Find registry items

Use the global search bar in the W&B Registry App to find a registry, collection, artifact version tag, collection tag, or alias. You can use MongoDB-style queries to filter registries, collections, and artifact versions based on specific criteria using the W&B Python SDK.

Only items that you have permission to view appear in the search results.

Search for registry items

To search for a registry item:

  1. Navigate to the W&B Registry App.
  2. Specify the search term in the search bar at the top of the page. Press Enter to search.

Search results appear below the search bar if the term you specify matches an existing registry, collection name, artifact version tag, collection tag, or alias.

.gif of user typing text into registry search bar to filter registry items

Query registry items with MongoDB-style queries

Use the wandb.Api().registries() and query predicates to filter registries, collections, and artifact versions based on one or more MongoDB-style queries.

The following table lists query names you can use based on the type of item you want to filter:

query name
registries name, description, created_at, updated_at
collections name, tag, description, created_at, updated_at
versions tag, alias, created_at, updated_at, metadata

The proceeding code examples demonstrate some common search scenarios.

To use the wandb.Api().registries() method, first import the W&B Python SDK (wandb) library:

import wandb

# (Optional) Create an instance of the wandb.Api() class for readability
api = wandb.Api()

Filter all registries that contain the string model:

# Filter all registries that contain the string `model`
registry_filters = {
    "name": {"$regex": "model"}

# Returns an iterable of all registries that match the filters
registries = api.registries(filter=registry_filters)

Filter all collections, independent of registry, that contains the string yolo in the collection name:

# Filter all collections, independent of registry, that 
# contains the string `yolo` in the collection name
collection_filters = {
    "name": {"$regex": "yolo"}

# Returns an iterable of all collections that match the filters
collections = api.registries().collections(filter=collection_filters)

Filter all collections, independent of registry, that contains the string yolo in the collection name and possesses cnn as a tag:

# Filter all collections, independent of registry, that contains the
# string `yolo` in the collection name and possesses `cnn` as a tag
collection_filters = {
    "name": {"$regex": "yolo"},
    "tag": "cnn"

# Returns an iterable of all collections that match the filters
collections = api.registries().collections(filter=collection_filters)

Find all artifact versions that contains the string model and has either the tag image-classification or an latest alias:

# Find all artifact versions that contains the string `model` and 
# has either the tag `image-classification` or an `latest` alias
registry_filters = {
    "name": {"$regex": "model"}

# Use logical $or operator to filter artifact versions
version_filters = {
    "$or": [
        {"tag": "image-classification"},
        {"alias": "production"}

# Returns an iterable of all artifact versions that match the filters
artifacts = api.registries(filter=registry_filters).collections().versions(filter=version_filters)

See the MongoDB documentation for more information on logical query operators.

Each item in the artifacts iterable in the previous code snippet is an instance of the Artifact class. This means that you can access each artifact’s attributes, such as name, collection, aliases, tags, created_at, and more:

for art in artifacts:
    print(f"artifact name: {}")
    print(f"collection artifact belongs to: {}")
    print(f"artifact aliases: {art.aliases}")
    print(f"tags attached to artifact: {art.tags}")
    print(f"artifact created at: {art.created_at}\n")

For a complete list of an artifact object’s attributes, see the Artifacts Class in the API Reference docs.

Filter all artifact versions, independent of registry or collection, created between 2024-01-08 and 2025-03-04 at 13:10 UTC:

# Find all artifact versions created between 2024-01-08 and 2025-03-04 at 13:10 UTC. 

artifact_filters = {
    "alias": "latest",
    "created_at" : {"$gte": "2024-01-08", "$lte": "2025-03-04 13:10:00"},

# Returns an iterable of all artifact versions that match the filters
artifacts = api.registries().collections().versions(filter=artifact_filters)

Specify the date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. You can omit the hours, minutes, and seconds if you want to filter by date only.

See the MongoDB documentation for more information on query comparisons.

Last modified March 7, 2025: dcacf6f