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W&B integrations make it fast and easy to set up experiment tracking and data versioning inside existing projects. Check out integrations for ML frameworks such as PyTorch, ML libraries such as Hugging Face, or cloud services such as Amazon SageMaker.

  • Examples: Try the code with notebook and script examples for each integration.
  • Video Tutorials: Learn to use W&B with YouTube video tutorials

1 - Add wandb to any library

Add wandb to any library

This guide provides best practices on how to integrate W&B into your Python library to get powerful Experiment Tracking, GPU and System Monitoring, Model Checkpointing, and more for your own library.

Below we cover best tips and best practices when the codebase you are working on is more complicated than a single Python training script or Jupyter notebook. The topics covered are:

  • Setup requirements
  • User Login
  • Starting a wandb Run
  • Defining a Run Config
  • Logging to W&B
  • Distributed Training
  • Model Checkpointing and More
  • Hyper-parameter tuning
  • Advanced Integrations

Setup requirements

Before you get started, decide whether or not to require W&B in your library’s dependencies:

Require W&B On Installation

Add the W&B Python library (wandb) to your dependencies file, for example, in your requirements.txt file:


Make W&B optional On Installation

There are two ways to make the W&B SDK (wandb) optional:

A. Raise an error when a user tries to use wandb functionality without installing it manually and show an appropriate error message:

    import wandb 
except ImportError: 
    raise ImportError(
        "You are trying to use wandb which is not currently installed."
        "Please install it using pip install wandb"

B. Add wandb as an optional dependency to your pyproject.toml file, if you are building a Python package:

name = "my_awesome_lib"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [

dev = [

User Login

Create an API key

An API key authenticates a client or machine to W&B. You can generate an API key from your user profile.

  1. Click your user profile icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Select User Settings, then scroll to the API Keys section.
  3. Click Reveal. Copy the displayed API key. To hide the API key, reload the page.

Install the wandb library and log in

To install the wandb library locally and log in:

  1. Set the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable to your API key.

    export WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
  2. Install the wandb library and log in.

    pip install wandb
    wandb login
pip install wandb
import wandb
!pip install wandb

import wandb

If a user is using wandb for the first time without following any of the steps mentioned above, they will automatically be prompted to log in when your script calls wandb.init.

Start a run

A W&B Run is a unit of computation logged by W&B. Typically, you associate a single W&B Run per training experiment.

Initialize W&B and start a Run within your code with:


Optionally, you can provide a name for their project, or let the user set it themselves with parameters such as wandb_project in your code along with the username or team name, such as wandb_entity, for the entity parameter:

wandb.init(project=wandb_project, entity=wandb_entity)

Where To Place wandb.init?

Your library should create W&B Run as early as possible because any output in your console, including error messages, is logged as part of the W&B Run. This makes debugging easier.

Run The Library With wandb As Optional

If you want to make wandb optional when your users use your library, you can either:

  • Define a wandb flag such as:
trainer = my_trainer(..., use_wandb=True)
python ... --use-wandb
  • Or, set wandb to be disabled in wandb.init:
export WANDB_MODE=disabled


wandb disabled
  • Or, set wandb to be offline - note this will still run wandb, it just won’t try and communicate back to W&B over the internet:
export WANDB_MODE=offline


os.environ['WANDB_MODE'] = 'offline'
wandb offline

Define a run config

With a wandb run config, you can provide metadata about your model, dataset, and so on when you create a W&B Run. You can use this information to compare different experiments and quickly understand the main differences.

W&B Runs table

Typical config parameters you can log include:

  • Model name, version, architecture parameters, etc.
  • Dataset name, version, number of train/val examples, etc.
  • Training parameters such as learning rate, batch size, optimizer, etc.

The following code snippet shows how to log a config:

config = {"batch_size": 32, ...}
wandb.init(..., config=config)

Update the run config

Use wandb.config.update to update the config. Updating your configuration dictionary is useful when parameters are obtained after the dictionary was defined. For example, you might want to add a model’s parameters after the model is instantiated.

wandb.config.update({"model_parameters": 3500})

For more information on how to define a config file, see Configure Experiments with wandb.config.

Log to W&B

Log metrics

Create a dictionary where the key value is the name of the metric. Pass this dictionary object to wandb.log:

for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):
    for input, ground_truth in data: 
        prediction = model(input) 
        loss = loss_fn(prediction, ground_truth) 
        metrics = { "loss": loss } 

If you have a lot of metrics, you can have them automatically grouped in the UI by using prefixes in the metric name, such as train/... and val/.... This will create separate sections in your W&B Workspace for your training and validation metrics, or other metric types you’d like to separate:

metrics = {
    "train/loss": 0.4,
    "train/learning_rate": 0.4,
    "val/loss": 0.5, 
    "val/accuracy": 0.7
A W&B Workspace with 2 separate sections

For more on wandb.log, see Log Data with wandb.log.

Prevent x-axis misalignments

Sometimes you might need to perform multiple calls to wandb.log for the same training step. The wandb SDK has its own internal step counter that is incremented every time a wandb.log call is made. This means that there is a possibility that the wandb log counter is not aligned with the training step in your training loop.

