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Tags can be used to label runs with particular features that might not be obvious from the logged metrics or Artifact data -- this run's model is in_production, that run is preemptible, this run represents the baseline.

How to add tagsโ€‹

You can add tags to a run when it is created: wandb.init(tags=["tag1", "tag2"]) .

You can also update the tags of a run during training (e.g. if a particular metrics crosses a pre-defined threshold):

run = wandb.init(entity="entity", project="capsules", tags=["debug"])


if current_loss < threshold:
run.tags = run.tags + ("release_candidate",)

There are also several ways to add tags after runs have been logged to W&B.

After a run is created, you can update tags using our public API like so:

run = wandb.Api().run("{entity}/{project}/{run-id}")
run.tags.append("tag1") # you can choose tags based on run data here

You can read more about how to use the Public API in the reference documentation or guide.

How to remove tagsโ€‹

Tags can also be removed from runs via the UI.

This method is best suited to removing tags from a large numbers of runs.

In the runs sidebar of the Project Page, click the table icon in the upper-right. This will expand the sidebar into the full runs table.

Hover over a run in the table to see a checkbox on the left or look in the header row for a checkbox that will allow you to select all runs.

Click either checkbox to enable bulk actions. Select the runs to from which you'd like to remove your tag(s).

Click the Tag button above the rows of runs.

Click the checkbox next to a tag to remove it from the run.

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