System metrics

Metrics automatically logged by W&B.

This page provides detailed information about the system metrics that are tracked by the W&B SDK.


Process CPU Percent (CPU)

Percentage of CPU usage by the process, normalized by the number of available CPUs.

W&B assigns a cpu tag to this metric.

Process CPU Threads

The number of threads utilized by the process.

W&B assigns a proc.cpu.threads tag to this metric.


By default, the usage metrics are collected for the / path. To configure the paths to be monitored, use the following setting:

run = wandb.init(
        x_stats_disk_paths=("/System/Volumes/Data", "/home", "/mnt/data"),

Disk Usage Percent

Represents the total system disk usage in percentage for specified paths.

W&B assigns a disk.{path}.usagePercent tag to this metric.

Disk Usage

Represents the total system disk usage in gigabytes (GB) for specified paths. The paths that are accessible are sampled, and the disk usage (in GB) for each path is appended to the samples.

W&B assigns a disk.{path}.usageGB tag to this metric.

Disk In

Indicates the total system disk read in megabytes (MB). The initial disk read bytes are recorded when the first sample is taken. Subsequent samples calculate the difference between the current read bytes and the initial value.

W&B assigns a tag to this metric.

Disk Out

Represents the total system disk write in megabytes (MB). Similar to Disk In, the initial disk write bytes are recorded when the first sample is taken. Subsequent samples calculate the difference between the current write bytes and the initial value.

W&B assigns a disk.out tag to this metric.


Process Memory RSS

Represents the Memory Resident Set Size (RSS) in megabytes (MB) for the process. RSS is the portion of memory occupied by a process that is held in main memory (RAM).

W&B assigns a proc.memory.rssMB tag to this metric.

Process Memory Percent

Indicates the memory usage of the process as a percentage of the total available memory.

W&B assigns a proc.memory.percent tag to this metric.

Memory Percent

Represents the total system memory usage as a percentage of the total available memory.

W&B assigns a memory_percent tag to this metric.

Memory Available

Indicates the total available system memory in megabytes (MB).

W&B assigns a proc.memory.availableMB tag to this metric.


Network Sent

Represents the total bytes sent over the network. The initial bytes sent are recorded when the metric is first initialized. Subsequent samples calculate the difference between the current bytes sent and the initial value.

W&B assigns a network.sent tag to this metric.

Network Received

Indicates the total bytes received over the network. Similar to Network Sent, the initial bytes received are recorded when the metric is first initialized. Subsequent samples calculate the difference between the current bytes received and the initial value.

W&B assigns a network.recv tag to this metric.


In addition to the metrics described below, if the process and/or its descendants use a particular GPU, W&B captures the corresponding metrics as gpu.process.{gpu_index}.{metric_name}

GPU Memory Utilization

Represents the GPU memory utilization in percent for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.memory tag to this metric.

GPU Memory Allocated

Indicates the GPU memory allocated as a percentage of the total available memory for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.memoryAllocated tag to this metric.

GPU Memory Allocated Bytes

Specifies the GPU memory allocated in bytes for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.memoryAllocatedBytes tag to this metric.

GPU Utilization

Reflects the GPU utilization in percent for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.gpu tag to this metric.

GPU Temperature

The GPU temperature in Celsius for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.temp tag to this metric.

GPU Power Usage Watts

Indicates the GPU power usage in Watts for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.powerWatts tag to this metric.

GPU Power Usage Percent

Reflects the GPU power usage as a percentage of its power capacity for each GPU.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.powerPercent tag to this metric.

GPU SM Clock Speed

Represents the clock speed of the Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) on the GPU in MHz. This metric is indicative of the processing speed within the GPU cores responsible for computation tasks.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.smClock tag to this metric.

GPU Memory Clock Speed

Represents the clock speed of the GPU memory in MHz, which influences the rate of data transfer between the GPU memory and processing cores.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.memoryClock tag to this metric.

GPU Graphics Clock Speed

Represents the base clock speed for graphics rendering operations on the GPU, expressed in MHz. This metric often reflects performance during visualization or rendering tasks.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.graphicsClock tag to this metric.

GPU Corrected Memory Errors

Tracks the count of memory errors on the GPU that W&B automatically corrects by error-checking protocols, indicating recoverable hardware issues.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.correctedMemoryErrors tag to this metric.

GPU Uncorrected Memory Errors

Tracks the count of memory errors on the GPU that W&B uncorrected, indicating non-recoverable errors which can impact processing reliability.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.unCorrectedMemoryErrors tag to this metric.

GPU Encoder Utilization

Represents the percentage utilization of the GPU’s video encoder, indicating its load when encoding tasks (for example, video rendering) are running.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.encoderUtilization tag to this metric.


W&B extracts metrics from the output of the rocm-smi tool supplied by AMD (rocm-smi -a --json).

ROCm 6.x (latest) and 5.x formats are supported. Learn more about ROCm formats in the AMD ROCm documentation. The newer format includes more details.

AMD GPU Utilization

Represents the GPU utilization in percent for each AMD GPU device.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.gpu tag to this metric.

AMD GPU Memory Allocated

Indicates the GPU memory allocated as a percentage of the total available memory for each AMD GPU device.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.memoryAllocated tag to this metric.

AMD GPU Temperature

The GPU temperature in Celsius for each AMD GPU device.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.temp tag to this metric.

AMD GPU Power Usage Watts

The GPU power usage in Watts for each AMD GPU device.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.powerWatts tag to this metric.