To avoid this, we recommend that you specifically define your x-axis step. You can define the x-axis with wandb.define_metric and you only need to do this once, after wandb.init is called:

wandb.define_metric("*", step_metric="global_step")

The glob pattern, *, means that every metric will use global_step as the x-axis in your charts. If you only want certain metrics to be logged against global_step, you can specify them instead:

wandb.define_metric("train/loss", step_metric="global_step")

Now that you’ve called wandb.define_metric, you just need to log your metrics as well as your step_metric, global_step, every time you call wandb.log:

for step, (input, ground_truth) in enumerate(data):
    wandb.log({"global_step": step, "train/loss": 0.1})
    wandb.log({"global_step": step, "eval/loss": 0.2})

If you do not have access to the independent step variable, for example “global_step” is not available during your validation loop, the previously logged value for “global_step” is automatically used by wandb. In this case, ensure you log an initial value for the metric so it has been defined when it’s needed.

Log images, tables, audio, and more

In addition to metrics, you can log plots, histograms, tables, text, and media such as images, videos, audios, 3D, and more.

Some considerations when logging data include:

  • How often should the metric be logged? Should it be optional?
  • What type of data could be helpful in visualizing?
    • For images, you can log sample predictions, segmentation masks, etc., to see the evolution over time.
    • For text, you can log tables of sample predictions for later exploration.

Refer to Log Data with wandb.log for a full guide on logging media, objects, plots, and more.

Distributed training

For frameworks supporting distributed environments, you can adapt any of the following workflows:

  • Detect which is the “main” process and only use wandb there. Any required data coming from other processes must be routed to the main process first. (This workflow is encouraged).
  • Call wandb in every process and auto-group them by giving them all the same unique group name.

See Log Distributed Training Experiments for more details.

Log model checkpoints and more

If your framework uses or produces models or datasets, you can log them for full traceability and have wandb automatically monitor your entire pipeline through W&B Artifacts.

Stored Datasets and Model Checkpoints in W&B

When using Artifacts, it might be useful but not necessary to let your users define:

  • The ability to log model checkpoints or datasets (in case you want to make it optional).
  • The path/reference of the artifact being used as input, if any. For example, user/project/artifact.
  • The frequency for logging Artifacts.

Log model checkpoints

You can log Model Checkpoints to W&B. It is useful to leverage the unique wandb Run ID to name output Model Checkpoints to differentiate them between Runs. You can also add useful metadata. In addition, you can also add aliases to each model as shown below:

metadata = {"eval/accuracy": 0.8, "train/steps": 800} 

artifact = wandb.Artifact(
artifact.add_dir("output_model") # local directory where the model weights are stored

aliases = ["best", "epoch_10"] 
wandb.log_artifact(artifact, aliases=aliases)

For information on how to create a custom alias, see Create a Custom Alias.

You can log output Artifacts at any frequency (for example, every epoch, every 500 steps, and so on) and they are automatically versioned.

Log and track pre-trained models or datasets

You can log artifacts that are used as inputs to your training such as pre-trained models or datasets. The following snippet demonstrates how to log an Artifact and add it as an input to the ongoing Run as shown in the graph above.

artifact_input_data = wandb.Artifact(name="flowers", type="dataset")

Download an artifact

You re-use an Artifact (dataset, model, etc.) and wandb will download a copy locally (and cache it):

artifact ="user/project/artifact:latest")
local_path ="./tmp")

Artifacts can be found in the Artifacts section of W&B and can be referenced with aliases generated automatically (latest, v2, v3) or manually when logging (best_accuracy, etc.).

To download an Artifact without creating a wandb run (through wandb.init), for example in distributed environments or for simple inference, you can instead reference the artifact with the wandb API:

artifact = wandb.Api().artifact("user/project/artifact:latest")
local_path =

For more information, see Download and Use Artifacts.

Tune hyper-parameters

If your library would like to leverage W&B hyper-parameter tuning, W&B Sweeps can also be added to your library.

Advanced integrations

You can also see what an advanced W&B integrations look like in the following integrations. Note most integrations will not be as complex as these:

2 - Azure OpenAI Fine-Tuning

How to Fine-Tune Azure OpenAI models using W&B.


Fine-tuning GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 models on Microsoft Azure using W&B tracks, analyzes, and improves model performance by automatically capturing metrics and facilitating systematic evaluation through W&B’s experiment tracking and evaluation tools.


Workflow overview

1. Fine-tuning setup

  • Prepare training data according to Azure OpenAI requirements.
  • Configure the fine-tuning job in Azure OpenAI.
  • W&B automatically tracks the fine-tuning process, logging metrics and hyperparameters.

2. Experiment tracking

During fine-tuning, W&B captures:

  • Training and validation metrics
  • Model hyperparameters
  • Resource utilization
  • Training artifacts

3. Model evaluation

After fine-tuning, use W&B Weave to:

  • Evaluate model outputs against reference datasets
  • Compare performance across different fine-tuning runs
  • Analyze model behavior on specific test cases
  • Make data-driven decisions for model selection

Real-world example

Additional resources

3 - Catalyst

How to integrate W&B for Catalyst, a Pytorch framework.

Catalyst is a PyTorch framework for deep learning R&D that focuses on reproducibility, rapid experimentation, and codebase reuse so you can create something new.

Catalyst includes a W&B integration for logging parameters, metrics, images, and other artifacts.

Check out their documentation of the integration, which includes examples using Python and Hydra.

Interactive Example

Run an example colab to see Catalyst and W&B integration in action.

4 - Cohere fine-tuning

How to Fine-Tune Cohere models using W&B.

With Weights & Biases you can log your Cohere model’s fine-tuning metrics and configuration to analyze and understand the performance of your models and share the results with your colleagues.

