many batches. Defaults to “epoch”.
initial_global_step (int) Use this argument to correctly log the learning rate when you resume training from some initial_epoch, and a learning rate scheduler is used. This can be computed as step_size * initial_step. Defaults to 0.






8.1.4 - WandbModelCheckpoint

A checkpoint that periodically saves a Keras model or model weights.

    filepath: StrPath,
    monitor: str = "val_loss",
    verbose: int = 0,
    save_best_only: bool = (False),
    save_weights_only: bool = (False),
    mode: Mode = "auto",
    save_freq: Union[SaveStrategy, int] = "epoch",
    initial_value_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
) -> None

Saved weights are uploaded to W&B as a wandb.Artifact.

Since this callback is subclassed from tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint, the checkpointing logic is taken care of by the parent callback. You can learn more here:

This callback is to be used in conjunction with training using to save a model or weights (in a checkpoint file) at some interval. The model checkpoints will be logged as W&B Artifacts. You can learn more here:

This callback provides the following features:

  • Save the model that has achieved “best performance” based on “monitor”.
  • Save the model at the end of every epoch regardless of the performance.
  • Save the model at the end of epoch or after a fixed number of training batches.
  • Save only model weights, or save the whole model.
  • Save the model either in SavedModel format or in .h5 format.
filepath (Union[str, os.PathLike]) path to save the model file. filepath can contain named formatting options, which will be filled by the value of epoch and keys in logs (passed in on_epoch_end). For example: if filepath is model-{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.2f}, then the model checkpoints will be saved with the epoch number and the validation loss in the filename.
monitor (str) The metric name to monitor. Default to “val_loss”.
verbose (int) Verbosity mode, 0 or 1. Mode 0 is silent, and mode 1 displays messages when the callback takes an action.
save_best_only (bool) if save_best_only=True, it only saves when the model is considered the “best” and the latest best model according to the quantity monitored will not be overwritten. If filepath doesn’t contain formatting options like {epoch} then filepath will be overwritten by each new better model locally. The model logged as an artifact will still be associated with the correct monitor. Artifacts will be uploaded continuously and versioned separately as a new best model is found.
save_weights_only (bool) if True, then only the model’s weights will be saved.
mode (Mode) one of {‘auto’, ‘min’, ‘max’}. For val_acc, this should be max, for val_loss this should be min, etc.
save_freq (Union[SaveStrategy, int]) epoch or integer. When using 'epoch', the callback saves the model after each epoch. When using an integer, the callback saves the model at end of this many batches. Note that when monitoring validation metrics such as val_acc or val_loss, save_freq must be set to “epoch” as those metrics are only available at the end of an epoch.
initial_value_threshold (Optional[float]) Floating point initial “best” value of the metric to be monitored.






9 - launch-library


class LaunchAgent: Launch agent class which polls run given run queues and launches runs for wandb launch.


launch(...): Launch a W&B launch experiment.

launch_add(...): Enqueue a W&B launch experiment. With either a source uri, job or docker_image.

9.1 - launch

Launch a W&B launch experiment.

    api: Api,
    job: Optional[str] = None,
    entry_point: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    version: Optional[str] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    resource: Optional[str] = None,
    resource_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    project: Optional[str] = None,
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    docker_image: Optional[str] = None,
    config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    synchronous: Optional[bool] = (True),
    run_id: Optional[str] = None,
    repository: Optional[str] = None
) -> AbstractRun
job string reference to a wandb.Job eg: wandb/test/my-job:latest
api An instance of a wandb Api from wandb.apis.internal.
entry_point Entry point to run within the project. Defaults to using the entry point used in the original run for wandb URIs, or for git repository URIs.
version For Git-based projects, either a commit hash or a branch name.
name Name run under which to launch the run.
resource Execution backend for the run.
resource_args Resource related arguments for launching runs onto a remote backend. Will be stored on the constructed launch config under resource_args.
project Target project to send launched run to
entity Target entity to send launched run to
config A dictionary containing the configuration for the run. May also contain resource specific arguments under the key “resource_args”.
synchronous Whether to block while waiting for a run to complete. Defaults to True. Note that if synchronous is False and backend is “local-container”, this method will return, but the current process will block when exiting until the local run completes. If the current process is interrupted, any asynchronous runs launched via this method will be terminated. If synchronous is True and the run fails, the current process will error out as well.
run_id ID for the run (To ultimately replace the :name: field)
repository string name of repository path for remote registry


from wandb.sdk.launch import launch

job = "wandb/jobs/Hello World:latest"
params = {"epochs": 5}
# Run W&B project and create a reproducible docker environment
# on a local host
api = wandb.apis.internal.Api()
launch(api, job, parameters=params)
an instance ofwandb.launch.SubmittedRun exposing information (e.g. run ID) about the launched run.
wandb.exceptions.ExecutionError If a run launched in blocking mode is unsuccessful.

9.2 - launch_add

Enqueue a W&B launch experiment. With either a source uri, job or docker_image.

    uri: Optional[str] = None,
    job: Optional[str] = None,
    config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    template_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, int, str]]] = None,
    project: Optional[str] = None,
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    queue_name: Optional[str] = None,
    resource: Optional[str] = None,
    entry_point: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    version: Optional[str] = None,
    docker_image: Optional[str] = None,
    project_queue: Optional[str] = None,
    resource_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    run_id: Optional[str] = None,
    build: Optional[bool] = (False),
    repository: Optional[str] = None,
    sweep_id: Optional[str] = None,
    author: Optional[str] = None,
    priority: Optional[int] = None
) -> "public.QueuedRun"
uri URI of experiment to run. A wandb run uri or a Git repository URI.
job string reference to a wandb.Job eg: wandb/test/my-job:latest
config A dictionary containing the configuration for the run. May also contain resource specific arguments under the key “resource_args”
template_variables A dictionary containing values of template variables for a run queue. Expected format of {"VAR_NAME": VAR_VALUE}
project Target project to send launched run to
entity Target entity to send launched run to
queue the name of the queue to enqueue the run to
priority the priority level of the job, where 1 is the highest priority
resource Execution backend for the run: W&B provides built-in support for “local-container” backend
entry_point Entry point to run within the project. Defaults to using the entry point used in the original run for wandb URIs, or for git repository URIs.
name Name run under which to launch the run.
version For Git-based projects, either a commit hash or a branch name.
docker_image The name of the docker image to use for the run.
resource_args Resource related arguments for launching runs onto a remote backend. Will be stored on the constructed launch config under resource_args.
run_id optional string indicating the id of the launched run
build optional flag defaulting to false, requires queue to be set if build, an image is created, creates a job artifact, pushes a reference to that job artifact to queue
repository optional string to control the name of the remote repository, used when pushing images to a registry
project_queue optional string to control the name of the project for the queue. Primarily used for back compatibility with project scoped queues


from wandb.sdk.launch import launch_add

project_uri = ""
params = {"alpha": 0.5, "l1_ratio": 0.01}
# Run W&B project and create a reproducible docker environment
# on a local host
api = wandb.apis.internal.Api()
launch_add(uri=project_uri, parameters=params)
an instance ofwandb.api.public.QueuedRun which gives information about the queued run, or if wait_until_started or wait_until_finished are called, gives access to the underlying Run information.
wandb.exceptions.LaunchError if unsuccessful

9.3 - LaunchAgent

Launch agent class which polls run given run queues and launches runs for wandb launch.

    api: Api,
    config: Dict[str, Any]
api Api object to use for making requests to the backend.
config Config dictionary for the agent.
num_running_jobs Return the number of jobs not including schedulers.
num_running_schedulers Return just the number of schedulers.
thread_ids Returns a list of keys running thread ids for the agent.



View source

    launch_spec, api

Check the state of a sweep before launching a run for the sweep.


