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Fork from a run


The ability to fork a run is in active, private beta development. Contact W&B Support at to request access to this feature.

Use the fork_from initialization parameter to "fork" from an existing W&B run. When you fork from a run, W&B creates a new run using the run ID and step of the source run.

Forking a run enables you to explore different parameters or models from a specific point in an experiment without impacting the original run.


Forking a run requires monotonically increasing steps. You can not use non-monotonic steps defined with define_metric() to set a fork point because it would disrupt the essential chronological order of run history and system metrics.


Forking a run requires wandb SDK version >= 0.16.5

Start a forked runโ€‹

To fork a run, use the fork_from argument in wandb.init() and specify the source run ID and the step from the source run to fork from:

import wandb

# Initialize a run to be forked later
original_run = wandb.init(project="your_project_name", entity="your_entity_name")
# ... perform training or logging ...

# Fork the run from a specific step
forked_run = wandb.init(

Continue from a forked runโ€‹

After initializing a forked run, you can continue logging to the new run. You can log the same metrics for continuity and introduce new metrics:

import wandb
import math

# Initialize the first run and log some metrics
run1 = wandb.init("your_project_name", entity="your_entity_name")
for i in range(300):
run1.log({"metric": i})

# Fork from the first run at a specific step and log the metric starting from step 200
run2 = wandb.init(
"your_project_name", entity="your_entity_name", fork_from=f"{}?_step=200"

# Continue logging in the new run
# For the first few steps, log the metric as is from run1
# After step 250, start logging the spikey pattern
for i in range(200, 300):
if i < 250:
run2.log({"metric": i}) # Continue logging from run1 without spikes
# Introduce the spikey behavior starting from step 250
subtle_spike = i + (2 * math.sin(i / 3.0)) # Apply a subtle spikey pattern
run2.log({"metric": subtle_spike})
# Additionally log the new metric at all steps
run2.log({"additional_metric": i * 1.1})

When initializing a new run with the intention of forking from an existing run, wandb.init() accepts specific arguments for forking a run:

fork_from(str, optional) A unique identifier of the run you want to fork. Append ?_step= to the with the step to fork from.
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