This guide from Cohere has a full example of how to kick off a fine-tuning run and you can find the Cohere API docs here

Log your Cohere fine-tuning results

To add Cohere fine-tuning logging to your W&B workspace:

  1. Create a WandbConfig with your W&B API key, W&B entity and project name. You can find your W&B API key at

  2. Pass this config to the FinetunedModel object along with your model name, dataset and hyperparameters to kick off your fine-tuning run.

    from cohere.finetuning import WandbConfig, FinetunedModel
    # create a config with your W&B details
    wandb_ft_config = WandbConfig(
        entity="my-entity", # must be a valid enitity associated with the provided API key
    ...  # set up your datasets and hyperparameters
    # start a fine-tuning run on cohere
    cmd_r_finetune = co.finetuning.create_finetuned_model(
          wandb=wandb_ft_config  # pass your W&B config here
  3. View your model’s fine-tuning training and validation metrics and hyperparameters in the W&B project that you created.

Organize runs

Your W&B runs are automatically organized and can be filtered/sorted based on any configuration parameter such as job type, base model, learning rate and any other hyper-parameter.

In addition, you can rename your runs, add notes or create tags to group them.


5 - Databricks

How to integrate W&B with Databricks.

W&B integrates with Databricks by customizing the W&B Jupyter notebook experience in the Databricks environment.

Configure Databricks

  1. Install wandb in the cluster

    Navigate to your cluster configuration, choose your cluster, click Libraries. Click Install New, choose PyPI, and add the package wandb.

  2. Set up authentication

    To authenticate your W&B account you can add a Databricks secret which your notebooks can query.

    # install databricks cli
    pip install databricks-cli
    # Generate a token from databricks UI
    databricks configure --token
    # Create a scope with one of the two commands (depending if you have security features enabled on databricks):
    # with security add-on
    databricks secrets create-scope --scope wandb
    # without security add-on
    databricks secrets create-scope --scope wandb --initial-manage-principal users
    # Add your api_key from:
    databricks secrets put --scope wandb --key api_key


Simple example

import os
import wandb

api_key = dbutils.secrets.get("wandb", "api_key")

wandb.log({"foo": 1})


Setup required (temporary) for notebooks attempting to use wandb.sweep() or wandb.agent():

import os

# These will not be necessary in the future
os.environ["WANDB_ENTITY"] = "my-entity"
os.environ["WANDB_PROJECT"] = "my-project-that-exists"

6 - DeepChecks

How to integrate W&B with DeepChecks.

DeepChecks helps you validate your machine learning models and data, such as verifying your data’s integrity, inspecting its distributions, validating data splits, evaluating your model and comparing between different models, all with minimal effort.

Read more about DeepChecks and the wandb integration ->

Getting Started

To use DeepChecks with Weights & Biases you will first need to sign up for a Weights & Biases account here. With the Weights & Biases integration in DeepChecks you can quickly get started like so:

import wandb


# import your check from deepchecks
from deepchecks.checks import ModelErrorAnalysis

# run your check
result = ModelErrorAnalysis()

# push that result to wandb

You can also log an entire DeepChecks test suite to Weights & Biases

import wandb


# import your full_suite tests from deepchecks
from deepchecks.suites import full_suite

# create and run a DeepChecks test suite
suite_result = full_suite().run(...)

# push thes results to wandb
# here you can pass any wandb.init configs and arguments you need
suite_result.to_wandb(project="my-suite-project", config={"suite-name": "full-suite"})


``This Report shows off the power of using DeepChecks and Weights & Biases

Any questions or issues about this Weights & Biases integration? Open an issue in the DeepChecks github repository and we’ll catch it and get you an answer :)

7 - DeepChem

How to integrate W&B with DeepChem library.

The DeepChem library provides open source tools that democratize the use of deep-learning in drug discovery, materials science, chemistry, and biology. This W&B integration adds simple and easy-to-use experiment tracking and model checkpointing while training models using DeepChem.

DeepChem logging in 3 lines of code

logger = WandbLogger()
model = TorchModel(, wandb_logger=logger)

Report and Google Colab

Explore the Using W&B with DeepChem: Molecular Graph Convolutional Networks article for an example charts generated using the W&B DeepChem integration.

To dive straight into working code, check out this Google Colab.

Track experiments

Set up W&B for DeepChem models of type KerasModel or TorchModel.

Sign up and create an API key

An API key authenticates your machine to W&B. You can generate an API key from your user profile.

  1. Click your user profile icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Select User Settings, then scroll to the API Keys section.
  3. Click Reveal. Copy the displayed API key. To hide the API key, reload the page.

Install the wandb library and log in

To install the wandb library locally and log in:

  1. Set the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable to your API key.

    export WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
  2. Install the wandb library and log in.

    pip install wandb
    wandb login
pip install wandb
import wandb
!pip install wandb

import wandb

Log your training and evaluation data to W&B

Training loss and evaluation metrics can be automatically logged to W&B. Optional evaluation can be enabled using the DeepChem ValidationCallback, the WandbLogger will detect ValidationCallback callback and log the metrics generated.

from deepchem.models import TorchModel, ValidationCallback

vc = ValidationCallback()  # optional
model = TorchModel(, wandb_logger=logger), callbacks=[vc])
from deepchem.models import KerasModel, ValidationCallback

vc = ValidationCallback()  # optional
model = KerasModel(, wandb_logger=logger), callbacks=[vc])

8 - Docker

How to integrate W&B with Docker.

Docker Integration

W&B can store a pointer to the Docker image that your code ran in, giving you the ability to restore a previous experiment to the exact environment it was run in. The wandb library looks for the WANDB_DOCKER environment variable to persist this state. We provide a few helpers that automatically set this state.

Local Development

wandb docker is a command that starts a docker container, passes in wandb environment variables, mounts your code, and ensures wandb is installed. By default the command uses a docker image with TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and Jupyter installed. You can use the same command to start your own docker image: wandb docker my/image:latest. The command mounts the current directory into the “/app” directory of the container, you can change this with the “–dir” flag.


