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Link an artifact version to a registry

Programmatically or interactively link artifact versions to a registry.


When you link an artifact to a registry, this "publishes" that artifact to that registry. Any user that has access to that registry can access linked artifact versions when you link an artifact to a collection.

In other words, linking an artifact to a registry collection brings that artifact version from a private, project-level scope, to the shared organization level scope.

Based on your use case, follow the instructions described in the tabs below to link an artifact version.

Use the link_artifact method to programmatically link an artifact to a registry. When you link an artifact, specify the path where you want artifact version to link to for the target_path parameter. The target path takes the form of {ORG_ENTITY_NAME}/wandb-registry-{REGISTRY_NAME}/{COLLECTION_NAME}. Note that this path informs the registry and collection the artifact will be linked to.

Replace values enclosed in <> with your own:

import wandb

ORG_NAME = "<insert-org-name>"
REGISTRY_NAME = "<insert-registry-name>" # Set to "model" to link to the model registry

with wandb.init(project="link-quickstart") as run:
with open("my_model.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("simulated model file")

logged_artifact = run.log_artifact("./my_model.txt", "artifact-name", type=COLLECTION_TYPE)
target_path=f"{ORG_NAME}/wandb-registry-{REGISTRY_NAME}/Example ML Task"

If you want to link an artifact version to the Models registry or the Dataset registry, set the artifact type to "model" or "dataset", respectively.

Linked vs source artifact versions
  • Source version: the artifact version inside a team's project that is logged to a run.
  • Linked version: the artifact version that is published to the registry. This is a pointer to the source artifact, and is the exact same artifact version, just made available in the scope of the registry.
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