View source

    run_queue_item_id, message, phase, files=None


View source

    thread_id, exception=None

Removes the job from our list for now.


View source



View source

initialized() -> bool

Return whether the agent is initialized.


View source


Loop infinitely to poll for jobs and run them.

KeyboardInterrupt if the agent is requested to stop.


View source

name() -> str

Return the name of the agent.


View source


Pops an item off the runqueue to run as a job.

queue Queue to pop from.
Item popped off the queue.
Exception if there is an error popping from the queue.

View source

print_status() -> None

Prints the current status of the agent.


View source

    job, queue, file_saver

Set up project and run the job.

job Job to run.


View source

    launch_spec, job, default_config, api, job_tracker


View source


Update the status of the agent.

status Status to update the agent to.

10 - log

Upload run data.

    data: dict[str, Any],
    step: (int | None) = None,
    commit: (bool | None) = None,
    sync: (bool | None) = None
) -> None

Use log to log data from runs, such as scalars, images, video, histograms, plots, and tables.

See our guides to logging for live examples, code snippets, best practices, and more.

The most basic usage is run.log({"train-loss": 0.5, "accuracy": 0.9}). This will save the loss and accuracy to the run’s history and update the summary values for these metrics.

Visualize logged data in the workspace at, or locally on a self-hosted instance of the W&B app, or export data to visualize and explore locally, e.g. in Jupyter notebooks, with our API.

Logged values don’t have to be scalars. Logging any wandb object is supported. For example run.log({"example": wandb.Image("myimage.jpg")}) will log an example image which will be displayed nicely in the W&B UI. See the reference documentation for all of the different supported types or check out our guides to logging for examples, from 3D molecular structures and segmentation masks to PR curves and histograms. You can use wandb.Table to log structured data. See our guide to logging tables for details.

The W&B UI organizes metrics with a forward slash (/) in their name into sections named using the text before the final slash. For example, the following results in two sections named “train” and “validate”:

        "train/accuracy": 0.9,
        "train/loss": 30,
        "validate/accuracy": 0.8,
        "validate/loss": 20,

Only one level of nesting is supported; run.log({"a/b/c": 1}) produces a section named “a/b”.

run.log is not intended to be called more than a few times per second. For optimal performance, limit your logging to once every N iterations, or collect data over multiple iterations and log it in a single step.

The W&B step

With basic usage, each call to log creates a new “step”. The step must always increase, and it is not possible to log to a previous step.

Note that you can use any metric as the X axis in charts. In many cases, it is better to treat the W&B step like you’d treat a timestamp rather than a training step.

# Example: log an "epoch" metric for use as an X axis.
run.log({"epoch": 40, "train-loss": 0.5})

See also define_metric.

It is possible to use multiple log invocations to log to the same step with the step and commit parameters. The following are all equivalent:

# Normal usage:
run.log({"train-loss": 0.5, "accuracy": 0.8})
run.log({"train-loss": 0.4, "accuracy": 0.9})

# Implicit step without auto-incrementing:
run.log({"train-loss": 0.5}, commit=False)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.8})
run.log({"train-loss": 0.4}, commit=False)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.9})

# Explicit step:
run.log({"train-loss": 0.5}, step=current_step)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.8}, step=current_step)
current_step += 1
run.log({"train-loss": 0.4}, step=current_step)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.9}, step=current_step)
data A dict with str keys and values that are serializable Python objects including: int, float and string; any of the wandb.data_types; lists, tuples and NumPy arrays of serializable Python objects; other dicts of this structure.
step The step number to log. If None, then an implicit auto-incrementing step is used. See the notes in the description.
commit If true, finalize and upload the step. If false, then accumulate data for the step. See the notes in the description. If step is None, then the default is commit=True; otherwise, the default is commit=False.
sync This argument is deprecated and does nothing.


For more and more detailed examples, see our guides to logging.

Basic usage

import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    run.log({"accuracy": 0.9, "epoch": 5})

Incremental logging

import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    run.log({"loss": 0.2}, commit=False)
    # Somewhere else when I'm ready to report this step:
    run.log({"accuracy": 0.8})


import numpy as np
import wandb

# sample gradients at random from normal distribution
gradients = np.random.randn(100, 100)
with wandb.init() as run:
    run.log({"gradients": wandb.Histogram(gradients)})

Image from numpy

import numpy as np
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    examples = []
    for i in range(3):
        pixels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3))
        image = wandb.Image(pixels, caption=f"random field {i}")
    run.log({"examples": examples})

Image from PIL

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image as PILImage
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    examples = []
    for i in range(3):
        pixels = np.random.randint(
            size=(100, 100, 3),
        pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(pixels, mode="RGB")
        image = wandb.Image(pil_image, caption=f"random field {i}")
    run.log({"examples": examples})

Video from numpy

import numpy as np
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    # axes are (time, channel, height, width)
    frames = np.random.randint(
        size=(10, 3, 100, 100),
    run.log({"video": wandb.Video(frames, fps=4)})

Matplotlib Plot

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x = np.linspace(0, 10)
    y = x * x
    ax.plot(x, y)  # plot y = x^2
    run.log({"chart": fig})

PR Curve

import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
    run.log({"pr": wandb.plot.pr_curve(y_test, y_probas, labels)})

3D Object

import wandb

with wandb.init() as run:
            "generated_samples": [
wandb.Error if called before wandb.init
ValueError if invalid data is passed

11 - login

Set up W&B login credentials.

    anonymous: Optional[Literal['must', 'allow', 'never']] = None,
    key: Optional[str] = None,
    relogin: Optional[bool] = None,
    host: Optional[str] = None,
    force: Optional[bool] = None,
    timeout: Optional[int] = None,
    verify: bool = (False)
) -> bool

By default, this will only store credentials locally without verifying them with the W&B server. To verify credentials, pass verify=True.

anonymous (string, optional) Can be “must”, “allow”, or “never”. If set to “must”, always log a user in anonymously. If set to “allow”, only create an anonymous user if the user isn’t already logged in. If set to “never”, never log a user anonymously. Default set to “never”.
key (string, optional) The API key to use.
relogin (bool, optional) If true, will re-prompt for API key.
host (string, optional) The host to connect to.
force (bool, optional) If true, will force a relogin.
timeout (int, optional) Number of seconds to wait for user input.
verify (bool) Verify the credentials with the W&B server.
bool if key is configured
AuthenticationError - if api_key fails verification with the server UsageError - if api_key cannot be configured and no tty

12 - Run

A unit of computation logged by wandb. Typically, this is an ML experiment.

    settings: Settings,
    config: (dict[str, Any] | None) = None,
    sweep_config: (dict[str, Any] | None) = None,
    launch_config: (dict[str, Any] | None) = None
) -> None

Create a run with wandb.init():

import wandb

run = wandb.init()

There is only ever at most one active wandb.Run in any process, and it is accessible as

import wandb

assert is None


assert is not None

anything you log with wandb.log will be sent to that run.

If you want to start more runs in the same script or notebook, you’ll need to finish the run that is in-flight. Runs can be finished with wandb.finish or by using them in a with block:

import wandb


assert is None

with wandb.init() as run:
    pass  # log data here

assert is None

See the documentation for wandb.init for more on creating runs, or check out our guide to wandb.init.

In distributed training, you can either create a single run in the rank 0 process and then log information only from that process, or you can create a run in each process, logging from each separately, and group the results together with the group argument to wandb.init. For more details on distributed training with W&B, check out our guide.