The wandb docker-run command is provided for production workloads. It’s meant to be a drop in replacement for nvidia-docker. It’s a simple wrapper to the docker run command that adds your credentials and the WANDB_DOCKER environment variable to the call. If you do not pass the “–runtime” flag and nvidia-docker is available on the machine, this also ensures the runtime is set to nvidia.


If you run your training workloads in Kubernetes and the k8s API is exposed to your pod (which is the case by default). wandb will query the API for the digest of the docker image and automatically set the WANDB_DOCKER environment variable.


If a run was instrumented with the WANDB_DOCKER environment variable, calling wandb restore username/project:run_id will checkout a new branch restoring your code then launch the exact docker image used for training pre-populated with the original command.

9 - Farama Gymnasium

How to integrate W&B with Farama Gymnasium.

If you’re using Farama Gymnasium we will automatically log videos of your environment generated by gymnasium.wrappers.Monitor. Just set the monitor_gym keyword argument to wandb.init to True.

Our gymnasium integration is very light. We simply look at the name of the video file being logged from gymnasium and name it after that or fall back to "videos" if we don’t find a match. If you want more control, you can always just manually log a video.

Check out this report to learn more on how to use Gymnasium with the CleanRL library.

10 - fastai

If you’re using fastai to train your models, W&B has an easy integration using the WandbCallback. Explore the details in interactive docs with examples →

Sign up and create an API key

An API key authenticates your machine to W&B. You can generate an API key from your user profile.

  1. Click your user profile icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Select User Settings, then scroll to the API Keys section.
  3. Click Reveal. Copy the displayed API key. To hide the API key, reload the page.

Install the wandb library and log in

To install the wandb library locally and log in:

  1. Set the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable to your API key.

    export WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
  2. Install the wandb library and log in.

    pip install wandb
    wandb login
pip install wandb
import wandb
!pip install wandb

import wandb

Add the WandbCallback to the learner or fit method

import wandb
from fastai.callback.wandb import *

# start logging a wandb run

# To log only during one training phase, cbs=WandbCallback())

# To log continuously for all training phases
learn = learner(..., cbs=WandbCallback())

WandbCallback Arguments

WandbCallback accepts the following arguments:

Args Description
log Whether to log the model’s: gradients , parameters, all or None (default). Losses & metrics are always logged.
log_preds whether we want to log prediction samples (default to True).
log_preds_every_epoch whether to log predictions every epoch or at the end (default to False)
log_model whether we want to log our model (default to False). This also requires SaveModelCallback
model_name The name of the file to save, overrides SaveModelCallback
  • False (default)
  • True will log folder referenced by learn.dls.path.
  • a path can be defined explicitly to reference which folder to log.

Note: subfolder “models” is always ignored.

dataset_name name of logged dataset (default to folder name).
valid_dl DataLoaders containing items used for prediction samples (default to random items from learn.dls.valid.
n_preds number of logged predictions (default to 36).
seed used for defining random samples.

For custom workflows, you can manually log your datasets and models:

  • log_dataset(path, name=None, metadata={})
  • log_model(path, name=None, metadata={})

Note: any subfolder “models” will be ignored.

Distributed Training

fastai supports distributed training by using the context manager distrib_ctx. W&B supports this automatically and enables you to track your Multi-GPU experiments out of the box.

Review this minimal example:

import wandb
from import *
from fastai.distributed import *
from fastai.callback.wandb import WandbCallback

path = rank0_first(lambda: untar_data(URLs.PETS) / "images")

def train():
    dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
        label_func=lambda x: x[0].isupper(),
    wandb.init("fastai_ddp", entity="capecape")
    cb = WandbCallback()
    learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate, cbs=cb).to_fp16()
    with learn.distrib_ctx(sync_bn=False):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then, in your terminal you will execute:

$ torchrun --nproc_per_node 2

in this case, the machine has 2 GPUs.

You can now run distributed training directly inside a notebook.

import wandb
from import *

from accelerate import notebook_launcher
from fastai.distributed import *
from fastai.callback.wandb import WandbCallback

path = untar_data(URLs.PETS) / "images"

def train():
    dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
        label_func=lambda x: x[0].isupper(),
    wandb.init("fastai_ddp", entity="capecape")
    cb = WandbCallback()
    learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate, cbs=cb).to_fp16()
    with learn.distrib_ctx(in_notebook=True, sync_bn=False):

notebook_launcher(train, num_processes=2)

Log only on the main process

In the examples above, wandb launches one run per process. At the end of the training, you will end up with two runs. This can sometimes be confusing, and you may want to log only on the main process. To do so, you will have to detect in which process you are manually and avoid creating runs (calling wandb.init in all other processes)

import wandb
from import *
from fastai.distributed import *
from fastai.callback.wandb import WandbCallback

path = rank0_first(lambda: untar_data(URLs.PETS) / "images")

def train():
    cb = []
    dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
        label_func=lambda x: x[0].isupper(),
    if rank_distrib() == 0:
        run = wandb.init("fastai_ddp", entity="capecape")
        cb = WandbCallback()
    learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate, cbs=cb).to_fp16()
    with learn.distrib_ctx(sync_bn=False):

if __name__ == "__main__":

in your terminal call:

$ torchrun --nproc_per_node 2
import wandb
from import *

from accelerate import notebook_launcher
from fastai.distributed import *
from fastai.callback.wandb import WandbCallback

path = untar_data(URLs.PETS) / "images"

def train():
    cb = []
    dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
        label_func=lambda x: x[0].isupper(),
    if rank_distrib() == 0:
        run = wandb.init("fastai_ddp", entity="capecape")
        cb = WandbCallback()
    learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate, cbs=cb).to_fp16()
    with learn.distrib_ctx(in_notebook=True, sync_bn=False):

notebook_launcher(train, num_processes=2)


10.1 - fastai v1

For scripts using fastai v1, we have a callback that can automatically log model topology, losses, metrics, weights, gradients, sample predictions and best trained model.

import wandb
from wandb.fastai import WandbCallback


learn = cnn_learner(data, model, callback_fns=WandbCallback)

Requested logged data is configurable through the callback constructor.

from functools import partial

learn = cnn_learner(
    data, model, callback_fns=partial(WandbCallback, input_type="images")

It is also possible to use WandbCallback only when starting training. In this case it must be instantiated., callbacks=WandbCallback(learn))

Custom parameters can also be given at that stage., callbacks=WandbCallback(learn, input_type="images"))

Example Code

We’ve created a few examples for you to see how the integration works:

Fastai v1


WandbCallback() class supports a number of options:

Keyword argument Default Description
learn N/A the learner to hook.
save_model True save the model if it’s improved at each step. It will also load best model at the end of training.
mode auto min, max, or auto: How to compare the training metric specified in monitor between steps.
monitor None training metric used to measure performance for saving the best model. None defaults to validation loss.
log gradients gradients, parameters, all, or None. Losses & metrics are always logged.
input_type None images or None. Used to display sample predictions.
validation_data None data used for sample predictions if input_type is set.
predictions 36 number of predictions to make if input_type is set and validation_data is None.
seed 12345 initialize random generator for sample predictions if input_type is set and validation_data is None.

11 - Hugging Face Transformers

The Hugging Face Transformers library makes state-of-the-art NLP models like BERT and training techniques like mixed precision and gradient checkpointing easy to use. The W&B integration adds rich, flexible experiment tracking and model versioning to interactive centralized dashboards without compromising that ease of use.

Next-level logging in few lines

os.environ["WANDB_PROJECT"] = "<my-amazing-project>"  # name your W&B project
os.environ["WANDB_LOG_MODEL"] = "checkpoint"  # log all model checkpoints

from transformers import TrainingArguments, Trainer

args = TrainingArguments(..., report_to="wandb")  # turn on W&B logging
trainer = Trainer(..., args=args)
Explore your experiment results in the W&B interactive dashboard

Get started: track experiments

Sign up and create an API key

An API key authenticates your machine to W&B. You can generate an API key from your user profile.

  1. Click your user profile icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Select User Settings, then scroll to the API Keys section.
  3. Click Reveal. Copy the displayed API key. To hide the API key, reload the page.

Install the wandb library and log in

To install the wandb library locally and log in:

  1. Set the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable to your API key.

    export WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
  2. Install the wandb library and log in.

    pip install wandb
    wandb login
pip install wandb
import wandb
!pip install wandb

import wandb

If you are using W&B for the first time you might want to check out our quickstart

Name the project

A W&B Project is where all of the charts, data, and models logged from related runs are stored. Naming your project helps you organize your work and keep all the information about a single project in one place.

To add a run to a project simply set the WANDB_PROJECT environment variable to the name of your project. The WandbCallback will pick up this project name environment variable and use it when setting up your run.

import os
%env WANDB_PROJECT=amazon_sentiment_analysis

If a project name is not specified the project name defaults to huggingface.

Log your training runs to W&B

This is the most important step when defining your Trainer training arguments, either inside your code or from the command line, is to set report_to to "wandb" in order enable logging with W&B.

The logging_steps argument in TrainingArguments will control how often training metrics are pushed to W&B during training. You can also give a name to the training run in W&B using the run_name argument.

That’s it. Now your models will log losses, evaluation metrics, model topology, and gradients to W&B while they train.

python \     # run your Python script
  --report_to wandb \    # enable logging to W&B
  --run_name bert-base-high-lr \   # name of the W&B run (optional)
  # other command line arguments here
from transformers import TrainingArguments, Trainer

args = TrainingArguments(
    # other args and kwargs here
    report_to="wandb",  # enable logging to W&B
    run_name="bert-base-high-lr",  # name of the W&B run (optional)
    logging_steps=1,  # how often to log to W&B

trainer = Trainer(
    # other args and kwargs here
    args=args,  # your training args

trainer.train()  # start training and logging to W&B

Turn on model checkpointing

Using W&B’s Artifacts, you can store up to 100GB of models and datasets for free and then use the W&B Model Registry to register models to prepare them for staging or deployment in your production environment.

Logging your Hugging Face model checkpoints to Artifacts can be done by setting the WANDB_LOG_MODEL environment variable to one of end or checkpoint or false:

  • checkpoint: a checkpoint will be uploaded every args.save_steps from the TrainingArguments.
  • end: the model will be uploaded at the end of training.

Use WANDB_LOG_MODEL along with load_best_model_at_end to upload the best model at the end of training.

import os

os.environ["WANDB_LOG_MODEL"] = "checkpoint"
%env WANDB_LOG_MODEL="checkpoint"

Any Transformers Trainer you initialize from now on will upload models to your W&B project. The model checkpoints you log will be viewable through the Artifacts UI, and include the full model lineage (see an example model checkpoint in the UI here).

W&B Model Registry

Once you have logged your checkpoints to Artifacts, you can then register your best model checkpoints and centralize them across your team using the Model Registry. Here you can organize your best models by task, manage model lifecycle, facilitate easy tracking and auditing throughout the ML lifecyle, and automate downstream actions with webhooks or jobs.

