Trigger CI/CD events when artifact changes

Use an project scoped artifact automation in your project to trigger actions when aliases or versions in an artifact collection are created or changed.

Create an automation that triggers when an artifact is changed. Use artifact automations when you want to automate downstream actions for versioning artifacts. To create an automation, define the action you want to occur based on an event type.

Event types

An event is a change that takes place in the W&B ecosystem. You can define two different event types for artifact collections in your project: A new version of an artifact is created in a collection and An artifact alias is added.

Create a webhook automation

Automate a webhook based on an action with the W&B App UI. To do this, you will first establish a webhook, then you will configure the webhook automation.

Add a secret for authentication or authorization

Secrets are team-level variables that let you obfuscate private strings such as credentials, API keys, passwords, tokens, and more. W&B recommends you use secrets to store any string that you want to protect the plain text content of.

To use a secret in your webhook, you must first add that secret to your team’s secret manager.

There are two types of secrets W&B suggests that you create when you use a webhook automation:

  • Access tokens: Authorize senders to help secure webhook requests
  • Secret: Ensure the authenticity and integrity of data transmitted from payloads

Follow the instructions below to create a webhook:

  1. Navigate to the W&B App UI.
  2. Click on Team Settings.
  3. Scroll down the page until you find the Team secrets section.
  4. Click on the New secret button.
  5. A modal will appear. Provide a name for your secret in the Secret name field.
  6. Add your secret into the Secret field.
  7. (Optional) Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create another secret (such as an access token) if your webhook requires additional secret keys or tokens to authenticate your webhook.

Specify the secrets you want to use for your webhook automation when you configure the webhook. See the Configure a webhook section for more information.

Configure a webhook

Before you can use a webhook, you will first need to configure that webhook in the W&B App UI.

  1. Navigate to the W&B App UI.
  2. Click on Team Settings.
  3. Scroll down the page until you find the Webhooks section.
  4. Click on the New webhook button.
  5. Provide a name for your webhook in the Name field.
  6. Provide the endpoint URL for the webhook in the URL field.
  7. (Optional) From the Secret dropdown menu, select the secret you want to use to authenticate the webhook payload.
  8. (Optional) From the Access token dropdown menu, select the access token you want to use to authorize the sender.
  9. (Optional) From the Access token dropdown menu select additional secret keys or tokens required to authenticate a webhook (such as an access token).

Add a webhook

Once you have a webhook configured and (optionally) a secret, navigate to your project workspace. Click on the Automations tab on the left sidebar.

  1. From the Event type dropdown, select an event type.
  2. If you selected A new version of an artifact is created in a collection event, provide the name of the artifact collection that the automation should respond to from the Artifact collection dropdown.
  3. Select Webhooks from the Action type dropdown.
  4. Click on the Next step button.
  5. Select a webhook from the Webhook dropdown.
  6. (Optional) Provide a payload in the JSON expression editor. See the Example payload section for common use case examples.
  7. Click on Next step.
  8. Provide a name for your webhook automation in the Automation name field.
  9. (Optional) Provide a description for your webhook.
  10. Click on the Create automation button.

Example payloads

The following tabs demonstrate example payloads based on common use cases. Within the examples they reference the following keys to refer to condition objects in the payload parameters:

  • ${event_type} Refers to the type of event that triggered the action.
  • ${event_author} Refers to the user that triggered the action.
  • ${artifact_version} Refers to the specific artifact version that triggered the action. Passed as an artifact instance.
  • ${artifact_version_string} Refers to the specific artifact version that triggered the action. Passed as a string.
  • ${artifact_collection_name} Refers to the name of the artifact collection that the artifact version is linked to.
  • ${project_name} Refers to the name of the project owning the mutation that triggered the action.
  • ${entity_name} Refers to the name of the entity owning the mutation that triggered the action.

