Create a custom registry

A custom registry offers flexibility and control over the artifact types that you can use, allows you to restrict the registry’s visibility, and more.

See the summary table in Registry types for a complete comparison of core and custom registries.

Create a custom registry

To create a custom registry:

  1. Navigate to the Registry App at
  2. Within Custom registry, click on the Create registry button.
  3. Provide a name for your registry in the Name field.
  4. Optionally provide a description about the registry.
  5. Select who can view the registry from the Registry visibility dropdown. See Registry visibility types for more information on registry visibility options.
  6. Select either All types or Specify types from the Accepted artifacts type dropdown.
  7. (If you select Specify types) Add one or more artifact types that your registry accepts.
  8. Click on the Create registry button.

For example, the proceeding image shows a custom registry called Fine_Tuned_Models that a user is about to create. The registry is Restricted to only members that are manually added to the registry.

Visibility types

The visibility of a registry determines who can access that registry. Restricting the visibility of a custom registry helps ensure that only specified members can access that registry.

There are two type registry visibility options for a custom registry:

Visibility Description
Restricted Only invited organization members can access the registry.
Organization Everyone in the org can access the registry.

A team administrator or registry administrator can set the visibility of a custom registry.

The user who creates a custom registry with Restricted visibility is added to the registry automatically as its registry admin.

Configure the visibility of a custom registry

A team administrator or registry administrator can assign the visibility of a custom registry during or after the creation of a custom registry.

To restrict the visibility of an existing custom registry:

  1. Navigate to the Registry App at
  2. Select a registry.
  3. Click on the gear icon on the upper right hand corner.
  4. From the Registry visibility dropdown, select the desired registry visibility.
  5. if you select Restricted visibility:
    1. Add members of your organization that you want to have access to this registry. Scroll to the Registry members and roles section and click on the Add member button.
    2. Within the Member field, add the email or username of the member you want to add.
    3. Click Add new member.

See Create a custom registry for more information on how assign the visibility of a custom registry when a team administrator creates it.

Last modified February 13, 2025: d22fd00