See the Model Registry documentation for how to link a model Artifact to the Model Registry.

Visualise evaluation outputs during training

Visualing your model outputs during training or evaluation is often essential to really understand how your model is training.

By using the callbacks system in the Transformers Trainer, you can log additional helpful data to W&B such as your models’ text generation outputs or other predictions to W&B Tables.

See the Custom logging section below for a full guide on how to log evaluation outupts while training to log to a W&B Table like this:

Shows a W&B Table with evaluation outputs

Finish your W&B Run (Notebook only)

If your training is encapsulated in a Python script, the W&B run will end when your script finishes.

If you are using a Jupyter or Google Colab notebook, you’ll need to tell us when you’re done with training by calling wandb.finish().

trainer.train()  # start training and logging to W&B

# post-training analysis, testing, other logged code


Visualize your results

Once you have logged your training results you can explore your results dynamically in the W&B Dashboard. It’s easy to compare across dozens of runs at once, zoom in on interesting findings, and coax insights out of complex data with flexible, interactive visualizations.

Advanced features and FAQs

How do I save the best model?

If load_best_model_at_end=True is set in the TrainingArguments that are passed to the Trainer, then W&B will save the best performing model checkpoint to Artifacts.

If you’d like to centralize all your best model versions across your team to organize them by ML task, stage them for production, bookmark them for further evaluation, or kick off downstream Model CI/CD processes then ensure you’re saving your model checkpoints to Artifacts. Once logged to Artifacts, these checkpoints can then be promoted to the Model Registry.

How do I load a saved model?

If you saved your model to W&B Artifacts with WANDB_LOG_MODEL, you can download your model weights for additional training or to run inference. You just load them back into the same Hugging Face architecture that you used before.

# Create a new run
with wandb.init(project="amazon_sentiment_analysis") as run:
    # Pass the name and version of Artifact
    my_model_name = "model-bert-base-high-lr:latest"
    my_model_artifact = run.use_artifact(my_model_name)

    # Download model weights to a folder and return the path
    model_dir =

    # Load your Hugging Face model from that folder
    #  using the same model class
    model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
        model_dir, num_labels=num_labels

    # Do additional training, or run inference

How do I resume training from a checkpoint?

If you had set WANDB_LOG_MODEL='checkpoint' you can also resume training by you can using the model_dir as the model_name_or_path argument in your TrainingArguments and pass resume_from_checkpoint=True to Trainer.

last_run_id = "xxxxxxxx"  # fetch the run_id from your wandb workspace

# resume the wandb run from the run_id
with wandb.init(
) as run:
    # Connect an Artifact to the run
    my_checkpoint_name = f"checkpoint-{last_run_id}:latest"
    my_checkpoint_artifact = run.use_artifact(my_model_name)

    # Download checkpoint to a folder and return the path
    checkpoint_dir =

    # reinitialize your model and trainer
    model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
        "<model_name>", num_labels=num_labels
    # your awesome training arguments here.
    training_args = TrainingArguments()

    trainer = Trainer(model=model, args=training_args)

    # make sure use the checkpoint dir to resume training from the checkpoint

How do I log and view evaluation samples during training

Logging to W&B via the Transformers Trainer is taken care of by the WandbCallback in the Transformers library. If you need to customize your Hugging Face logging you can modify this callback by subclassing WandbCallback and adding additional functionality that leverages additional methods from the Trainer class.

Below is the general pattern to add this new callback to the HF Trainer, and further down is a code-complete example to log evaluation outputs to a W&B Table:

# Instantiate the Trainer as normal
trainer = Trainer()

# Instantiate the new logging callback, passing it the Trainer object
evals_callback = WandbEvalsCallback(trainer, tokenizer, ...)

# Add the callback to the Trainer

# Begin Trainer training as normal

View evaluation samples during training

The following section shows how to customize the WandbCallback to run model predictions and log evaluation samples to a W&B Table during training. We will every eval_steps using the on_evaluate method of the Trainer callback.

Here, we wrote a decode_predictions function to decode the predictions and labels from the model output using the tokenizer.

Then, we create a pandas DataFrame from the predictions and labels and add an epoch column to the DataFrame.

Finally, we create a wandb.Table from the DataFrame and log it to wandb. Additionally, we can control the frequency of logging by logging the predictions every freq epochs.

Note: Unlike the regular WandbCallback this custom callback needs to be added to the trainer after the Trainer is instantiated and not during initialization of the Trainer. This is because the Trainer instance is passed to the callback during initialization.

from transformers.integrations import WandbCallback
import pandas as pd

def decode_predictions(tokenizer, predictions):
    labels = tokenizer.batch_decode(predictions.label_ids)
    logits = predictions.predictions.argmax(axis=-1)
    prediction_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(logits)
    return {"labels": labels, "predictions": prediction_text}

class WandbPredictionProgressCallback(WandbCallback):
    """Custom WandbCallback to log model predictions during training.