Currently, there is a parallel Run object in the wandb.Api. Eventually these two objects will be merged.

summary (Summary) Single values set for each wandb.log() key. By default, summary is set to the last value logged. You can manually set summary to the best value, like max accuracy, instead of the final value.
config Config object associated with this run.
dir The directory where files associated with the run are saved.
entity The name of the W&B entity associated with the run. Entity can be a username or the name of a team or organization.
group Name of the group associated with the run. Setting a group helps the W&B UI organize runs in a sensible way. If you are doing a distributed training you should give all of the runs in the training the same group. If you are doing cross-validation you should give all the cross-validation folds the same group.
id Identifier for this run.
mode For compatibility with 0.9.x and earlier, deprecate eventually.
name Display name of the run. Display names are not guaranteed to be unique and may be descriptive. By default, they are randomly generated.
notes Notes associated with the run, if there are any. Notes can be a multiline string and can also use markdown and latex equations inside $$, like $x + 3$.
path Path to the run. Run paths include entity, project, and run ID, in the format entity/project/run_id.
project Name of the W&B project associated with the run.
resumed True if the run was resumed, False otherwise.
settings A frozen copy of run’s Settings object.
start_time Unix timestamp (in seconds) of when the run started.
starting_step The first step of the run.
step Current value of the step. This counter is incremented by wandb.log.
sweep_id ID of the sweep associated with the run, if there is one.
tags Tags associated with the run, if there are any.
url The W&B url associated with the run.



View source

    title: str,
    text: str,
    level: (str | AlertLevel | None) = None,
    wait_duration: (int | float | timedelta | None) = None
) -> None

Launch an alert with the given title and text.

title (str) The title of the alert, must be less than 64 characters long.
text (str) The text body of the alert.
level (str or AlertLevel, optional) The alert level to use, either: INFO, WARN, or ERROR.
wait_duration (int, float, or timedelta, optional) The time to wait (in seconds) before sending another alert with this title.


View source

    name: str,
    step_metric: (str | wandb_metric.Metric | None) = None,
    step_sync: (bool | None) = None,
    hidden: (bool | None) = None,
    summary: (str | None) = None,
    goal: (str | None) = None,
    overwrite: (bool | None) = None
) -> wandb_metric.Metric

Customize metrics logged with wandb.log().

name The name of the metric to customize.
step_metric The name of another metric to serve as the X-axis for this metric in automatically generated charts.
step_sync Automatically insert the last value of step_metric into run.log() if it is not provided explicitly. Defaults to True if step_metric is specified.
hidden Hide this metric from automatic plots.
summary Specify aggregate metrics added to summary. Supported aggregations include “min”, “max”, “mean”, “last”, “best”, “copy” and “none”. “best” is used together with the goal parameter. “none” prevents a summary from being generated. “copy” is deprecated and should not be used.
goal Specify how to interpret the “best” summary type. Supported options are “minimize” and “maximize”.
overwrite If false, then this call is merged with previous define_metric calls for the same metric by using their values for any unspecified parameters. If true, then unspecified parameters overwrite values specified by previous calls.
An object that represents this call but can otherwise be discarded.


View source

detach() -> None


View source

    height: int = 420,
    hidden: bool = (False)
) -> bool

Display this run in jupyter.


View source

    exit_code: (int | None) = None,
    quiet: (bool | None) = None
) -> None

Finish a run and upload any remaining data.

Marks the completion of a W&B run and ensures all data is synced to the server. The run’s final state is determined by its exit conditions and sync status.

Run States:

  • Running: Active run that is logging data and/or sending heartbeats.
  • Crashed: Run that stopped sending heartbeats unexpectedly.
  • Finished: Run completed successfully (exit_code=0) with all data synced.
  • Failed: Run completed with errors (exit_code!=0).
exit_code Integer indicating the run’s exit status. Use 0 for success, any other value marks the run as failed.
quiet Deprecated. Configure logging verbosity using wandb.Settings(quiet=...).


View source

    artifact_or_path: (Artifact | str),
    name: (str | None) = None,
    type: (str | None) = None,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None,
    distributed_id: (str | None) = None
) -> Artifact

Finishes a non-finalized artifact as output of a run.

Subsequent “upserts” with the same distributed ID will result in a new version.

artifact_or_path (str or Artifact) A path to the contents of this artifact, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact.
name (str, optional) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias - digest This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
type (str) The type of artifact to log, examples include dataset, model
aliases (list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact, defaults to ["latest"]
distributed_id (string, optional) Unique string that all distributed jobs share. If None, defaults to the run’s group name.
An Artifact object.


View source

get_project_url() -> (str | None)

Return the url for the W&B project associated with the run, if there is one.

Offline runs will not have a project url.


View source

get_sweep_url() -> (str | None)

Return the url for the sweep associated with the run, if there is one.


View source

get_url() -> (str | None)

Return the url for the W&B run, if there is one.

Offline runs will not have a url.


View source

    exit_code: (int | None) = None
) -> None

Deprecated alias for finish() - use finish instead.

View source

    artifact: Artifact,
    target_path: str,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None
) -> None

Link the given artifact to a portfolio (a promoted collection of artifacts).

The linked artifact will be visible in the UI for the specified portfolio.

artifact the (public or local) artifact which will be linked
target_path str - takes the following forms: {portfolio}, {project}/{portfolio}, or {entity}/{project}/{portfolio}
aliases List[str] - optional alias(es) that will only be applied on this linked artifact inside the portfolio. The alias “latest” will always be applied to the latest version of an artifact that is linked.

View source

    path: StrPath,
    registered_model_name: str,
    name: (str | None) = None,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None
) -> None

Log a model artifact version and link it to a registered model in the model registry.

The linked model version will be visible in the UI for the specified registered model.


  • Check if ’name’ model artifact has been logged. If so, use the artifact version that matches the files located at ‘path’ or log a new version. Otherwise log files under ‘path’ as a new model artifact, ’name’ of type ‘model’.
  • Check if registered model with name ‘registered_model_name’ exists in the ‘model-registry’ project. If not, create a new registered model with name ‘registered_model_name’.
  • Link version of model artifact ’name’ to registered model, ‘registered_model_name’.
  • Attach aliases from ‘aliases’ list to the newly linked model artifact version.
path (str) A path to the contents of this model, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path
registered_model_name (str) - the name of the registered model that the model is to be linked to. A registered model is a collection of model versions linked to the model registry, typically representing a team’s specific ML Task. The entity that this registered model belongs to will be derived from the run
name (str, optional) - the name of the model artifact that files in ‘path’ will be logged to. This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
aliases (List[str], optional) - alias(es) that will only be applied on this linked artifact inside the registered model. The alias “latest” will always be applied to the latest version of an artifact that is linked.



Invalid usage


AssertionError if registered_model_name is a path or if model artifact ’name’ is of a type that does not contain the substring ‘model’
ValueError if name has invalid special characters


View source

    data: dict[str, Any],
    step: (int | None) = None,
    commit: (bool | None) = None,
    sync: (bool | None) = None
) -> None

Upload run data.

Use log to log data from runs, such as scalars, images, video, histograms, plots, and tables.

See our guides to logging for live examples, code snippets, best practices, and more.

The most basic usage is run.log({"train-loss": 0.5, "accuracy": 0.9}). This will save the loss and accuracy to the run’s history and update the summary values for these metrics.

Visualize logged data in the workspace at, or locally on a self-hosted instance of the W&B app, or export data to visualize and explore locally, e.g. in Jupyter notebooks, with our API.

Logged values don’t have to be scalars. Logging any wandb object is supported. For example run.log({"example": wandb.Image("myimage.jpg")}) will log an example image which will be displayed nicely in the W&B UI. See the reference documentation for all of the different supported types or check out our guides to logging for examples, from 3D molecular structures and segmentation masks to PR curves and histograms. You can use wandb.Table to log structured data. See our guide to logging tables for details.

