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W&B Registry is in private preview. Contact your account team or for early access.

W&B Registry is a curated and governed repository of machine learning artifacts within your W&B organization. The W&B Registry provides artifact versioning, artifact lineage tracking, provides information of when an artifact is created and when an artifact is used, and more.

Use W&B Registry to:

  • Bookmark your best artifacts for each machine learning task.
  • Automate downstream processes and model CI/CD.
  • Track an artifact’s lineage and audit the history of changes to production artifacts.
  • Configure viewer, member, or admin access to a registry for all org users
  • Quickly find or reference important artifacts with a unique identifier known as aliases.

How it works

Track and publish your staged artifacts to W&B Registry in a few steps:

  1. Log an artifact version: In your training or experiment script, add a few lines of code to save the artifact to a W&B run.
  2. Link to registry: Bookmark the most relevant and valuable artifact version by linking it to a registry.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to log and link a model to the model registry inside W&B Registry:

import wandb
import random

# Start a new W&B run to track your experiment
run = wandb.init(project="registry_quickstart")

# Simulate logging model metrics
run.log({"acc": random.random()})

# Create a simulated model file
with open("my_model.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("Model: " + str(random.random()))

# log and link the model to the model registry inside W&B Registry
logged_artifact = run.log_artifact(artifact_or_path="./my_model.txt", name="gemma-finetuned-3twsov9e", type="model")
run.link_artifact(artifact=logged_artifact, target_path=f"<INSERT-ORG-NAME>/wandb-registry-model/registry-quickstart-collection"),


See learn more about linking to a registry, visit this guide.

How to get started

Depending on your use case, explore the following resources to get started with the W&B Registry:

Migrating from the W&B Model Registry to the W&B Registry

If your team is actively using the existing W&B Model Registry to organize your models, this will still be available through the new Registry App UI. Navigate to the Model Registry from the homepage, and the banner will allow to select a team and visit it's model registry.

Look out for incoming information on a migration we will be making available to migrate contents from the current model registry into the new model registry inside W&B Registry. You can reach out to with any questions or to speak to our product team about any concerns with the migration.

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