
Create alerts and notifications

Get Slack notifications when a new model version is linked to the model registry.

  1. Navigate to the W&B Model Registry app at https://wandb.ai/registry/model.
  2. Select the registered model you want to receive notifications from.
  3. Click on the Connect Slack button.
  4. This will redirect you to an OAuth page with instructions on how to enable W&B in your Slack workspace.

Once you have configured Slack notifications for your team, you can pick and choose registered models to get notifications from.


A toggle that reads New model version linked to... will appear instead of a Connect Slack button if you already have Slack notifications configured for your team.

The screenshot below shows a FMNIST Classifier registered model that has Slack notifications.

A message is automatically posted to the connected Slack channel each time a new model version is linked to the FMNIST Classifer registered model.

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