The W&B UI organizes metrics with a forward slash (/) in their name into sections named using the text before the final slash. For example, the following results in two sections named “train” and “validate”:

        "train/accuracy": 0.9,
        "train/loss": 30,
        "validate/accuracy": 0.8,
        "validate/loss": 20,

Only one level of nesting is supported; run.log({"a/b/c": 1}) produces a section named “a/b”.

run.log is not intended to be called more than a few times per second. For optimal performance, limit your logging to once every N iterations, or collect data over multiple iterations and log it in a single step.

The W&B step

With basic usage, each call to log creates a new “step”. The step must always increase, and it is not possible to log to a previous step.

Note that you can use any metric as the X axis in charts. In many cases, it is better to treat the W&B step like you’d treat a timestamp rather than a training step.

# Example: log an "epoch" metric for use as an X axis.
run.log({"epoch": 40, "train-loss": 0.5})

See also define_metric.

It is possible to use multiple log invocations to log to the same step with the step and commit parameters. The following are all equivalent:

# Normal usage:
run.log({"train-loss": 0.5, "accuracy": 0.8})
run.log({"train-loss": 0.4, "accuracy": 0.9})

# Implicit step without auto-incrementing:
run.log({"train-loss": 0.5}, commit=False)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.8})
run.log({"train-loss": 0.4}, commit=False)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.9})

# Explicit step:
run.log({"train-loss": 0.5}, step=current_step)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.8}, step=current_step)
current_step += 1
run.log({"train-loss": 0.4}, step=current_step)
run.log({"accuracy": 0.9}, step=current_step)
data A dict with str keys and values that are serializable Python objects including: int, float and string; any of the wandb.data_types; lists, tuples and NumPy arrays of serializable Python objects; other dicts of this structure.
step The step number to log. If None, then an implicit auto-incrementing step is used. See the notes in the description.
commit If true, finalize and upload the step. If false, then accumulate data for the step. See the notes in the description. If step is None, then the default is commit=True; otherwise, the default is commit=False.
sync This argument is deprecated and does nothing.


For more and more detailed examples, see our guides to logging.

Basic usage

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
run.log({"accuracy": 0.9, "epoch": 5})

Incremental logging

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
run.log({"loss": 0.2}, commit=False)
# Somewhere else when I'm ready to report this step:
run.log({"accuracy": 0.8})


import numpy as np
import wandb

# sample gradients at random from normal distribution
gradients = np.random.randn(100, 100)
run = wandb.init()
run.log({"gradients": wandb.Histogram(gradients)})

Image from numpy

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
examples = []
for i in range(3):
    pixels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3))
    image = wandb.Image(pixels, caption=f"random field {i}")
run.log({"examples": examples})

Image from PIL

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image as PILImage
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
examples = []
for i in range(3):
    pixels = np.random.randint(
        size=(100, 100, 3),
    pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(pixels, mode="RGB")
    image = wandb.Image(pil_image, caption=f"random field {i}")
run.log({"examples": examples})

Video from numpy

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
# axes are (time, channel, height, width)
frames = np.random.randint(
    size=(10, 3, 100, 100),
run.log({"video": wandb.Video(frames, fps=4)})

Matplotlib Plot

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.linspace(0, 10)
y = x * x
ax.plot(x, y)  # plot y = x^2
run.log({"chart": fig})

PR Curve

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
run.log({"pr": wandb.plot.pr_curve(y_test, y_probas, labels)})

3D Object

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
        "generated_samples": [
wandb.Error if called before wandb.init
ValueError if invalid data is passed


View source

    artifact_or_path: (Artifact | StrPath),
    name: (str | None) = None,
    type: (str | None) = None,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None,
    tags: (list[str] | None) = None
) -> Artifact

Declare an artifact as an output of a run.

artifact_or_path (str or Artifact) A path to the contents of this artifact, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact.
name (str, optional) An artifact name. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias - digest This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
type (str) The type of artifact to log, examples include dataset, model
aliases (list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact, defaults to ["latest"]
tags (list, optional) Tags to apply to this artifact, if any.
An Artifact object.


View source

    root: (str | None) = ".",
    name: (str | None) = None,
    include_fn: (Callable[[str, str], bool] | Callable[[str], bool]) = _is_py_requirements_or_dockerfile,
    exclude_fn: (Callable[[str, str], bool] | Callable[[str], bool]) = filenames.exclude_wandb_fn
) -> (Artifact | None)

Save the current state of your code to a W&B Artifact.

By default, it walks the current directory and logs all files that end with .py.

root The relative (to os.getcwd()) or absolute path to recursively find code from.
name (str, optional) The name of our code artifact. By default, we’ll name the artifact source-$PROJECT_ID-$ENTRYPOINT_RELPATH. There may be scenarios where you want many runs to share the same artifact. Specifying name allows you to achieve that.
include_fn A callable that accepts a file path and (optionally) root path and returns True when it should be included and False otherwise. This defaults to: lambda path, root: path.endswith(".py")
exclude_fn A callable that accepts a file path and (optionally) root path and returns True when it should be excluded and False otherwise. This defaults to a function that excludes all files within <root>/.wandb/ and <root>/wandb/ directories.


Basic usage


Advanced usage

    include_fn=lambda path: path.endswith(".py") or path.endswith(".ipynb"),
    exclude_fn=lambda path, root: os.path.relpath(path, root).startswith(
An Artifact object if code was logged


View source

    path: StrPath,
    name: (str | None) = None,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None
) -> None

Logs a model artifact containing the contents inside the ‘path’ to a run and marks it as an output to this run.

path (str) A path to the contents of this model, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path
name (str, optional) A name to assign to the model artifact that the file contents will be added to. The string must contain only the following alphanumeric characters: dashes, underscores, and dots. This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
aliases (list, optional) Aliases to apply to the created model artifact, defaults to ["latest"]



Invalid usage

ValueError if name has invalid special characters


View source

mark_preempting() -> None

Mark this run as preempting.

Also tells the internal process to immediately report this to server.


View source

project_name() -> str


View source

    name: str,
    run_path: (str | None) = None,
    replace: bool = (False),
    root: (str | None) = None
) -> (None | TextIO)

Download the specified file from cloud storage.

File is placed into the current directory or run directory. By default, will only download the file if it doesn’t already exist.

name the name of the file
run_path optional path to a run to pull files from, i.e. username/project_name/run_id if wandb.init has not been called, this is required.
replace whether to download the file even if it already exists locally
root the directory to download the file to. Defaults to the current directory or the run directory if wandb.init was called.
None if it can’t find the file, otherwise a file object open for reading
wandb.CommError if we can’t connect to the wandb backend
ValueError if the file is not found or can’t find run_path


View source

    glob_str: (str | os.PathLike | None) = None,
    base_path: (str | os.PathLike | None) = None,
    policy: PolicyName = "live"
) -> (bool | list[str])

Sync one or more files to W&B.

Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

A Unix glob, such as “myfiles/*”, is expanded at the time save is called regardless of the policy. In particular, new files are not picked up automatically.

A base_path may be provided to control the directory structure of uploaded files. It should be a prefix of glob_str, and the directory structure beneath it is preserved. It’s best understood through examples:"these/are/myfiles/*")
# => Saves files in a "these/are/myfiles/" folder in the run."these/are/myfiles/*", base_path="these")
# => Saves files in an "are/myfiles/" folder in the run."/User/username/Documents/run123/*.txt")
# => Saves files in a "run123/" folder in the run. See note below."/User/username/Documents/run123/*.txt", base_path="/User")
# => Saves files in a "username/Documents/run123/" folder in the run."files/*/saveme.txt")
# => Saves each "saveme.txt" file in an appropriate subdirectory
#    of "files/".

Note: when given an absolute path or glob and no base_path, one directory level is preserved as in the example above.

glob_str A relative or absolute path or Unix glob.
base_path A path to use to infer a directory structure; see examples.
policy One of live, now, or end. * live: upload the file as it changes, overwriting the previous version * now: upload the file once now * end: upload file when the run ends
Paths to the symlinks created for the matched files. For historical reasons, this may return a boolean in legacy code.