Send a repository dispatch from W&B to trigger a GitHub action. For example, suppose you have workflow that accepts a repository dispatch as a trigger for the on key:


The payload for the repository might look something like:

  "event_type": "BUILD_AND_DEPLOY",
    "event_author": "${event_author}",
    "artifact_version": "${artifact_version}",
    "artifact_version_string": "${artifact_version_string}",
    "artifact_collection_name": "${artifact_collection_name}",
    "project_name": "${project_name}",
    "entity_name": "${entity_name}"

The contents and positioning of rendered template strings depends on the event or model version the automation is configured for. ${event_type} will render as either LINK_ARTIFACT or ADD_ARTIFACT_ALIAS. See below for an example mapping:

${event_type} --> "LINK_ARTIFACT" or "ADD_ARTIFACT_ALIAS"
${event_author} --> "<wandb-user>"
${artifact_version} --> "wandb-artifact://_id/QXJ0aWZhY3Q6NTE3ODg5ODg3""
${artifact_version_string} --> "<entity>/<project_name>/<artifact_name>:<alias>"
${artifact_collection_name} --> "<artifact_collection_name>"
${project_name} --> "<project_name>"
${entity_name} --> "<entity>"

Use template strings to dynamically pass context from W&B to GitHub Actions and other tools. If those tools can call Python scripts, they can consume W&B artifacts through the W&B API.

For more information about repository dispatch, see the official documentation on the GitHub Marketplace.

Configure an ‘Incoming Webhook’ to get the webhook URL for your Teams Channel by configuring. The following is an example payload:

"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"summary": "New Notification",
"sections": [
    "activityTitle": "Notification from WANDB",
    "text": "This is an example message sent via Teams webhook.",
    "facts": [
        "name": "Author",
        "value": "${event_author}"
        "name": "Event Type",
        "value": "${event_type}"
    "markdown": true

You can use template strings to inject W&B data into your payload at the time of execution (as shown in the Teams example above).

Setup your Slack app and add an incoming webhook integration with the instructions highlighted in the Slack API documentation. Ensure that you have the secret specified under Bot User OAuth Token as your W&B webhook’s access token.

The following is an example payload:

      "text": "New alert from WANDB!",
  "blocks": [
              "type": "section",
          "text": {
              "type": "mrkdwn",
              "text": "Artifact event: ${event_type}"
              "text": {
              "type": "mrkdwn",
              "text": "New version: ${artifact_version_string}"
          "type": "divider"
              "type": "section",
          "text": {
              "type": "mrkdwn",
              "text": "Author: ${event_author}"

Troubleshoot your webhook

Interactively troubleshoot your webhook with the W&B App UI or programmatically with a Bash script. You can troubleshoot a webhook when you create a new webhook or edit an existing webhook.

Interactively test a webhook with the W&B App UI.

  1. Navigate to your W&B Team Settings page.
  2. Scroll to the Webhooks section.
  3. Click on the horizontal three docs (meatball icon) next to the name of your webhook.
  4. Select Test.
  5. From the UI panel that appears, paste your POST request to the field that appears.
  6. Click on Test webhook.

Within the W&B App UI, W&B posts the response made by your endpoint.

See Testing Webhooks in Weights & Biases YouTube video to view a real-world example.

The following bash script generates a POST request similar to the POST request W&B sends to your webhook automation when it is triggered.

Copy and paste the code below into a shell script to troubleshoot your webhook. Specify your own values for the following:


View an automation

View automations associated to an artifact from the W&B App UI.

  1. Navigate to your project workspace on the W&B App.
  2. Click on the Automations tab on the left sidebar.

Within the Automations section you can find the following properties for each automations that was created in your project"

  • Trigger type: The type of trigger that was configured.
  • Action type: The action type that triggers the automation.
  • Action name: The action name you provided when you created the automation.
  • Queue: The name of the queue the job was enqueued to. This field is left empty if you selected a webhook action type.

Delete an automation

Delete an automation associated with a artifact. Actions in progress are not affected if you delete that automation before the action completes.

  1. Navigate to your project workspace on the W&B App.
  2. Click on the Automations tab on the left sidebar.
  3. From the list, select the name of the automation you want to view.
  4. Hover your mouse next to the name of the automation and click on the kebob (three vertical dots) menu.
  5. Select Delete.

Last modified March 14, 2025: 36b4332