    This callback logs model predictions and labels to a wandb.Table at each
    logging step during training. It allows to visualize the
    model predictions as the training progresses.

        trainer (Trainer): The Hugging Face Trainer instance.
        tokenizer (AutoTokenizer): The tokenizer associated with the model.
        sample_dataset (Dataset): A subset of the validation dataset
          for generating predictions.
        num_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to select from
          the validation dataset for generating predictions. Defaults to 100.
        freq (int, optional): Frequency of logging. Defaults to 2.

    def __init__(self, trainer, tokenizer, val_dataset, num_samples=100, freq=2):
        """Initializes the WandbPredictionProgressCallback instance.

            trainer (Trainer): The Hugging Face Trainer instance.
            tokenizer (AutoTokenizer): The tokenizer associated
              with the model.
            val_dataset (Dataset): The validation dataset.
            num_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to select from
              the validation dataset for generating predictions.
              Defaults to 100.
            freq (int, optional): Frequency of logging. Defaults to 2.
        self.trainer = trainer
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer
        self.sample_dataset =
        self.freq = freq

    def on_evaluate(self, args, state, control, **kwargs):
        super().on_evaluate(args, state, control, **kwargs)
        # control the frequency of logging by logging the predictions
        # every `freq` epochs
        if state.epoch % self.freq == 0:
            # generate predictions
            predictions = self.trainer.predict(self.sample_dataset)
            # decode predictions and labels
            predictions = decode_predictions(self.tokenizer, predictions)
            # add predictions to a wandb.Table
            predictions_df = pd.DataFrame(predictions)
            predictions_df["epoch"] = state.epoch
            records_table = self._wandb.Table(dataframe=predictions_df)
            # log the table to wandb
            self._wandb.log({"sample_predictions": records_table})

# First, instantiate the Trainer
trainer = Trainer(

# Instantiate the WandbPredictionProgressCallback
progress_callback = WandbPredictionProgressCallback(

# Add the callback to the trainer

For a more detailed example please refer to this colab

What additional W&B settings are available?

Further configuration of what is logged with Trainer is possible by setting environment variables. A full list of W&B environment variables can be found here.

Environment Variable Usage
WANDB_PROJECT Give your project a name (huggingface by default)

Log the model checkpoint as a W&B Artifact (false by default)

  • false (default): No model checkpointing
  • checkpoint: A checkpoint will be uploaded every args.save_steps (set in the Trainer’s TrainingArguments).
  • end: The final model checkpoint will be uploaded at the end of training.

Set whether you’d like to log your models gradients, parameters or neither

  • false (default): No gradient or parameter logging
  • gradients: Log histograms of the gradients
  • all: Log histograms of gradients and parameters
WANDB_DISABLED Set to true to turn off logging entirely (false by default)
WANDB_SILENT Set to true to silence the output printed by wandb (false by default)
%env WANDB_WATCH=all
%env WANDB_SILENT=true

How do I customize wandb.init?

The WandbCallback that Trainer uses will call wandb.init under the hood when Trainer is initialized. You can alternatively set up your runs manually by calling wandb.init before theTrainer is initialized. This gives you full control over your W&B run configuration.

An example of what you might want to pass to init is below. For more details on how to use wandb.init, check out the reference documentation.

    tags=["baseline", "high-lr"],

Additional resources

Below are 6 Transformers and W&B related articles you might enjoy

Hyperparameter Optimization for Hugging Face Transformers
  • Three strategies for hyperparameter optimization for Hugging Face Transformers are compared: Grid Search, Bayesian Optimization, and Population Based Training.
  • We use a standard uncased BERT model from Hugging Face transformers, and we want to fine-tune on the RTE dataset from the SuperGLUE benchmark
  • Results show that Population Based Training is the most effective approach to hyperparameter optimization of our Hugging Face transformer model.

Read the full report here.

Hugging Tweets: Train a Model to Generate Tweets
  • In the article, the author demonstrates how to fine-tune a pre-trained GPT2 HuggingFace Transformer model on anyone’s Tweets in five minutes.
  • The model uses the following pipeline: Downloading Tweets, Optimizing the Dataset, Initial Experiments, Comparing Losses Between Users, Fine-Tuning the Model.

Read the full report here.

Sentence Classification With Hugging Face BERT and WB
  • In this article, we’ll build a sentence classifier leveraging the power of recent breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing, focusing on an application of transfer learning to NLP.
  • We’ll be using The Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (CoLA) dataset for single sentence classification, which is a set of sentences labeled as grammatically correct or incorrect that was first published in May 2018.
  • We’ll use Google’s BERT to create high performance models with minimal effort on a range of NLP tasks.

Read the full report here.

A Step by Step Guide to Tracking Hugging Face Model Performance
  • We use W&B and Hugging Face transformers to train DistilBERT, a Transformer that’s 40% smaller than BERT but retains 97% of BERT’s accuracy, on the GLUE benchmark
  • The GLUE benchmark is a collection of nine datasets and tasks for training NLP models

Read the full report here.

Examples of Early Stopping in HuggingFace
  • Fine-tuning a Hugging Face Transformer using Early Stopping regularization can be done natively in PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  • Using the EarlyStopping callback in TensorFlow is straightforward with the tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStoppingcallback.
  • In PyTorch, there is not an off-the-shelf early stopping method, but there is a working early stopping hook available on GitHub Gist.

Read the full report here.

How to Fine-Tune Hugging Face Transformers on a Custom Dataset

We fine tune a DistilBERT transformer for sentiment analysis (binary classification) on a custom IMDB dataset.

Read the full report here.

Get help or request features

For any issues, questions, or feature requests for the Hugging Face W&B integration, feel free to post in this thread on the Hugging Face forums or open an issue on the Hugging Face Transformers GitHub repo.

12 - Hugging Face Diffusers

Hugging Face Diffusers is the go-to library for state-of-the-art pre-trained diffusion models for generating images, audio, and even 3D structures of molecules. The W&B integration adds rich, flexible experiment tracking, media visualization, pipeline architecture, and configuration management to interactive centralized dashboards without compromising that ease of use.