View source

status() -> RunStatus

Get sync info from the internal backend, about the current run’s sync status.


View source

    height: int = 420,
    hidden: bool = (False)
) -> str

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying the current run.


View source

    models: (torch.nn.Module | Sequence[torch.nn.Module] | None) = None
) -> None

Remove pytorch model topology, gradient and parameter hooks.

models (torch.nn.Module Sequence[torch.nn.Module]): Optional list of pytorch models that have had watch called on them


View source

    artifact_or_path: (Artifact | str),
    name: (str | None) = None,
    type: (str | None) = None,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None,
    distributed_id: (str | None) = None
) -> Artifact

Declare (or append to) a non-finalized artifact as output of a run.

Note that you must call run.finish_artifact() to finalize the artifact. This is useful when distributed jobs need to all contribute to the same artifact.

artifact_or_path (str or Artifact) A path to the contents of this artifact, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact.
name (str, optional) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias - digest This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
type (str) The type of artifact to log, examples include dataset, model
aliases (list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact, defaults to ["latest"]
distributed_id (string, optional) Unique string that all distributed jobs share. If None, defaults to the run’s group name.
An Artifact object.


View source

    artifact_or_name: (str | Artifact),
    type: (str | None) = None,
    aliases: (list[str] | None) = None,
    use_as: (str | None) = None
) -> Artifact

Declare an artifact as an input to a run.

Call download or file on the returned object to get the contents locally.

artifact_or_name (str or Artifact) An artifact name. May be prefixed with project/ or entity/project/. If no entity is specified in the name, the Run or API setting’s entity is used. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact
type (str, optional) The type of artifact to use.
aliases (list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact
use_as (string, optional) Optional string indicating what purpose the artifact was used with. Will be shown in UI.
An Artifact object.


View source

    name: str
) -> FilePathStr

Download the files logged in a model artifact ’name’.

name (str) A model artifact name. ’name’ must match the name of an existing logged model artifact. May be prefixed with entity/project/. Valid names can be in the following forms: - model_artifact_name:version - model_artifact_name:alias





Invalid usage

AssertionError if model artifact ’name’ is of a type that does not contain the substring ‘model’.
path (str) path to downloaded model artifact file(s).


View source

    models: (torch.nn.Module | Sequence[torch.nn.Module]),
    criterion: (torch.F | None) = None,
    log: (Literal['gradients', 'parameters', 'all'] | None) = "gradients",
    log_freq: int = 1000,
    idx: (int | None) = None,
    log_graph: bool = (False)
) -> None

Hooks into the given PyTorch model(s) to monitor gradients and the model’s computational graph.

This function can track parameters, gradients, or both during training. It should be extended to support arbitrary machine learning models in the future.

models (Union[torch.nn.Module, Sequence[torch.nn.Module]]): A single model or a sequence of models to be monitored. criterion (Optional[torch.F]): The loss function being optimized (optional). log (Optional[Literal[“gradients”, “parameters”, “all”]]): Specifies whether to log “gradients”, “parameters”, or “all”. Set to None to disable logging. (default=“gradients”) log_freq (int): Frequency (in batches) to log gradients and parameters. (default=1000) idx (Optional[int]): Index used when tracking multiple models with (default=None) log_graph (bool): Whether to log the model’s computational graph. (default=False)
ValueError If wandb.init has not been called or if any of the models are not instances of torch.nn.Module.


View source

__enter__() -> Run


View source

    exc_type: type[BaseException],
    exc_val: BaseException,
    exc_tb: TracebackType
) -> bool

13 - save

Sync one or more files to W&B.

    glob_str: (str | os.PathLike | None) = None,
    base_path: (str | os.PathLike | None) = None,
    policy: PolicyName = "live"
) -> (bool | list[str])

Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

A Unix glob, such as “myfiles/*”, is expanded at the time save is called regardless of the policy. In particular, new files are not picked up automatically.

A base_path may be provided to control the directory structure of uploaded files. It should be a prefix of glob_str, and the directory structure beneath it is preserved. It’s best understood through examples:"these/are/myfiles/*")
# => Saves files in a "these/are/myfiles/" folder in the run."these/are/myfiles/*", base_path="these")
# => Saves files in an "are/myfiles/" folder in the run."/User/username/Documents/run123/*.txt")
# => Saves files in a "run123/" folder in the run. See note below."/User/username/Documents/run123/*.txt", base_path="/User")
# => Saves files in a "username/Documents/run123/" folder in the run."files/*/saveme.txt")
# => Saves each "saveme.txt" file in an appropriate subdirectory
#    of "files/".

Note: when given an absolute path or glob and no base_path, one directory level is preserved as in the example above.

glob_str A relative or absolute path or Unix glob.
base_path A path to use to infer a directory structure; see examples.
policy One of live, now, or end. * live: upload the file as it changes, overwriting the previous version * now: upload the file once now * end: upload file when the run ends
Paths to the symlinks created for the matched files. For historical reasons, this may return a boolean in legacy code.

14 - sweep

Initialize a hyperparameter sweep.

    sweep: Union[dict, Callable],
    entity: Optional[str] = None,
    project: Optional[str] = None,
    prior_runs: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> str

Search for hyperparameters that optimizes a cost function of a machine learning model by testing various combinations.

Make note the unique identifier, sweep_id, that is returned. At a later step provide the sweep_id to a sweep agent.

sweep The configuration of a hyperparameter search. (or configuration generator). See Sweep configuration structure for information on how to define your sweep. If you provide a callable, ensure that the callable does not take arguments and that it returns a dictionary that conforms to the W&B sweep config spec.
entity The username or team name where you want to send W&B runs created by the sweep to. Ensure that the entity you specify already exists. If you don’t specify an entity, the run will be sent to your default entity, which is usually your username.
project The name of the project where W&B runs created from the sweep are sent to. If the project is not specified, the run is sent to a project labeled ‘Uncategorized’.
prior_runs The run IDs of existing runs to add to this sweep.
sweep_id str. A unique identifier for the sweep.

15 - wandb_workspaces


class reports: Python library for programmatically working with W&B Reports API.

class workspaces: Python library for programmatically working with W&B Workspace API.

15.1 - Reports

module wandb_workspaces.reports.v2

Python library for programmatically working with W&B Reports API.

import wandb_workspaces.reports.v2 as wr

report = wr.Report(
     title="An amazing title",
     description="A descriptive description.",

blocks = [
             wr.LinePlot(x="time", y="velocity"),
             wr.ScatterPlot(x="time", y="acceleration"),

report.blocks = blocks

class BarPlot

A panel object that shows a 2D bar plot.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • metrics (LList[MetricType]): orientation Literal[“v”, “h”]: The orientation of the bar plot. Set to either vertical (“v”) or horizontal (“h”). Defaults to horizontal (“h”).
  • range_x (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the x-axis.
  • title_x (Optional[str]): The label of the x-axis.
  • title_y (Optional[str]): The label of the y-axis.
  • groupby (Optional[str]): Group runs based on a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • groupby_aggfunc (Optional[GroupAgg]): Aggregate runs with specified function. Options include mean, min, max, median, sum, samples, or None.
  • groupby_rangefunc (Optional[GroupArea]): Group runs based on a range. Options include minmax, stddev, stderr, none, =samples, or None.
  • max_runs_to_show (Optional[int]): The maximum number of runs to show on the plot.
  • max_bars_to_show (Optional[int]): The maximum number of bars to show on the bar plot.
  • custom_expressions (Optional[LList[str]]): A list of custom expressions to be used in the bar plot.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): The template for the legend.
  • font_size ( Optional[FontSize]): The size of the line plot’s font. Options include small, medium, large, auto, or None.
  • line_titles (Optional[dict]): The titles of the lines. The keys are the line names and the values are the titles.
  • line_colors (Optional[dict]): The colors of the lines. The keys are the line names and the values are the colors.

class BlockQuote

A block of quoted text.


