
Data governance and access control

Use protected aliases to represent key stages of your model development pipeline. Protected aliases can only be added, modified, or removed by Model Registry Admins. Model registry admins can define and use protected aliases. Non admin users are blocked from adding and removing protected aliases from model versions.


Only Team admins or current registry admins can manage the list of registry admins.

For example, suppose you set staging and production as protected aliases. Any member of your team can add new model versions. However, only admins can add a staging or production alias.

Set up access control

The following steps describe how to set up access controls for your team’s model registry.

  1. Navigate to the W&B Model Registry app at https://wandb.ai/registry/model.
  2. Select the gear button on the top right of the page.
  3. Select the Manage registry admins button.
  4. Add members who should be allowed to add and remove protected aliases from model versions.

Add protected aliases

  1. Navigate to the W&B Model Registry app at https://wandb.ai/registry/model.
  2. Select the gear button on the top right of the page.
  3. Scroll down to the Protected Aliases section.
  4. Click on the plus icon (+) icon to add new a new alias.
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