Next-level logging in just two lines

Log all the prompts, negative prompts, generated media, and configs associated with your experiment by simply including 2 lines of code. Here are the 2 lines of code to begin logging:

# import the autolog function
from wandb.integration.diffusers import autolog

# call the autolog before calling the pipeline
An example of how the results of your experiment are logged
An example of how the results of your experiment are logged.

Get started

  1. Install diffusers, transformers, accelerate, and wandb.

    • Command line:

      pip install --upgrade diffusers transformers accelerate wandb
    • Notebook:

      !pip install --upgrade diffusers transformers accelerate wandb
  2. Use autolog to initialize a Weights & Biases run and automatically track the inputs and the outputs from all supported pipeline calls.

    You can call the autolog() function with the init parameter, which accepts a dictionary of parameters required by wandb.init().

    When you call autolog(), it initializes a Weights & Biases run and automatically tracks the inputs and the outputs from all supported pipeline calls.

    • Each pipeline call is tracked into its own table in the workspace, and the configs associated with the pipeline call is appended to the list of workflows in the configs for that run.
    • The prompts, negative prompts, and the generated media are logged in a wandb.Table.
    • All other configs associated with the experiment including seed and the pipeline architecture are stored in the config section for the run.
    • The generated media for each pipeline call are also logged in media panels in the run.



Here is a brief end-to-end example of the autolog in action:

import torch
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline

# import the autolog function
from wandb.integration.diffusers import autolog

# call the autolog before calling the pipeline

# Initialize the diffusion pipeline
pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
    "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1", torch_dtype=torch.float16

# Define the prompts, negative prompts, and seed.
prompt = ["a photograph of an astronaut riding a horse", "a photograph of a dragon"]
negative_prompt = ["ugly, deformed", "ugly, deformed"]
generator = torch.Generator(device="cpu").manual_seed(10)

# call the pipeline to generate the images
images = pipeline(
import torch
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline

import wandb

# import the autolog function
from wandb.integration.diffusers import autolog

# call the autolog before calling the pipeline

# Initialize the diffusion pipeline
pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
    "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1", torch_dtype=torch.float16

# Define the prompts, negative prompts, and seed.
prompt = ["a photograph of an astronaut riding a horse", "a photograph of a dragon"]
negative_prompt = ["ugly, deformed", "ugly, deformed"]
generator = torch.Generator(device="cpu").manual_seed(10)

# call the pipeline to generate the images
images = pipeline(

# Finish the experiment
  • The results of a single experiment:

    An example of how the results of your experiment are logged
  • The results of multiple experiments:

    An example of how the results of your experiment are logged
  • The config of an experiment:

    An example of how the autolog logs the configs of your experiment

Tracking multi-pipeline workflows

This section demonstrates the autolog with a typical Stable Diffusion XL + Refiner workflow, in which the latents generated by the StableDiffusionXLPipeline is refined by the corresponding refiner.

import torch
from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLImg2ImgPipeline, StableDiffusionXLPipeline
from wandb.integration.diffusers import autolog

# initialize the SDXL base pipeline
base_pipeline = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained(

# initialize the SDXL refiner pipeline
refiner_pipeline = StableDiffusionXLImg2ImgPipeline.from_pretrained(

prompt = "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"
negative_prompt = "static, frame, painting, illustration, sd character, low quality, low resolution, greyscale, monochrome, nose, cropped, lowres, jpeg artifacts, deformed iris, deformed pupils, bad eyes, semi-realistic worst quality, bad lips, deformed mouth, deformed face, deformed fingers, deformed toes standing still, posing"

# Make the experiment reproducible by controlling randomness.
# The seed would be automatically logged to WandB.
seed = 42
generator_base = torch.Generator(device="cuda").manual_seed(seed)
generator_refiner = torch.Generator(device="cuda").manual_seed(seed)

# Call WandB Autolog for Diffusers. This would automatically log
# the prompts, generated images, pipeline architecture and all
# associated experiment configs to Weights & Biases, thus making your
# image generation experiments easy to reproduce, share and analyze.

# Call the base pipeline to generate the latents
image = base_pipeline(

# Call the refiner pipeline to generate the refined image
image = refiner_pipeline(
    image=image[None, :],
import torch
from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLImg2ImgPipeline, StableDiffusionXLPipeline

import wandb
from wandb.integration.diffusers import autolog

# initialize the SDXL base pipeline
base_pipeline = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained(

# initialize the SDXL refiner pipeline
refiner_pipeline = StableDiffusionXLImg2ImgPipeline.from_pretrained(

prompt = "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"
negative_prompt = "static, frame, painting, illustration, sd character, low quality, low resolution, greyscale, monochrome, nose, cropped, lowres, jpeg artifacts, deformed iris, deformed pupils, bad eyes, semi-realistic worst quality, bad lips, deformed mouth, deformed face, deformed fingers, deformed toes standing still, posing"

# Make the experiment reproducible by controlling randomness.
# The seed would be automatically logged to WandB.
seed = 42
generator_base = torch.Generator(device="cuda").manual_seed(seed)
generator_refiner = torch.Generator(device="cuda").manual_seed(seed)

# Call WandB Autolog for Diffusers. This would automatically log
# the prompts, generated images, pipeline architecture and all
# associated experiment configs to Weights & Biases, thus making your
# image generation experiments easy to reproduce, share and analyze.

# Call the base pipeline to generate the latents
image = base_pipeline(

# Call the refiner pipeline to generate the refined image
image = refiner_pipeline(
    image=image[None, :],

# Finish the experiment
  • Example of a Stable Diffisuion XL + Refiner experiment: An example of how the autolog tracks an Stable Diffusion XL + Refiner experiment

More resources