  • text (str): The text of the block quote.

class CalloutBlock

A block of callout text.


  • text (str): The callout text.

class CheckedList

A list of items with checkboxes. Add one or more CheckedListItem within CheckedList.


  • items (LList[CheckedListItem]): A list of one or more CheckedListItem objects.

class CheckedListItem

A list item with a checkbox. Add one or more CheckedListItem within CheckedList.


  • text (str): The text of the list item.
  • checked (bool): Whether the checkbox is checked. By default, set to False.

class CodeBlock

A block of code.


  • code (str): The code in the block.
  • language (Optional[Language]): The language of the code. Language specified is used for syntax highlighting. By default, set to python. Options include javascript, python, css, json, html, markdown, yaml.

class CodeComparer

A panel object that compares the code between two different runs.


  • diff (Literal['split', 'unified']): How to display code differences. Options include split and unified.

class Config

Metrics logged to a run’s config object. Config objects are commonly logged using run.config[name] = ... or passing a config as a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the metric and the value is the value of that metric.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.

class CustomChart

A panel that shows a custom chart. The chart is defined by a weave query.


  • query (dict): The query that defines the custom chart. The key is the name of the field, and the value is the query.
  • chart_name (str): The title of the custom chart.
  • chart_fields (dict): Key-value pairs that define the axis of the plot. Where the key is the label, and the value is the metric.
  • chart_strings (dict): Key-value pairs that define the strings in the chart.

classmethod from_table

    table_name: str,
    chart_fields: dict = None,
    chart_strings: dict = None

Create a custom chart from a table.


  • table_name (str): The name of the table.
  • chart_fields (dict): The fields to display in the chart.
  • chart_strings (dict): The strings to display in the chart.

A block that renders a gallery of reports and URLs.


  • items (List[Union[GalleryReport, GalleryURL]]): A list of GalleryReport and GalleryURL objects.

class GalleryReport

A reference to a report in the gallery.


  • report_id (str): The ID of the report.

class GalleryURL

A URL to an external resource.


  • url (str): The URL of the resource.
  • title (Optional[str]): The title of the resource.
  • description (Optional[str]): The description of the resource.
  • image_url (Optional[str]): The URL of an image to display.

class GradientPoint

A point in a gradient.


  • color: The color of the point.
  • offset: The position of the point in the gradient. The value should be between 0 and 100.

class H1

An H1 heading with the text specified.


  • text (str): The text of the heading.
  • collapsed_blocks (Optional[LList[“BlockTypes”]]): The blocks to show when the heading is collapsed.

class H2

An H2 heading with the text specified.


  • text (str): The text of the heading.
  • collapsed_blocks (Optional[LList[“BlockTypes”]]): One or more blocks to show when the heading is collapsed.

class H3

An H3 heading with the text specified.


  • text (str): The text of the heading.
  • collapsed_blocks (Optional[LList[“BlockTypes”]]): One or more blocks to show when the heading is collapsed.

class Heading

class HorizontalRule

HTML horizontal line.

class Image

A block that renders an image.


  • url (str): The URL of the image.
  • caption (str): The caption of the image. Caption appears underneath the image.

class InlineCode

Inline code. Does not add newline character after code.


  • text (str): The code you want to appear in the report.

class InlineLatex

Inline LaTeX markdown. Does not add newline character after the LaTeX markdown.


  • text (str): LaTeX markdown you want to appear in the report.

class LatexBlock

A block of LaTeX text.


  • text (str): The LaTeX text.

class Layout

The layout of a panel in a report. Adjusts the size and position of the panel.


  • x (int): The x position of the panel.
  • y (int): The y position of the panel.
  • w (int): The width of the panel.
  • h (int): The height of the panel.

class LinePlot

A panel object with 2D line plots.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • x (Optional[MetricType]): The name of a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. The metric specified is used for the x-axis.
  • y (LList[MetricType]): One or more metrics logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. The metric specified is used for the y-axis.
  • range_x (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the x-axis.
  • range_y (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the y-axis.
  • log_x (Optional[bool]): Plots the x-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • log_y (Optional[bool]): Plots the y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • title_x (Optional[str]): The label of the x-axis.
  • title_y (Optional[str]): The label of the y-axis.
  • ignore_outliers (Optional[bool]): If set to True, do not plot outliers.
  • groupby (Optional[str]): Group runs based on a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • groupby_aggfunc (Optional[GroupAgg]): Aggregate runs with specified function. Options include mean, min, max, median, sum, samples, or None.
  • groupby_rangefunc (Optional[GroupArea]): Group runs based on a range. Options include minmax, stddev, stderr, none, samples, or None.
  • smoothing_factor (Optional[float]): The smoothing factor to apply to the smoothing type. Accepted values range between 0 and 1.
  • smoothing_type Optional[SmoothingType]: Apply a filter based on the specified distribution. Options include exponentialTimeWeighted, exponential, gaussian, average, or none.
  • smoothing_show_original (Optional[bool]): If set to True, show the original data.
  • max_runs_to_show (Optional[int]): The maximum number of runs to show on the line plot.
  • custom_expressions (Optional[LList[str]]): Custom expressions to apply to the data.
  • plot_type Optional[LinePlotStyle]: The type of line plot to generate. Options include line, stacked-area, or pct-area.
  • font_size Optional[FontSize]: The size of the line plot’s font. Options include small, medium, large, auto, or None.
  • legend_position Optional[LegendPosition]: Where to place the legend. Options include north, south, east, west, or None.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): The template for the legend.
  • aggregate (Optional[bool]): If set to True, aggregate the data.
  • xaxis_expression (Optional[str]): The expression for the x-axis.
  • legend_fields (Optional[LList[str]]): The fields to include in the legend.

A link to a URL.


  • text (Union[str, TextWithInlineComments]): The text of the link.
  • url (str): The URL the link points to.

class MarkdownBlock

A block of markdown text. Useful if you want to write text that uses common markdown syntax.


  • text (str): The markdown text.

class MarkdownPanel

A panel that renders markdown.


  • markdown (str): The text you want to appear in the markdown panel.

class MediaBrowser

A panel that displays media files in a grid layout.


  • num_columns (Optional[int]): The number of columns in the grid.
  • media_keys (LList[str]): A list of media keys that correspond to the media files.

class Metric

A metric to display in a report that is logged in your project.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.

class OrderBy

A metric to order by.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.
  • ascending (bool): Whether to sort in ascending order. By default set to False.

class OrderedList

A list of items in a numbered list.


  • items (LList[str]): A list of one or more OrderedListItem objects.

class OrderedListItem

A list item in an ordered list.


  • text (str): The text of the list item.

class P

A paragraph of text.


  • text (str): The text of the paragraph.

class Panel

A panel that displays a visualization in a panel grid.


  • layout (Layout): A Layout object.

class PanelGrid

A grid that consists of runsets and panels. Add runsets and panels with Runset and Panel objects, respectively.

Available panels include: LinePlot, ScatterPlot, BarPlot, ScalarChart, CodeComparer, ParallelCoordinatesPlot, ParameterImportancePlot, RunComparer, MediaBrowser, MarkdownPanel, CustomChart, WeavePanel, WeavePanelSummaryTable, WeavePanelArtifactVersionedFile.


  • runsets (LList[“Runset”]): A list of one or more Runset objects.
  • panels (LList[“PanelTypes”]): A list of one or more Panel objects.
  • active_runset (int): The number of runs you want to display within a runset. By default, it is set to 0.
  • custom_run_colors (dict): Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a run and the value is a color specified by a hexadecimal value.

class ParallelCoordinatesPlot

A panel object that shows a parallel coordinates plot.


