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Configure environment variables

In addition to configuring instance level settings via the System Settings admin UI, W&B also provides a way to configure these values via code using Environment Variables. Also, refer to advanced configuration for IAM.

Environment VariableDescription
LICENSEYour wandb/local license
MYSQLThe MySQL connection string
BUCKETThe S3 / GCS bucket for storing data
BUCKET_QUEUEThe SQS / Google PubSub queue for object creation events
NOTIFICATIONS_QUEUEThe SQS queue on which to publish run events
AWS_REGIONThe AWS Region where your bucket lives
HOSTThe FQD of your instance, that is
OIDC_ISSUERA URL to your Open ID Connect identity provider, that is
OIDC_CLIENT_IDThe Client ID of application in your identity provider
OIDC_AUTH_METHODImplicit (default) or pkce, see below for more context
SLACK_CLIENT_IDThe client ID of the Slack application you want to use for alerts
SLACK_SECRETThe secret of the Slack application you want to use for alerts
LOCAL_RESTOREYou can temporarily set this to true if you're unable to access your instance. Check the logs from the container for temporary credentials.
REDISCan be used to setup an external REDIS instance with W&B.
LOGGING_ENABLEDWhen set to true, access logs are streamed to stdout. You can also mount a sidecar container and tail /var/log/gorilla.log without setting this variable.
GORILLA_ALLOW_USER_TEAM_CREATIONWhen set to true, allows non-admin users to create a new team. False by default.
GORILLA_DATA_RETENTION_PERIODHow long to retain deleted data from runs in hours. Deleted run data is unrecoverable. Append an h to the input value. For example, "24h".
ENABLE_REGISTRY_UIWhen set to true, enables the new W&B Registry UI.

Use the GORILLA_DATA_RETENTION_PERIOD environment variable cautiously. Data is removed immediately once the environment variable is set. We also recommend that you backup both the database and the storage bucket before you enable this flag.

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