Clone and export reports

Export a W&B Report as a PDF or LaTeX.

Export reports

Export a report as a PDF or LaTeX. Within your report, select the kebab icon to expand the dropdown menu. Choose Download and select either PDF or LaTeX output format.

Cloning reports

Within your report, select the kebab icon to expand the dropdown menu. Choose the Clone this report button. Pick a destination for your cloned report in the modal. Choose Clone report.

Clone a report to reuse a project’s template and format. Cloned projects are visible to your team if you clone a project within the team’s account. Projects cloned within an individual’s account are only visible to that user.

Load a Report from a URL to use it as a template.

report = wr.Report(
    project=PROJECT, title="Quickstart Report", description="That was easy!"
)  # Create  # Save
new_report = wr.Report.from_url(report.url)  # Load

Edit the content within new_report.blocks.

pg = wr.PanelGrid(
        wr.Runset(ENTITY, PROJECT, "First Run Set"),
        wr.Runset(ENTITY, PROJECT, "Elephants Only!", query="elephant"),
        wr.LinePlot(x="Step", y=["val_acc"], smoothing_factor=0.8),
        wr.MediaBrowser(media_keys="img", num_columns=1),
        wr.RunComparer(diff_only="split", layout={"w": 24, "h": 9}),
new_report.blocks = (
    report.blocks[:1] + [wr.H1("Panel Grid Example"), pg] + report.blocks[1:]

Last modified March 3, 2025: cf8e630