
Track your trees with W&B.

The wandb library has a WandbCallback callback for logging metrics, configs and saved boosters from training with XGBoost. Here you can see a live Weights & Biases dashboard with outputs from the XGBoost WandbCallback.

Weights & Biases dashboard using XGBoost

Get started

Logging XGBoost metrics, configs and booster models to Weights & Biases is as easy as passing the WandbCallback to XGBoost:

from wandb.integration.xgboost import WandbCallback
import xgboost as XGBClassifier

# Start a wandb run
run = wandb.init()

# Pass WandbCallback to the model
bst = XGBClassifier()
bst.fit(X_train, y_train, callbacks=[WandbCallback(log_model=True)])

# Close your wandb run

You can open this notebook for a comprehensive look at logging with XGBoost and Weights & Biases

WandbCallback reference


Passing WandbCallback to a XGBoost model will:

  • log the booster model configuration to Weights & Biases
  • log evaluation metrics collected by XGBoost, such as rmse, accuracy etc to Weights & Biases
  • log training metrics collected by XGBoost (if you provide data to eval_set)
  • log the best score and the best iteration
  • save and upload your trained model to Weights & Biases Artifacts (when log_model = True)
  • log feature importance plot when log_feature_importance=True (default).
  • Capture the best eval metric in wandb.summary when define_metric=True (default).


  • log_model: (boolean) if True save and upload the model to Weights & Biases Artifacts

  • log_feature_importance: (boolean) if True log a feature importance bar plot

  • importance_type: (str) one of {weight, gain, cover, total_gain, total_cover} for tree model. weight for linear model.

  • define_metric: (boolean) if True (default) capture model performance at the best step, instead of the last step, of training in your wandb.summary.

You can review the source code for WandbCallback.

For additional examples, check out the repository of examples on GitHub.

Tune your hyperparameters with Sweeps

Attaining the maximum performance out of models requires tuning hyperparameters, like tree depth and learning rate. Weights & Biases includes Sweeps, a powerful toolkit for configuring, orchestrating, and analyzing large hyperparameter testing experiments.

You can also try this XGBoost & Sweeps Python script.

Summary: trees outperform linear learners on this classification dataset.

Last modified March 3, 2025: cf8e630