  • columns (LList[ParallelCoordinatesPlotColumn]): A list of one or more ParallelCoordinatesPlotColumn objects.
  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • gradient (Optional[LList[GradientPoint]]): A list of gradient points.
  • font_size (Optional[FontSize]): The size of the line plot’s font. Options include small, medium, large, auto, or None.

class ParallelCoordinatesPlotColumn

A column within a parallel coordinates plot. The order of metrics specified determine the order of the parallel axis (x-axis) in the parallel coordinates plot.


  • metric (str | Config | SummaryMetric): The name of the metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • display_name (Optional[str]): The name of the metric
  • inverted (Optional[bool]): Whether to invert the metric.
  • log (Optional[bool]): Whether to apply a log transformation to the metric.

class ParameterImportancePlot

A panel that shows how important each hyperparameter is in predicting the chosen metric.


  • with_respect_to (str): The metric you want to compare the parameter importance against. Common metrics might include the loss, accuracy, and so forth. The metric you specify must be logged within the project that the report pulls information from.

class Report

An object that represents a W&B Report. Use the returned object’s blocks attribute to customize your report. Report objects do not automatically save. Use the save() method to persists changes.


  • project (str): The name of the W&B project you want to load in. The project specified appears in the report’s URL.
  • entity (str): The W&B entity that owns the report. The entity appears in the report’s URL.
  • title (str): The title of the report. The title appears at the top of the report as an H1 heading.
  • description (str): A description of the report. The description appears underneath the report’s title.
  • blocks (LList[BlockTypes]): A list of one or more HTML tags, plots, grids, runsets, and more.
  • width (Literal[‘readable’, ‘fixed’, ‘fluid’]): The width of the report. Options include ‘readable’, ‘fixed’, ‘fluid’.

property url

The URL where the report is hosted. The report URL consists of{entity}/{project_name}/reports/. Where {entity} and {project_name} consists of the entity that the report belongs to and the name of the project, respectively.

classmethod from_url

from_url(url: str, as_model: bool = False)

Load in the report into current environment. Pass in the URL where the report is hosted.


  • url (str): The URL where the report is hosted.
  • as_model (bool): If True, return the model object instead of the Report object. By default, set to False.

method save

save(draft: bool = False, clone: bool = False)

Persists changes made to a report object.

method to_html

to_html(height: int = 1024, hidden: bool = False)  str

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying this report. Commonly used to within a Python notebook.


  • height (int): Height of the iframe.
  • hidden (bool): If True, hide the iframe. Default set to False.

class RunComparer

A panel that compares metrics across different runs from the project the report pulls information from.


  • diff_only (Optional[Literal["split", True]]): Display only the difference across runs in a project. You can toggle this feature on and off in the W&B Report UI.

class Runset

A set of runs to display in a panel grid.


  • entity (str): An entity that owns or has the correct permissions to the project where the runs are stored.
  • project (str): The name of the project were the runs are stored.
  • name (str): The name of the run set. Set to Run set by default.
  • query (str): A query string to filter runs.
  • filters (Optional[str]): A filter string to filter runs.
  • groupby (LList[str]): A list of metric names to group by.
  • order (LList[OrderBy]): A list of OrderBy objects to order by.
  • custom_run_colors (LList[OrderBy]): A dictionary mapping run IDs to colors.

class RunsetGroup

UI element that shows a group of runsets.


  • runset_name (str): The name of the runset.
  • keys (Tuple[RunsetGroupKey, …]): The keys to group by. Pass in one or more RunsetGroupKey objects to group by.

class RunsetGroupKey

Groups runsets by a metric type and value. Part of a RunsetGroup. Specify the metric type and value to group by as key-value pairs.


  • key (Type[str] | Type[Config] | Type[SummaryMetric] | Type[Metric]): The metric type to group by.
  • value (str): The value of the metric to group by.

class ScalarChart

A panel object that shows a scalar chart.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • metric (MetricType): The name of a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from.
  • groupby_aggfunc (Optional[GroupAgg]): Aggregate runs with specified function. Options include mean, min, max, median, sum, samples, or None.
  • groupby_rangefunc (Optional[GroupArea]): Group runs based on a range. Options include minmax, stddev, stderr, none, samples, or None.
  • custom_expressions (Optional[LList[str]]): A list of custom expressions to be used in the scalar chart.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): The template for the legend.
  • font_size Optional[FontSize]: The size of the line plot’s font. Options include small, medium, large, auto, or None.

class ScatterPlot

A panel object that shows a 2D or 3D scatter plot.


  • title (Optional[str]): The text that appears at the top of the plot.
  • x Optional[SummaryOrConfigOnlyMetric]: The name of a metric logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. The metric specified is used for the x-axis.
  • y Optional[SummaryOrConfigOnlyMetric]: One or more metrics logged to your W&B project that the report pulls information from. Metrics specified are plotted within the y-axis. z Optional[SummaryOrConfigOnlyMetric]:
  • range_x (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the x-axis.
  • range_y (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the y-axis.
  • range_z (Tuple[float | None, float | None]): Tuple that specifies the range of the z-axis.
  • log_x (Optional[bool]): Plots the x-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • log_y (Optional[bool]): Plots the y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • log_z (Optional[bool]): Plots the z-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale.
  • running_ymin (Optional[bool]): Apply a moving average or rolling mean.
  • running_ymax (Optional[bool]): Apply a moving average or rolling mean.
  • running_ymean (Optional[bool]): Apply a moving average or rolling mean.
  • legend_template (Optional[str]): A string that specifies the format of the legend.
  • gradient (Optional[LList[GradientPoint]]): A list of gradient points that specify the color gradient of the plot.
  • font_size (Optional[FontSize]): The size of the line plot’s font. Options include small, medium, large, auto, or None.
  • regression (Optional[bool]): If True, a regression line is plotted on the scatter plot.

class SoundCloud

A block that renders a SoundCloud player.


  • html (str): The HTML code to embed the SoundCloud player.

class Spotify

A block that renders a Spotify player.


  • spotify_id (str): The Spotify ID of the track or playlist.

class SummaryMetric

A summary metric to display in a report.


  • name (str): The name of the metric.

class TableOfContents

A block that contains a list of sections and subsections using H1, H2, and H3 HTML blocks specified in a report.

class TextWithInlineComments

A block of text with inline comments.


  • text (str): The text of the block.

class Twitter

A block that displays a Twitter feed.


  • html (str): The HTML code to display the Twitter feed.

class UnorderedList

A list of items in a bulleted list.


  • items (LList[str]): A list of one or more UnorderedListItem objects.

class UnorderedListItem

A list item in an unordered list.


  • text (str): The text of the list item.

class Video

A block that renders a video.


  • url (str): The URL of the video.

class WeaveBlockArtifact

A block that shows an artifact logged to W&B. The query takes the form of

project('entity', 'project').artifact('artifact-name')

The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • entity (str): The entity that owns or has the appropriate permissions to the project where the artifact is stored.
  • project (str): The project where the artifact is stored.
  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • tab Literal["overview", "metadata", "usage", "files", "lineage"]: The tab to display in the artifact panel.

class WeaveBlockArtifactVersionedFile

A block that shows a versioned file logged to a W&B artifact. The query takes the form of

project('entity', 'project').artifactVersion('name', 'version').file('file-name')

The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • entity (str): The entity that owns or has the appropriate permissions to the project where the artifact is stored.
  • project (str): The project where the artifact is stored.
  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • version (str): The version of the artifact to retrieve.
  • file (str): The name of the file stored in the artifact to retrieve.

class WeaveBlockSummaryTable

A block that shows a W&B Table, pandas DataFrame, plot, or other value logged to W&B. The query takes the form of

project('entity', 'project').runs.summary['value']

The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • entity (str): The entity that owns or has the appropriate permissions to the project where the values are logged.
  • project (str): The project where the value is logged in.
  • table_name (str): The name of the table, DataFrame, plot, or value.

class WeavePanel

An empty query panel that can be used to display custom content using queries.