AMD GPU Power Usage Percent

Reflects the GPU power usage as a percentage of its power capacity for each AMD GPU device.

W&B assigns a gpu.{gpu_index}.powerPercent to this metric.

Apple ARM Mac GPU

Apple GPU Utilization

Indicates the GPU utilization in percent for Apple GPU devices, specifically on ARM Macs.

W&B assigns a gpu.0.gpu tag to this metric.

Apple GPU Memory Allocated

The GPU memory allocated as a percentage of the total available memory for Apple GPU devices on ARM Macs.

W&B assigns a gpu.0.memoryAllocated tag to this metric.

Apple GPU Temperature

The GPU temperature in Celsius for Apple GPU devices on ARM Macs.

W&B assigns a gpu.0.temp tag to this metric.

Apple GPU Power Usage Watts

The GPU power usage in Watts for Apple GPU devices on ARM Macs.

W&B assigns a gpu.0.powerWatts tag to this metric.

Apple GPU Power Usage Percent

The GPU power usage as a percentage of its power capacity for Apple GPU devices on ARM Macs.

W&B assigns a gpu.0.powerPercent tag to this metric.

Graphcore IPU

Graphcore IPUs (Intelligence Processing Units) are unique hardware accelerators designed specifically for machine intelligence tasks.

IPU Device Metrics

These metrics represent various statistics for a specific IPU device. Each metric has a device ID (device_id) and a metric key (metric_key) to identify it. W&B assigns a ipu.{device_id}.{metric_key} tag to this metric.

Metrics are extracted using the proprietary gcipuinfo library, which interacts with Graphcore’s gcipuinfo binary. The sample method fetches these metrics for each IPU device associated with the process ID (pid). Only the metrics that change over time, or the first time a device’s metrics are fetched, are logged to avoid logging redundant data.

For each metric, the method parse_metric is used to extract the metric’s value from its raw string representation. The metrics are then aggregated across multiple samples using the aggregate method.

The following lists available metrics and their units:

  • Average Board Temperature (average board temp (C)): Temperature of the IPU board in Celsius.
  • Average Die Temperature (average die temp (C)): Temperature of the IPU die in Celsius.
  • Clock Speed (clock (MHz)): The clock speed of the IPU in MHz.
  • IPU Power (ipu power (W)): Power consumption of the IPU in Watts.
  • IPU Utilization (ipu utilisation (%)): Percentage of IPU utilization.
  • IPU Session Utilization (ipu utilisation (session) (%)): IPU utilization percentage specific to the current session.
  • Data Link Speed (speed (GT/s)): Speed of data transmission in Giga-transfers per second.

Google Cloud TPU

Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) are Google’s custom-developed ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) used to accelerate machine learning workloads.

TPU Memory usage

The current High Bandwidth Memory usage in bytes per TPU core.

W&B assigns a tpu.{tpu_index}.memoryUsageBytes tag to this metric.

TPU Memory usage percentage

The current High Bandwidth Memory usage in percent per TPU core.

W&B assigns a tpu.{tpu_index}.memoryUsageBytes tag to this metric.

TPU Duty cycle

TensorCore duty cycle percentage per TPU device. Tracks the percentage of time over the sample period during which the accelerator TensorCore was actively processing. A larger value means better TensorCore utilization.

W&B assigns a tpu.{tpu_index}.dutyCycle tag to this metric.

AWS Trainium

AWS Trainium is a specialized hardware platform offered by AWS that focuses on accelerating machine learning workloads. The neuron-monitor tool from AWS is used to capture the AWS Trainium metrics.

Trainium Neuron Core Utilization

The utilization percentage of each NeuronCore, reported on a per-core basis.

W&B assigns a trn.{core_index}.neuroncore_utilization tag to this metric.

Trainium Host Memory Usage, Total

The total memory consumption on the host in bytes.

W&B assigns a trn.host_total_memory_usage tag to this metric.

Trainium Neuron Device Total Memory Usage

The total memory usage on the Neuron device in bytes.

W&B assigns a trn.neuron_device_total_memory_usage) tag to this metric.

Trainium Host Memory Usage Breakdown:

The following is a breakdown of memory usage on the host:

  • Application Memory (trn.host_total_memory_usage.application_memory): Memory used by the application.
  • Constants (trn.host_total_memory_usage.constants): Memory used for constants.
  • DMA Buffers (trn.host_total_memory_usage.dma_buffers): Memory used for Direct Memory Access buffers.
  • Tensors (trn.host_total_memory_usage.tensors): Memory used for tensors.

Trainium Neuron Core Memory Usage Breakdown

Detailed memory usage information for each NeuronCore:

  • Constants (trn.{core_index}.neuroncore_memory_usage.constants)
  • Model Code (trn.{core_index}.neuroncore_memory_usage.model_code)
  • Model Shared Scratchpad (trn.{core_index}.neuroncore_memory_usage.model_shared_scratchpad)
  • Runtime Memory (trn.{core_index}.neuroncore_memory_usage.runtime_memory)
  • Tensors (trn.{core_index}.neuroncore_memory_usage.tensors)


Capture and log metrics from external endpoints that expose OpenMetrics / Prometheus-compatible data with support for custom regex-based metric filters to be applied to the consumed endpoints.

Refer to this report for a detailed example of how to use this feature in a particular case of monitoring GPU cluster performance with the NVIDIA DCGM-Exporter.