The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.

class WeavePanelArtifact

A panel that shows an artifact logged to W&B.

The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • tab Literal["overview", "metadata", "usage", "files", "lineage"]: The tab to display in the artifact panel.

class WeavePanelArtifactVersionedFile

A panel that shows a versioned file logged to a W&B artifact.

project('entity', 'project').artifactVersion('name', 'version').file('file-name')

The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • artifact (str): The name of the artifact to retrieve.
  • version (str): The version of the artifact to retrieve.
  • file (str): The name of the file stored in the artifact to retrieve.

class WeavePanelSummaryTable

A panel that shows a W&B Table, pandas DataFrame, plot, or other value logged to W&B. The query takes the form of


The term “Weave” in the API name does not refer to the W&B Weave toolkit used for tracking and evaluating LLM.


  • table_name (str): The name of the table, DataFrame, plot, or value.

15.2 - Workspaces

module wandb_workspaces.workspaces

Python library for programmatically working with W&B Workspace API.

# How to import
import wandb_workspaces.workspaces as ws

# Example of creating a workspace
     name="Example W&B Workspace",
     entity="entity", # entity that owns the workspace
     project="project", # project that the workspace is associated with
             name="Validation Metrics",
                 wr.LinePlot(x="Step", y=["val_loss"]),
                 wr.ScalarChart(metric="f1_score", groupby_aggfunc="mean"),

class RunSettings

Settings for a run in a runset (left hand bar).


  • color (str): The color of the run in the UI. Can be hex (#ff0000), css color (red), or rgb (rgb(255, 0, 0))
  • disabled (bool): Whether the run is deactivated (eye closed in the UI). Default is set to False.

class RunsetSettings

Settings for the runset (the left bar containing runs) in a workspace.


  • query (str): A query to filter the runset (can be a regex expr, see next param).
  • regex_query (bool): Controls whether the query (above) is a regex expr. Default is set to False.
  • filters (LList[expr.FilterExpr]): A list of filters to apply to the runset. Filters are AND’d together. See FilterExpr for more information on creating filters.
  • groupby (LList[expr.MetricType]): A list of metrics to group by in the runset. Set to Metric, Summary, Config, Tags, or KeysInfo.
  • order (LList[expr.Ordering]): A list of metrics and ordering to apply to the runset.
  • run_settings (Dict[str, RunSettings]): A dictionary of run settings, where the key is the run’s ID and the value is a RunSettings object.

class Section

Represents a section in a workspace.


  • name (str): The name/title of the section.
  • panels (LList[PanelTypes]): An ordered list of panels in the section. By default, first is top-left and last is bottom-right.
  • is_open (bool): Whether the section is open or closed. Default is closed.
  • layout_settings (Literal[standard, custom]): Settings for panel layout in the section.
  • panel_settings: Panel-level settings applied to all panels in the section, similar to WorkspaceSettings for a Section.

class SectionLayoutSettings

Panel layout settings for a section, typically seen at the top right of the section of the W&B App Workspace UI.


  • layout (Literal[standard, custom]): The layout of panels in the section. standard follows the default grid layout, custom allows per per-panel layouts controlled by the individual panel settings.
  • columns (int): In a standard layout, the number of columns in the layout. Default is 3.
  • rows (int): In a standard layout, the number of rows in the layout. Default is 2.

class SectionPanelSettings

Panel settings for a section, similar to WorkspaceSettings for a section.

Settings applied here can be overrided by more granular Panel settings in this priority: Section < Panel.


  • x_axis (str): X-axis metric name setting. By default, set to Step.
  • x_min Optional[float]: Minimum value for the x-axis.
  • x_max Optional[float]: Maximum value for the x-axis.
  • smoothing_type (Literal[’exponentialTimeWeighted’, ’exponential’, ‘gaussian’, ‘average’, ’none’]): Smoothing type applied to all panels.
  • smoothing_weight (int): Smoothing weight applied to all panels.

class Workspace

Represents a W&B workspace, including sections, settings, and config for run sets.


  • entity (str): The entity this workspace will be saved to (usually user or team name).
  • project (str): The project this workspace will be saved to.
  • name: The name of the workspace.
  • sections (LList[Section]): An ordered list of sections in the workspace. The first section is at the top of the workspace.
  • settings (WorkspaceSettings): Settings for the workspace, typically seen at the top of the workspace in the UI.
  • runset_settings (RunsetSettings): Settings for the runset (the left bar containing runs) in a workspace.

property url

The URL to the workspace in the W&B app.

classmethod from_url

from_url(url: str)

Get a workspace from a URL.

method save


Save the current workspace to W&B.


  • Workspace: The updated workspace with the saved internal name and ID.

method save_as_new_view


Save the current workspace as a new view to W&B.


  • Workspace: The updated workspace with the saved internal name and ID.

class WorkspaceSettings

Settings for the workspace, typically seen at the top of the workspace in the UI.

This object includes settings for the x-axis, smoothing, outliers, panels, tooltips, runs, and panel query bar.

Settings applied here can be overrided by more granular Section and Panel settings in this priority: Workspace < Section < Panel


  • x_axis (str): X-axis metric name setting.
  • x_min (Optional[float]): Minimum value for the x-axis.
  • x_max (Optional[float]): Maximum value for the x-axis.
  • smoothing_type (Literal['exponentialTimeWeighted', 'exponential', 'gaussian', 'average', 'none']): Smoothing type applied to all panels.
  • smoothing_weight (int): Smoothing weight applied to all panels.
  • ignore_outliers (bool): Ignore outliers in all panels.
  • sort_panels_alphabetically (bool): Sorts panels in all sections alphabetically.
  • group_by_prefix (Literal[first, last]): Group panels by the first or up to last prefix (first or last). Default is set to last.
  • remove_legends_from_panels (bool): Remove legends from all panels.
  • tooltip_number_of_runs (Literal[default, all, none]): The number of runs to show in the tooltip.
  • tooltip_color_run_names (bool): Whether to color run names in the tooltip to match the runset (True) or not (False). Default is set to True.
  • max_runs (int): The maximum number of runs to show per panel (this will be the first 10 runs in the runset).
  • point_visualization_method (Literal[line, point, line_point]): The visualization method for points.
  • panel_search_query (str): The query for the panel search bar (can be a regex expression).
  • auto_expand_panel_search_results (bool): Whether to auto expand the panel search results.

16 - watch

Hooks into the given PyTorch model(s) to monitor gradients and the model’s computational graph.

    models: (torch.nn.Module | Sequence[torch.nn.Module]),
    criterion: (torch.F | None) = None,
    log: (Literal['gradients', 'parameters', 'all'] | None) = "gradients",
    log_freq: int = 1000,
    idx: (int | None) = None,
    log_graph: bool = (False)
) -> None

This function can track parameters, gradients, or both during training. It should be extended to support arbitrary machine learning models in the future.

models (Union[torch.nn.Module, Sequence[torch.nn.Module]]): A single model or a sequence of models to be monitored. criterion (Optional[torch.F]): The loss function being optimized (optional). log (Optional[Literal[“gradients”, “parameters”, “all”]]): Specifies whether to log “gradients”, “parameters”, or “all”. Set to None to disable logging. (default=“gradients”) log_freq (int): Frequency (in batches) to log gradients and parameters. (default=1000) idx (Optional[int]): Index used when tracking multiple models with (default=None) log_graph (bool): Whether to log the model’s computational graph. (default=False)
ValueError If wandb.init has not been called or if any of the models are not instances of torch.nn.Module.